cy.get('#search').type('Acme Company')
// more test code here
// restore the clock
cy.clock().then((clock) => {
How to set timezone in Cypress while running test?
I am in Vietnam, my time zone is GMT+7
While I run test, I want my test run in Timezone GMT+8.
To set a now timestamp you could use:
const now = new Date(Date.UTC(2021, 1, 26)).getTime();
More info in the documentation: cy.clock() - Now
I have a pretty large repository and need to include static analysis, since it takes far too long (about 4 hours) for a normal working day we have a cron set to trigger the build automatically every morning purely to perform the static analysis stage and the way we have it set up it only does the static analysis if there has been a change in the code otherwise the static analysis becomes redundant.
The problem lies with the cron, because it is set every day we are now losing build history as well as artifacts.
I've tried to conditionally set the cron but that didn't seem to work since it should have triggered the build this morning and didn't.
triggers {
cron ( checkBuildStatus() )
def checkBuildStatus(){
if (currentBuild.changeSets.size() > 0){
return '0 4 * * 1-5 '
else {
return ''
Even if the above implementation worked I'm still not convinced that it would solve my problem of "empty" builds.
Is there a way to trigger a stage/step after working hours and only once (not everyday)?
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
I decided to change my approach and found the best solution. I created a method, it first checks if there has been a change in the code between the current build and the one before it, and also checks that the branch name is 'master'. I then went ahead and checked the day of the week and set the cron to the following day (e.g if the build is on a Monday the cron will be set to Tuesday morning where it will then perform the static analysis stage). Now the cron will only be set if there has been a change in code and always only for the next day (of course until the next week but I'm hoping there will be changes on the master branch at least every week therefore resetting the cron)
def setCronTrigger(){
if (currentBuild.changeSets.size() > 0 && BRANCH_NAME.equals('master')){
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance()
def day = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)
cron = '* 4 * * ' + day
return cron
else {
return ''
well we can try to solve that problem in another way.
let's create one more job, e.g. cronTrigger. That jobs only triggers external job with static analysis.
if (currentBuild.changeSets.size() > 0) {
build(job: externalJobName, parameters: []) // run another job
You can keep more build. That possible to changes as well
I made a simple app displaying local time, utc time and the timezone offset. By default my qt app uses my local timezone "Europe/Amsterdam". But i want it to change when a new timezone is selected with the QCombobox which has a list of all the iana timezoneid's. But i can't find a method/function to change the default timezone to let say "Europe/Berlin" or any other timezoneid.
Eventually found the solution for my question. It seems i had to send a timezoneid with QDatime object:
QString comboxs = ui->comboBox->currentText();
QByteArray timezoneQstring = comboxs.toLocal8Bit();
timezoneids =;
QDateTime timeobj = QDateTime(QDate(2019, 11, 5), QTime(20,28), QTimeZone(timezoneids));
I have a rails/react app (just one app) in which a user is allowed to schedule a meeting using Flatpickr .
I am passing down a datetime column called "scheduled_for" so that I can use it in my react component.
This is what my "componentDidMount()" looks like:
componentDidMount = () => {
new Flatpickr(this.refs.scheduledFor, {
minDate: new Date(),
enableTime: true,
altInput: true,
altFormat: "F j, Y h:i K",
onChange: function(dateObject) { console.log(dateObject) }
There is a "scheduled_for_future" validation method in my Meeting model to prevent the meeting from being scheduled in the past.
validate :scheduled_for_future
def scheduled_for_future
if scheduled_for.present? && scheduled_for <
errors.add(:scheduled_for, "Must be in future")
I want a user to be able to pick a date & time in their local time zone and have it be saved as UTC (the Heroku default).
Everything works fine on local dev but if I try to pick a time & date in production, say for example 10 minutes from now, I get the "Must be in the future" error. (this obviously occurs because my Timezone is PT and 10 minutes from now is in the past according to the server's time)
It feels like this should be simple to fix. For the sake of UX I want the client to be able to pick the time in their own time zone and have convert to UTC before saving, but just can't figure it out.
I'm not very experienced with momentjs or flatpickr so it's likely that I'm missing something very important.
Please let me know if you need any more info/ something doesn't make sense.
thanks a million
You can use moment to format the datetime on the client side to include the timezone offset. currDate, in your case would be the datetime selected in your Flatpickr calendar.
var currDate = new Date();
console.log("Current Date: " + moment(currDate).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ"));
// Returns ...
Current Date: 2017-02-25 09:38:02-05:00
Then you can pass that to up rails, as a string, and convert it to UTC before persisting in the database
2.3.1 :003 > client_date = "2017-02-25 09:38:02-05:00"
=> "2017-02-25 09:38:02-05:00"
2.3.1 :004 > utc_date =
=> 2017-02-25 14:38:02 UTC
I have a Grails 2.2.4 project, and I'm trying to write a unit test for a method that queries over lastUpdated, like so:
Tile.createCriteria().list {
lt('lastUpdated', new Date() - 1)
This method works fine in real life, but fails in my unit tests because I can't create any test data with lastUpdated other than now. Setting myTile.lastUpdated explicitly doesn't work, since that's an update and thus triggers the auto-timestamping. Turning off auto timestamping requires the eventTriggeringInterceptor, which doesn't seem to be available in unit tests. Mocking the default Date constructor to return other values was also no help. Direct SQL updates are not available in unit tests at all.
Is this possible in unit tests at all, or do I have to write an integration test?
It's interesting that you say mocking the default date constructor to return other values is no help. I successfully do that quite often when I have queries such as yours that new up a date.
For your situation, I would have a unit test that looked something like this:
def 'test lastUpdated query'() {
Title lessThan = new Title(lastUpdated:new Date(1477152000000)) //22 Oct 2016 16:00 UTC, should be found
Title equalTo = new Title(lastUpdated:new Date(1477238400000)) //24 Oct 2016 16:00 UTC, should not find, not less than 1 day before, but equal to 1 day before
Title notLessThan = new Title(lastUpdated:new Date(1477296000000)) //24 Oct 2016 08:00 UTC, should not find, not less than 1 day before
Date date = new Date(1477324800000) //24 Oct 2016 16:00 UTC
Date.metaClass.constructor = {-> return date}
List<Title> result = service.someMethod()
result.size() == 1
I have a job scheduled in Application_start event using, the trigger is fired every 1 min given by the variable repeatDurationTestData = "0 0/1 * * * ?";
The triggering starts when I first open the site, But stops after some random time when I close the browser and starts again when I open the site. Following is the code
IMyJob testData = new SynchronizeTestData();
IJobDetail jobTestData = new JobDetailImpl("Job", "Group", testData.GetType());
ICronTrigger triggerTestData = new CronTriggerImpl("Trigger", "Group", repeatDurationTestData);
_scheduler.ScheduleJob(jobTestData, triggerTestData);
DateTimeOffset? nextFireTime = triggerTestData.GetNextFireTimeUtc();
What Am i doing wrong here, Is this because of some misfire. Please suggest.
At First I would use a simple trigger in this case as it takes a repeat interval and seems to fit better than the cron trigger would (from lesson 5 website) :
SimpleTrigger trigger2 = new SimpleTrigger("myTrigger",
I would also recommend you don't put the quartz scheduler within the website. the main purpose of a job system is to work independently of anyother system so it generally fits naturally into a windows service. By putting it as part of the website you arn't guaranteed its going to keep going. If you loose the app pool or it restarts, you wont get a reliable result.
There is an example with the download.
hope that helps.