PhpSpreadsheet Conditional formatting (Squared) - phpspreadsheet

I am new to php programming area.
I have a question, I would like to use conditional to format a column, for example if the values of Column B are different to the squared ones of each value of Column A then change the background color red if everything is right change to green.
Please I need a help

See phpspreadsheet documentation here.


Google Sheet Conditional Formating - Color Scale Rows of a table depending of the text

I don't find the solution to set a conditional formating with a color scale applied to a range which could be variable from a table to another one.
Could you please help me to find the way to do that as in the sheet "Color Scale with Conditional Formating" where I've colored the fields as I would like with conditional formating rules?
Here after the link to the example:
Thanks a lot.
Mmm, the exact shape I don't know if it's possible. If you are going to add more rows or columns and want to keep that 3 rows alternated colors, you can benefit from row.
In my example starting in Col V you can use something like this:
And you can add the three rules:
You can add this for the black and white:
=(V3<>"")*(($V3="Cluster 1")+($X3="Total"))

Google Sheets Conditional format on entire column

This has been answered
I currently have it set so if anything in A1:Z10000 reads red then it will be highlighted in Red with conditional format. the only problem is that only applies to the single sell that reads Red. What I would like for it to do is if A9 says Red then all of 9:9 is highlighted in Red.
Thanks for any help with this
A public functioning version of the sheet can be found here
Please try a CF formula rule of:
with the Apply to range as you show.
Choose formatting also.
In order to solve this I used =$A2="Red"

Conditional format alternate between 2 colours for groups of rows based on value change

I have a spreadsheet that is in Google Sheets which has a column that I want to format conditionally. I want to format it, such that groups of rows which all hold the same value are dark grey, while they next group of rows of all the same value are light grey. For example, I want the sheet to look something like this:
The numbers will not neccesarily be grouped in order, so I can't just use =mod(a1,2)=1 for the conditional format. I also would like it to update so that no matter how the other columns are filtered, this column remains such that every time the value in the next row is different, it and its duplicates are all a new color, mainly for visualization, to see which data is grouped together.
If I'm to use the formulae =isodd(countunique(a$2:a2)) and =isodd(countunique(a$2:a2)) and then apply some filter, then I get the following, which doesn't alternate the colors based on what is shown.
Any help would be great. Thanks.
for the light grey and
for the dark grey
The same question was asked in Excel recently and I realised it would be better just to count the changes of value like this:
This does highlight correctly if a duplicate appears in more than one continuous sequence:
whereas the original formula would have highlighted incorrectly:
It doesn't solve the filtering question though.

GS>Conditional Formatting>Custom Formula> BG Color if number <, > or =

I'm making a google spreadsheet and got stuck in one point....
It's related to conditional formatting.
Basically I want to create conditional formatting in custom formula that will give BG color to the row based on task status in cell.
in-progress = BG green
for review = BG Blue
Done = BG Grey
I have done 2 & 3 using the following formula:
Conditional Formatting>Custom Formula> `=indirect("F"&Row())=100` Range> `C2:C1006,D2:E13,F2:F1006,G14:G16,D17:E1006`
For Review it's =99
Now I need in-progress to be = >0 and <99
I hope the questions is clear, thank you.
Answer will be:
=$F:$F>0 Range> C2:F1006
What you are describing should be able to be done through the conditional formatting interface: Format > Conditional Formatting
You can add multiple condition rules for a given range so you would add
Text is exactly: "in-progress" (case sensitive); Format: background color green
Text is exactly: "for review" (case sensitive); Format: background color blue
Text is exactly: "Done" (case sensitive); Format: background color grey
When using conditional formatting, I find it best to use data validation as well (Data > Validation). If you choose the validation criteria as "list of items" and choose the option to display in-cell button, you can create a dropdown menu in each cell for your range, keeping you from having to type it each time
If you are absolutely set on creating a formula from scratch using apps script, take a look at this post on a similar topic and see if it could be adapted for your purposes. This is probably not the most effiect way to tackle the problem however.
As another thought, it sounds like you may be trying to create some kind of version of a work tracker. For something a little more intuitive, you may want to consider a Kanban app such as the free Kanbanchi which integrates with Google Drive nicely.
With the new google sheets, you are able to do conditional formatting based on a custom formula. This means that you can base the color of a range based on a specific cell reference. Here are the 3 custom Formulas you could use:
=IF($A$2 = "In Progress", 1,0)>0
=IF($A$2 = "For Review", 1,0)>0
=IF($A$2 = "Done", 1,0)>0
Where $A$2 is the cell for reference that will contain the status. The only downside to this method is that you have to set the formula for each line. Because of this, you may want to make a "template" doc that you copy when you need a new document.
For more information on how to use the advanced conditional formatting features, take a look at this help article.

Colour fill column B where column A is not empty, and so on

In Google Spreadsheets I need column B to change color if and only if there is something in column A and column C changes color if there's something in B...etc. I'm trying to write the conditional formatting but it only seems to do things to the one column regardless of the previous one.
An example might have helped, but I'm guessing you might find this useful:
