Continue simulation without setting the output port of a LeafSystem - drake

I have a LeafSystem (using pydrake) with a couple of inputs and an output which is calculated from the inputs. The CalcOutput callback function blocks execution of the program until the output is set. In some cases, I prefer to not set the output even if there is an input (eg.out of the limit values).
Is there a way to continue execution, without setting the output?

Drake System's framework uses a "pull" architecture. All of the system evaluations happen in a single thread, and CalcOutput is only called when a downstream method is evaluated which requests an input (e.g. in a downstream CalcOutput or CalcTimeDerivatives). So you need to return some value.
I guess that instead of returning some null value, you probably want to just have the output port continue to have the value it output last time? In that case, the solution is to store the output in a state variable (which means moving the work in CalcOutput into a state update), and then having your output just write the state variable out to the port.


Can I assume the running order of LeafSystem's CalcOutput function?

I am working on a LeafSystem like this:
class exampleLeafSystem(LeafSystem):
def __init__(self, plant):
self._plant = plant
self._plant_context = plant.CreateDefaultContext()
self.DeclareVectorIutputPort("q_v", BasicVector(6))
self.DeclareVectorOutputPort("tau", BasicVector(3), self.TauCalcOutput)
self.DeclareVectorOutputPort("xe", BasicVector(3), self.xeCalcOutput)
def TauCalcOutput(self, context, output):
q_v = self.get_input_port(0).Eval(context)
self._plant.SetPositionsAndVelocities(self._plant_context, q_v)
# Do some calculation with self._plant and self._plant_context to get the output
def xeCalcOutput(self, context, output):
q_v = self.get_input_port(0).Eval(context)
self._plant.SetPositionsAndVelocities(self._plant_context, q_v)
# Do some calculation with self._plant and self._plant_context to get the output
In the two methods TauCalcOutput and xeCalcOutput here, I need frist update the MultibodyPlant's state information and then do the calculation to compute the output. However, since I do not know the order of the two CalcOutput method being called, in order for this two method to use the newest state information, I have to write
q_v = self.get_input_port(0).Eval(context)
self._plant.SetPositionsAndVelocities(self._plant_context, q_v)
in both methods, which seems a bit unnecessary. If I can assume the order of the CalcOutput methods being runned, for example, say that TauCalcOutput always runs first, then I can only have
q_v = self.get_input_port(0).Eval(context)
self._plant.SetPositionsAndVelocities(self._plant_context, q_v)
in TauCalcOutput method, without worrying that XeCalcOutput method will use MultibodyPlant's state information that is one step lagged.
So my question is that is there a specific order for the CalcOutput methods being called?
No. The contract is that output ports can be called in any order at any time, and are only called when they are evaluated (e.g. by a downstream system). The order that they will be called will depend on the other systems in the Diagram; they might not all get called during a single simulation step (e.g. if one system is consumed by a discrete time system with time step 0.1, and another by time step 0.2), or may not be called at all if they are not connected. Users can even call get_output_port().Eval() manually.
For a general approach to avoiding duplicate computation in output ports, you should store the result of the shared computation in the Context, either as state or as a "cache entry". See DeclareCacheEntry for more details.
For this workflow, specifically, perhaps the simplest solution is to check whether the positions and velocities are already set to the same value, just to avoid repeating the kinematics evaluation, for instance as you see here:

Updating LeafSystem discrete state before publishing output

I have a LeafSystem (controller) with two output ports, each of which depend on the solution to the same MathematicalProgram. My initial idea was to solve the program and store the solution as a discrete state which the output port callbacks can access and copy appropriately.
My interpretation of the documentation ( and what I see when implementing this, however, is that the output callbacks use the discrete state before the PerStepDiscreteUpdateEvent.
Now for my questions -
Is this behavior that I've described above consistent with how the Simulator handles update events or am I missing something there?
Is there a way to update the discrete state before the output calculation and have the updated state be used in the output?
Is there a different design that would be more appropriate here?
The simple solution to your problem is cache entry.
Declare a cache entry that does your mathematical program work and updates the associated cache entry (it stores the results). When each output port is evaluated, they both "Eval" the cache entry and draw whatever data they need from the stored result. Then, no matter which port is evaluated first, the second one will always benefit from the pre-computation.
You can look at the cache entry notes for more detail.

