What is RDROP in Forth? - forth

I'm new to Forth and I'm using SwiftForth. I am looking for a way to read a matrix from file as described here Writing a text file into an array on Forth, but rdrop is not recognised. Is this exclusive to Gforth or is it part of a library? If it's a library, what are the steps needed to use it?

RDROP is a well known but not standardized word.
This word can be defined in the following way:
: rdrop ( R: x -- ) postpone r> postpone drop ; immediate
A conditional definition in a portable library can look like the following:

"rdrop" can also be defined as followed, although it is not strictly standards compliant:
: rdrop r> r> drop >r ;
This has the advantage that is can be used as an execution token and it will not attempt to compile words into the dictionary, although it will not likely do anything sensible.


Skip over input stream in ATLAST forth

I'm trying to implement a kind of "conditional :" in ATLAST, the reasoning being I have a file that gets FLOADed multiple times to handle multiple steps of my program flow (I'm essentially abusing Forth as an assembler, step 1 does a first parsing for references, etc. and in step 2 the instruction words actually emit bytes).
So when declaring words for "macros" in that file, it errors out in step 2, because they were already declared in step 1, but I also can't just FORGET them, because that would forget everything that came afterwards, such as the references I just collected in step 1.
So essentially I need a ": that only runs in step 1", my idea being something like this:
: ::
STAGE # 0 = IF
[COMPILE] : ( be a word declaration )
BEGIN ( eat the disabled declaration )
' ( get the address of the next word )
['] ; ( get the address of semicolon )
= ( loop until they are equal )
:: FIVE 5 ; ( declares as expected )
FIVE . ( prints 5 )
1 STAGE ! ( up to here everything's fine )
:: FIVE 6 ; ( is supposed to do nothing, but errors out )
FIVE . ( is supposed to print 5 again )
The traced error message (starting from 1 STAGE !):
Trace: !
Trace: ::
Trace: STAGE
Trace: #
Trace: (LIT) 0
Trace: =
Trace: ?BRANCH
Trace: '
Trace: (LIT) 94721509587192
Trace: =
Trace: ?BRANCH
Trace: '
Word not specified when expected.
Trace: ;
Compiler word outside definition.
KEY ( -- ch ) as common in some other Forths for reading a single character from the input stream ( outside the :: declaration, since it's IMMEDIATE ) doesn't exist in ATLAST, the only related words I could find are:
': is supposed to read a word from the input stream, then pushes its compile address
[']: like ' but reads a word from the current line (the inside of the :: declaration)
(LIT)/(STRLIT): are supposed to read literals from the input stream according to the documentation, I could only ever make them segmentation fault, I think they're for compiler-internal use only (e.g., if the compiler encounters a number literal it will compile the (LIT) word to make it push that number onto the stack)
There aren't any WORD or PARSE either, as in some other Forths.
As you can see, ' is struggling actually getting something from the input stream for some weird reason, and it looks like ['] is failing to capture the ; which then errors out because it's suddenly encountering a ; where it doesn't belong.
I suspect it actually ran ' ['], even though it's supposed to work on the input stream, not the immediate line, and I'm clearly in compile mode there.
I did a similar thing with conditionally declaring variables, there it was rather easy to just [COMPILE] ' DROP to skip a single word (turning RES x into ' x DROP), but here I'm pretty sure I can't actually compile those instructions, because I can't emit a loop outside of a declaration. Unless there is a way to somehow compile similar code that recursively gets rid of everything until the ;.
A problem is that ' cannot find a number. A possible solution is to use a special dummy name for the definition, instead of skip it over:
: ::
' DROP \ this xt isn't needed
" : _dummy" EVALUATE ( -- n ) DROP
Or maybe use a new name every time:
: ::
' >NAME # \ ( s1 ) \ should be checked
": _dummy_" DUP >R S+
But due to non standard words it might not work. Another problem is that non colon-definitions are out of the scope.
Perhaps, a better solution is a preprocessing by external means.
It appears that ATLAST is a primitive Forth, that doesn't allow you to go to a more sophisticated handling of sources. But all is not lost!
For example, a Forth implementation according to the ISO standard will handle the matter with ease with one or more of: REQUIRE [IF] [THEN] [DEFINED] SRC >IN NAME WORD FIND.
As you have a Forth, you can steal these words from another Forth and compile the code.
Another solution that may help directly is executing EXIT in interpret mode while loading a file.
You have to find out whether you can create a flag whether to abandon the input source. Then this definition might help:
: ?abandon IF S" EXIT" EVALUATE THEN ;
S" FIVE" FOUND ?abandon
Note that ?abandon must be executed in interpret mode.

