Using IBM DOORS and need DXL script to add Paragraph ID to links - ibm-doors

//Hierarchy Builder
/* This script builds an object hierarchy based on an attribute which contains paragraph number(i.e. 3.2.1. etc) */
#include <Includes/>
pragma runLim, 0
const string hierAtt = "Obj Number" // or Object Text
const string c_Version = "Hierarchy.dxl v1.0"
Object obj //what type is Object?
Object lastO[20]
int i
int reqLen
int oLevel
int prevLevel
int lastReqLen
string reqNo
obj = first current Module
lastO[ 0 ] = obj
prevLevel = 0
lastReqLen = 1 //assume first object has nonzero attr value
//Process objects
while (!null next obj)
{ oLevel = 0
obj = next obj
reqNo = obj.heirAtt
reqLen = length( reqNo)
if (reqLen != 0)
for i in 0:reqLen-1 do
if (reqNo[i] == '.')
if (reqLen > 1 && reqNo[reqLen-2:reqLen-1] == ".0")
if (oLevel > prevLevel)
move(obj, below lastO[oLevel - 1])
move(obj, after lastO[oLevel] )
lastO[oLevel] = obj
prevLevel = oLevel
lastReqLen = reqLen
if (lastReqLen == 0)
{ //move after
oLevel = prevLevel
move( obj, after lastO[oLevel] )
{ // move below
oLevel = previous + 1
move( obj, after lastO[oLevel -1] )
lastO[ oLevel] = obj
prevLevel = oLevel
lastReqLen = reqLen
} // End if reqLen == 0
} //End while (!null next obj)
infoBox "*** Hierarchy Completed ***\n"

If by "paragraph ID" you mean the number of a "chapter": the mechanism in DOORS is that whenever the attribute "Object Heading" of an object is filled, the Objects number is shown. So, in your script you need to decide whether your original text is a heading or normal text, probably depending on "Obj Number". If the current Object represents a heading, you will probably move the content from "Object Text" to "Object Heading", this:
obj."Object Heading" = obj."Object Text" ""
obj."Object Text" = ""
see e.g.


Null parameter passed to skip list

I'm getting "null Skip parameter was passed into argument position 1" error for lines 50 and 89 where I want to put the target/source module names into a skip list. I know the loop only executes if there is the out/in link (respectively), so how can it have a null parameter? I also check for the module name to be null, but the check does not make the error box pop up. Both loops execute for a certain number of objects and then stop when it gets to a particular point it doesn't like. Any tips would be appreciated.
Counts the number of non-obsolete requirements in a module and generates a count of number of objects with in/out links, organized by module name. Output is to a CSV file.
pragma runLim, 0 //turn off timeout dialog
filtering off
Module m = current
void populateBuffer(Buffer &b)
Object o = null
Link l
LinkRef lr
ModName_ srcMod
ModName_ tarMod
string targetMod
string sourcMod
int count = 0
int outTotal = 0
int inTotal = 0
int i = 0
int n = 0
Skip OinLinks = createString
Skip OoutLinks = createString
Skip MinLinks = createString
Skip MoutLinks = createString
Skip OutOrphans = create //list of object abs nos which do not have any out links
Skip InOrphans = create //list of object abs nos which do not have any in links
string s = ""
for o in m do
if ((o."URB Object Type" "" == "Requirement") && (o."TIS Status" "" != "Obsolete")) //always cast an attribute value as a string with empty quotes
for l in o->"*" do //for out links
tarMod = target(l)
targetMod = name(tarMod) //puts the target module of the current link into a string
if (null targetMod) {errorBox "FAILURE FINDING TARGET MODULE!"; halt}
print targetMod "\n"
put(OoutLinks, targetMod, count + 1) //puts all of the targetMods into the OoutLinks skip list
if (n > 0) //check if this object has outlinks
for count in OoutLinks do//for each unique outlink target module of the current object
if (find(MoutLinks, targetMod, i)) //if there is already a matching entry
delete(MoutLinks, targetMod) //remove the entry for that particular module name
put(MoutLinks, targetMod, i+1) //and re-enter it with count+1 in module level skip list
else {put(MoutLinks, targetMod, 1)} //if it is a new entry, add it with count 1
else //if there are no outlinks,
int absno = o."Absolute Number"
put(OutOrphans, absno, 1) //This adds the absno of the current object to
//our orphan list
n = 0
for lr in o <-"*" do //for in links
sourcMod = name(source lr) //puts the source module of the current link into a string
if (null sourcMod) {errorBox "FAILURE FINDING SOURCE MODULE!"; halt}
print sourcMod "\n"
print "Source Modules \n"
put(OinLinks, sourcMod, count + 1) //puts all of the sourcMods into the OinLinks skip list
if (n > 0) //check if this object has inlinks
for count in OinLinks do//for each unique inlink target module of the current object
if (find(MinLinks, sourcMod, i)) //if there is already a matching entry
delete(MinLinks, sourcMod) //remove the entry for that particular module name
put(MinLinks, sourcMod, i+1) //and re-enter it with count+1 in module level skip list
else {put(MinLinks, sourcMod, 1)} //if it is a new entry, add it with count 1
else //if there are no inlinks,
int absno = o."Absolute Number"
put(InOrphans, absno, 1) //This adds the absno of the current object to
//our orphan list
delete(OinLinks) //reset the OinLinks list so we can start fresh for the next object
delete(OoutLinks) //reset the OoutLinks list so we can start fresh for the next object
n = 0
else continue
string fName = "C:/Temp/LinkedObjectsInventory_Jan8.csv"
Stream outfile = write(fName)
Buffer b = create
outfile << b
// notify the user that the script is complete
ack "Inventory Complete."
