How to use Query function with Arrrayformula in Google Sheets? - google-sheets

enter image description hereI am trying to use this Query function within Arryaformula. I got stuck in this. Can anyone try to correct me as this code providing me some errors?
I will really appreciate your time.
=ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY('RangeSelected'!1:1001,"SELECT * WHERE (LOWER(B) ='"&'Sheet1 column(A3)'&"'")",0))

"where lower(B) = '"&LOWER(Sheet1!B5)&"'", 0))


EXCEL/Google Sheets. Best way to SUM multiple VLOOKUP?

could you guys help me with a project. I was able to find a solution for my problem and the formula looks like this:
I have a category (e.g. Fruits) and need to import a sheet with different kind of fruits and non fruits. I use keywords which define what is a fruit and what not. I need to SUM all values which match to a keyword. My formula works but it will be more and more work when i need to add more keywords.
Are there a better way to realise this?
I build this example sheet for better understanding : )
Spreadsheet link
Thank you in advance : )
you can even use E4:4 or E4:G5 or E4:5
row-wise it would be:
use this
=ArrayFormula(SUM( IFERROR( VLOOKUP(E4:G4;A9:B;2;0))))
Usign sumif
Us XLOOUP instead of IFERROR(VLOOKUP()) can shortens the formula.

Using query in google sheet to call certain rows

Hi everyone,
I want to get all the rows where A=1, A=2. The query is very simple but I'm not sure why there is no output. I guess is the problem of the format for column A but I'm not sure what should I change in my formula so that the formula can work. Appreciate any help or advice!
A can't be both: 2 and 1. Instead try
=query(A3:C, "Where A = 2 or A = 1", 0)
It should have been OR not AND - it's impossible for any row in a particular column to have two values simultaneously:
=query(A3:C,"select * where A=1 or A=2",0)
QUERY() is good choice. You can also use FILTER() function like-

SUBSTITUTE function google sheets doesn't work

As far as I know, this is the right way to use the SUBSTITUTE function, but the formula gives a parse error. What did I do wrong?
=SUBSTITUTE(A33; "1"; )

Google Sheets QUERY IMPORTRANGE formula

enter link description hereI'm trying to get a return of all Active jobs but I keep getting the error message #value!; "Unable to parse query string for Function QUERY parameter 2: NO_COLUMN: A". Here is the formula I used.
=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("SheetKey","employeeName1!A18:V1000"); IMPORTRANGE("SheetKey","employeeName2!A19:V1000");IMPORTRANGE("SheetKey","employeeName3!A19:V1000");IMPORTRANGE("SheetKey","employeeName4!A19:V1000")},"SELECT A, B, C, D, E WHERE E = 'Active'")
I tried replicating your issue by making a copy of your provided sample sheet but apparently, the formula works after making a copy of the sheet. Please see attached screenshot.
I suggest trying to copy it first making a new sheet with the same content and see if it will also solve your problem.
IMPORTRANGE("SheetKey", "employeeName1!A18:V1000");
IMPORTRANGE("SheetKey", "employeeName2!A19:V1000");
IMPORTRANGE("SheetKey", "employeeName3!A19:V1000");
IMPORTRANGE("SheetKey", "employeeName4!A19:V1000")},
"select Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5
where Col5 = 'Active'")
I took out the IMPORTRANGE and just used a query formula for the other sheets and it worked perfect. Thanks for the input everybody.

Need to convert an Excel formula to a Google Sheet formula

I created a formula that works in Excel but cannot get it to work in Google Sheets. Can someone please help?
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("amp",$A2)), "AMP", IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("feed",$A2)), "Feed", "Other"))
try perhaps:
IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("feed"; A2)); "Feed"; "Other"))
