Jenkins file groovy issues - jenkins

Hi My jenkins file code is as follows : I am basically trying to make call to a python script and execute it, I have defined some variables in my code : And when i am trying to run it, It gives no such property error in the beginning and I cant find out the reason behind it.
I would really appreciate any suggestions on this .
import groovy.json.*
pipeline {
agent {
label 'test'
parameters {
choice(choices: '''\
, description: 'Environment to deploy', name: 'vpc-stack')
choice(choices: '''\
, description: '(choose )', name: 'stack')
stages {
stage('Tooling') {
steps {
script {
//set up terraform
def tfHome = tool name: 'Terraform 0.12.24'
env.PATH = "${tfHome}:${env.PATH}"
env.TFHOME = "${tfHome}"
stage('Build all modules') {
steps {
wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) {
// build all modules
script {
if (params.refresh) {
echo "Jenkins refresh!"
currentBuild.result = 'ABORTED'
error('Jenkinsfile refresh! Aborting any real runs!')
sh(script: """pwd""")
def status_code = sh(script: """PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 python3 scripts/test/ /$vpc-stack""", returnStatus: true)
if (status_code == 0) {
currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
if (status_code == 1) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
post {
always {
echo 'cleaning workspace'
step([$class: 'WsCleanup'])
And this code is giving me the following error :
hudson.remoting.ProxyException: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: vpc for class
Any suggestions what can be done to resolve this.

Use another name for the choice variable without the dash sign -, e.g. vpc_stack or vpcstack and replace the variable name in python call.


How to pass a variable from remote ssh connection to other stages in groovy script

I am working on a groovy script for a Jenkins pipeline and am struggling to find how to pass a variable across stages when the variable is obtained from a remote ssh connection.
I found Example 1 and Example 2 on this site and I want to merge them together as seen in "My attempt" below. Note that the output of the file on the remote server is 4. I'm trying pass 4 to a_var.
Example 1: works fine. SSH connection. This reads the file and outputs value to the Jenkins console
def sshCredId = 'myid_cred'
def sshUser = 'myid'
def sshServer = 'myserver'
pipeline {
agent { label 'docker-maven-slave' }
stages {
stage('one') {
steps {
script {
sh "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${sshUser}#${sshServer} cat /mydir/myfile.csv"
stage('two') {
steps {
echo "something"
stage('three') {
steps {
echo "do stuff"
Example 2: works fine. This passes a parameter across stages
pipeline {
agent {
label 'docker-maven-slave'
parameters {
string(name: 'a_var', defaultValue: '')
stages {
stage("one") {
steps {
script {
tmp_param = sh (script: 'echo something', returnStdout: true).trim()
env.a_var = tmp_param
stage("two") {
steps {
echo "${env.a_var}"
**My attempt: stage two output is null. I'm expecting '4' **
def sshCredId = 'myid_cred'
def sshUser = 'myid'
def sshServer = 'myserver'
pipeline {
agent { label 'docker-maven-slave' }
parameters {
string(name: 'a_var', defaultValue: 'nothing')
stages {
stage('one') {
steps {
script {
sh "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${sshUser}#${sshServer} cat /mydir/myfile.csv"
stage('two') {
steps {
echo "${env.a_var}"
stage('three') {
steps {
echo "do stuff"
Update the answer based on comments and feedback from MayJoAnneBeth
Try below snippet
env.a_var = sh (script: "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${sshUser}#${sshServer} cat /mydir/myfile.csv", returnStdout: true).trim()

jenkins get result from triggered job and use it in other stages

i have a jenkins pipeline witch triggers another pipeline. is it possible to save the result from this triggerd job pipeline in the first pipeline?
Example pipelie 1:
stage('do something') {
when { expression { params.true == true } }
steps {
script {
env.var = build job: 'jenkinsjob2',
parameters: [
jenkinsjob2 pipeline:
stage('do something else') {
when { expression { params.false == false } }
script {
my_new_result = sh( returnStdout: true, script: 'python')
println my_new_result // echo 12345
I now want to use the result 12345 from the second job in env.var from the first pipeline.
is this possible?
i got for env.var = and not 12345
You can check this pipeline to get an idea of what to do.
stage('do something') {
script {
def job = build job: "jenkinsjob2",parameters: []
env.my_new_result = job.buildVariables.my_new_result
}sh "echo ${env.my_new_result}"