This is a pretty straightforward issue-
The change I would make- replace this:
delete(OinLinks) //reset the OinLinks list so we can start fresh for the next object
delete(OoutLinks) //reset the OoutLinks list so we can start fresh for the next object
with this:
for count in OinLinks do //reset the OinLinks list so we can start fresh for the next object
delete ( OinLinks , ( string key OinLinks ) )
for count in OoutLinks do //reset the OoutLinks list so we can start fresh for the next object
delete ( OoutLinks , ( string key OoutLinks ) )
As part of your for each object loop, you were deleting the entire skip list rather than emptying it. This meant that on a subsequent loop, the program could not find the Skip list and threw an error. It's good to reuse skips rather than re-allocate them each time, but you have to empty the contents rather than call delete on the skip handle.
Good luck, and let me know if you have other issues!

Checking for Out Links with DOORS DXL

I am trying to write a simple DXL that checks for out links. More specifically, I want to look through every requirement in a formal module and return the number of items missing an out link:
Module m = current
Object o = null
string objType = ""
Link outLink
int noOutLinkCount = 0
for o in m do {
objType = o."Object Type"
for outLink in o -> "*" do {
if objType == "Req" or objType = "Obj" and outLink == null then noOutLinkCount++
print "No Out Link Count = " noOutLinkCount""
For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to do this. The condition
outLink == null
does not seem to work.
Note: Checking to make sure the object is of type "Req" (Requirement) or "Obj" (Objective Requirement) is necessary as I do not care about missing links on Headers, images, text objects, etc.
This loop:
for outLink in o -> "*" do {
Will execute for each outlink. It will not execute at all if there are 0 outlinks.
I would structure the code like so:
Module m = current
Object o = null
string objType = ""
Link outLink
int noOutLinkCount = 0
for o in m do {
objType = o."Object Type" ""
// Check if the type is right
if ( ( objType == "Req" ) || ( objType == "Obj" ) ) {
// Check for any outlinks at all
bool no_outlink_flag = true
for outLink in o -> "*" do {
// If this executes, at least 1 outlink- flag and break
no_outlink_flag = false
// If we didn't flag any outlinks, increment
if ( no_outlink_flag ) {
print "No Out Link Count = " noOutLinkCount""
That should work. Let me know if it does!

Find Words in entire module

I have skip list contains an ADC, FIFO, DAC, FILO etc.
I want to know whether these words are used in the entire module or not .if used in the module should return the unused words.
I have a program but it is taking too much time to execute.
Please help me with this.
Here is the code :
Skip Search_In_Entire_Module(Skip List)
int sKey = 0
Skip sList = create()
string data = ""
string objText1
Object obj
for data in List do
int var_count = 0
for obj in m do
objText1 = obj."Object Text"
if objText1!=null then
if (isDeleted obj){continue}
if (table obj) {continue}
if (row obj) {continue}
if (cell obj) {continue}
Buffer buf = create()
buf = objText1
int index = 0
index = contains(buf, data, index)
if(0 <= index)
index += length(data)
if (var_count ==0)
return sList
Unused_Terminolody_Data = Search_In_Entire_Module(Terminology_Data)
Just wondering: why is this in a while loop?
index = contains(buf, data, index)
if(0 <= index)
index += length(data)
I would instead just do:
index = contains ( buf, data )
if ( index == -1 ) {
buf = ""
I would also not keep deleting and recreating the buffer. Create the buffer up where you create the object variable, then set it equal to "" to clear it, then delete it at the end of the program.
Let me know if this helps!
Balthos makes good points, and I think there's a little more you could do. My adaptation of your function follows. Points to note:
I implemented Balthos's suggestions (above) of taking out the
'while' loop, and buffer creation/deletion.
I changed the function signature. Given that Skip lists are passed
by reference, and must be created and deleted outside the function
it's syntactically confusing (to me, anyway) to return them from a
function. So, I pass both skip lists (terms we're seeking, terms not
found) in as function parameters. Please excuse me changing variable
names - it helped me to understand what was going on more quickly.
