Google::Apis::ClientError: forbidden: The caller does not have permission when using service account call with ruby google api - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying use a service account with google's api to work with classroom data with the goal of synchronizing our web service for schools with the google classroom data.
I have delegated domain wide authority to the service account and have activated the Google Classroom API. I have downloaded the json Key file used below.
I have added to the scope of the service account.
My test code in app/models/g_service.rb:
class GService
require 'google/apis/classroom_v1'
def get_course
authorizer = Google::Auth::ServiceAccountCredentials.make_creds(
scope: [ Google::Apis::ClassroomV1::AUTH_CLASSROOM_COURSES ]
service =
service.authorization = authorizer
puts "\n service\n #{service.inspect}"
response = service.get_course( '99999' )
puts "\n response \n#{response.inspect}"
The results in the console are:
#<Google::Apis::ClassroomV1::ClassroomService:0x007fe1cff98338 #root_url="", #base_path="", #upload_path="upload/", #batch_path="batch", #client_options=#<struct Google::Apis::ClientOptions application_name="unknown", application_version="0.0.0", proxy_url=nil, open_timeout_sec=nil, read_timeout_sec=nil, send_timeout_sec=nil, log_http_requests=false, transparent_gzip_decompression=true>, #request_options=#<struct Google::Apis::RequestOptions authorization=#<Google::Auth::ServiceAccountCredentials:0x0xxxxxxx #project_id="sssssssss", #authorization_uri=nil, #token_credential_uri=#<Addressable::URI:0x000000000 URI:>, #client_id=nil, #client_secret=nil, #code=nil, #expires_at=2021-01-13 20:56:46 -0800, #issued_at=2021-01-13 19:56:47 -0800, #issuer="", #password=nil, #principal=nil, #redirect_uri=nil, #scope=[""], #state=nil, #username=nil, #access_type=:offline, #expiry=60, #audience="", #signing_key=#<OpenSSL::PKey::RSA:0xxxxxxxxx>, #extension_parameters={}, #additional_parameters={}, #connection_info=nil, #grant_type=nil, #refresh_token=nil, #access_token="-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->, retries=0, header=nil, normalize_unicode=false, skip_serialization=false, skip_deserialization=false, api_format_version=nil, use_opencensus=true>>
Google::Apis::ClientError: forbidden: The caller does not have permission
It appears everything is working fine until the service.get_course('99999') call.
I've tested this call using the online tool and it works fine.
I've poured over the documentation but have been unable to resolve this.
Can anybody please let me know what I am missing?
I'm running rails 3.2 and ruby 2.1

Considering the error you're getting, I think you are not impersonating any account.
The purpose of domain-wide delegation is that the service account can impersonate a regular account in your domain, but in order to do that, you have to specify which account you want to impersonate. Otherwise, you are calling the service account by itself, and it doesn't matter that you've enabled domain-wide delegation for it.
In the Ruby library, you can specify that using the :sub parameter, as shown in the section Preparing to make an authorized API call at the library docs:
authorizer.sub = "<email-address-to-impersonate>"
Make sure the account you impersonate has access to this course, otherwise you'll get the same error.
Delegating domain-wide authority to the service account
Google API Server-to-Server Communication not working (Ruby implementation)


Unautorized API calls JwtCreator

I'm playing around with the DocuSign's Ruby Quickstart app and I've done the following:
have an Admin account
have an organization
created an Integration(Connected App) for which I've granted signature impersonation scopes in the Admin Dashboard(made RSA keys, put callback urls, etc)
even if I've done the above, I've also made the request to the consent URL in a browser: SERVER/oauth/auth?response_type=code &scope=signature%20impersonation&client_id=CLIENT_ID &redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI
Integration appears to have everything enabled
Then in the JwtCreator class the check_jwt_token returns true, updates account info correctly.
But when I try the following(or any other API call):
envelope_api = create_envelope_api(#args)
options =
options.from_date = ( - 30).strftime('%Y/%m/%d')
results = envelope_api.list_status_changes #args[:account_id], options
The api call raises an exception with DocuSign_eSign::ApiError (Unauthorized):
Args are:
#args = {
account_id: session[:ds_account_id],
base_path: session[:ds_base_path],
access_token: session[:ds_access_token]
All with correct info.
What am I missing?
For clarity, I was using some classes from the Quickstart app(like JwtCreator, ApiCreator, etc) along my code.
Not sure at this point if it's my mistake or part of the Quickstart app but this call:
results = envelope_api.list_status_changes #args[:account_id], options
the account_id was something like this "82xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx95e" and I was always getting Unauthorized responses.
On a tutorial the author used the 1xxxxxx account_id and with this form, it worked.