Declarative pipeline when condition in post

As far as declarative pipelines go in Jenkins, I'm having trouble with the when keyword.
I keep getting the error No such DSL method 'when' found among steps. I'm sort of new to Jenkins 2 declarative pipelines and don't think I am mixing up scripted pipelines with declarative ones.
The goal of this pipeline is to run mvn deploy after a successful Sonar run and send out mail notifications of a failure or success. I only want the artifacts to be deployed when on master or a release branch.
The part I'm having difficulties with is in the post section. The Notifications stage is working great. Note that I got this to work without the when clause, but really need it or an equivalent.
pipeline {
agent any
tools {
maven 'M3'
jdk 'JDK8'
stages {
stage('Notifications') {
steps {
sh 'mkdir tmpPom'
sh 'mv pom.xml tmpPom/pom.xml'
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: 'origin/master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'https://repository.git']]])
sh 'mvn clean test'
sh 'rm pom.xml'
sh 'mv tmpPom/pom.xml ../pom.xml'
post {
success {
script {
currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
when {
branch 'master|release/*'
steps {
sh 'mvn deploy'
failure {
script {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
In the documentation of declarative pipelines, it's mentioned that you can't use when in the post block. when is allowed only inside a stage directive.
So what you can do is test the conditions using an if in a script:
post {
success {
script {
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master')
currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
// failure block
Using a GitHub Repository and the Pipeline plugin I have something along these lines:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh '''
post {
always {
sh '''
make clean
success {
script {
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master') {
emailext (
to: '',
subject: "${env.JOB_NAME} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} master is fine",
body: "The master build is happy.\n\nConsole: ${env.BUILD_URL}.\n\n",
attachLog: true,
} else if (env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith('PR')) {
// also send email to tell people their PR status
} else {
// this is some other branch
And that way, notifications can be sent based on the type of branch being built. See the pipeline model definition and also the global variable reference available on your server at http://your-jenkins-ip:8080/pipeline-syntax/globals#env for details.
Ran into the same issue with post. Worked around it by annotating the variable with #groovy.transform.Field. This was based on info I found in the Jenkins docs for defining global variables.
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage("Validate") {
parallel {
stage("Ubuntu") {
agent {
steps {{
sh "run tests command"
recordFailures('Ubuntu', 'test-results.xml')
junit 'test-results.xml'
post {
unsuccessful {
// Make testFailures global so it can be accessed from a 'post' step
def testFailures = [:]
def recordFailures(key, resultsFile) {
def failures = ... parse test-results.xml script for failures ...
if (failures) {
testFailures[key] = failures
def notify() {
if (testFailures) {
... do something here ...

How do I pass variables between stages in a declarative Jenkins pipeline?

