Elixir: DBConnection queue_target and queue_interval explained - timeout

I am reading DBConnection documentation. And I don't quite understand following quote:
Our goal is to wait at most :queue_target for a connection.
If all connections checked out during a :queue_interval takes more than
:queue_target, then we double the :queue_target. If checking out
connections take longer than the new target, then we start dropping
Could you please explain me on examples?
In my app I have very huge operation that is executed by periodic worker. I would like to have timeout for it 1minute, or don't have timeout at all. Which queue_target and queue_interval should I set to avoid: Elixir.DBConnection.ConnectionError',message => <<"tcp recv: closed (the connection was closed by the pool, possibly due to a timeout or because the pool has been terminated)"
In regular case I would like me queue timeout to be 5 seconds. How could I achieve this with queue_target and queue_interval?

The timeouts you're referring to are set with the :timeout option in execution functions (i.e. execute/4), :queue_target and :queue_interval are only meant to affect the pool's ability to begin new requests (for requests to checkout connections from the pool), not requests that have already checked out connections and are already being processed.
Keep in mind that all attempts to checkout connections during a :queue_interval must take longer than :queue_target in order for these values to affect anything. Normally you'd test different values and monitor your database's ability to keep up in order to find optimal values for your environment.


iOS Network Connection Failure Policy suggestions

I'm looking for suggestions to the best way to handle network connection issues for an iPhone app (iOS9/Swift2/Xcode7), to give the best user experience since we know that mobile data networks are unreliable. I have my coding options in place but I'd like to know what's worked well for other experienced techs. There's lots of info out there but nothing I could find specific to a strategy to occur when there is a connection failure.
Here is my basic strategy dealing with failed connections I'd like to implement (along with questions):
App sends request to api.myserver.com and the request fails
Wait X second(s) and try request to api.myserver.com again (how many tries and at what time interval would you suggest?)
Try pinging some other server (i.e. google.com) to see if we can access a resource other than api.myserver.com
If we can successfully ping google.com then we know our internet is working, so we try once again to ping api.myserver.com
If this last ping fails then we alert the user that we can't communicate for some reason and to try again later
I'm using the philosophy outlined in this SO answer recommended by an Apple tech, which in general means you always check the connection to your server first, using Reachability as a separate check to ensure phone hardware is available.
At any time during this process if Reachability is false then we would put our request in a queue to be tried again when the phone hardware connection was restored.
I think I've got a handle on the code involved, but looking for insights like "this is what worked for our app and gives a good user experience during connection issues...and was approved for use in the Apple app store...". I understand the concepts of trying/retrying connections in the case of failure and alerting the user (currently my code already does this successfully), but still not solid on a good policy to use for how many times should I try to reconnect and at what intervals?
For most of the apps I have worked on it was useful to define a couple of categories of requests which have different rules. For each category consider if retries are appropriate and how long you can really afford to wait before considering the request(s) a failure.
At the most sensitive are blocking requests, things which the user must allow to complete before they can proceed. Sign in, checkout, some editing actions, etc. For these it is often not worth retrying(1) and failures need to be communicated to the user immediately: if the device is offline let the user decide when to try again, if the request fails you've probably already made the user wait too long. Since failures tend to block the user they usually also need to be communicated prominently.
Less sensitive are usually use initiated but non-blocking actions: pull-to-refresh, loading details of a selected collection item, or performing a search. Your user might be waiting to see the results but is probably free to give up or navigate elsewhere in the app and check back later. Failures still need to be communicated so users can choose to try again or at least know to stop waiting but the notification of those failures can be less prominent. Here retries start to make sense. I usually start by trying to define a time limit from the user's perspective, how long will they wait before the app feels broken, and then let that be your limit for how long a request can wait for connectivity or make any number of retries in response to failed connections.
Even less sensitive are requests triggered only indirectly by your user; polling for updates, loading non-essential images, warming caches. These you might retry but the impact of failure is often so low that it may not matter.
Of all of those requests your retry policy really only impacts #2 so I would make sure you actually have requests of that type before worrying about it. Assuming those do actually apply to your app...
Wait X second(s) and try request to api.myserver.com again (how many tries and at what time interval would you suggest?)
I would set some interval here (in the tens to hundreds of milliseconds depending on your normal api performance) to avoid an accidental flood of requests. I don't want to suggest a precise number when I don't have a solid justification for it.
My experience has been that optimizing this value is unlikely to make a perceptible difference to your users because requests often take hundreds of milliseconds to fail and users are only willing to wait for a few thousand milliseconds so making 1 or 5 or 10 requests in that time doesn't really change the final outcome. If you are able to set different expectations with your users then your results may vary.
Try pinging some other server (i.e. google.com) to see if we can access a resource other than api.myserver.com
If we can successfully ping google.com then we know our internet is working, so we try once again to ping api.myserver.com
I would not assume that this is true nor do I think that making an extra request to a third party will help you make useful predictions about when to attempt to reach your own systems. This seems like extra work to build and maintain and likely to be a source of misleading results more than valuable information. In what scenario do you imagine this provides useful information to your app or its user?
Maybe not the answer you're looking for, hopefully it's still useful.
Disclaimer: my experience is biased toward apps with a fairly simple set of REST or RPC style network requests. If you're working on a problem which calls for streaming data, P2P connections, or some other scenario then don't start with these assumptions.
(1) One end note here because I see it as a source of failures so often: These requests should really be idempotent. Yes, even those POSTs creating new resources, checking out your cart, or whatever. When you cannot safely repeat a request you'll eventually see cases where the request completed but the client never got the acknowledgement so it looked like a failure. It's much easier to recover through a retry (automatic or user triggered) of the same request than to detect and recover from duplicate requests.
For better network performance. In my application I use to ping Google server for before every API request if its reachable then I called my server API else no network alert.
If you are on wifi network then also you have to do the same, because wifi reachability only checks for wifi connectivity not for network access.

