Delphi Sydney 10.4.2 Refactoring is grayed out - delphi

Rename refactoring worked during 1 hour after installation but has suddenly stopped working (the menu is grayed out, and control shift E, shows the Find dialog instead of the refactor window).
As well as control G, to 'go to' a variable or method declaration, doesn't work anymore.
All this did work shortly after installation, but has stopped working.
Any help ?

Don't worry. There is always something broken or grayed out in Refactoring.
One thing that breaks refactoring in Delphi 10.4.2 (I don't know about other versions) are inline variables.
If the selected code that you want to extract as a method has an inline variable, then the refactoring menu for the "extract" is grayed out.


Key combination in IDE that makes the opened file read-only? [duplicate]

Does anyone else have this problem or is my Delphi cursed somehow?
I'll have a bunch of forms and files open in tabs in the editor and I'll be typing away and then suddenly everything stops - my .pas file has, seemingly at random, become read-only.
Sometimes I can just right-click the tab at the top and uncheck "Read-Only" and continue, but sometimes this option is checked and greyed-out (disabled), meaning I can't uncheck it and I can't make any further edits to the file. This too seems to be random.
In the latter case, the only solution is to save the file in question, which works, despite Delphi's assertion that the file is read-only, close its tab in the editor, and re-open it. Not catastrophic, really, but it's starting to become annoying.
Could it be that I am hitting a keyboard command combination accidentally to do this or is this a bug in Delphi?
I'm in Delphi 2010, Windows 7. Doubt it's anything to do with installed packages, but if anyone wants the list I'll generate it and attach it here.
Skip to last paragraph for quick Solution :)
Yes! this just happened to me. I was typing a line of code... a line in Intraweb's ServerController.... OnBeforeDisbatch.. anyways. I was typing..
and then I typed a Space... so If <---- then space... and then the IDE autofilled in
If True then
after the above line was in the system all hell broke loose.... hell being that the file would stay in a read-only mode....
I edited the file manually and removed the line
if True then
and all is good.
just to update: I do believe it is file size... 125K and then bang. at least on the server controller... IW10/Delphi 2010
update again... 8 hours later...
I reduced my source file (iwservercontroller) from 125k to well under 80k and all was good. then now right when I first press the control key to paste over a value the file goes read-only!! like wow....
going to reduce file again..
Minutes later...
after shutting down d2010 and reloading project... I have narrowed down the problem to using the "paste" command.... the second I tried to paste a clipboard value read-only occurred... but a harddrive hit occurred for a instant before the read-only activated!
Final solution!!! I got it! I couldn't believe there is a "Read Only" option in the Right Click Menu.... Click on the left side Pane where the check box is when the Read-Only appears! no more need to restart IDE and reload everything etc etc...
All fixed... whoo hoo
Nope... not all fixed... 3 hours later... I reactivate IDE and I am just about to paste in some data and then the file goes in read only (not explorer's file attributes) and the Pop up menu value is now grayed out!! like wtf!!
Full day later.. trying everything.. I have a solution!! first time I got it to go off read-only without using the PUM/insert Key
simply just access the unit in question that is causing read-only and do a single character change with a outside app. (ultraedit) and save. upon saving d2010 will detect outside changes and go switch back to insert-mode even with the pop up menu is disabled.... whoo hoo...
* Final Solution *
Things are all good now and not a single read-only but the solution is not too elegant in terms of keeping my text edit habits in check.. but if you open settings and change the editor to keep insert mode on you will be laughing to the bank... at least things are all good for me now.
Delphi2010-->Options-->Editor Options-->["Insert Mode"] check that option.
Seems since i have had the above checkbox clicked not a single Read-only.... good luck.
This happened once to me. I think it's a bug, I can't find an existing report for it and when you find repeatable steps the please create QC report for it.
This happens to us all the time - once a file gets over a certain size/complexity Delphi starts randomly going read only - sometimes accompanied by freezing for several seconds.
We think it's something to do with the syntax highlighter failing on certain constructs - certainly it comes and goes in waves, and I've had times where I've been reduced to editing a file in notepad just to get some work done.
It happens on units with no related DFM, so it's not a component doing it, and it's not storage related (Delphi isn't writing to the disk when it fails).
Yes, this just started happening to me after I installed Model Maker 11. I think the Model Maker plug-in might be monkeying around with the read only setting of a source file. (I've been using Delphi 2010 for a year now without this issue ever happening, all of a sudden it started right around the time I got MM11.) I haven't tried uninstalling MM11 yet though. So --- do you have ModelMaker 11?
I've seen it many, many times in Delphi 7 which rules out some of the explanations others have suggested.
I haven't seen it on 2010 but I haven't done all that much with 2010.
I also see a switch to "readonly" for pas files in the D2010 editor. None of the above suggestions have always worked for me. I am transferring a large project from D6 to D2010 and am making many necessary changes. On way to overcome the problem for a file that has been marked "readonly" and where (right-click in the editor "[ ] Read Only") has been greyed out, is to close the file and reopen it.