How do I pass variables between stages in a declarative pipeline?
In a scripted pipeline, I gather the procedure is to write to a temporary file, then read the file into a variable.
How do I do this in a declarative pipeline?
E.g. I want to trigger a build of a different job, based on a variable created by a shell action.
stage("stage 1") {
steps {
sh "do_something > var.txt"
// I want to get var.txt into VAR
stage("stage 2") {
steps {
build job: "job2", parameters[string(name: "var", value: "${VAR})]
If you want to use a file (since a script is the thing generating the value you need), you could use readFile as seen below. If not, use sh with the script option as seen below:
// Define a groovy local variable, myVar.
// A global variable without the def, like myVar = 'initial_value',
// was required for me in older versions of jenkins. Your mileage
// may vary. Defining the variable here maybe adds a bit of clarity,
// showing that it is intended to be used across multiple stages.
def myVar = 'initial_value'
pipeline {
agent { label 'docker' }
stages {
stage('one') {
steps {
echo "1.1. ${myVar}" // prints '1.1. initial_value'
sh 'echo hotness > myfile.txt'
script {
// OPTION 1: set variable by reading from file.
// FYI, trim removes leading and trailing whitespace from the string
myVar = readFile('myfile.txt').trim()
echo "1.2. ${myVar}" // prints '1.2. hotness'
stage('two') {
steps {
echo "2.1 ${myVar}" // prints '2.1. hotness'
sh "echo 2.2. sh ${myVar}, Sergio" // prints '2.2. sh hotness, Sergio'
// this stage is skipped due to the when expression, so nothing is printed
stage('three') {
when {
expression { myVar != 'hotness' }
steps {
echo "three: ${myVar}"
pipeline {
parameters {
string(name: 'custom_var', defaultValue: '')
stage("make param global") {
steps {
tmp_param = sh (script: 'most amazing shell command', returnStdout: true).trim()
env.custom_var = tmp_param
stage("test if param was saved") {
steps {
echo "${env.custom_var}"
I had a similar problem as I wanted one specific pipeline to provide variables and many other ones using it to get this variables.
I created a my-set-env-variables pipeline
env.my_dev_version = "0.0.4-SNAPSHOT"
env.my_qa_version = "0.0.4-SNAPSHOT"
env.my_pp_version = "0.0.2"
env.my_prd_version = "0.0.2"
echo " My versions [DEV:${env.my_dev_version}] [QA:${env.my_qa_version}] [PP:${env.my_pp_version}] [PRD:${env.my_prd_version}]"
I can reuse these variables in a another pipeline my-set-env-variables-test
env.dev_version = "NOT DEFINED DEV"
env.qa_version = "NOT DEFINED QA"
env.pp_version = "NOT DEFINED PP"
env.prd_version = "NOT DEFINED PRD"
stage('inject variables') {
echo "PRE DEV version = ${env.dev_version}"
def variables = build job: 'my-set-env-variables'
def vars = variables.getBuildVariables()
//println "found variables" + vars
env.dev_version = vars.my_dev_version
env.qa_version = vars.my_qa_version
env.pp_version = vars.my_pp_version
env.prd_version = vars.my_prd_version
stage('next job') {
echo "NEXT JOB DEV version = ${env.dev_version}"
echo "NEXT JOB QA version = ${env.qa_version}"
echo "NEXT JOB PP version = ${env.pp_version}"
echo "NEXT JOB PRD version = ${env.prd_version}"
there is no need for (hidden plugin) parameter definitions or temp-file access. Sharing varibles across stages can be acomplished by using global Groovy variables in a Jenkinsfile like so:
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
def outputOf(cmd) { return sh(returnStdout:true,script:cmd).trim(); }
pipeline {
agent any
stage("stage 1") {
steps {
MYVAR = outputOf('echo do_something')
sh "echo MYVAR has been set to: '${MYVAR}'"
stage("stage 2") {
steps {
sh '''echo " multiline quotes: "''' + MYVAR + '''" ... '''
build job: "job2", parameters[string(name: "var", value: MYVAR)]
I have enhanced the existing solution by correcting syntax .Also used hidden parameter plugin so that it does not show up as an extra parameter in Jenkins UI. Works well :)
properties([parameters([[$class: 'WHideParameterDefinition', defaultValue: 'yoyo', name: 'hidden_var']])])
pipeline {
agent any
stage("make param global") {
steps {
env.hidden_var = "Hello"
stage("test if param was saved") {
steps {
echo"About to check result"
echo "${env.hidden_var}"

Jenkinsfile Declarative Pipeline defining dynamic env vars

I'm new to Jenkins pipeline; I'm defining a declarative syntax pipeline and I don't know if I can solve my problem, because I didn't find a solution.
In this example, I need to pass a variable to ansible plugin (in old version I use an ENV_VAR or injecting it from file with inject plugin) that variable comes from a script.
This is my perfect scenario (but it doesn't work because environment{}):
pipeline {
agent { node { label 'jenkins-node'}}
stages {
stage('Deploy') {
environment {
ANSIBLE_CONFIG = '${WORKSPACE}/chimera-ci/ansible/ansible.cfg'
VERSION = sh("python3.5 docker/")
steps {
ansiblePlaybook credentialsId: 'example-credential', extras: '-e version=${VERSION}', inventory: 'development', playbook: 'deploy.yml'
I tried other ways to test how env vars work in other post, example:
pipeline {
agent { node { label 'jenkins-node'}}
stages {
stage('PREPARE VARS') {
steps {
script {
env['VERSION'] = sh(script: "python3.5")
echo env.VERSION
but "echo env.VERSION" return null.
Also tried the same example with:
- VERSION=python3.5
- VERSION=python3.5 > props.file (and try to inject it, but didnt found how)
If this is not possible I will do it in the ansible role.
There is another "issue" in Ansible Plugin, to use vars in extra vars it must have double quotes instead of single.
ansiblePlaybook credentialsId: 'example-credential', extras: "-e version=${VERSION}", inventory: 'development', playbook: 'deploy.yml'
You can create variables before the pipeline block starts. You can have sh return stdout to assign to these variables. You don't have the same flexibility to assign to environment variables in the environment stanza. So substitute in python3.5 where I have echo 0.0.1 in the script here (and make sure your python script just returns the version to stdout):
def awesomeVersion = 'UNKNOWN'
pipeline {
agent { label 'docker' }
stages {
stage('build') {
steps {
script {
awesomeVersion = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'echo 0.0.1').trim()
stage('output_version') {
steps {
echo "awesomeVersion: ${awesomeVersion}"
The output of the above pipeline is:
awesomeVersion: 0.0.1
In Jenkins 2.76 I was able to simplify the solution from #burnettk to:
pipeline {
agent { label 'docker' }
environment {
awesomeVersion = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'echo 0.0.1')
stages {
stage('output_version') {
steps {
echo "awesomeVersion: ${awesomeVersion}"
Using the "pipeline utility steps" plugin, you can define general vars available to all stages from a properties file. For example, let props.txt as:
and mix script and declarative Jenkins pipeline as:
def props
def FIX
node {
props = readProperties file:'props.txt'
VERSION = props['version']
FIX = props['fix']
pipeline {
stages {
stage('Build') {
echo ${RELEASE}
A possible variation of the main answer is to provide variable using another pipeline instead of a sh script.
example (set the variable pipeline) : my-set-env-variables pipeline
env.my_dev_version = "0.0.4-SNAPSHOT"
env.my_qa_version = "0.0.4-SNAPSHOT"
env.my_pp_version = "0.0.2"
env.my_prd_version = "0.0.2"
echo " My versions [DEV:${env.my_dev_version}] [QA:${env.my_qa_version}] [PP:${env.my_pp_version}] [PRD:${env.my_prd_version}]"
(use these variables) in a another pipeline my-set-env-variables-test
env.dev_version = "NOT DEFINED DEV"
env.qa_version = "NOT DEFINED QA"
env.pp_version = "NOT DEFINED PP"
env.prd_version = "NOT DEFINED PRD"
stage('inject variables') {
echo "PRE DEV version = ${env.dev_version}"
// call set variable job
def variables = build job: 'my-set-env-variables'
def vars = variables.getBuildVariables()
//println "found variables" + vars
env.dev_version = vars.my_dev_version
env.qa_version = vars.my_qa_version
env.pp_version = vars.my_pp_version
env.prd_version = vars.my_prd_version
stage('next job') {
echo "NEXT JOB DEV version = ${env.dev_version}"
echo "NEXT JOB QA version = ${env.qa_version}"
echo "NEXT JOB PP version = ${env.pp_version}"
echo "NEXT JOB PRD version = ${env.prd_version}"
For those who wants the environment's key to be dynamic, the following code can be used:
stage('Prepare Environment') {
steps {
script {
def data = [
"k1": "v1",
"k2": "v2",
data.each { key ,value ->
env."$key" = value
// env[key] = value // Deprecated, this can be used as well, but need approval in sandbox ScriptApproval page
You can also dump all your vars into a file, and then use the '-e #file' syntax. This is very useful if you have many vars to populate.
steps {
echo "hello World!!"
sh """
var1: ${params.var1}
var2: ${params.var2}
" > vars
ansiblePlaybook inventory: _inventory, playbook: 'test-playbook.yml', sudoUser: null, extras: '-e #vars'
You can do use library functions in the environments section, like so:
#Library('mylibrary') _ // contains functions.groovy with several functions.
pipeline {
environment {
ENV_VAR = functions.myfunc()