Is there a word for a conditional exit in Forth?

In Forth, is there a common word to conditionally exit a procedure (return) if the top of the stack is zero? I was thinking of using this in recursive procedures instead of IF.
There is a commonly implemented word called "?exit" which will exit if not zero. You will have to do:
0= ?exit
To get what you want. If your Forth lacks this, you can define it yourself, but it requires knowledge of the implementation details of the Forth to implement correctly strictly speaking. On most Forths however, the following code will work:
: ?exit if rdrop exit then ;
: ?exit if r> drop exit then ; ( if "rdrop" is not available )
: -?exit 0= if rdrop exit then ; ( what you want )
Most Forth implementations just have a single value used for each function call, so this will work on the majority of them.
And a more portable version:
: ?exit postpone if postpone exit postpone then ; immediate
: -?exit postpone 0= postpone if postpone exit postpone then ; immediate
Although I have noticed not all Forth implementations have implemented "postpone", and may instead use a word like "[compile]".
A portable implementation:
: ?exit ( x -- ) postpone if postpone exit postpone then ; immediate
: 0?exit ( x -- ) postpone 0= postpone ?exit ; immediate
This implementation works on any standard Forth system.

Is it possible to consume tick in a Forth definition?

When reading about the tick (') operator I wondered if it can be useful inside a word definition. I know that there is ['] to be used inside a definition, but I thought about using it to read the word name following invocation.
An example:
4 variable cnt
: cycle: ( arg fn -- )
4 cnt !
dup execute
-1 cnt +!
cnt # 0 = until
I can use cycle: to repeat some word invocation, as follows.
: hello ." hello" ;
cycle: hello
Which prints hello four times, as expected.
But the following code won't define a word that prints hello four times:
: 4hello cycle: hello ;
The tick operator still expects a word from the input stream following invocation of 4hello.
Is it possible to inject it somehow when using cycle: in a word definition, so it won't "leak" outside?
Yes, it's possible. You would have to make cycle: immediate. And then also change it to postpone its actions, rather than perform them at runtime.
Postponing means to delay the actions of words. Immediate words are compiled into the current definition, and normal words are arranged to be compiled when the current definition is executing.
In this case it might look something like this.
: (cycle) 4 0 do dup execute loop drop ;
: cycle: ' postpone literal postpone (cycle) ; immediate
Note that this version no longer works outside definitions.

How do 2>r and 2r> work?

