"Building Image" task hangs in VS Code Dev Container when using a large directory - docker

I'm using Visual Studio Code on a Windows machine. I'm trying to setup a Python Dev Container using a directory that contains a large set of CSV files (about 200GB). When I click to launch the remote container in Visual Studio the application hangs saying (Starting Dev Container (show log): Building image.
I've been looking through the docs and having read the Advanced Container Configuation I've tried modifying the devcontainer.json file by adding workspaceMount and workspaceFolder entries:
"workspaceMount" : "source=//c/path/to/folder,target=/workspace,type=bind,consistency=delegated"
"workspaceFolder" : "/workspace"
But to no avail. Is there a solution to launching Dev Containers on Windows using folders which contain large files?

I had a slightly different problem, but the solution might help you or someone else. I was trying to run docker-compose inside a docker-in-docker image (provided by vscode). In my case, my container was able to start, but nothing inside the container was able to run.
To solve my issue, I updated vscode and and now there is a new option Remote-Containers: Clone Repository in Container Volume.... If your code is a git repo, you can do this:
Step #1:
Step #2:
Step #3 and onwards:
Follow the given steps provided by vscode and you should have your repository in the container as a volume. It reduced my building times from about 30mins to 3mins (within the running container) because I brought stuff into the container after it was up and running.
Assuming the 200GB is ignored by your .gitignore, what you could try to do is once the container has started, you can copy the 200GB worth of excel files into the container. I thought this would help because I did a similar thing by bringing in all my node_modules after running the container.


Manage VSCode Remote Container as Docker-Compose Service

for the development of my Python project I have setup a Remote Development Container. The project uses, for example, MariaDB and RabbitMQ. Until recently I built and started containers for those services outside of VSCode. A few days ago, I reworked the project using Docker Compose so that I can manage the other containers using the remarkable Docker extension (Id: ms-azuretools.vscode-docker, Version: 1.22.0). That is working fine, besides one issue I cannot figure out:
I can start all containers using compose up, however, the Python project Remote Development Container is not staying up. Currently, I open the project folder in a second VSCode window and use the "Reopen in Container" command.
However, it would be nice if the Python project container is staying up and I could just use the "Attach Visual Studio Code" command from the Docker extension Containers menu.
I am wondering, if there is something I can add to the .devcontainer.json or some other configuration file to realize this scenario?
Any help is much appreciated!
If it helps I can post the docker-compose.yml, Dockerfile's or the .devcontainer.json, please let me know what is required.

VSCODE run in containers stuck for a very long time

When I used "Remote - Containers" extension of VS Code to setup a development environment, it stuck in one of the step for 661 seconds. What's the purpose of this step? Is there any way to boost this step?
Below is part of the container log shown in VS Code, we can see a long time interval from 27646 ms to 689201 ms, which took 86.9% of all start time.
The content of .devcontainer/devcontainer.json is
The content of .devcontainer/Dockerfile is
Step to reproduce
Open an folder in VS Code
Remote-Containers: Add Development Container Configuration Files
From a predefined container configuration definition
Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container
By the way, the folder I opened is a remote folder in an Linux server, with docker installed.
After stuck for a while, the folder was successfully opened, but I really wonder how to boost it, otherwise it's hard to use.

Visual studio build fails while copying files to the bin directory due to file locks by vmwp.exe

I'm running my development environment in Docker containers. Since I have done some updates I'm now experiencing some difficulties when trying to rebuild my project that's running in my Docker container.
My project is running in a Windows Server Core Docker container running IIS, and I'm running the project from a shared volume on my host. I'm able to build the project before starting the docker container, but after the docker container is started the build fails with the following error:
Could not copy "C:\path\to\dll\name.dll" to "bin\name.dll". Exceeded retry count of 10. Failed. The file is locked by: "vmwp.exe (22604), vmmem (10488)"
It seems that the Hyper-V process is locking the DLL files. This clearly wasn't the case before and this seems to be related to some Docker or Windows updates I have done. How can I solve this issue? Do I need to change the process of building the application and running it in my Docker containers?
I have been searching for a while now, and I can't find much about this specific issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I've run in the similar problem. Solved by stopping/removing the running application container from docker-for-windows interface. docker rm -f will also do.
Potential solution:
If you use Docker Windows Containers make sure you have at least Windows 10.0.1809 on both environment(your physical machine and on docker) -run CMDs and you will see on top of it.
Use isolation flag with process when you run docker: --isolation process.
On physical machine two vmxxx(lower and higher PID)(don't remember the name exactly) processes was keeping *.dll file(the build was going on docker side where build tools 2019 was used).
Short description:
First MSbuild Error occurred because msbuild tries to delete file - access denied - probably this one vm process handle the file.
Second Msbuild Error occurred(the first vmxxx one caused that) showing that copy the same dll file from one direction to another it's not possible due to System lock (4).
Both two vmxxx processes kept one dll file during build on docker. It was visible in tool "Process Explorer"(use full version from Sysinternals)
One vmxxx had lower number of PID which lock the dll file and do not release it before second process with higher number of PID tries do something with it.
And it's one random dll file(s) that is kept by two different process.
Also, using and defining only one CPU without parallel on msbuild did not solved the issue before. Same on docker where you are able to manage the cpu and memory. In the end isolation on docker solved the case.
Isolation should take care of processes when you build project from docker container.

Open VS Code from inside a docker container

Is it possible to run code someFile.js from inside a docker container, and have it open in VS Code?
Why do I want to do this? Because vue dev tools allows you to open a vue component from within the browser. This is especially helpful for new devs that want to quickly track down components and open them in the editor.
Unfortunatly - since my dev server is running inside a docker container - this functionality doesn't work. This is because the editor is opened from within the devserver.
Might be worth noting, I'm using Visual Studio Code Remote - Containers.
So to narrow the question furthur:
How can I allow launch VS Code from a docker container, so that vue dev tools can open that file in my local editor?
Yes, if you don't mind running your vue tools inside the docker container as well. You have to set up a .devcontainer.json file specifying the dockerfile or image or dockercompose file to use to build the container. It will create the container for you and automatically mount your project directory by default, but there are a lot of alternative configuration options as well.
This means you'd open VS Code and basically your whole IDE would be in the docker container. You could call vue tools from the VS Code terminal, including calls to code.
I've been doing this with some tensorflow stuff for the last 6 weeks or so. It was a little confusing at first, but now I really like it.
One challenge I've encountered so far is that if you are deploying your image as a deliverable, using a container as a dev environment can cause some dev tool creep into the image (like including dev tools in your Dockerfile that you need in development but dont want in the deployed image). There are probably good ways to deal with this but I haven't explored them all yet.
Another note: I can't seem to find the docs, but I think the recommended way is to use WSL2-backed docker, and then do all your docker mounting and docker client invocations from the WSL2 filesystem to docker instead of from Windows to Docker. I guess if WSL2 and docker are sharing the same VM, the mounted file systems are faster between WSL2/Docker than from Windows/Docker. This has worked well for me so far...
I've managed to adapt this dockerized version of VS Code to our restrictive runtime environment (Openshift), although it does assume connection to the internet, so extensions and Intellisense ML model had to be preinstalled:

Use VSCode remote development on docker image without local files

As of now, we are using five docker containers (MySQL, PHP, static...) managed by docker-compose. We do only need to access one of them. We now have a local copy of all data inside and sync it from Windows to the container, but that is very slow, VSCode on Windows sometimes randomly locks files causing git rebase origin/master to end in very unpleasant ways.
Desired behaviour
Use VSCode Remote Development extension to:
Edit files inside the container without any mirrored files on Windows
Run git commands (checkout, rebase, merge...)
Run build commands (make, ng, npm)
Still keep Windows as for many developers it is the prefered platform.
Is it possible to develop inside a docker container using VSCode?
I have tried to follow the official guide, but they do seem to require us to have mirrored files. We do also use WSL.
As #FSCKur points out this is the exact scenario VSCode dev containers is supposed to address, but on Windows I've found the performance to be unusable.
I've settled on running VSCode and docker inside a Linux VM on Windows, and have a 96% time saving in things like running up a server and watching code for changes making this setup my preferred way now.
The standardisation of devcontainer.json and being able to use github codespaces if you're away from your normal dev machine make this whole setup a pleasure to use.
see https://stackoverflow.com/a/72787362/183005 for detailed timing comparison and setup details
This is sounds like exactly what I do. My team uses Windows on the desktop, and we develop a containerised Linux app.
We use VSCode dev containers. They are an excellent solution for the scenario.
You may also be able to SSH to your docker host and code on it, but in my view this is less good because you want to keep all customisation "contained" - I have installed a few quality-of-life packages in my dev container which I'd prefer to keep out of my colleague's environments and off the docker host.
We have access to the docker host, so we clone our source on the docker host and mount it through. We also bind-mount folders from the docker host for SQL and Redis data - but that could be achieved with docker volumes instead. IIUC, the workspace folder itself does have to be a bind-mount - in fact, no alternative is allowed in the devcontainer.json file. But since you need permission anyway on the docker daemon, this is probably achievable.
All source code operations happen in the dev container, i.e. in Linux. We commit and push from there, we edit our code there. If we need to work on the repo on our laptops, we pull it locally. No rcopy, no SCP - github is our "sync" mechanism. We previously used vagrant and mounted the source from Windows - the symlinks were an absolute pain for us, but probably anyone who's tried mounting source code from Windows into Linux will have experienced pain over some element or other.
VSCode in a dev container is very similar to the local experience. You will get bash in the terminal. To be real, you probably can't work like this without touching bash. However, you can install PSv7 in the container, and/or a 'better' shell (opinion mine) such as zsh.
