How to show popup ads on click in webview using sketchware - webview

Can someone help me and tell me how to enable popup ads window on click in webview using sketchware

it's a bit tricky to make the WebView interact with the app in sketchware can improvise to work around that...I'm pretty sure there's tons of ways to do it..try this(i can't send an image cause of rep):
add webview widget
Go to event of webview
Click "onPageStarted"
Put "If" block
in the if block You'll compare the url variable with the url when the button is clicked and if they're equal, then load your ad
and if you don't get it...let me know I'll share a project that can do the same thing


Unable to load the URL in iOS WebView when the button is clicked for the first time

The mobile app is all about showing a SharePoint website in a WebView. I am trying to get the URL of a third party website on click of a button which is a part of the WebView. Based on this URL, I am trying to show an alert. On the first click of the button, the URL I am looking for, is not loading and hence the alert is not showing up. However, I am able to see the URL for the second click of the button and I'm able to see the alert as well.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.

How to disable "Reader View" automatically in SFSafariView Controller in my app?

I am Using SFSafariViewcontroller for loading URLs in my app. I want to load the URL by disabling the "Show Reader View" panel on top. I know it is possible to remove it since other apps are having it, but I was not able to figure out how they did it...
Does anyone know how to remove it?

Issue with openning PDF in iOS 11.3 Using PWA

I've used Vuejs and Framework7 in my PWA. I want to open a remote PDF file in my PWA and also it's important to me that users be able to back to my PWA after opening PDF. I did this using :, "_blank");
And it works fine for iOS > 12 and after opening pdf file there is an "OK" button for closing pdf.
But for example in iOS 11.3 there is no button and user has to use home button to close PWA.
I tried to solve problem using iframe but I can show only first page of the pdf.
Is there any way to fix this issue?
You can resolve this issue by doing some tricks (for any device without back button):
if you use iframe, you can set height manualy with overflow scroll, and I think this will resolve issue (dependence of style or lib dependency, so that may be not work).
you can add back button to your navbar, or Toolbar to let user click on it to back to previous page. (I prefer this solution).
you can render pdf in popup nested of normal html page, and then you can customize popup component by handling back button, or handling close by dropback overlay.
I use second and third point in real project and its work fine...
This is sample close button code used in popup:
'<p>'+ i18nextHelper.i18next.t('Exit From PDF') +'</p>'
Note: You can also customize height page for pdf page only, and add normal button bellow it, or by add absolute positioning button above PDF, but I think if you use second or third point will be best.
Good luck.

Navigating to XAML page from WebView Windows Store application

I am developing an application, where I need to open a full-screen WebView over my existing XAML page.
Now I've added a AppBar over this WebView. The requirement is that, appBar button click should navigate me to different application Page.
e.g. WebView is opened on MainPage.xaml and on clicking the AppBar button added on this webView I have to navigate to SeconsPage.XAML
I am not able to do this now and seeing an exception thrown by COntrol_webview,exe
Can I do such navigation? If Yes, pleas help me to find out what I am I missing?
Thanks in advance!!
go for a native app - it saves you a lot of trouble. Filip Skakun already described the first crazy thing about the webview (with the webviewbrush).
if not, you can use the script notification to communicate back and forth between your webapp and your store app. here's a good link:

disable external url links in UIWebView

I used some open resource to handle my external links in WebView, so right now every time I click the url a new view would show the page with "Done" "back" "forward" "open link in safari" something like that. But at the same time the earlier webview of my app is still loading and show the url website. How could I stop it? When the user click Done for the new page, definitely they want to go back to the earlier page.
here is the open resource class I used :
Thanks. wish I made myself clear. I'm new here, and also new to ios development.
Not entirely clear what you're asking but every time a link is clicked in a UIWebView, the UIWebView delegate shouldStartLoadWithRequest method gets called.
If you don't want the link to load you simply return NO from this method.
There are also properties in the UIWebView class to enable you to go back or go forward through the page history.
If that doesn't answer your question, can you try and rephrase it.