There's no need to put the Object Text in a string - this is
relatively slow and consumes memory that will not be freed until
DOORS exits. So, I put the Object Text in a buffer earlier in the
function, and search that. The 'if (!null bufObjText)' at my line 34
is equivalent to your 'objText1!=null'. If you prefer, 'if
(bufObjText != null)' does the same.
The conditional 'if (var_count ==0)' is redundant - I moved it's
functions into an earlier 'if' block (my line 40).
I moved the tests for deleted, table, row and cell objects up, so
that they occur before we take the time to fill a buffer with object
text - so that's only done if necessary.
Item 2 probably isn't going to have a performance impact, but the others will. The only quesiton is, how large?
Please let us know if this improves the running time over what you currently have. I don't have a sufficiently large set of sample data to make meaningful comparisons with your code.
Module modCurrent = current
Skip skUnused_Terminology_Data = create
Skip skSeeking_Terminology_Data = create()
put (skSeeking_Terminology_Data, 0, "SPONG")
put (skSeeking_Terminology_Data, 1, "DoD")
void Search_In_Entire_Module(Skip skTermsSought, skTermsNotFound)
Object obj
Buffer bufObjText = create()
int intSkipKey = 0
int index = 0
string strSkipData = ""
for strSkipData in skTermsSought do
int var_count = 0
bool blFoundTerm = false
for obj in modCurrent do
if (isDeleted obj){continue}
if (table obj) {continue}
if (row obj) {continue}
if (cell obj) {continue}
bufObjText = obj."Object Text"
if (!null bufObjText) then
Regexp re = regexp2 strSkipData
blFoundTerm = search (re, bufObjText, 0)
if ( blFoundTerm ) {
put(skUnused_Terminology_Data, intSkipKey, strSkipData)
bufObjText = ""
delete (bufObjText)
Search_In_Entire_Module (skSeeking_Terminology_Data, skUnused_Terminology_Data)
string strNotFound
for strNotFound in skUnused_Terminology_Data do
print strNotFound "\n"
delete skUnused_Terminology_Data
delete skSeeking_Terminology_Data

How to access the baseline comparison results in IBM Rational Doors from scripts?

The background to the question is, that I would like to create software change requests from Doors requirement changes.
For this I have to get the differences of requirements between two user selectable baselines of a module in a human readable format.
In the GUI I use the "Baseline Compare" function.
How can I access these results from a script (inside or outside of Doors) in a structured format?
A good starting point might the Doors DXL library Tools -> DXL Library -> baseline comparator example, but it needs heavy modifications for your overall use-case I guess. Take a look.
Found a modified version of the baseline compare script at this forum . I haven't tried it yet, but here's the code, which does use a GUI but you should be able to redirect the input & output pretty easily:
// Your Company Baseline Compare with Attributes
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2008 00:03
Posted By: Juergen Albrecht
// (Your Company Baseline Compare) *
// *
// Project: Your Company Ottobrunn *
// *
// Module: all modules for baseline compare *
// Description: ... *
// *
// Functions: compare any two baselines of the current module *
// (or a baseline against the current version). *
// Sets a filter on objects which differ with request *
// to Object Heading, Object Text, Object Type and .... *
// *
// *
// Copyright (C) Your Company Your Town 2005-2007 Confidential. All rights reserved. *
// *
// $Header: /doors/lib/dxl/addins/user/BaselineCompare.dxl Ver. 1.0 15.03.06 18:00 UID-USER $
// *
// $History: BaselineCompare.dxl $
//********************************* Version 1.0 ****************************
// User: Date: Time: *
// Jürgen Albrecht (uid-al28423) 15.01.08 18:00
