attr_accessor not updating value from rails model - ruby-on-rails

I have the following model
class Job < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :incentive
I want to be able to store a temporary column in my model via attr_accessor.
I want to be able to do something like this
job = Job.last
job.incentive = {id: 1}
and i expect if i do job.incentive, it should return {id: 1}
I also tried doing this as well
def incentive =(val)
#incentive = val
def incentive
But that also didn't work. How can i be able to store temporary column values in rails 4

You script is fine, you'll find the below script working perfectly in your rails console:
job = Job.last
job.incentive = { id: 1 }
p job.incentive # returns { id: 1 }
If you restart or refresh your console (or webpage) this information is gone, since it is only set in memory and not stored to the database.


Getting "original" object during a before_add callback in ActiveRecord (Rails 7)

I'm in the process of updating a project to use Ruby 3 and Rails 7. I'm running into a problem with some code that was working before, but isn't now. Here's (I think) the relevant parts of the code.
class Dataset < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :tags, :autosave => true,
:before_add => ->(owner, change){ owner.send(:on_flag_changes, :before_add, change) }
before_save :summarize_changes
def on_flag_changes(method, tag)
before =
after = before + []
record_change('tags', before, after)
def record_change(field, before_val, after_val)
before_val = #change_hash[field][0] if #change_hash[field]
if before_val.class_method_defined? :sort
before_val = before_val.sort unless before_val.blank?
after_val = after_val.sort unless after_val.blank?
#change_hash[field] = [before_val, after_val]
if #change_hash.nil?
#change_notes = {}
#change_hash = {
tags: [, :undefined]
def has_changes_to_save?
super || !change_hash.reject { |_, v| v[1] == :undefined }.blank?
def changes_to_save
super.merge(change_hash.reject { |_, v| v[0] == v[1] || v[1] == :undefined })
def summarize_changes
critical_fields = %w[ tags ]
#change_notes = changes_to_save.keep_if { |key, _value| critical_fields.include? key } if has_changes_to_save?
self.critical_change = true unless #change_notes.blank?
There are more fields for this class, and some attr_accessors but the reason I'm doing it this way is because the tags list can change, which may not necessarily trigger a change in the default "changes_to_save" list. This will allow us to track if the tags have changed, and set the "critical_change" flag (also part of Dataset) if they do.
In previous Rails instances, this worked fine. But since the upgrade, it's failing. What I'm finding is that the owner passed into the :before_add callback is NOT the same object as the one being passed into the before_save callback. This means that in the summarize_changes method, it's not seeing the changes to the #change_hash, so it's never setting the critical_change flag like it should.
I'm not sure what changed between Rails 6 and 7 to cause this, but I'm trying to find a way to get this to work properly; IE, if something says dataset.tags = [tag1, tag2], when tag1 was previously the only association, then should result in the critical_change flag being set.
I hope that makes sense. I'm hoping this is something that is an easy fix, but so far my looking through the Rails 7 documentations has not given me the information I need. (it may go without saying that #change_notes and #change_hash are NOT persisted in the database; they are there just to track changes prior to saving to know if the critical_change flag should be set.
Turns out in my case there was some weird caching going on; I'd forgotten to mention an "after_initialize" callback that was calling the reset method, but for some reason at the time it makes this call, it wasn't the same object as actually got loaded, but some association caching was going on with tags (it was loading the tags association with the "initialized" record, and it was being cached with the "final" record, so it was confusing some of the code).
Removing the tags bit from the reset method, and having it initialize the tag state the first time it tries to modify tags solved the problem. Not particularly fond of the solution, but it works, and that's what I needed for now.

