How can I use TryParse in a guard expression in match? - f#

I have built a toy spreadsheet to help learn F#. When I process the text for a new cell I store it as a discriminated type. To parse it I feel I should be able to do something like:
let cv =
match t with
| _ when t.Length=0 -> Empty
| x when t.[0]='=' -> Expr(x)
| x when t.[0]='\"' -> Str(x)
| (true,i) when Int32.TryParse t -> IntValue(i) // nope!
| _ -> Str(t)
I have tried quite a few combinations but I cannot get TryParse in the guard. I have written a helper:
let isInt (s:string) =
let mutable m:Int64 = 0L
let (b,m) = Int64.TryParse s
I can now write:
| _ when Utils.isInt t -> IntValue((int)t)
This seems like a poor solution as it discards the converted result. What the correct syntax to get TryParse into the guard?

I think an active pattern will do what you want:
let (|Integer|_|) (str: string) =
let flag, i = Int32.TryParse(str)
if flag then Some i
else None
let cv =
match t with
| _ when t.Length=0 -> Empty
| x when t.[0]='=' -> Expr(x)
| x when t.[0]='\"' -> Str(x)
| Integer i -> IntValue(i)
| _ -> Str(t)
But if you really want TryParse in the guard condition (and you don't mind parsing twice), you could do this:
| x when fst (Int32.TryParse(t)) -> IntValue (Int32.Parse(x))


How do you downcast to byte[]? [duplicate]

I'm trying to lookup DbType enumeration values from .net types. I'm using a match statement. However I cannot figure out how to match on the type byte[].
let dbType x =
match x with
| :? Int64 -> DbType.Int64
| :? Byte[] -> DbType.Binary // this gives an error
| _ -> DbType.Object
If there is a better way to map these types, I would be open to suggestions.
byte[], byte array, and array<byte> are all synonymous, but in this context only the last will work without parentheses:
let dbType (x:obj) =
match x with
| :? (byte[]) -> DbType.Binary
| :? (byte array) -> DbType.Binary // equivalent to above
| :? array<byte> -> DbType.Binary // equivalent to above
| :? int64 -> DbType.Int64
| _ -> DbType.Object

Pattern matching numeric strings

I have a function that pattern matches its argument, which is a string:
let processLexime lexime
match lexime with
| "abc" -> ...
| "bar" -> ...
| "cat" -> ...
| _ -> ...
This works as expected. However, I'm now trying to extend this by expressing "match a string containing only the following characters". In my specific example, I want anything containing only digits to be matched.
My question is, how can I express this in F#? I'd prefer to do this without any libraries such as FParsec, since I'm mainly doing this for learning purposes.
You can use active patterns:
let (|Integer|_|) (str: string) =
let mutable intvalue = 0
if System.Int32.TryParse(str, &intvalue) then Some(intvalue)
else None
let parseNumeric str =
match str with
| Integer i -> printfn "%d : Integer" i
| _ -> printfn "%s : Not matched." str
One way would be an active pattern
let (|Digits|_|) (s:string) =
s.ToCharArray() |> Array.forall (fun c -> System.Char.IsDigit(c)) |> function |true -> Some(s) |false -> None
then you can do
match "1" with
|Digits(t) -> printf "matched"
I would use regular expressions combined with active patterns. With regular expressions you can easily match digits with \d and active patterns makes the syntax nice inside your match.
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let (|ParseRegex|_|) regex str =
let m = Regex("^"+regex+"$").Match(str)
if (m.Success) then Some true else None
let Printmatch s =
match s with
| ParseRegex "w+" d -> printfn "only w"
| ParseRegex "(w+|s+)+" d -> printfn "only w and s"
| ParseRegex "\d+" d -> printfn "only digis"
|_ -> printfn "wrong"
let main argv =
Printmatch "www"
Printmatch "ssswwswwws"
Printmatch "134554"
Printmatch "1dwd3ddwwd"
which prints
only w
only w and s
only digis

Is there a way to not have to repeat this function invocation in pattern matching?

I have a string for which I want to use an active pattern to match against.
I've noticed I have to repeat the same function invocation when the value is an input to a function. Is there a way to not have to keep calling the function?
let (|A|B|C|X|) stringValue =
match stringValue with
| value when compareCaseInsensitive stringValue "a" -> A
| value when compareCaseInsensitive stringValue "b" -> B
| value when compareCaseInsensitive stringValue "c" -> C
| _ -> X stringValue
You could define yet another active pattern for your black-box function:
let (|CCI|_|) (v: string) c =
if v.Equals(c, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) then Some()
else None
let (|A|B|C|X|) stringValue =
match stringValue with
| CCI "a" -> A
| CCI "b" -> B
| CCI "c" -> C
| _ -> X stringValue
It appears you're trying to force pattern matching where it isn't necessarily the best fit. A good indicator that you're trying to force pattern matching is a lot of conditional checks in your pattern match (in this case you're not actually doing any pattern matching!).
let (|A|B|C|X|) stringValue =
let compareValue = compareCaseInsensitive stringValue
if compareValue "a" then A
elif compareValue "b" then B
elif compareValue "c" then C
else X stringValue
For the problem as given, I'd go with the answer suggested by mydogisbox, but in case this question is a stand-in for a more complex real problem, or there's some other reason that you must use pattern matching, you can do something like this:
let (|A|B|C|X|) stringValue =
let compare x = compareCaseInsensitive stringValue x
match compare ["a"; "b"; "c"] with
| [true; _; _] -> A
| [_; true; _] -> B
| [_; _; true] -> C
| _ -> X stringValue
This is definitely not a technique I'd use in the case of the question as posted, but perhaps it can inspire a solution if there's a more complicated underlying problem.
let (|A|B|C|X|) (stringValue: string) =
match stringValue.ToLower() with // or your custom toLowerCase function
| "a" -> A
| "b" -> B
| "c" -> C
| _ -> X stringValue