What is the difference between a concurrent connection and a concurrent request?

I am trying to do some load testing and I was told that as parameters for testing, I should include both the number of concurrent requests and the number of concurrent connections. I really don't understand how there can be multiple requests on a given connection. When a client requests a webpage from a server, it first opens a connection, sends a request and gets a reponse and then closes a connection. What am I missing here?
I meant to ask how it was possible for a single connection to have multiple requests concurrently (meaning simultaneously.) Otherwise, what would be the point of measuring both concurrent requests and concurrent connections? Would counting both of them be helpful in knowing how many connections are idle at a time? I realize that a single connection can handle more than one request consecutively, sorry for the confusion.
HTTP supports a feature called pipelining, which allows the browser to send multiple requests to the server over a single connection without waiting for the responses. The server must support this. IIRC, the server has to send a specific response to the request that indicates "yeah, I'll answer this request, and you can go ahead and send other requests while you're waiting". Last time I looked (many years ago), Firefox was the only browser that supported pipelining and it was turned off by default.
It is also worth noting that even without pipelining, concurrent connections is not equal to concurrent requests, because you can have open connections that are currently idle (no requests pending).
A server may keep a single connection open to serve multiple requests. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_persistent_connection. It describes HTTP persistent (also called keep-alive) connections. The idea is that if you make multiple requests, it removes some of the overhead of setting up and tearing down a new connection.

PostgreSQL: Session Timeout?

I search for a way to control the session timeout of the PGSQL (9.0) client (Windows).
When a Session dying? What happened with them after die.
How can I force a Session to die? (For example it is "locked", on some wrong long query, and I want to force the server to release the resources).
Thanks for it:
I extend this to understand it:
The databases need to know which session is dead.
Dead session must be released, because it is only hold the resources, and if this operation not finished, many locks we should get, or we can out of available connections (reach the maximum).
Other DataBases (FireBird, EDB) defines a TimeOut parameter for it.
When it reached, the session set to dead, and user connection aborted.
To avoid exhausting you need to periodically do something, that extend the period.
Theres is 3 ways to reach the timeout:
1.) the client program hangs, or freezed, or closed.
2.) the network connection broken
3.) the client send some very long query/stored procedure that don't finish.
If the timeout not handled by server, may somebody's transaction, lock, etc still alive for X hours, and you have to only one way to remove it: restart the db server service.
Other databases handle dead sessions as they no more interact to the server, so the client got some error, it need to restart the client software.
Some databases supports the return to the "inactive" but "not dead" session, and they can continue the work.
So, with this preface I ask my question again:
How can I control the client's session timeout under pgsql? System variable, SQL parameter, etc?
How can I extend this time?
What happens if a long query is exhausting the period?
When does the pgsql server release the resources held by the client ?
I don't understand the first part of your question, but to kill a running session you can use pg_terminate_backend()
To kill the query of a running session use pg_cancel_query()
Both functions are explained in the manual:
Theres is 3 ways to reach the timeout: 1.) the client program hangs, or freezed, or closed. 2.) the network connection broken 3.) the client send some very long query/stored procedure that don't finish.
For 2, the tcp_keepalives_* settings might be useful: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/runtime-config-connection.html
For 3, there is a statement_timeout setting: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/runtime-config-client.html but this will only terminate the statement, not the connection.

