Trigger Jenkins job on code commit to Azure repository - jenkins

I have a Jenkins job running on my localhost:8080. I want to trigger this job automatically whenever there is a commit on Azure repos (Azure DevOps).
Any advise on how I can achieve this?

Since Jenkins job running on your localhost:8080. You need to create your self-hosted agents on the local machine which your jenkin server can communicate to. Then you need to create a azure pipeline to be triggered on Azure repos commit and run this azure pipeline on your self-hosted agent. You can check out below workarounds:
Enable Trigger builds remotely on Jenkins
Go the the Build Triggers Tab of your jenkins pipeline configure page--> Then check Trigger builds remotely--> Specify a Token (will be used in the URL)
Define a secret variable to host your jenkins password(eg. password) in azure devops pipeline:
Add a bash task in your azure devops pipeline to run the below curl command
#token must be the same with the token you entered in above step
curl -u $(username):$(password) http://localhost:8080/job/myproject/build?token=anytoken
Targeting your self-hosted agent pool to run your azure devops pipeline on self-hosted agent.
There is another workaround using Jenkins queue job task.
Create a API Token in your Jenkin server.
Go your jenkin account configure page. To create a API token.
Add Jenkins queue job task in azure devops pipeline
Click the Manage link to create a jenkins service connection--> In the newly opened page-->Create Service connection-->Select Jenkins--> Next
Enter the required information. Note: url is your local jenkin server. username is your user account for jenkin server, the Password is the API Token You generated in above step.
Another workaround is to configure the Poll SCM build triggers on your jenkins job. So that the jenkin server will periodically poll the source code and queue the job if there is new commit.
See this thread for more information.


Jenkins does not run the building process after a push

I have the following initial situation:
I have a Docker container running Jenkins 2.379
This Jenkins has the Bitbucket Server Integration and the Bitbucket Branch Sourch Plugin installed
The connection to the Bitbucket server seems to work
I also set up a multibranch pipeline that listens to the repository in the connected Bitbucket server instance
And I have set the Scan Multibranch Pipeline Trigger to All pushes.
Finally, it seems that Jenkins has correctly implemented the webhook in the corresponding Bitbucket project.
Changes to some configurations of the multibranch pipeline trigger the scan process, which works properly. If there are changes in the code of the corresponding branch during a push, the build is triggered.
Clicking the "Scan Multibranch Pipeline Now" button has the same result.
But if I just push some code changes into a branch, nothing happens. My pipeline does not start automatically and no build process is started with the changes made.
Goal: Every push a developer does in a branch of this project should trigger the scan for new branches in Jenkis and the build process for new branches or those where something has changed.
I have found the problem/solution. As I said, my Jenkins runs in a Docker container and is hosted locally on my PC (localhost:8080).
Through the credentials, the path from Jenkins into Bitbucket worked and so did creating the webhook. However, for this webhook, the Bitbucket server plugin entered its address (localhost:8080). So now when a push into a Bitbucket repo happens, this webhook was triggered on Bitbucket's localhost:8080 (so presumably Bitbucket itself and not Jenkins).
The solution was now quite simple. I used a tool called ngrok to make my localhost:8080 (on which Jenkins runs) accessible via a URL from the internet.
I then only had to store this URL in Jenkis in system configurations and adapt the webhook in my Bitbucket repository.

Trigger JMeter tests on a remote system via Jenkins

how can we tell Jenkins to download and run JMeter tests on a remote system rather than from the Jenkins server itself?
My requirement is to create a job in Jenkins to download the latest code from a repo to another system where JMeter is installed and run the JMeter tests on that remote system rather than from Jenkins server itself? I can trigger the tests from Jenkins server itself but unable to connect to remote server and download/trigger the server.
You need to get familiarized with the concept of Jenkins Distributed Builds, it's enough to start Jenkins agent proces on the "remote system" and bind your job to execute on that agent instead of Jenkins master.
With regards to tracking changes in the remote repo check out Generic Webhook Trigger and How to Integrate Your GitHub Repository to Your Jenkins Project articles

Trigger Jenkins Multi-Branch Pipeline from GitLab push

I run a Gitlab and a Jenkins server locally. I connected those two using the gitlab-branch-source plugin. For every repository in gitlab i create a multibranch-pipeline job in jenkins. When a user pushes code, I want the corresponding job to be executed.
I'v tried a solution suggestend in this post and this one. Both of them don't seem to work.
In the gitlab server settings on the jenkins server I've set the check at "Manage Web Hooks". The personal access token which is used for the integration has the scopes "api, sudo".
What else could I try?

Sending gitlab webhooks from local instance of gitlab to local instance of jenkins

I have a local instance of Jenkins.
What i need isto launch a jenkins pipeline triggered by a local commit or push on a gitlab instance.
For several reasons of testing, i need to keep all in localhost.
So, what i'm struggling with is:
It's possible to install a local instance of gitlab on windows 10 (I've heard about gitlab runner, could it be suitable for sending webhooks?)?
How to set the webhooks from gitlab to my localhost jenkins?
Thanks anyone
Following might help you.
You need to integrate the Jenkins Job with the Gitlab Instance.
In Gitlab Instance you have to activate the Jenkins Integration
Decide on the trigger you want to use to trigger the
jenkins pipeline. (In my case only Push Trigger is active)
Then you need to provide details
Jenkins instance URL
Jenkins Pipeline Job Name
Authentication with a jenkins account user id and password.
Once you do this each you do the trigger action in the gitlab the pipeline will be triggered.

How to trigger on-premise jenkins job from VSTS using service hook

My source code is present in VSTS(cloud) and Jenkins job in the on-premise server(don't have public IP). I would like to implement Continuous integration.
I have a one local build agent. VSTS build definition able to trigger Jenkins job using the agent. But I don't want to create a job. So how to trigger Jenkins job using service hooks.
It's impossible to add local jenkins server to service hook.
Since the local jenkins server (such as http://localhost:8080 or http://{ip}:8080) can not accessed by public network, VSTS can not access to your local jenkins neither. You should make sure the jenkin url is reachable for public network if you need to use service hook.
And if you want to trigger Jenkins build for the event that VSTS build completed, you can add Jenkins Queue Job task the the end of the VSTS build. Detail configuration for this task as below:
Add jenkins service endpoint by clicking the New button -> Input jenkin URL, username and password -> not necessary to verify connection since the public network can't reached -> OK -> input jenkin job name.
Now when the VSTS build pervious tasks are succeed, then jenkins job is triggered.
Note: You should queue the VSTS build by private agent on the same machine where jenkins server installed.