Recently, on comp.lang.forth I found some code, kindly written by Coos Haak, which I have difficulty understanding.
It is supposed to sum or multiply the digits between the parenthesis. For example,
( 1 2 3 +) ok
. 6 ok
For convenience, I'll reproduce it here:
: (
depth 1+ r> 2>r
: cond
depth j >
: done
2r> rdrop 2>r
: +)
begin cond
while +
: *)
begin cond
while *
I see the phrases r> 2>r and 2r> rdrop 2>r. But, I'm rather confused about what they are doing. I'd guess that the stack depth at the open parenthesis is being hidden on the return stack somehow. But, I don't get it.
What do these do to the return stack?
In the Gforth documentation I see:
r> R:w – w core “r-from”
2>r d – R:d core-ext “two-to-r”
2r> R:d – d core-ext “two-r-from”
rdrop R:w – gforth “rdrop”
w Cell, can contain an integer or an address
d double sized signed integer
Does this have something to do with the conversion between w and d?
2>r (and the Forth 200x word n>r) preserves the order of the elements pushed to the return stack. So if the you have ( 1 0 ) on the data stack, with 0 as the top of the stack, then after 2>r you will have 0 at the top of the return stack and 1 below it. 2>r is therefore definable, not as
: 2>r ]] >r >r [[ ; immediate
But as:
: 2>r ]] swap >r >r [[ ; immediate
And these definitions are equivalent:
: a ]] 0 >r 1 >r [[ ; immediate
: b ]] 0 1 2>r [[ ; immediate
What Coos Haak does in that code then is to slip a value below the top of the return stack. If his ( merely pushed the depth to the top of the return stack, then on exit from this word, gforth would try to jump to the depth as an address. The same error condition is seen if you try to use his words in this way:
: numbers ( 1 2 ;
: sum +) ;
numbers sum
\ output: :16: error: Invalid memory address
\ >>>numbers<<< sum
That code would work however (and the normal usage would fail) if ( and +) coordinated with the third element on the return stack instead of the second.
There are a few pitfalls with this code:
The normal denizens of the return stack, so to speak, aren't guaranteed to take up only one cell of the return stack.
The use of j relies on knowledge about the precise depth into the return stack that j pulls from - i.e., it relies on knowledge about how DO ... LOOP and related words are implemented.
These words could be portably implemented as immediate words, where they would keep depth at the top of the return stack, but then you couldn't use them outside of a definition. It's simple enough to make them work as is on any given Forth.
This is a typical example of premature optimisation.
2>R moves two items to the return stack, but the standard prescribes the order that the two items arrive there. Coos Haak knows this and takes "advantage" of it.
Replace the code with the equivalent
: (
R> \ remember return address
depth >R
>R \ restore return address.
Now you see what is going on. You want to remember the stack depth, but if it is on the stack it will interfere with the calculation. So you tuck it under the return address of the ( code, later to be retrieved in a similar fashion.
Alternatively you could make this a machine code definition and then there would not be a return address to worry about.
<DEPTH> <to-r>
where the actual machine code is left as an exercise.
Yet an other alternative is using a macro, that also need not worry about the return stack.
I ignored the 1+ . Is a techicality, because depth itself changes the depth by 1. So you always have to judiciously add 1-'s or 1+'s whenever you actually use depth .

New lines in word definition using interpreter directives of Gforth

I am using the interpreter directives (non ANS standard) control structures of Gforth as described in the manual section 5.13.4 Interpreter Directives. I basically want to use the loop words to create a dynamically sized word containing literals. I came up with this definition for example:
: foo
[ 10 ] [FOR]
Yet this produces an Address alignment exception after the [FOR] (yes, I know you should not use a for loop in Forth at all. This is just for an easy example).
In the end it turned out that you have to write loops as one-liners in order to ensure their correct execution. So doing
: foo [ 10 [FOR] ] 1 [ [NEXT] ] ;
instead works as intended. Running see foo yields:
: foo
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; ok
which is exactly what I want.
Is there a way to get new lines in the word definition? The words I would like to write are way more complex, and for a presentation I would need them better formatted.
It would really be best to use an immediate word instead. For example,
: ones ( n -- ) 0 ?do 1 postpone literal loop ; immediate
: foo ( -- ten ones ) [ 10 ] ones ;
With SEE FOO resulting in the same as your example. With POSTPONE, especially with Gforth's ]] .. [[ syntax, the repeated code can be as elaborate as you like.
A multiline [FOR] would need to do four things:
Use REFILL to read in subsequent lines.
Save the read-in lines, because you'll need to evaluate them one by one to preserve line-expecting parsing behavior (such as from comments: \ ).
Stop reading in lines, and loop, when you match the terminating [NEXT].
Take care to leave >IN right after the [NEXT] so that interpretation can continue normally.
You might still run into issues with some code, like code checking SOURCE-ID.
For an example of using REFILL to parse across multiple lines, here's code from a recent posting from CLF, by Gerry:
: line, ( u1 caddr2 u2 -- u3 )
tuck here swap chars dup allot move +
: <text>  ( "text" -- caddr u )
here 0
bl word count s" </text>" compare
0 >in ! source line, bl c, 1+
repeat then
This collects everything between <text> and a </text> that's on its own line, as with a HERE document, while also adding spaces. To save the individual lines for [FOR] in an easy way, I'd recommend leaving 0 as a sentinel on the data stack and then drop SAVE-MEM 'd lines on top of it.