// Created in $/doors/lib/dxl/addins/user/BaselineCompare.dxl
// *
// *
// *
pragma runLim, 0
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// constants for Attributes
const string DUMMY_LIST[] = {}
const string strAffectsArr[] = {"Ch.Bars", "Ch.Date", "History"}
const string strCharacterArr[] = {"System ", "Hidden ", "Customised"}
const string strValidityArr[] = {"Module ", "Object"}
const string strPropertyArr[] = {"Inherited", "Multi value"}
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// variables for Attributes
DB dbBLCompare = null
DBE dbeAttrDefNameList = null
DBE dbeAttrCharacter = null
DBE dbeAttrAffects = null
DBE dbeAttrValidity = null
DBE dbeAttrProperty = null
DBE dbeAttrType = null
DBE dbeDefaultValue = null
DBE dbeAttrTypeList = null
DBE dbeAttrTypeSelect = null
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// functions for Attributes
int chopInsert2(DBE inlist, string s)
{ int no_inlist = noElems inlist
int low = 0
int high = no_inlist-1
int hw = 0
string c
if (no_inlist == 0)
{ insert(inlist,0,s)
return 0
while (high-low > 1)
{ hw = low + ((high-low) / 2)
c = get(inlist,hw)
if (s < c)
high = hw
low = hw
c = get(inlist,high)
if (c < s)
{ insert(inlist,high+1,s)
return high + 1
c = get(inlist,low)
if (c > s)
{ insert(inlist,low,s)
return low
return low+1
} // chopInsert2
void populateLstAttrDef(bool bIncludeSystemAttr)
{ AttrDef ad
for ad in current Module do
{ if (ad.module)
if (!bIncludeSystemAttr)
{ if (ad.system || ad.hidden)
chopInsert2(dbeAttrDefNameList, "")
set(dbeAttrDefNameList, 0, true)
} // populateLstAttrDef
void doNothing(DBE dbeKlick, int iKlick)
} // doNothing
void cbSystemSelect(DBE dbeKlick)
{ bool bSelect = get(dbeAttrTypeSelect)
empty (dbeAttrDefNameList)
populateLstAttrDef (bSelect)
} // cbSystemSelect
void doSetAttrTypes(void)
AttrDef ad = find(current Module, get(dbeAttrDefNameList, get(dbeAttrDefNameList)))
AttrType at = find(current Module, ad.typeName "")
string strDefVal = "", strAttrType = "", s = ""
int iAttrChar = 0, iAttrValid = 0, iProperty = 0, iAffects = 0
if (ad.system)
iAttrChar = 1
iAttrChar = 4
if (ad.hidden)
iAttrChar = iAttrChar | 2
set(dbeAttrCharacter, iAttrChar)
if (ad.object)
iAttrValid = 2
if (ad.module)
iAttrValid = iAttrValid | 1
set(dbeAttrValidity, iAttrValid)
if (ad.inherit)
iProperty = 1
if (ad.multi)
iProperty = iProperty | 2
set(dbeAttrProperty, iProperty)
if (!ad.nobars)
iAffects = 1
if (!ad.nochanges)
iAffects = iAffects | 2
if (!ad.nohistory)
iAffects = iAffects | 4
set(dbeAttrAffects, iAffects)
if ( null at )
{ strAttrType = "Unable to determine type of attribute"
set(dbeAttrType, strAttrType)
strAttrType = at.type ""
if ( at.type == attrInteger )
{ int i
if ( at.minValue )
{ i = at.minValue
s = s "Min > " i "\n"
if ( at.maxValue )
{ i = at.maxValue
s = s "Max < " i "\n"
else if ( at.type == attrReal )
{ real r
if ( at.minValue )
{ r = at.minValue
s = s "Min > " r "\n"
if ( at.maxValue )
{ r = at.maxValue
s = s "Max < " r "\n"
else if ( at.type == attrDate )
{ Date d
if ( at.minValue )
{ d = at.minValue
s = s "Min > " d "\n"
if ( at.maxValue )
{ d = at.maxValue
s = s "Max < " d "\n"
else if ( at.type == attrEnumeration )
{ string strAttrTypeName =
strAttrType = strAttrType ": " strAttrTypeName
int i
for ( i = 0; i < at.size; ++i )
s = s at.strings[i] "\n"
set(dbeAttrType, strAttrType)
set(dbeAttrTypeList, s)
if (ad.defval)
{ if (strDefVal == "")
strDefVal = ad.defval
set (dbeDefaultValue, strDefVal)
set (dbeDefaultValue, "")
// Ausgabe in File
// output <<"\n"
// output << s"\n"
} // doSetAttrTypes
void cbDoSetAttrTypes(DBE dbeKlick, int iKlick)
{ doSetAttrTypes
} // cbDoSetAttrTypes
void showAttributes()
{ if ( null current Module )
{ ack "This tool must be run within a module..."
