An alternative to write multirow in latex's tabular? - latex

In latex, I know we can use the multirow command like the following,
& I want to place this sentence in multiple lines, \\
& but don't want to control the linebreak myself \\
I think it is so stupid to control the linebreak myself.
Any other alternative that fits the text width to line width?

& I want to place this sentence in multiple lines, but don't want to control the linebreak myself \\


Wrapping multiple words concatenated with / symbols in latex tables

I'm trying to make a latex table, and I want to insert a string of the form word/anotherword/athirdword/afourthword/andsoon. This doesn't work though, as it will overflow instead of wrapping to the next line. If I just remove all the "/" characters, it works well. Below are some examples:
Correctly working word wrap without "/":
\begin{tabular}{ |p{10em}|p{10em}|p{10em}| }
a wordanotherwordathirdwordafourthwordandsoon &
Next column &
Third column \\
Overflowing with "/":
\begin{tabular}{ |p{10em}|p{10em}|p{10em}| }
a word/anotherword/athirdword/afourthword/andsoon &
Next column &
Third column \\
Another oddity, if I remove the first word "a" from the cell, the word overflows no matter what.
I tried to search SO for help, but the closest I was this SO post, which doesn't really address my problem.
EDIT: Here is the minimal reprex I mention in the comment:
\begin{tabular}{ |p{10em}|p{10em}|p{10em}| }
a wordanotherwordathirdwordafourthwordandsoon &
Next column &
Third column \\
\begin{tabular}{ |p{10em}|p{10em}|p{10em}| }
a word/anotherword/athirdword/afourthword/andsoon &
Next column &
Third column \\

How to center my text vertically in a table environment?

I have a table with 3 columns where the first 2 columns are pictures and the 3rd is my comment on those pictures, but the comment "drowns", it is down at the bottom of the cell.
I have tried with m{2cm} instead of c:
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{c c m{2cm}}
but no change.
\caption{Caption if needed}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{c c c}
\textbf{O-Na} & \textbf{Na-Y} & \textbf{Comments} \\
\includegraphics[width=0.3\linewidth]{pic1.png} &
\includegraphics[width=0.3\linewidth]{pic2.png} &
My comments. \\
My text is at the bottom of the cell.
The graphbox provides the handy align=c option to vertically centre images:
\caption{Caption if needed}
\thead{O-Na} & \thead{Na-Y} & \thead{Comments} \\
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth,align=c]{example-image-duck} &
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth,align=c]{example-image-duck} &
My comments. \\

LuaLaTeX: horitontal alignment of verbatim-environments inside a tabularx-environment

First, I'm fully aware that my code is probably not the ideal way to realize what I want to do. However I'm not a professional LaTeX User and this is the way I figured out.
I made a minimal example that hopefully works when compiled(compiler: LuaLaTeX) to display my problem.
I'm trying to make a beamer-frame with a tabularx-table, which contains in-line verbatim-environments on the one hand and equation-environments on the other. The "Y" column-type is a modified form of the "X" environment of tabularx, which I found on another Stackoverflow-thread.
The precise problem now is the following: I'd like the verbatim-expressions to be aligned with the equation-expressions or at least to be vertically centered in each cell.
As mentioned, I'm far from being an expert and I've exhausted all of my Ideas, so I'm very thankful for any form of ideas and suggestions. :)
\documentclass[c, 10pt]{beamer}
\newcolumntype{Y}{>{\centering\arraybackslash} X}
\begin{frame}[fragile, allowframebreaks]{Symbols and Commands}
\begin{block}{\centering \large{Division}}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{Y Y Y}
\multicolumn{1}{m{.3\textwidth}}{\centering Code} & \multicolumn{2}{m{.6\textwidth}}{\centering Examples}\\
\verb|\dfrac{a}{b}| &
\end{equation*}} &
\end{equation*}} \\
\verb|\frac{a}{b}| &
\end{equation*}} &
\end{equation*}} \\
\verb|\nicefrac{a}{b}| &
\end{equation*}} &
\end{equation*}} \\
To place unnumbered equations in a table, I would rather use inline math instead of equation environments. To get the same rendering of fractions as in equations, add \displaystyle.
don't load packages multiple times
don't use fragile, allowframebreaks unless they are really necessary for the frame
floating specifier like [H] don't make sense in a document class without floating mechanism
you don't need \centering in beamer tables, they are centred by default
the syntax \large{...} is wrong, \large is a switch and does not take an argument, so it should be \large Division. Anyway it would be better to not put formatting instructions inside an macro argument, but to set the appropriate beamer template that controls the font of the block title
\documentclass[c, 10pt]{beamer}
\newcolumntype{Y}{>{\centering\arraybackslash} X}
\setbeamerfont{block title}{size=\large}
\frametitle{Symbols and Commands}
\begin{block}{\centering Division}
% \centering
% \renewcommand\baselinestretch{0.01}\selectfont
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{Y Y Y}
Code & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Examples}\\
\verb|\dfrac{a}{b}| &
$\displaystyle\dfrac{a}{b}$ &
$\displaystyle\mathrm{e}^{\dfrac{1}{k_BT}}$ \\\addlinespace
\verb|\frac{a}{b}| &
$\displaystyle\frac{a}{b}$ &
$\displaystyle\mathrm{e}^{\frac{1}{k_BT}}$ \\\addlinespace
\verb|\nicefrac{a}{b}| &
$\displaystyle\nicefrac{a}{b}$ &
$\displaystyle\mathrm{e}^{\nicefrac{1}{k_BT}}$ \\

rowcolors fill whole row and not just the table row

Ok so i wrote this simple code (shown below) to create an alternate colour table using \rowcolors, yet instead of just colouring the rows of the table it colours the whole row (even more than textwidth). Any help how to fix this?
\begin{tabular}{p{0.45\textwidth} | p{0.55\textwidth}}
Filename & Contents \\
A & B \\
C & F \\
While 0.45\textwidth + 0.55\textwidth would seem to fit within \textwidth, each of your p-columns have an extra column separation... on both sides. To that end, you should remove them in order to make it fit within the text block boundary:
\caption{This is a table.}
p{\dimexpr0.45\textwidth-2\tabcolsep} |
Filename & Contents \\
A & B \\
C & F
Also, don't use the center environment; use \centering instead.

Draw a table in vertical display instead of horizontal display

Can Someone tell me by which command I can draw a table in vertical display in LaTex.
I think you want the lscape package, can be usefully used for this purpose as follows:
EDIT 2nd solution:
Another possibility is to use the sideways environment from the rotating package:
And for floating tables sidewaystable.
The following code works for me to display the table at the center of vertical position.
\caption{Table name}
A & B & C \\
20 &23 &56 \\
25 &25 &65 \\