Ctr Space in delphi

In a Delphi Project CTRL + Space not working.
Before "uses" when I Press CTRL + Space the code completion is appeared but after "uses" does not appear.
I use Delphi 2009.
I install Fastreport and raize components and vcl Skin.
The most probable cause for your problem is that you have some smal syntactical error like missing semicolom, invalid name, etc. somewhere between the point where CTRL+Space works and where no longer works. This is due the way how Code Insight is checking the code structure.
So I recomend you go to menu Project and then chose Syntax Check.
Another cause for CTRL+Space not working is that your are still debuging your program. Do nte that while debugging sesion is in progress both Code Insight and Error Insight are disabled.
Something that in general wreaks havoc with Code Insight (Ctrl+Space) is conditional compilation.
So watch out for {$IFDEF ...} in your code.
I prefer to avoid conditional compilation in anything except library code that needs to support multiple Delphi versions. However, if you must use it, consider inverting the logic so you can use {$IFNDEF ...}.
Also, the feature doesn't always work if your code cannot compile. This depends on what dependencies are unable to compile at the point where you press Ctrl+Space.
However, in my experience the feature does sometimes just "break". If you're lucky closing and re-opening the project fixes it. But usually I have to close and re-open Delphi and do a full rebuild of the project.
I had the same problem I press Ctrl+Space to all units in uses section and I see one unit Delphi can't recognize. I delete it and type it again with Ctrl+Space; after that everything is ok.
another reason is if exists a special character like a tab character in your unit.
The "So watch out for {$IFDEF ...} in your code." had this. Temporarily did a Ctrl-X on it and then did Ctrl+Spacebar and pasted the code back in. Then... it worked again. Delphi XE10.1 Update 2. Other reasons why it sometimes doesn't work still remain a mystery. Can be very frustrating indeed.

Delphi XE2 Debugger not working properly

since a few days, Delphi xe2 debugger stopped working like should be. Let me explain, I set a breakpoint in editor and hit F9, the ide stops on breakpoint as should be, everything ok. But when I hit F7 or F8 the line or the execution does not advance. I hit it several times, and nothing. If I set a breakpoint, lets say, x lines ahead in the same procedure/method and hit F9 it stops in the new breakpoint as usual, but hitting f7 or f8 not work, as before. All debug properties are set it the project configuration, as must be set.
Is a IDE thing, because I started a new empty project, just 1 form, a button and 3 Showmessages in the Onclick event of the button. No recursion, no events firing, nothing.
I've unistalled Ddevextensions, idefixpack, gexperts and cnwizards and the problem persists. The last thing is unistalling delphi and reinstalling again, but is a last resort. Expect to be clear in my explanation, English is not my primary language.
Greetings from Isla de Margarita, Venezuela
Remove all DCU's from project directory, also remove .identcache, MAP files.
Rebuild project, than compile it. Also check, remote debug symbols(.rsm) must be disabled(if you don't use it).
Nothing of the above worked for me.
The simplest way I've found is to copy the file source code from Delphi IDE to the notepad and then copy it again from the notepad to the Delphi IDE and all worked fine for me. it may be some problematic hidden characters.