// Ausgabe in File
// output << "\t\t"(current Module)."Name""\n"
// close output
} // showAttrInvestigatorDB
/////////////////////////////////////////// Definition for Modules
DBE lblOldList, lblNewList
DBE dbeListCurrent, dbeListBaseline // two global lists containing the baseline selected (or current version)
DBE dbeOutFileBrowse, dbeOutFileLabel
DBE dbeChangeBarToggle
DBE dbeShowDiffToggle
Stream outFile
Skip skBaselines = create // cache current baselines
bool bShowDiff
string strCellBorders = "\\clbrdrt\\brdrs\\brdrw15\\brdrcf11 \\clbrdrl\\brdrs\\brdrw15\\brdrcf11 \\clbrdrb\\brdrs\\brdrw15\\brdrcf11 \\clbrdrr\\brdrs\\brdrw15\\brdrcf11 "
string lastHeadingNumber(Object o)
{ Regexp reg = regexp "\\.0-[0-9]+$"
string onum = number o
if (onum[0:0] == "0")
{ return "0"
else if (reg onum)
{ int i = start 0
string hd = onum[0:i-1]
while (reg hd)
{ int j = start 0
hd = hd[0:j-1]
return hd
{ return onum
} // lastHeadingNumber
bool oleInsDel(Object o1,o2)
{ bool oleRec = false
string modType = ""
int oldOle = oleCount(o2."Object Text")
int newOle = oleCount(o1."Object Text")
if (newOle > oldOle)
{ oleRec = true
modType = "Figure/Table inserted"
if (newOle < oldOle)
{ oleRec = true
modType = "Figure/Table deleted"
if (oleRec)
{ outFile << "\\trowd \\trgaph108\\trleft-108\\trkeep"
outFile << strCellBorders "\\cellx1026 " strCellBorders "\\cellx2727 " strCellBorders "\\cellx6129 " strCellBorders "\\cellx9531\n"
outFile << "\\intbl " identifier(o1) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o1) "\\cell OLE\\cell " modType "\\cell \\cell\\row\n"
return oleRec
} // oleInsDel
bool oleChange(Object o1,o2)
{ int i = oleCount o1."Object Text"
if (i > 0)
{ Buffer b1 = create
Buffer b2 = create
b1 = richTextWithOle o1."Object Text"
b2 = richTextWithOle o2."Object Text"
int l1 = length b1
int l2 = length b2
delete b1
delete b2
if (l1 != l2)
{ outFile << "\\trowd \\trgaph108\\trleft-108\\trkeep"
outFile << strCellBorders "\\cellx1026 " strCellBorders "\\cellx2727 " strCellBorders "\\cellx6129 " strCellBorders "\\cellx9531\n"
outFile << "\\intbl " identifier(o1) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o1) "\\cell OLE\\cell Figure/Table modified\\cell \\cell\\row\n"
accept o1 // set filter
accept o2 // on both objects
return true
return false
} // oleChange
bool compareObjects(int absno, Object o1, o2, string attr)
{ // function to compare an attribute of two objects with same absolute number
Buffer s1 = create
Buffer s2 = create
Buffer s3 = create
s1 = o1.attr
s2 = o2.attr
if (s1!=s2)
{ outFile << "\\trowd \\trgaph108\\trleft-108\\trkeep"
// if ((attr=="Object Text") && bShowDiff)
if (bShowDiff)
// {
// diff(s3, s2, s1,"\\cf1\\strike ","\\cf3\\ul ")
// outFile << strCellBorders "\\cellx1026 " strCellBorders "\\cellx2727 " strCellBorders "\\cellx9531\n"
// outFile << "\\intbl \\fs16 " identifier(o1) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o1) "\\cell " attr "\\cell " s3 "\\cell " s2 "\\cell\\row\n"
// }
{ diff(s3, s2, s1)
Regexp ct = regexp "colortbl[^}]*}"
string frag
if (ct s3)
{ frag = s3[end 0 + 1:(length s3) - 3]
{ frag = richTextFragment stringOf(s3)
outFile << strCellBorders "\\cellx1026 " strCellBorders "\\cellx2727 " strCellBorders "\\cellx9531\n"
outFile << "\\intbl \\fs16 " identifier(o1) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o1) "\\cell " attr "\\cell " frag "\\cell\\row\n"
{ outFile << strCellBorders "\\cellx1026 " strCellBorders "\\cellx2727 " strCellBorders "\\cellx6129 " strCellBorders "\\cellx9531\n"
outFile << "\\intbl \\fs16 " identifier(o1) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o1) "\\cell " attr "\\cell " s1 "\\cell " s2 "\\cell\\row\n"
accept o1 // set filter
accept o2 // on both objects
delete s1
delete s2
delete s3
return false
delete s1
delete s2
delete s3
return true
} // compareObjects
Skip getAbsnos(Module m)
{ // Build a skip list which maps absnos onto their corresponding objects. Also initialize the DXL filter to "reject"
Skip res = create
Object o
for o in m do
{ int a = o."Absolute Number"
reject o // filter those mentioned in report
put(res, a, o)
return res
} // getAbsnos
void applyCompareFunction (DB dbKlick)
{ // Main comparison routine: find out which modules to compare
// compare objects present in both, report on
// those present in only one.