I can't get Google Adwords Customers Campagin inform

I want to build a web application. Clients can use the web application to read their google Adwrods accounts information( campagins or budgets ).
First, I use oath2 get client's refresh_token and access_token.
Using the refresh_token, I can get all adwords id under the client by (
client = do |config|
config.client_id = "client_id"
config.client_secret = "client_secret"
config.refresh_token = "refresh_token"
config.login_customer_id = "XXX-XXX-XXXX"
config.developer_token = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
accessible_customers = client.service.customer.list_accessible_customers().resource_names
When I want to get client Adword account information,
resource_name = client.path.customer("XXXXXXXX")
customer = client.service.customer.get_customer(resource_name: resource_name)
I get "GRPC::Unauthenticated: 16:Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential", but the config file can't let me set access_token.
So, where can i set client's access_token, or which step i missed?
The error is telling you that client has not been set up correctly. It could be a bunch of issues from Google account to wrong information. I would check and make sure all the info you are passing in is correct.
Also, you only need to pass 'login_customer_id' for manager accounts only, it doesn't sound like you are a manager account.
# Required for manager accounts only: Specify the login customer ID used to
# authenticate API calls. This will be the customer ID of the authenticated
# manager account. If you need to use different values for this field, then
# make sure fetch a new copy of the service after each time you change the
# value.
# c.login_customer_id = 'INSERT_LOGIN_CUSTOMER_ID_HERE'

Error on getting authorization URL more than once in Twitter4j

I'm using Twitter4j to implement the authorization workflow on my webapp (user acesses a page, twitter asks permission, I receive the callback and generate the oauth access token).
My first problem was that if I called a method to get the Twitter sigleton:
Twitter twitter = TwitterFactory.getSingleton();
twitter.setOAuthConsumer(getClientId(), getClientSecret());
1) Since OAuthConsumer would already be defined I would get an exception. And I can't find how to ask the singleton if it already has the credentials defined. What's the best way? My solution was to save the singleton in a private member...
2) Now I want to generate an AuthorizationURL, so I need to ask Twitter singleton the OAuthRequestToken:
RequestToken oauthRequestToken = twitter.getOAuthRequestToken(getCallbackURL()); //FIXME
And this throws an exception:
401:Authentication credentials ( were missing or incorrect. Ensure that you have set valid consumer key/secret, access token/secret, and the system clock is in sync.
message - Invalid or expired token.
code - 89
Relevant discussions can be found on the Internet at: or
TwitterException{exceptionCode=[3cc69290-45a986a5], statusCode=401, message=Invalid or expired token., code=89, retryAfter=-1, rateLimitStatus=null, version=4.0.4}
at twitter4j.HttpClientImpl.handleRequest(
at twitter4j.HttpClientBase.request(
at twitter4j.auth.OAuthAuthorization.getOAuthRequestToken(
at twitter4j.auth.OAuthAuthorization.getOAuthRequestToken(
at twitter4j.TwitterBaseImpl.getOAuthRequestToken(
at twitter4j.TwitterBaseImpl.getOAuthRequestToken(
Note: the 'Relevant discussions' links are not working as expected I think...
In short:
1) How can I ask the singleton if it already has the credentials defined in order to 'setOAuthConsumer' doesn't throw an error ?
2) How to re-ask the singleton to generate a new authorizationURL for the user to access and authorize (again) ?
Also posted in the corresponding forum
1) How can I ask the singleton if it already has the credentials defined in order to 'setOAuthConsumer' doesn't throw an error ?
There are a few ways that this can be done. You can set the oAuth consumer key and secret in a properties file named on your classpath. When you use the TwitterFactory, this is where the default properties come from.
If you want to set the values programmatically, the TwitterFactory also has a few overloaded constructors which allow this:
ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
Configuration configuration =;
TwitterFactory factory = new TwitterFactory(configuration);
Twitter twitter = factory.getInstance();
2) How to re-ask the singleton to generate a new authorizationURL for the user to access and authorize (again) ?
I assume that your requirement is to have the user authorize every time. If this is the case, this is handled via Twitters API. There are 2 oAuth endpoints and The authenticate endpoint is the normal Sign in with Twitter functionality where the user will approve once and then automatically logged in every time after. The authorize endpoint will require authorization every time.
Using Twitter4j, these are separate methods that can be called on your RequestToken. You redirect to the appropriate URL based on your requirement.
The solution I've found is presented here:
Twitter instance = new TwitterFactory().getInstance();
instance.setOAuthConsumer(getClientId(), getClientSecret());
RequestToken requestToken = new RequestToken(getOauthToken(),getOauthTokenSecret());
AccessToken oAuthAccessToken = instance.getOAuthAccessToken(requestToken, oauthVerifier);
requestTokenand oauthVerifier are received as parameters in the callback. getOauthToken() and getOauthTokenSecret() retrieve the tokens retrieved by the library in the first step and that were saved in a cache (user -> tokens).
Inspired by this question/answers: Having multiple Twitter instances with twitter4j library.