Very Weird Behavior: Delphi 5 adding a component on my form with empty name

Now this is a very puzzling matter I hope you can help me.
I have a custom component derived from TCustomControl that is included in a package. This package is correctly compiled and installed in D5. The package also requires the use of another library of components the ImageEn library.
I have an application that uses this component, Now until some day ago everything seemed to be fine, but now, after some recent changes to the component (mostly changing the name of the types it uses) I am having a very weird behavior going on. On the form where this component is placed Delphi will create I would say just for no reason a TImageEnIo component (from the ImageEn library) that was not even included in the dfm of the form.
Even more puzzling is the fact that this added imageenio component has no name, thus causing me a lot of trouble when I try to run the application (run-time error). If I delete this component it will reappear as soon as something is updated (for example if I switch between the text and the form of the dfm). Delphi just adds this thing on any form , where I use my custom component. This happens only when my custom component is present, other comps of the package do not generate this problem.
I noticed that it creates 1 of these empty TImageenio for each custom component I have on the form, and moreover if I switch back and forth between the text and the form views of the dfmit will add another imageenio component each time I do this.
Finally the problem is not dependent from the application as it will happen with any application as long as I add my custom component on a form.
Now I have been recompiling everything the imageen and my package many times, I have even tried to restore an older version of the component but the problem persisted (I am quite sure I hadn't experience it with the older version), I have tried anything conceivable but I cannot figure it out. I am at a complete loss, please advice If you need more info please ask, I will try to explain better.
Many Thanks to those who will take the time to answer.
It would seem that the problem was introduced by recent changes in your custom component.
You should use your revision control system to go back to a known good version. Then advance to intermediate versions of the code, perhaps using a binary search for efficiency. Once you've isolated the revision which introduced the bug then you should be able to study the code changes in that revision and identify the problem.
Wild guess: Your custom component directly or indirectly instantiates a TImageEnIo with the wrong Owner. Instead of using Self (i.e. the custom component instance) it uses its Owner property, which points to the form it is sitting on.
The first thing I would try would be to start a new application, create one of your custom controls at run time and put breakpoints on the third party source code where the TImageEnIo component is instantiated, constructor of the component would be fine. If the design time behavior is exhibited at also run-time, the breakpoint would be hit and you would be able to figure out the code part creating the component from the stack trace.
Otherwise, it is possible to debug design-time behavior by debugging the IDE with another instance of the IDE, but I don't know how it can be done with D5.

Why does Cut/Paste of form components sometimes stop working in Delphi 2007 IDE?

This is driving me crazy. I'm not going to take it anymore. I'm going to ask, even at the risk of eternal public humiliation! (If it's something really obvious or that I've done to the system myself).
For reasons I've never quite had the patience to work out, every so often the form I'm working on in Delphi 2007's visual form editor goes 'pseudo-read-only'; I can add new components to the form, I can move/resize existing ones (and change any properties in the Object Inspector), and I can select a component and 'copy' it to the clipboard.
But I'm completely unable to cut a component from the form, or paste a new copy down. I don't believe it's to do with the 'Lock Controls' Edit menu option as I can toggle this on or off and it has the effect it's supposed to - this disappearance of Cut & Paste happens on the right-click context menu, from the keyboard and from the main Edit menu - it's as if the form has become read only to thing to do with the clipboard.
If I close the form in the IDE and then reopen it, everything starts working fine again (just as D1, D3, D5 and D7 always did for me, previously).
I'm not going mad, as I'm sure I read something about why this happens on a newsgroup once and it's caught me out from time to time many many times in the last few months, but I've failed to find the newsgroup reference this evening and I've decided that, as more and more Delphi users seem to be making use of StackOverflow, it was worth asking here.
Help - when I'm doing lots of form-work it drives me absolutely mad!
you can try to download the clipboard monitor application to see if anything is messing with your cut/paste. I have noticed simular problems when running in a VM, the VM gets confused as to what is in the clipboard and won't let me cut/paste again until I go back to my host application open something else (notepad works fine) and copy something fresh. I think thats more a problem of the other clipboard monitoring applications on my system than anything else.
I'm using copy/paste "desing" a lot, but they never went away.
Are you using some other IDE addins that mandle with copy/paste?
I think it is a known bug in the IDE, but I can't seem to find any references to it. I also have experienced this problem. You might want to try IDE Fix Pack, although it does not claim to fix this problem.
Check that other apps can use the clipboard too. Sometimes I am paused in the middle of a clipboard operation in my app, which stops other apps opening the clipboard. Can be confusing!
The virus detector app: Webroot SecureAnywhere stopped pasting from working - when I disabled this dumb virus detector - all was good again.
I think you should try the Desktop Settings. I had the same issue and after changing the Setting to Debug, Cut/Copy started working.