string name1, name2, outf
int idx1, idx2
bool updateChangeBars
idx1 = get dbeListCurrent // position in list
idx2 = get dbeListBaseline
name1 = get dbeListCurrent // baseline name
name2 = get dbeListBaseline
outf = get dbeOutFileBrowse
updateChangeBars = get dbeChangeBarToggle
bShowDiff = get dbeShowDiffToggle
if (idx1 < 0 || idx2 < 0) // error checking
{ ack "two selections are needed"
else if (idx1 == idx2)
{ ack "same selection on both sides"
Regexp slash = regexp "[\\\\]"
if (!slash outf)
{ outf = currentDirectory "\\" outf
Baseline sel1, sel2
outFile = write outf
outFile << "{\\rtf1\\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fswiss\\fcharset177 Times New Roman;}}{\\colortbl ;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;\\red0\\green255\\blue0;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;}\n"
outFile << "\\paperw11906\\paperh16838\\margl1134\\margr567\\margt1134\\margb851\\headery567\\footery567\n"
string where = (current Module)."Name"
outFile << "\\ul \\fs24 Modified Objects in Module: " where "\\ul0 \\par \\par\n"
outFile << "\\trowd \\trgaph108\\trleft-108\\trhdr"
outFile << strCellBorders "\\cellx1026 " strCellBorders "\\cellx2727 " strCellBorders "\\cellx6129 " strCellBorders "\\cellx9531\n"
outFile << "\\intbl \\fs20 Identifier\\cell Attribute\\cell Current Baseline\\cell Old Baseline\\cell\\row\n"
string str
for str in skBaselines do // find each baseline
{ Baseline b = key skBaselines // the baseline is the key
string str = (major b) "." (minor b) (suffix b)
if (name1==str) sel1 = b
if (name2==str) sel2 = b
progressStart(dbBLCompare, "Baseline Compare", "", 1)
Module old = current
Module b1, b2
if (idx1==0)
b1 = old // i.e. the current Module
{ progressMessage("Load First Baseline Module")
b1 = load(sel1, true) // load the baselines on the screen
progressStart(dbBLCompare, "Baseline Compare", "", 1)
if (idx2==0)
b2 = old // i.e.e the current Module
{ progressMessage("Load Second Baseline Module")
b2 = load(sel2, true)
if (updateChangeBars and (idx1 == 0))
{ AttrDef atcb
atcb = find(b1,"ChangeBar")
if (null atcb)
{ updateChangeBars = false
ack "No ChangeBar attribute in current module"
{ atcb = find(b1,"WordDocChangeLog")
if (!null atcb)
{ b1."WordDocChangeLog" = outf
else if (updateChangeBars)
{ updateChangeBars = false
ack "Can only update ChangeBar in current module"
Skip skCompAttributes = create
string aName
AttrDef atb1,atb2
int i, iSkip = 0, iElems = noElems (dbeAttrDefNameList)
bool bCheck
for (i=0;i<iElems;i++)
{ bCheck = getCheck (dbeAttrDefNameList, i)
if (bCheck)
{ aName = get (dbeAttrDefNameList, i)
atb1 = find(b1,aName)
atb2 = find(b2,aName)
if ((null atb1) or (null atb2))
{ if (null atb1)
infoBox aName " not in later baseline"
infoBox aName " not in earlier baseline"
put(skCompAttributes, iSkip++, aName)
current = b1 // make sure filtering is off
filtering off // on both sides.
current = b2
filtering off
current = old
Skip absno1 = getAbsnos b1 // build caches of absnos -> objects
Skip absno2 = getAbsnos b2
Object o1, o2
int iObj=0, iMaxObj=0, diffs=0
bool StartInsert = true
for o1 in absno1 do // loop through side 1
progressStart(dbBLCompare, "Baseline Compare", "", iMaxObj)
progressMessage("Compare selected attributes of all objects by Identifier")
for o1 in absno1 do // loop through side 1
{ progressStep(iObj++)
Object o2
int i = (int key absno1)
if (find(absno2, i, o2)) // absno exists in other baseline
{ bool ChangeFound = false
for aName in skCompAttributes do
{ ChangeFound = !compareObjects(i, o1, o2, aName) || ChangeFound
ChangeFound = oleInsDel(o1,o2) || ChangeFound
if (!ChangeFound)
{ ChangeFound = oleChange(o1,o2)
if (ChangeFound)
{ diffs++ // found a difference
if (updateChangeBars)
{ o1."ChangeBar" = true
else if (updateChangeBars)
{ o1."ChangeBar" = false
delete(absno2, i) // remove from dbeListBaseline
{ if (StartInsert)
{ outFile << "\\pard\\par\\ul \\fs24 Inserted Objects\\ul0\\par \\par "
StartInsert = false
outFile << "\\fs20" identifier(o1) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o1) "\\par "
accept o1
if (updateChangeBars)
{ o1."ChangeBar" = true
raise (dbBLCompare)
infoBox "Baseline Compare has finished"
if (StartInsert)
{ outFile << "\\pard\\par\\ul \\fs24 Inserted Objects\\ul0\\par \\par "
outFile << "\n\\par\\ul \\fs24 Deleted Objects\\ul0\\par \\par "
for o2 in absno2 do // now we can check for objects not in dbeListCurrent
{ int i = (int key absno2)
outFile << "\\fs20" identifier(o2) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o2) "\\par "
accept o2