Create Discriminated Union Case from String

I'm trying to create DU cases from strings. The only way I can see doing this is by enumerating over the DU cases via Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection.FSharpType.GetUnionCases and then picking the UnionCase that matches the string (by using .Name) and then making the actual DU case out of that by using FSharpValue.MakeUnion.
Isn't there an easier/more elegant way of doing this? In my scenario I have a DU with a couple of hundred cases for keywords. I have to read the strings (keywords) from a file and make the types out of them. I did some "optimization" by putting the cases into a Map but I was hoping there'd be a better way of doing this.
I have the following, for example:
type Keyword =
let mkKeywords (file: string) =
use sr = new StreamReader(file)
let caseMap =
|> (fun c -> (c.Name, FSharpValue.MakeUnion(c, [||]) :?> Keyword))
|> Map.ofArray
while not sr.EndOfStream do
let l = sr.ReadLine().Trim()
match caseMap.TryFind l with
| Some c -> yield c
| None -> failwith <| "Could not find keyword: " + l
I found this handy code snippet...
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
let toString (x:'a) =
let (case, _ ) = FSharpValue.GetUnionFields(x, typeof<'a>)
let fromString<'a> (s:string) =
match FSharpType.GetUnionCases typeof<'a> |> Array.filter (fun case -> case.Name = s) with
|[|case|] -> Some(FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case,[||]) :?> 'a)
|_ -> None
... which makes it easy to tack on two lines of code to any DU...
type A = X|Y|Z with
override this.ToString() = FSharpUtils.toString this
static member fromString s = FSharpUtils.fromString<A> s
I would use pattern matching like this:
type Keyword =
let matchKeyword (word:string) : Keyword option =
match word with
| "FOO" -> Some FOO
| "BAR" -> Some BAR
| "BAZ" -> Some BAZ
| "BLAH" -> Some BLAH
| _ -> None
And maybe auto generate the match statement first time using regex in my editor, but only because you have hundreds of cases. But i am not sure if its a better solution then yours.
As the cases have no value, another option is to use enums:
type Keyword =
| FOO = 0
| BAR = 1
| BAZ = 2
| BLAH = 3
let strings = ["FOO";"BAR"]
let keywords =
[for s in strings -> s, Keyword.Parse(typeof<Keyword>, s)]
|> Map.ofList
Then you can simply use Enum.Parse.

Auto generation of predicates and accessors for discriminated unions in F#

Is it possible in F# to automatically generate predicates and accessors for an arbitrary algebraic data type in type-safe manner?
For example, if we have user defined type:
type A =
B of string
| C of int * sting
should be generated something like this:
type A =
B of string
| C of int * sting
member __.isB = match __ with B -> true | _ -> false
member __.isC = match __ with C -> true | _ -> false
member __._1 = match __ with B(x) -> Some(x) | _ -> None
member __._2 = match __ with C(x,_) -> Some(x) | _ -> None
member __._3 = match __ with C(_,x) -> Some(x) | _ -> None
It will be better if can specify names for accessors may be with annotation like this:
[<GenerateAccessors(["BName", "CName", "Value"])>]
May be it can not be done or I should use records instead discriminated unions (DU) if I want to siplify access to inner data. But it's more simply to use patten matching with DUs and I want both of this profits - simply pattern matching and simply "direct data access" - in the same time.
You can reflect over a discriminated union using FSharpType.GetUnionCases and generate code using the F# CodeDOM available in the F# PowerPack or simply by writing text.
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
type A = B of string | C of int * string
let generate t =
let cases = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(t)
printfn "type %s with" t.Name
for case in cases do
printfn "\tmember = " case.Name
let fields =
match [for field in case.GetFields() -> "_"] with
| [] -> ""
| fields -> " (" + (fields |> String.concat ",") + ")"
printfn "\t\tmatch value with %s%s -> true | _ -> false" case.Name fields
generate typeof<A>
Generates an F# type extension:
type A with
member value.isB =
match value with B (_) -> true | _ -> false
member value.isC =
match value with C (_,_) -> true | _ -> false
