How to deploy prefect workflow on azure web app service? - docker

Can anyone has an idea about how to deploy prefect UI and backed on azure web app server using docker/docker-compose?
I need to deploy prefect workflow on the azure web app service.
Thanks for your help.

The Prefect blog has a post about deploying the server to Google cloud compute, the steps should be similar.
Prefect blog: Prefect Server 101
Edit: As OP points out GCP not a docker instance. Adding links I found previously related to docker.
PrefectHQ github issue, docker compose on VM
Github users K8 helm chart configuration might help
I can’t now find the issue on PrefectHQ github that specifically covered prefect server configs when runninng on docker, its a good place to look.


How to deploy a Flask Backend and React Front End on Google Cloud

I know this may seem like an opinion-based question but I can't seem to find any answers anywhere. I'm having trouble figuring out how to deploy my flask backend and react front end on google cloud. I am using a docker-compose on my local machine but I can't seem to find a way to deploy that on Google Cloud.
My question is, is there a way to deploy them using a docker-compose file using Cloud Build and Cloud Run? Or do I have to create two different Cloud Run instances to run the frontend and backend? Or is it better to create a VM instance and run the docker-compose container on there (and how would one even do this)? I am very new to deployment so any help is appreciated.
For reference, I saw this but it didn't exactly answer my question. Thanks in advance!
You use docker-compose for multi-container applications. In your case it wouldn't make much sense.
You have a python backend. You can containerize it and deploy to Cloud Run, Cloud Functions, App Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine or even on a Compute Engine VM. In my opinion the most convenient option would be Cloud Run.
If your React frontend is a Single Page App, it communicates with your python backend with HTTP requests. You build the HTML/CSS/JS files and host them somewhere, like a Cloud Storage bucket or Cloud CDN.

Automatically deploying docker-compose on DigitalOcean via Github

I am a newbie when it comes to docker.
I have a web app that contains 4 services. I manage to create a docker-compose for it.
I would like now to publish it.
My plan is to
upload the whole repository with the compose file and the source codes to a private repository in github.
then create a droplet in digital ocean
I would like to be able to publish the code easily through github only. that it will be automatically uploaded to the server and restart the required services.
what would be the best approach?
Yes, there is. There is an App platefrom in Digitalocean. Once you use it to deploy your docker image and whenever you update docker image via github, your site will be rebuilding (ci/cd).
I hope this can be help for you.

Deploy Django rest framework application using docker and git on nginx AWS light sail

I need to deploy Django rest framework application using docker and git on nginx AWS light sail. Can I get any general guideline please on how to start the process and what are the following steps? Or Any tutorials to learn about it.
For anyone still looking for advice;
There are 2 main options to choose from for deploying you dockerized django application to AWS Lightsail:
A regular Lightsail VPS. I found this tutorial very helpful for setting up your dockerized django application on a regular Lightsail VPS.
Lightsail Container Service. Furthermore, setting up your django docker application with Lightsail Container Service seems to be relatively straight forward if you follow their instructions
There are however a few points to take into consideration between choosing 1 of the 2 options:
Setting up and getting your containers to run is easier on Lightsail Container Service, since you don't have to setup your VM to be able to run docker and it's toolings.
The Lightsail Container Service itself also makes it easy to scale up to multiple nodes, instead of having to scale up your VM(s).
The only big downside is that the Lightsail Container Service is way more expensive. You can read more as to why people think this is the case here:
Reddit - Lightsail containers vs VPS
Good luck to anyone starting with lightsail docker and django:)

Docker Registry on-prem setup on Artifactory

I want to know the process of setting up docker registry on Artifactory On-Prem solution, I fail to install it even after repeated tries.
I have used the official doc for the on-prem but had no luck installing it.
So if there was a one piece document which tells the entire setup it would great.
I tried the steps on Nginx web server with Sub Domain method(with the help of Reverse proxy config generator)
P.S - I want to try this locally in LAN kind environment if not on AWS.

Mesosphere inter-service communication using Marathon

I'm currently looking into Mesosphere DCOS to run multiple micro-services using Docker containers. Each micro-services code is already built by my CI into a docker container and uploader to a private container repo.
If I now deploy container A and container B as two different apps using Marathon, how would app A be able to reach app B?
Do I need additional service discovery like Consul?
Would be great if I could have some insights here and maybe even some links / docu to get me started :)
The current solution would be to use some kind service discovery.
DCOS already comes with MesosDNS and it will automatically create an DNS entry for each of your containers started by marathon.
See here for details on using MesosDNS on DCOS.
Hope this helped!
BTW: Feel free to contact the DCOS support directly via the little chat icon in the DCOS UI.