delete absno1 // delete caches
delete absno2
delete skCompAttributes
bool doFilter // set to true if differences
if (diffs==0)
{ outFile << "\n\\par \\fs24 no differences found\\par "
else // set filtering on in baselines
{ if (diffs==1)
outFile << "\n\\par \\fs24 one difference found\\par "
outFile << "\n\\par \\fs24 " diffs " differences found\\par "
outFile << "\\par }"
current = b1 // set filters
if (b1 != old)
close b1
// filtering doFilter
// refresh current
current = b2
if (b2 != old)
close b2
// filtering doFilter
// refresh current
current = old // return to former current module
} // applyCompareFunction
//// MAIN PROGRAM ////////////////////////
Module m = current // check calling context
if (null m)
{ ack "program requires current Module"
Baseline b
int i=0
for b in m do // count number of baselines
{ i++
if (i==0)
{ ack "no baselines to compare"
// Now make a dialog for selecting two baselines for comparison
string where = (current Module)."Name"
dbBLCompare = create "Your Company Baseline Compare V. 1.0 startet at Module: \"" where "\""
string strEmptyArr[] = {}
dbeListCurrent = list(dbBLCompare, "Current/Baseline:", 300, i+1 <? 5, strEmptyArr) // make maximum size of 5 elements
dbeListCurrent->"right"->"unattached" // make lists side by side
dbeListBaseline = list(dbBLCompare, "Baseline to compare with:", 300, i+1 <? 5, strEmptyArr)
separator (dbBLCompare)
dbeAttrDefNameList = listView(dbBLCompare, listViewOptionCheckboxes , 250, 14, DUMMY_LIST)
dbeAttrAffects = checkBox(dbBLCompare, "", strAffectsArr, 0)
inactive (dbeAttrAffects)
dbeAttrCharacter = checkBox(dbBLCompare, "", strCharacterArr, 0)
inactive (dbeAttrCharacter)
dbeAttrValidity = checkBox(dbBLCompare, "valid for: ", strValidityArr, 0)
inactive (dbeAttrValidity)
dbeAttrProperty = checkBox(dbBLCompare, "Properties: ", strPropertyArr, 0)
inactive (dbeAttrProperty)
dbeAttrType = field (dbBLCompare, "Type: ", "", 27, true)
dbeDefaultValue = field (dbBLCompare, "Default value:", "", 21, true)
dbeAttrTypeList = text(dbBLCompare, "Possible values or defined borders:", "", 215, 142, true)
dbeAttrTypeSelect = toggle(dbBLCompare,"show System and Hidden Attributes", true)
separator (dbBLCompare)
dbeOutFileLabel = label(dbBLCompare, "Output to:")
dbeOutFileBrowse = fileName(dbBLCompare, "D:\\Project - DOORS Demonstration\\BL_Comp_Result.rtf", "*.rtf", "Rich Text files", false)
dbeChangeBarToggle = toggle(dbBLCompare,"Update ChangeBar attribute", false)
beside (dbBLCompare)
dbeShowDiffToggle = toggle(dbBLCompare,"Show Object Text changes as markup", true)
// dummy
DBE dbeDummy = label(dbBLCompare, "")
// Copyright
DBE dbeCopyRight = label(dbBLCompare, "Copyright (C) Your Company Your Town 2005-2007 Confidential. All rights reserved.")
apply(dbBLCompare, "Compare Now", applyCompareFunction)
set(dbeAttrDefNameList, cbDoSetAttrTypes, doNothing, doNothing)
set(dbeAttrTypeSelect, cbSystemSelect)
realize (dbBLCompare, 0, 0) // we realize so that the lists can be populated using insert
insertColumn(dbeAttrDefNameList, 0, "Attribute Name", 200, iconNone)
for b in m do // fill up the baselines skip list with current baselines
{ string str = (major b) "." (minor b) (suffix b)
put(skBaselines, b, str)
insert(dbeListCurrent, 0, str)
insert(dbeListBaseline, 0, str)
insert(dbeListCurrent, 0, "current") // put current at head of lists
set(dbeListCurrent, 0)
insert(dbeListBaseline, 0, "current")
set(dbeListBaseline, 1)
show dbBLCompare // off we go.......
// end of BaselineCompare.dxl

IBM DOORS Copy text from column

I'm new to DOORS and DXL scripting (not sure if it'll be needed here or not). What I'm looking to do is create a new column in two separate modules that will copy the Absolute Numbers. I know this sounds simple enough, but what I'm running into an issue with is that I use a tool to convert my modules into a PDF and it combines them into one module before doing so. Doing this messes up the Absolute Numbers and I can't afford to have that happen.
More descriptive:
I have a column that contains the following:
'REQ01: 4' where 'REQ01:' represents the module and '4' represents the Absolute Number. Similarly, I have 'REQ02: 4'. I need to copy those in their respective modules and make sure they don't change after the modules have been combined.
I've tried my hand at some DXL scripting and this is what I came up with:
displayRich("REQ01: " obj."Absolute Number" "")
This appropriately shows the column, but again will not work as the Absolute Number ends up changing when I merge the modules.