Rails Query a List for a CRON Job

I'm a complete novice with CRON jobs but I think I have that set up correctly.
Ultimately what I'm trying to do is send an email every day at 8:00 am to users (and a couple others) that have not logged in within the last 3 days, have not received the email, AND are marked as active OR temp as a status.
So from querying the db in console I know that I can do:
first = User.where(status: 'active').or(User.where(status: 'temp'))
second = first.where("last_login_at < ? ",
third = second.where(notified: false)
That's not certainly clean but I was struggling with finding a contained query that grabbed all that data. Is there a cleaner way to do this query?
I believe I have my cron job set up correctly using a runner. I have whenever installed and in my schedule.rb I have:
every, at: '8:00 am' do
runner 'ReminderMailer.agent_mailer.deliver'
So under app > mailer I created ReminderMailer
class ReminderMailer < ApplicationMailer
helper ReminderHelper
def agent_reminder(user)
#user = user
mail(to: email_recipients(user), subject: 'This is your reminder')
def email_recipients(agent)
email_address = ''
email_addresses += agent.notification_emails + ',' if agent.notification_emails
email_addresses += agent.manager
email_address +=
Where I'm actually struggling is where I should put my queries to send to the mailer, which is why I built a ReminderHelper.
module ReminderHelper
def applicable_agents(user)
agent = []
first = User.where(status: 'active').or(User.where(status: 'temp'))
second = first.where("last_login_at < ? ",
third = second.where(notified: false)
agent << third
return agent
EDIT: So I know I could in theory do a chain of where queries. There's gotta be a better way right?
So what I need help on is: do I have the right structure in place? Is there a cleaner way to query this data in ActiveRecord for the CRON job? Is there a way to test this?
Try combining them together as if understand the conditions correct
Have not logged in within the last 3 days,
Have not received the email
Are marked as active OR temp as a status
User.where("last_login_at < ? ", 3.days.ago).
where(notified: false).
where(status: ['active', temp])
module ReminderHelper
def applicable_agents(user)
User.where("last_login_at < ? ", 3.days.ago).
where(notified: false).
where(status: ['active', temp])
You don't need to add/ assign them to array. Because this relation is already like an array. You can use .to_a if you need array. If you just want to iterate over them then users.each should work fine.
class User
scope :not_notified, -> { where(notified: false) }
scope :active_or_temp, -> { where(status: ['active', 'temmp']) }
scope :last_login_in, -> (default_days = 3) { where("last_login_at < ?", default_days.days.ago) }
and then use
Instead of it's better to use 3.days.ago because it keeps time zone also in consideration and avoids unnecessary troubles and failing test cases.
Additionally you can create small small scopes and combine them. More read on scopes

Rails 4 Create Related Object After Save

I have two models with the [fields]:
Order [:date]
Delivery Slot [:day]
Order belongs_to :delivery_slot
When an order is created, I want a delivery slot to be created with the :day set to the order :date.
So far I have created a new method create_delivery_slots in the Order controller that creates a Delivery Slot when the Order is created, but where I am stumped is, how do I get the Order :date in the Delivery Slot :day field?
#Create delivery slots if they dont already exist
def create_delivery_slots
existingslots = []
existingslots = {|slot| ==}
if existingslots.empty?
slot = =>!
I have tried multiple approaches, but no luck. My gut tells me its something to do with strong parameters but I can't figure it out...
I'm not sure exactly of how you're set up but you'll probably want something like this:
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
has_a :delivery_slot
after_create => :create_delivery_slots
#other code stuffs
def create_delivery_slots
existingslots = []
existingslots = {|slot| ==}
if existingslots.empty?
slot = =>!
That's untested but it should be basically what you need.

Rails variable returns two different values?

For some weird reason an instance variable I have puts out two different values on two different occasions.
$ puts #project.to_yaml
id: 3
title: '123'
created_at: 2014-04-07 23:54:18.253262000 Z
updated_at: 2014-04-09 09:20:33.847246000 Z
amount_donated: 50000
$ #project.amount_donated
Explain this one to me because I'm terribly lost.
Project model
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
require 'date'
before_save :convert_params
def convert_params
if amount_donated.present?
value = amount_donated.to_s.split(',').join
value = value.to_f * 100
update_column(:amount_donated, value.to_i)
update_column(:amount_donated, value.to_i) shows that you have a column amount_donated, but attr_accessor :amount_donated shows that you have a virtual attribute. So which one is it?
I'd suggest removing attr_accessor :amount_donated
The attr_accessor :amount_donated does something like this:
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
require 'date'
before_save :convert_params
def amound_donated
def amound_donated=(value)
#amount_donated = value
def convert_params
if amount_donated.present?
value = amount_donated.to_s.split(',').join
value = value.to_f * 100
update_column(:amount_donated, value.to_i)
Thus when you accessed #project.amount_donated you were actually accessing the getter method amount_donated not the column (ActiveRecord getter).
Seems that to_yaml saw the column instead of the ActiveRecord's getter.
Try this, might be you are using cached copy of #project

How do I populate a table in rails from a fixture?

Quick summary:
I have a Rails app that is a personal checklist / to-do list. Basically, you can log in and manage your to-do list.
My Question:
When a user creates a new account, I want to populate their checklist with 20-30 default to-do items. I know I could say:
wash_the_car = = 'Wash and wax the Ford F650.'
wash_the_car.user = #new_user!
...repeat 20 times...
However, I have 20 ChecklistItem rows to populate, so that would be 60 lines of very damp (aka not DRY) code. There's gotta be a better way.
So I want to use seed the ChecklistItems table from a YAML file when the account is created. The YAML file can have all of my ChecklistItem objects to be populated. When a new user is created -- bam! -- the preset to-do items are in their list.
How do I do this?
(PS: For those of you wondering WHY I am doing this: I am making a client login for my web design company. I have a set of 20 steps (first meeting, design, validate, test, etc.) that I go through with each web client. These 20 steps are the 20 checklist items that I want to populate for each new client. However, while everyone starts with the same 20 items, I normally customize the steps I'll take based on the project (and hence my vanilla to-do list implementation and desire to populate the rows programatically). If you have questions, I can explain further.
Just write a function:
def add_data(data, user)
wash_the_car = = data
wash_the_car.user = user!
add_data('Wash and wax the Ford F650.', #user)
I agree with the other answerers suggesting you just do it in code. But it doesn't have to be as verbose as suggested. It's already a one liner if you want it to be:
#new_user.checklist_items.create! :name => 'Wash and wax the Ford F650.'
Throw that in a loop of items that you read from a file, or store in your class, or wherever:
class ChecklistItem < AR::Base
DEFAULTS = ['do one thing', 'do another']
class User < AR::Base
after_create :create_default_checklist_items
def create_default_checklist_items
ChecklistItem::DEFAULTS.each do |x|
#new_user.checklist_items.create! :name => x
or if your items increase in complexity, replace the array of strings with an array of hashes...
# ChecklistItem...
{ :name => 'do one thing', :other_thing => 'asdf' },
{ :name => 'do another', :other_thing => 'jkl' },
# User.rb in after_create hook:
ChecklistItem::DEFAULTS.each do |x|
#new_user.checklist_items.create! x
But I'm not really suggesting you throw all the defaults in a constant inside ChecklistItem. I just described it that way so that you could see the structure of the Ruby object. Instead, throw them in a YAML file that you read in once and cache:
class ChecklistItem < AR::Base
def self.defaults
##defaults ||= ...
Or if you wand administrators to be able to manage the default options on the fly, put them in the database:
class ChecklistItem < AR::Base
named_scope :defaults, :conditions => { :is_default => true }
# User.rb in after_create hook:
ChecklistItem.defaults.each do |x|
#new_user.checklist_items.create! :name =>
Lots of options.
A Rails Fixture is used to populate test-data for unit tests ; Dont think it's meant to be used in the scenario you mentioned.
I'd say just Extract a new method add_checklist_item and be done with it.
def on_user_create
add_checklist_item 'Wash and wax the Ford F650.', #user
# 19 more invocations to go
If you want more flexibility
def on_user_create( new_user_template_filename )
#read each line from file and call add_checklist_item
The file can be a simple text file where each line corresponds to a task description like "Wash and wax the Ford F650.". Should be pretty easy to write in Ruby,
