Disable image recognition for UIImageView on iOS 14 with VoiceOver - ios

I have a UIImageView as the background for a view. User interaction is disabled. isAccessibilityElement is set to NO. This is verified by using debug view hierarchy when the app is running on device.
And yet when I tap on the view that has that as the background is describes all the controls on it and then describes the image using automatic image recognition. Everything I've found online says this is a new iOS 14 feature and that it's great, but says nothing about how I can turn it off.
I even tried setting my own description string to at least try to override the image recognition to no avail. So - IS there a way to turn it off for a specific UIImageView(or even for the app overall) and if so how?
*** update ****
So I've confirmed this is specific to iOS 14. I have the following code in viewDidLoad:
UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"blueSky.jpg"]];
imageView.isAccessibilityElement = YES;
imageView.accessibilityLabel = #"I am not a description";
CGPoint origin = imageView.frame.origin;
origin.y = 50;
origin.x = 50;
CGRect imageFrame = imageView.frame;
imageFrame.origin = origin;
imageView.frame = imageFrame;
self.view.isAccessibilityElement = NO;
[self.view addSubview:imageView];
Where blueSky is, well, an image of blue sky. It's not using the asset catalogue. When I tap on the image with VoiceOver enabled in iOS 13 it reads "I am not a description". When I tap on it on an iOS 14.1 device it reads "I am not a description", then pauses for half a second, says "image", then proceeds to describe it "blue sky, cloudy". It's that last part that I cannot for the life of me figure out how to eliminate!

So I found the answer:
imageView.accessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTraitNone;
This tells the system to not consider it an image and so it doesn't try to recognize it.


scale in rendition key must match passed in scale in the image description

Native app on iOS, I'm getting crash due to this reason:
scale in rendition key must match passed in scale in the image
App works fine on simulator, but on device it crashes when try to open a modal screen.
Any help would be appreciated.
I ran into this as well. In my case, the problem is that I had a UIButton with an image that had a scale other than 1.0. When the user tapped the button, the app crashed with that same reason.
It turns out that the iOS 13 beta is not correctly creating the highlighted version of the image that gets displayed when the user taps the button. I created my own highlighted version of the image, with the same scale as the original, and it worked fine.
- (void)updateButtonImage:(UIImage *)image {
CGFloat heightScale = image.size.height / self.edgeLength;
CGFloat widthScale = image.size.width / self.edgeLength;
CGFloat scale = MIN(heightScale, widthScale);
[self setImage:[UIImage imageWithData:UIImagePNGRepresentation(image) scale:scale]
// iOS 13 beta does not properly create the highlighted image for a scaled image. This caused the
// app to crash when the user tapped the image. For now, we'll work around this by creating our
// own highlighted image and explicitly setting it on this button.
// https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/6961937
[self setImage:[UIImage imageWithData:UIImagePNGRepresentation(image.highlightedImage) scale:scale]

(iOS) alpha not works when run app

I have hours trying to solve this and researching about this problem without results. This is my problem:
I'm using a ViewController in a existing project and over this I use an UIIMageView and a UIView at the same level. Then I set them alpha value in these two elements (alpha = 0.5) using Interface Builder. When I run the project on Simulator the alpha value not make effect and they looks like with their alpha value = 1. I made this same procedure in a new project and when I run the alpha effect is visible. I tried check/uncheck opaque option, set alpha value programatically as property or using method setAlpha, as well as set opaque value with code and it doesn't works. This problem happens with device too.
Anyone have a solution?
Check whether you import
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
UIIMageView.alpha = 0.4;
OR check with this
UIImage *wheelImage = [UIImage imageNamed:#"wheel#2x.png"];
UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithImage:wheelImage];
imageView.frame = CGRectMake(50, 50, wheelImage.size.width, wheelImage.size.height);
imageView.alpha = 0.2;
[self.view addSubview:imageView];
Did you forget to connect your outlet in the storyboard and the property?

UIButton background image used for animation not aligned across devices

I have a UIButton backgroundImage that I use to display a weather condition image when the loading is complete. I also create a UIImageView that replaces the UIButton to animate a series of images as a progress indicator.
My question: How can fix this animated UIImageView x-axis misalignment across multiple screen sizes?
Here's what the sequence looks like on 4.7" iPhone, the red box indicates the image I'm talking about:
First, the UIImageView animating as a progress indicator (imagine it spinning, alignment is correct)
Second, the download complete, the progress indicator replaced by a UIButton with a backgroundImage:
Third, the UIImageView animating on 4" iPhone (note misalignment on x-axis):
Fourth, the download complete, UIButton replaces it, aligned correctly:
Here's how the UIImageView *progressIndicator is configured.
Note that conditionButton is the UIButton with backgroundImage of the weather condition:
self.progressIndicator = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:self.conditionButton.frame];
self.progressIndicator.contentMode = UIViewContentModeCenter;
self.progressIndicator.animationImages = #[...long series of images...];
self.progressIndicator.animationDuration = 0.5f;
[self.conditionButton setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"empty.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[self.progressIndicator startAnimating];
[self.view addSubview:self.progressIndicator];
I'm pretty sure the issue is with
self.progressIndicator = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:self.conditionButton.frame];
But I'm not sure how to resolve this.
The same problem occurs when I switch to 5.5" iPhone. I have no Auto Layout warnings, and the constraints that apply to the conditionButton are:
Align Center X to superview
Width = 94
Height = 94
Bottom and Top space to nearest neighbor = default
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