Thanks in advanced for your help and I apologize if I left any crucial information out.
Here is the code that ultimately worked for me.
// DXL generated on 11 June 2014 by Attribute DXL wizard, Version 1.0
// The wizard will use the following comments on subsequent runs
// to determine the selected options and attributes. It will not
// take account of any manual changes in the body of the DXL code.
// begin parameters (do not edit)
// One attribute/property per line: true
// Show attribute/property names: false
// Include OLE objects in text: true
// Attribute: Object Text
// end parameters (do not edit)
Module m
AttrDef ad
AttrType at
m = module obj
ad = find(m,attrDXLName)
if(!null ad && ad.object)
at = ad.type
if(at.type == attrText)
string s
Buffer val = create
Buffer temp = create
ad = find(m,"Object Text")
if(!null ad)
probeRichAttr_(obj,"Object Identifier", temp, true)
val += tempStringOf temp
obj.attrDXLName = richText (tempStringOf val)
delete val
delete temp
There's a builtin "Copy Attributes" script which does this. At least in the version installed at my company, it's in the PSToolbox, and also available in the menu PSToolbox/attributes/copy.../betweenattributes... Here you go:
// Copy values from one attribute to another
PSToolbox Tools for customizing DOORS with DXL V7.1
This programming tool has been thoroughly checked
and tested at all stages of its production.
Telelogic cannot accept any responsibility for
any loss, disruption or damage to your data or
your computer system that may occur while using
this script.
If you do not accept these conditions, do not use
this customised script.
if ( !confirm "This script copies values from one attribute to another in the same module.\n" //-
"Use this to assist in changing the types of attributes.\n\n" //-
"It asks you to select the source and destination attributes.\n\n" //-
"It works by ... well, copying attribute values!\n\n" //-
#include <addins/PSToolbox/utensils/>
const int MAXATTRS = 1000
DB copyAttrValsDB = null
DBE copyAttrValsFrom = null
DBE copyAttrValsTo = null
DBE copyAttrValsConfirm = null
DBE copyAttrValsButt = null
string attrListFrom[MAXATTRS]
string attrListTo[MAXATTRS]
string confirmOpts[] = { "Yes", "Yes to all", "No", "No to all", "Cancel" }
bool confirmDataLoss = true
bool noToDataLoss = false
// Call-backs
void doAttrValsCopy(DB db) {
// check attributes
string fromAn = attrListFrom[get copyAttrValsFrom]
string toAn = attrListTo [get copyAttrValsTo ]
if ( fromAn == toAn ) {
ack "Cannot copy attribute to itself."
// get confirmation
if ( !confirm "Confirm copy of attribute '" fromAn "' to attribute '" toAn "'." ) {
confirmDataLoss = get copyAttrValsConfirm
// do copy
Object o
for o in current Module do
Buffer oldVal = create()
Buffer newVal = create()
if ( fromAn == "Object Identifier" ) newVal = identifier(o)
else if ( fromAn == "Object Level" ) newVal = level(o) ""
else if ( fromAn == "Object Number" ) newVal = number(o)
else newVal = richText o.fromAn
oldVal = richText o.toAn
if ( confirmDataLoss && !noToDataLoss && length(oldVal) > 0 && oldVal != newVal )
current = o
refresh current
int opt = query("About to lose attribute '" toAn "' = '" stringOf(oldVal) "' on current object.", confirmOpts)
if ( opt == 1 ) confirmDataLoss = false
if ( opt == 2 ) continue
if ( opt == 3 ) noToDataLoss = true
if ( opt == 4 ) return
if ( !confirmDataLoss || !noToDataLoss || length(oldVal) == 0 ) o.toAn = richText stringOf(newVal)
hide copyAttrValsDB
// Main program
int numAttrsFrom = 0
int numAttrsTo = 0
AttrDef ad
for ad in current Module do {
if ( ad.module ) continue
string an =
if ( canRead (current Module, an) ) attrListFrom[numAttrsFrom++] = an
if ( canWrite(current Module, an) ) attrListTo [numAttrsTo++ ] = an
attrListFrom[numAttrsFrom++] = "Object Identifier"
attrListFrom[numAttrsFrom++] = "Object Level"
attrListFrom[numAttrsFrom++] = "Object Number"
copyAttrValsDB = create "Copy attribute values"
copyAttrValsFrom = choice(copyAttrValsDB, "From:", attrListFrom, numAttrsFrom, 0)
copyAttrValsTo = choice(copyAttrValsDB, "To:", attrListTo, numAttrsTo, 0)
copyAttrValsButt = apply (copyAttrValsDB, "Copy", doAttrValsCopy)
copyAttrValsConfirm = toggle(copyAttrValsDB, "Confirm on loss of data", true)
show copyAttrValsDB