Difference Between Flux.create and Flux.generate

What is the difference between Flux.create and Flux.generate? I am looking--ideally with an example use case--to understand when I should use one or the other.
In short:
Flux::create doesn't react to changes in the state of the app while Flux::generate does.
The long version
You will use it when you want to calculate multiple (0...infinity) values which are not influenced by the state of your app and the state of your pipeline (your pipeline == the chain of operations which comes after Flux::create == downstream).
Why? Because the method which you sent to Flux::create keeps calculating elements (or none). The downstream will determine how many elements (elements == next signals) it wants and if he can't keep up, those elements which are already emitted will be removed/buffered in some strategy (by default they will be buffered until the downstream will ask for more).
The first and easiest use case is for emitting values which you, theoretically, could sum to a collection and only then take each element and do something with it:
Flux<String> articlesFlux = Flux.create((FluxSink<String> sink) -> {
/* get all the latest article from a server and emit them one by one to downstream. */
List<String> articals = getArticalsFromServer();
As you can see, Flux.create is used for interaction between blocking method (getArticalsFromServer) to asynchronous code.
I'm sure there are other use cases for Flux.create.
Flux.generate((SynchronousSink<Integer> synchronousSink) -> {;
.doOnNext(number -> System.out.println(number))
.doOnNext(number -> System.out.println(number + 4))
The output will be 1 5 1 5 1 5................forever
In each invocation of the method you sent to Flux::generate, synchronousSink can only emits: onSubscribe onNext? (onError | onComplete)?.
It means that Flux::generate will calculate and emit values on demand. When should you use it? In cases where it's too expensive to calculate elements which may not be used downstream or the events which you emit are influenced by the state of the app or from the state of your pipeline (your pipeline == the chain of operations which comes after Flux::create == downstream).
For example, if you are building a torrent application then you are receiving blocks of data in real time. You could use Flux::generate to give tasks (blocks to download) to multiple threads and you will calculate the block you want to download inside Flux::generate only when some thread is asking. So you will emit only blocks you don't have. The same algorithm with Flux::create will fail because Flux::create will emit all the blocks we don't have and if some blocks failed to be downloaded then we have a problem. because Flux::create doesn't react to changes in the state of the app while Flux::generate does.
Accepts a Consumer<FluxSink<T>>
Consumer is invoked only once per subscriber
Consumer can emit 0..N elements immediately
Publisher is not aware of downstream state. So we need to provide Overflow strategy as an additional parameter
We can get the reference of FluxSink using which we could keep on emitting elements as and when required using multiple threads.
Accepts a Consumer<SynchronousSink<T>>
Consumer is invoked again and again based on the downstream demand
Consumer can emit only one element at the max with an optional complete/error signal.
Publisher produces elements based on the downstream demand
We can get the reference of SynchronousSink. But it might not be really useful as we could emit only one element
Check this blog for more details.

Serializing Flux in Reactor

Is possible to serialize Reactor Flux. For example my Flux is in some state and is currently processing some event. And suddenly service is terminated. Current state of Flux is saved to database or to file. And then on restart of aplication I just take all Flux from that file/table and subscribe them to restart processing from last state. This is possible in reactor?
No, this is not possible. Flux are not serializable and are closer to a chain of functions, they don't necessarily have a state[1] but describe what to do given an input (provided by an initial generating Flux)...
So in order to "restart" a Flux, you'd have to actually create a new one that gets fed the remaining input the original one would have received upon service termination.
Thus it would be more up to the source of your data to save the last emitted state and allow restarting a new Flux sequence from there.
[1] Although, depending on what operators you chained in, you could have it impact some external state. In that case things will get more complicated, as you'll have to also persist that state.

Determining if OZ variable is bound?

Is there a safe way to ask if a single assignment variable in OZ is bound or not?
Using an unassigned data flow variable in a way that requires the value will cause the program to wait until a value is assigned. In a sequential environment, this means the the program hangs. Assigning a different value to a variable will cause the program to fail. So both ways "tell" me if the variable was bound but not in a safe way.
I'm looking for some function "Bound" where
local X Y=1 Xbound YBound in
Xbound={Bound? X}
Ybound={Bound? Y}
gives false and true for Xbound and Ybound respectively.
My use case involves processing a list where values are added incrementally with the last value always being unbound. I want to use the last bound item (the one before unbound one.) And I'm trying to work in the OZ paradigm with the least concepts added (so no mutable variables or exceptions.)
You can check whether a variable is bound with the function IsDet.
See here: (also works in Mozart 1.3.0)
A word of caution: if you are using multiple threads, this opens the door for race conditions.
