Azure Cloud Service microservice to K8 Migration - docker

I am in the process of evaluating moving a very large Azure Cloud Service (Web Role) microservice architecture to AKS and have been working through the necessary code and build changes to support it.
In order to replicate the production environment locally for the developers, we run nginx on the host with SSL offloading and DNS (hosted in Azure) A records pointing to When running in the Azure Emulator, the net affect is the ability for both the developer to visit the various web front ends in their browser (i.e. as well as hit the various API's in the solution (Web API 2) in Postman/cURL, etc.
Additionally due to how the networking of the Azure Emulator works, the apps themselves can resolve each other through nginx on the host (i.e. MVC app at can obtain a token from the IdP web API at and then use that token at the API at This is the critical piece and the source of my question.
All attempts at getting the containers themselves to resolve each other the same way the host OS can (browser/Postman, SSL offloading via nginx) have failed. Many of the instructions out there are understandably for linux containers but having adapted the various networking docker-compose settings for the windows container equivalent have not yet yielded an success. In order to keep the development environments aligned with the real work systems, which are tenantized and make sure of the default mapping in nginx to catch all incoming traffic and route it to a specific user facing app/container, it is not as simple as determining a "static" method of addressing these on startup and why the effort was put in to produce the development environments we have today.
Right now when one service (container) attempts to communication with another, it ultimately results in a resolution error as all requests resolve to due to the DNS A records hosted in Azure for the domain. Since this migration will be a longer term project, the environments need to co-exist so changing the way that DNS is resolved (real DNS A records pointing to, host running nginx and handling SSL offloading to the various webroles normally running in the Azure Emulator is not an option.
Is there a way (with Windows containers) to either:
Allow the container to utilize nginx on the host OS transparently (app must still call the API at, which will cause the traffic to be routed properly to the correct container/port defined in the docker-compose file?
Run nginx on each container, allowing each container to then resolve and route appropriately without knowing the IP of the other container, possibly through an alias which could be added to the containers nginx.conf before the service starts?
The platform utilizes OAuth2/OIDC and it is critical to maintain the full URL to the other services from the applications perspective. Beyond mirroring production and sandbox environments, this URL's are utilized for redirect URL and post logout redirect URL validation among other things so using "https://myContainerNameForOtherContainerAlias" is not a workable solution.
Will I have the same problem when setting up the AKS environment as well?


Serving dockerized microservices over HTTPS

I'm currently struggling with docker and SSL. Let me give you an overview on what I'm trying to do.
I built a microservice-based architecture which is composed by a react web application and some "backend" services written in python and exposed with gunicorn on docker containers. I need to serve it over SSL because of Auth0 which needs the https communication. So, I built the server, bought a domain and got the SSL certificate for the domain with let's encrypt.
Now, here are the troubles, since mi services communicates to each other with a docker network, say services-network. For this reason they refer each other with the url `service:port/example.
At the moment I'm able to successfully connect to my web app with https but whenever this tries to contact the "backend" services the connection is refused because of it came from a non-secure resource (I used http://service:port/endpoint).
I tried to use the let's encrypt certificate generated for the webapp but the communication is blocked with message requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='service', port=8081): Max retries exceeded with url: /endpoint (Caused by SSLError(CertificateError("hostname 'service' doesn't match ''",),))
I understand that a possible workaround for this error is to make the services communicate each other without using the docker network but the external one. Anyway I think that is not a good practice and that the communication among containers needs to be done through the docker network.
Finally, my question is: which is the best way to make the containers communicate through https over the docker network?
I personally like to use nginx as a reverse proxy. You would configure it normally and set it to proxy_pass <dockerIp:port>.
Many people like to use which has many features including Let's Encrypt integration.

Using traefik for docker internal traffic via websockets

I'm using docker in swarm mode for the services in my application and traefik to handle, well, the traffic. My goal is to make a separate service for each API section my application has (so for example requests on go to the foo_api service and requests on go to the bar_api service.
Now all this is pretty straightforward with traefik. However, I'm also using the API services with other internal services not related to the API. They use a websocket connection to the internal docker URL, so currently it's ws://api:api_port/ws. However, if I split up the API part I'd need something like ws://foo_api:foo_api_port/ws which obviously leaves the service only access to the foo_api, not every other one.
So my question is: Can I route this websocket traffic with traefik similiar to how I do it externally, but internally in the docker net?
Traefik is a north-south reverse proxy. Most people historically in traditional infrastructure would use NGINX or Apache to address inbound - good to see you using a more modern tool. What you are describing is an east-west pattern of communication inside your firewall behind traefik (assuming you control all ingress through traefik).
Have you considered using service discovery and registry capabilities with tools like Hashicorp Consul -
The idea of having service discovery is so that your containers / services inside the swarm can be discovered and made available through the registry and referenced in proximation to each other by name without the pains of manual labor in building and maintaining complicated name-IP-lookups. Most understand this historically in a more persistent model behind DNS SRV which requires external query. Consul can still support that legacy reference integration as well.
This site might help you along:
They appear to have addressed a similar case to yours. And the work is likely reusable with a few tweaks.

How to deploy frontend and backend in same heroku applications but different docker images

I'm creating a web application that has Angular for front end and Flask for back end. I already 'dockered' my applications but I'm not sure on how to get them in Heroku as the same application
I've been reading that some people has used a reverse proxy server (this means that both applications are in different heroku app and they connect them using a proxy like traeffik or haproxy). But I don't want to do this, I want them to be in the same application (Example:
I was thinking that I should push both images, one as web dyno (front) and the other one as a worker (backend) but I've read that the worked dyno it's not for this, but for EXTERNAL apis. I would like to upload both image into heroku and make them communicate between them.
I would like to know how to get this done (I'm pretty sure it's possible), since i'm kinda lost
Your backend can't be a worker dyno: only web dynos can receive traffic from the internet. And one app will only get a single port to listen on, so you can't run two services on a single app.
You could serve your front-end up from your back-end as static files, but I don't think that will work with Docker. Also, Flask doesn't like to serve static files itself, so that may not be a good fit either.
It also looks like you can't communicate between Docker containers using a private network on Heroku. You may just have to deploy two apps (or host your front-end on a more appropriate static host).

Containerized web app on iIS

Is there a way to deploy a containerized say .net core web app to IIS on a web server and use things like docker swarm and a virtual load balancer.
Am I looking at this all wrong? Would IIS even factor here?
If you want to go down this path, IIS does run in a (Windows) container, however most web apps I’ve seen uses Kestrel as the application web server (I.e. the default netcore images) and some kind of reverse proxy in front (Nginx, HAproxy) to handle things like load balancing, SSL termination and serving of static content.
I think the use case for IIS (though I haven’t used it so I may be wrong here) is to serve legacy applications in a containerized environment.

openshift wso2api manager redirect error

I am currently trying to setup wso2 api manager on openshift. The problem i am running into is that when i try to browse the url created by the openshift route, the application redirects me to the internally created IP address of the publisher app. However when i launch the container without openshift, the application directs me to it's intended API login page which is the Mgt console url.
I suspect this has to do with how the HAProxy embedded load balancer is behaving. I was able to hack around the configurations by changing the default ports to 443 however that created a new set of issues because changing the ports also required me hard coding container hostnames in the carbon.xml. Hardcoding settings in the configuration files prevents me from being able to scale up the containers.
Any assistance on this will be much appreciated.