iOS: understanding frame and views

I am working programmatically an application for iOS based on a ViewController. I am trying to do so programmatically as I want to understand the underlying concepts.
I have created a subclass of UIImageView and initialized this using an image. In the initialization method I added also a second UIImageView as I would like to handle the two differently but be part of the same object. Ultimately I would like to be able to scale the object (and hence the 2 UIImages) according to the device screen resolution (e.g. if resolution is low then I will scale the two images by 50%). I want to do this because I would like to be able to implement a zoom in and zoom out feature as well as supporting multiple resolutions and screen layouts.
Additional information:
The two images have different size (500x500 pixels) and (350x350
My questions are:
how do I position the second image exactly in the center of the first? (I used the center property of the main UIImage but I think I got it wrong.. I thought that the center was the exact center of the square but either I am using it incorrectly or there is something I am missing)
are there any negative side effects for using this approach (UIView subclass class containing an additional UIView?) (E.g. Is it going to create confusion when applying transformation algorithms? Does it reduce the randering speed? Or more simply is it a bad design pattern?)
I find it difficult to understand the positioning of the second image. See code snipped below, this is what I use:
CGRect innerButtonFrame = CGRectMake(self.center.x/2, self.center.y/2,innerButtonSelectedImage.size.width,innerButtonSelectedImage.size.height);
Taken from:
-(id) initWithImage:(UIImage *)image
if(self = [super initWithImage:image]){
self.userInteractionEnabled = true;
// Initialize gesture recognizers
UITapGestureRecognizer *tapInView = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:#selector(tapInImageView:)];
[self addGestureRecognizer:tapInView];
UILongPressGestureRecognizer *longPress = [[UILongPressGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:#selector(longPressInView:)];
[self addGestureRecognizer:longPress];
// Initialize labels
// Inner circle image
innerButtonView = [[UIImageView alloc] init];
innerButtonSelectedImage = [UIImage imageNamed:#"inner circle.png"];
CGRect innerButtonFrame = CGRectMake(self.center.x/2, self.center.y/2,innerButtonSelectedImage.size.width,innerButtonSelectedImage.size.height);
innerButtonView.frame = innerButtonFrame;
[innerButtonView setImage:innerButtonSelectedImage];
// Add additional ui components to view
[self addSubview:innerButtonView];
[self addSubview:descriptionLabel];
return self;
EDIT: This is how it looks like if I change the positioning code to the following:
CGRect innerButtonFrame = CGRectMake(0, 0,innerButtonSelectedImage.size.width,innerButtonSelectedImage.size.height);
innerButtonView.frame = innerButtonFrame;
I also don't understand why the image is bigger than the screen.. as the blue one should be 500x500 pixel wide and the screen of the iPhone 6 should be 1334 x 750.
How about:
CGRect innerButtonFrame = CGRectMake(0, 0, innerButtonSelectedImage.size.width,innerButtonSelectedImage.size.height);
innerButtonFrame.center = self.center;
If you need 500*500 circle then add the circle half means Replace 500*500 with 250*250 . And small circle replace 350*350 with 175*175 And solve your problem.
I hope your problem will solve..Enjoy

UIButton titleLabel not displaying center aligned.

I have a button in my ios project which displays edit profile if the user is the current user and follow if the user is not the current user.
I am setting the titleLabel text programmatically dependant on the above condition. I am also programatically setting the button text to align center.
The problem I'm having is it works perfectly for the edit profile button which appears as it should center aligned but when showing the follow button the word follow is slightly off center to the left and I can't figure out where I'm going wrong.
Here is my code:
if([userID isEqualToString:credentialID]){
self.followEditBtn.layer.cornerRadius = 2;
self.followEditBtn.layer.borderColor = UIColorFromRGB(0xA6B9C1).CGColor;
self.followEditBtn.layer.borderWidth = 1.0f;
self.followEditBtn.layer.backgroundColor = UIColorFromRGB(0xF8FBFC).CGColor;
self.followEditBtn.titleLabel.textColor = UIColorFromRGB(0xA1B1C3);
self.followEditBtn.titleLabel.text = #"Edit Profile";
self.followEditBtn.contentHorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignmentCenter;
} else {
self.followEditBtn.layer.cornerRadius = 2;
self.followEditBtn.layer.borderColor = UIColorFromRGB(0x19A548).CGColor;
self.followEditBtn.layer.borderWidth = 1.0f;
self.followEditBtn.layer.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor].CGColor;
self.followEditBtn.titleLabel.textColor = UIColorFromRGB(0x19A548);
self.followEditBtn.titleLabel.text = #"Follow";
self.followEditBtn.contentHorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignmentCenter;
And some images of the buttons as you can see the follow text is slightly off center to the left yet the edit profile button is correctly aligned:
I couldn't reproduce your problem (iOS 6.1 to 7.1). Although I had to make a small change in order to make it work, since it wasn't showing any text.
Instead of using:
self.followEditBtn.titleLabel.text = #"Edit Profile";
you should use:
[self.followEditBtn setTitle:#"Follow" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
I'm assuming you're using a UIButtonTypeCustom type UIButton, and having a fixed frame size.
I'd like you to tell me where are you putting this code, and how is this button being initialized.