Is there any reason to use a database connection pool with ActiveRecord?

What are the benefits to using an external connection pool?
I've heard that most other applications will open up a connection for each unit of work. In Rails, for example, I'd take that to mean that each request could open a new connection. I'm assuming a connection pool would make that possible.
The only benefit I can think of is that it allows you to have 1,000 frontend processes without having 1,000 postgres processes running.
Are there any other benefits?
Rails has connection pooling built in:
Simply use ActiveRecord::Base.connection as with Active Record 2.1 and earlier (pre-connection-pooling). Eventually, when you’re done with the connection(s) and wish it to be returned to the pool, you call ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections!. This will be the default behavior for Active Record when used in conjunction with Action Pack’s request handling cycle.
Manually check out a connection from the pool with ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.checkout. You are responsible for returning this connection to the pool when finished by calling ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.checkin(connection).
Use ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection(&block), which obtains a connection, yields it as the sole argument to the block, and returns it to the pool after the block completes.
This has been available since version 2.2. You'll see a pool parameter in your database.yml for controlling it:
pool: number indicating size of connection pool (default 5)
I don't think there would be much point in layering another pooling system underneath it and it could even confuse AR's pooling if you tried it.

Connection Timeout and Connection Lifetime

What is the advantage and disadvantage of connection timeout=0?
And what is the use of Connection Lifetime=0?
Connection Lifetime=0;
Connection Timeout=0)
and what is the use of Connection Pooling?
Timeout is how long you wait for a response from a request before you give up. TimeOut=0 means you will keep waiting for the connection to occur forever. Good I guess if you are connecting to a really slow server that it is normal if it takes 12 hours to respond :-). Generally a bad thing. You want to put some kind of reasonable timeout on a request, so that you can realize your target is down and move on with your life.
Connection Lifetime = how long a connection lives before it is killed and recreated. A lifetime of 0 means never kill and recreate. Normally not a bad thing, because killing and recreating a connection is slow. Through various bugs your connections may get stuck in an unstable state (like when dealing with weird 3 way transactions).. but 99% of the time it is good to keep connection lifetime as infinite.
Connection pooling is a way to deal with the fact that creating a connection is very slow. So rather than make a new connection for every request, instead have a pool of say, 10, premade connections. When you need one, you borrow one, use it, and return in. You can adjust the size of the pool to change how your app behaves. Bigger pool = more connections = more threads doing stuff at a time, but this could also overwhelm whatever you are doing.
In summary:
ConnectionTimeout=0 is bad, make it something reasonable like 30 seconds.
ConnectionLifetime=0 is okay
ConnectionPooling=disabled is bad, you will likely want to use it.
I know this is an old thread but I think it is important to point out an instance in which you may want to disable Connection Pooling or use Connection Lifetime.
In some environments (especially when using Oracle, or at least in my experience) the web application is designed so that it connects to the database using the user's credentials vs a fixed connection string located in the server's configuration file. In this case enabling connection pooling will cause the server to create a connection pool for each user accessing the website (See Pool Fragmentation). Depending on the scenario this could either be good or bad.
However, connection pooling becomes a problem when the database server is configured to kill database connections that exceed a maximum idle time due to the fact that the database server could kill connections that may still reside in the connection pool. In this scenario the Connection Lifetime may come in handy to throw away these connections since they have been closed by the server anyway.