Gmail API returns 403 error code and "Delegation denied for <user email>"

Gmail API fails for one domain when retrieving messages with this error: 403 OK
"code" : 403,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "global",
"message" : "Delegation denied for <user email>",
"reason" : "forbidden"
} ],
"message" : "Delegation denied for <user email>"
I am using OAuth 2.0 and Google Apps Domain-Wide delegation of authority to access the user data. The domain has granted data access rights to the application.
Seems like best thing to do is to just always have userId="me" in your requests. That tells the API to just use the authenticated user's mailbox--no need to rely on email addresses.
I had the same issue before, the solution is super tricky, you need to impersonate the person you need to access gmail content first, then use userId='me' to run the query. It works for me.
here is some sample code:
users = # coming from directory service
for user in users:
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
credentials_delegated = credentials.with_subject(user['primaryEmail'])
gmail_service = build('gmail', 'v1', credentials=credentials_delegated)
results = gmail_service.users().labels().list(userId='me').execute()
labels = results.get('labels', [])
for label in labels:
Our users had migrated into a domain and their account had aliases attached to it. We needed to default the SendAs address to one of the imported aliases and want a way to automate it. The Gmail API looked like the solution, but our privileged user with roles to make changes to the accounts was not working - we kept seeing the "Delegation denied for " 403 error.
Here is a PHP example of how we were able to list their SendAs settings.
// Description:
// List the user's SendAs addresses.
// Documentation:
// Local Path:
// /path/to/api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Google/Service/Gmail.php
// /path/to/api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Google/Service/Gmail/Resource/UsersSettingsSendAs.php
// Version:
// Google_Client::LIBVER == 2.1.1
require_once $API_PATH . '/path/to/google-api-php-client/vendor/autoload.php';
// this is the service account json file used to make api calls within our domain
$serviceAccount = '/path/to/service-account-with-domain-wide-delagation.json';
putenv('GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=' . $serviceAccount );
$userKey = 'someuser#my.domain';
// In the Admin Directory API, we may do things like create accounts with
// an account having roles to make changes. With the Gmail API, we cannot
// use those accounts to make changes. Instead, we impersonate
// the user to manage their account.
$impersonateUser = $userKey;
// these are the scope(s) used.
define('SCOPES', implode(' ', array( Google_Service_Gmail::GMAIL_SETTINGS_BASIC ) ) );
$client = new Google_Client();
$client->useApplicationDefaultCredentials(); // loads whats in that json service account file.
$client->setScopes(SCOPES); // adds the scopes
$client->setSubject($impersonateUser); // account authorized to perform operation
$gmailObj = new Google_Service_Gmail($client);
$res = $gmailObj->users_settings_sendAs->listUsersSettingsSendAs($userKey);
I wanted to access the emails of fresh email id/account but what happened was, the recently created folder with '.credentials' containing a JSON was associated with the previous email id/account which I tried earlier. The access token and other parameters present in JSON are not associated with new email id/account. So, in order make it run you just have to delete the '.credentails' folder and run the program again. Now, the program opens the browser and asks you to give permissions.
To delete the folder containing files in python
import shutil
shutil.rmtree("path of the folder to be deleted")
you may add this at the end of the program
Recently I started exploring Gmail API and I am following the same approach as Guo mentioned. However, it is going to take of time and too many calls when we the number of users or more. After domain wide delegation my expectation was admin id will be able to access the delegated inboxes, but seems like we need to create service for each user.

Google Federated OAuth/OpenID with Tornado: why is it ignoring my scopes?

I'm trying to use Tornado's library for federated login to authenticate users and get access to their calendar, contacts, and mail. However, when I get the " is asking for some information from your Google Account" message, the only bullet point listed is "Email Address". Subsequently, when I check the returned user object after I approve the request, the user object doesn't have an 'access_token' property.
Here's the code:
def get(self):
scope_list = ['','','']
self.authorize_redirect(scope_list, callback_uri=self._switch_command('auth_callback'), ax_attrs=["name","email"])
def _on_auth(self, user):
print 'in on auth'
if user:
session.set_data('usertoken_' + user['email'], user['access_token'])
The uri that this spits out is:
Ideas: 1. maybe this has something to do with the fact I'm running on a local machine behind a dyndns forwarder? 2. Tornado's documentation says "No application registration is necessary to use Google for authentication or to access Google resources on behalf of a user" -- but maybe that's not true anymore?
If anyone has thoughts, I'd really appreciate it -- this is driving me a little batty!
Figured it out. You have to set the application properties google_consumer_key and google_consumer_secret.
application = tornado.web.Application(urlhandlers, cookie_secret=cookie_secret, google_consumer_key=google_consumer_key, google_consumer_secret=google_consumer_secret)
You get them by going here:
