Open my application on reboot for all users - startup

I am a new Rust learner and I recently came across an idea for a simple reminder application, sort of like an alarm.
My question is how do I make sure my binary is always executed on reboot of system? I am looking for both Windows 10 and Ubuntu answers and I know very few things about Daemons on Linux, so I am not exactly an expert. Please provide learning resources to do this too if possible.

On Ubuntu if you want an application or a script to be executed after a reboot, you can use crontab.
Just open your ubuntu terminal and type
crontab -e
That will open a file, and in that file you can type the following as an example:
#reboot bash /home/


getting process ID of a pub serve to then kill that thread/process

So when I run my Polymer Dart application, i use pub serve and the serve is created and served. It will stay running until until i break out of it. I was curious if there is a way to programmatically stop it.
One of the options I was looking at was looking at the running processes and then killing the pub serve process.
I was not sure though how i would get the process id to kill it, or unless there was another option.
Maybe someone has an even better approach to shutdown pub serve on the machine automatically, as a form of cleanup?
The issue I have noticed is that if i get the running proceesses, i only see "cmd" as a process so that isnt the best determining factor.
I was not sure if there was a way via pub on serve to get its process if, if it set a flag or global of sorts I could leverage
This is not a Dart or Pub question really, it's a Windows, MacOS, Linux etc. shell process control question.
The question is more suited to Stack Exchange Superuser I believe. You could look over there for more detailed answer ... but ... assuming you are using the windows command prompt:
start /B starts a process in the background.
tasklist can be used to look up running process PIDs.
taskkill /PID kills a running process.
You can use help <command> or search for documentation.
I have not used these personally but it looks awkward as start /B does not give you the PID of the process it ran. Unix shells such as Bash have good facilities for running processes in the background. Windows Powershell may have better support also.

Development environment setup for Mac and CentOS using Docker

I have searched the history a little bit but failed to find a good answer. So I just asked my question here. If there is a good answer already, please redirect it for me. Thanks.
The question is, I found my company's new hire doc lists a bunch of software to install to setup the development environment. Usually it took 1 or 2 days for a new hire to setup everything ready for a new mac. We want to shorten that process. The first thing I thought is Docker.
I read through the user guide of Docker and followed some blogs regarding to how to setup dev environment using Docker but still a little confused if Docker applies to our setting. So here's the detail of requirements:
We need to install a bunch of software (many of them are customized binaries). Right now, we distribute the source code, a new hire need to build from the source code, install it and set environment to include the binary into path. I am wondering if Docker allows us to install customized binaries into it's container?
The source code should not stay in the container. The source code is still checked out in one's local machine using git. Then, how can I rely on the Docker container's environment to build my software? I have searched a little bit is that, you need to mount your folder into the container, and then shell into your container to build? Is that how it works?
We usually develop in mac, does Docker also support mac container or it just allows you to run Linux container using boot2Docker?
Thank you so much in advance for your help.
Some answers :)
First, I think it's a really good idea to use Docker to standardise the development configuration (softwares, custom packages, env variables, ...).
With Docker, you can get your customised binaries from the host, it's not a problem. With the CMD command, you can use bash to install them and add them into your PATH. You can also write a shell script to install all your stuff and launch this script when you build your container
Your code will be on the host and you can "mount" a host folder in your docker image with the -v command. Ex: docker run -v /home/user/code:/tmp/code your_image. I'll detail below how the developer will use your Docker image.
Yep, you have to use Boot2Docker, it works well
Once your development image will be ready, you have to publish it on the official Docker registry (or to host a local registry on your network).
Next, the developer will launch the following Docker command:
docker run -rm -ti your_build_image /bin/bash
This will launch a bash terminal in your Docker image and the developer will be able to compile the code. Ex: cd /tmp/code + mvn clean install
Please have a look to this article to learn about volumes:
And this one about Dockerfile:
You can also find a lot of Dockerfiles on github (search Dockerfile).
If the goal is to speed up the time it takes to get a Mac setup and usable in your environment, you might want to look at Boxen.
From the "About" section:
"Boxen is your team's IT robot. It's a dangerously opinionated framework that automates every piece of your development environment. GitHub, Inc. wrote the first version of Boxen (imaginatively called “The Setup”) to help employees start shipping on day one."

Monitoring ROR server (thin or mongrel) for resources and availability in WINDOWS and re-spawn

First thing I would like to say is, i know deploying ror applications in windows is not recommended, but in this case i have no choice due to some client restrictions.
I am looking for a tool like Upstart for windows which will moniter my instance of Thin or Mongrel and will 're-spawn' in case of crashes or availability.
Now I looked around quite a bit and most solutions like UpStart, or Passenger server are only available for Unix environments.
Any known tools for windows? and how to use them?
I am also open to any alternative ror servers for windows that can do this automatically like passenger does.
Maybe a bat script as a scheduled task to run wmic process, scan to find Mongrel, and if it's not found to run it?
Sorry, I'd do it in bash, or I'd have a code example for you.
This would also make a good python script, in my opinion.

Delay when issuing any rails commands on windows vista

Everytime I run any rails command on my windows vista dev box there is always something like a 30 second delay before the command does anything. I don't have the firewall enabled and the virus protection is disabled. Any thoughts on what could be causing this?
I can't comment on this specific issue, but I can say I had nothing but problems trying to run Rails on Windows in the past. That said, after trying Ubuntu and MacOs, I still prefer to use Windows as my primary UI. My solution is to run Ubuntu Server on a VM, and use a Samba file share to access dev files, with putty as my primary console interface. The linux command line is far more powerful, and is where the Rails ecosystem is really geared to be running.
With these tools, you can run your Rails stack in a nice linux server environment, and still enjoy the utility and functionality of the Windows GUI. (Although I'd recommend you move from Vista to 7)

Riak on Windows

I want to play with Riak or a least get it running on a Windows system. I have downloaded the source code and compiled it but that's where I get stuck, how do I start it?
It does run, altough I havent managed to run it as a service yet.
Install CYGwin, install latest erlang, get source code, compile in cygwin
then the fun part, adjust according to your paths and place into a batch
c:\riak\rel\riak\erts-5.7.4\bin\erl -boot c:\riak\rel\riak\releases\0.8\riak -embedded -config c:\riak\rel\riak\etc\app.config -args_file c:\riak\rel\riak\etc\vm.args -- console
Looks like the riak source has several bash start scripts. You would have to convert those to a windows batch script equivalent. That could be a fairly interesting chore given how limited batch scripts are. Those start-*.sh files show how to start it up though so I'd start there.
The Readme file has futher info on what each script does.
Riak can not be run on Windows, only on Linux and Mac.
An alternative is to run VMWare or VirtualBox and run Riak inside a Linux VM. Works great for me.
Running it inside docker instance works very well - this is in 2017 the only way to successfully run Riak on Windows. You could probably get something running using Cygwin but this will be very complex and unreliable. Running under Docker is currently the most idiomatic solution.
