I am somewhat new to google sheets and would appreciate any help/guidance - thank you!
I am attempting to extract the number of likes into a cell (line is highlighted in picture). I have not be able to successfully use REGEX and ImportXLM.
Here's what I have:
The cell prints "Unwind to these calm classical guitar pieces." - I'm honestly not sure where it got this from.
Thank you again!
Edit: Here is the URL: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DXaImRpG7HXqp?si=CLmKZPExTAyzo0ZuZWKgfA
I can extract pretty much everything but the og:description. It just prints the description
"select Col5 where Col4 contains 'followers'", 0), "\d+")*1)
"select Col5 where Col4 contains 'followers'", 0),
"select Col7 where Col6 contains 'followers'", 0)), "\d+")*1)
I would like to use the following formula in arrayformula so I do not need to pull down if new entries appear. Can you help please what am i missing? Thank you.
=Arrayformula(INDEX(Query(FILTER(B2:B, C2:C=I2:I), "select Col1 where Col1 is not null", false), 1, 1))
=FILTER(B2:B, C2:C=I2:I, C2:C<>"")
Thank you beforehand for your kind response.
Problem: I am trying to do a sheet to sort out the 3 top categories of a given range as shown by the attached screen grab.
enter image description here
I only managed to get the results by using the "large" command. "=large(range,n)". Using this I got the value but what I need is the column index/id rather than the numeric values.
Any ideas on how I would go about achieving this?
Thanks for your reply.
Try the following maybe:
Formula in G2:
=TRANSPOSE(QUERY(TRANSPOSE({A$1:E$1;A2:E2}),"Select Col1 Order by Col2 desc limit 3"))
It's definitely possible in arrayformula.
Using vlookup, a sequence of numbers for the search key:
...and a range of columns that are sorted by each row of numbers:
The final formula for the solution, in cell G2:
It will work with blank cells in some of the rows.
The width of the source data is determined by:
and the height of the source 'numbers' by:
=max(if(A:E<>"",row(A:A),))-1 (it needs to sit within an arrayformula).
you may use this superior formula:
QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(IF(A2:E="",,ROW(A2:A)&"×"&A2:E&"×"&A1:E1)), "×"),
"select Col3 where Col2 is not null order by Col1,Col2 desc"), COUNTIFS(
QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(IF(A2:E="",,ROW(A2:A)&"×"&A2:E&"×"&A1:E1)), "×"),
"select Col1 where Col2 is not null order by Col1,Col2 desc"),
QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(IF(A2:E="",,ROW(A2:A)&"×"&A2:E&"×"&A1:E1)), "×"),
"select Col1 where Col2 is not null order by Col1,Col2 desc"),
SEQUENCE(COUNTA(A2:E), 1, ROW(A2)), "<="&SEQUENCE(COUNTA(A2:E), 1, ROW(A2)))<4)&
{"a", "a", 0})),,9^9), 0)), " ")), 9^9, 3))
On this sheet, I've been working on I have the info I need adjusting down into the Query Results
"select B,C,sum(D)
where B is not null
group by B,C
label sum(D)''")
How do I get the Stock Numbers Due that day to be listed out in column D? Like this:
1. 10/7/2019 Grady Johnson $100.12 PT-1013
2. 11/15/2020 Bill Jones $553.80 PT-1020, PT-1019
3. 11/15/2020 Grady Johnson $45.00 PT-1011
4. 11/15/2020 Steve Robinson $320.00 PT-1018, PT-1016
5. 11/17/2020 Jim Luke $1,057.20 PT-1009, PT-1008, PT-1007, PT-1006
6. 11/22/2020 Jim Luke $300.43 PT-1010
Here's the link: Google Sheet
Any help is appreciated!
or paste this in row 3 and drag down:
=JOIN(", ", IFNA(FILTER(Investors!A$4:A, Investors!B$4:B&" "&Investors!C$4:C=A3&" "&B3)))
"select Col2,Col3,count(Col2) where Col2 is not null group by Col2,Col3 pivot Col1"),
"select Col1,Col2 offset 1", 0)),,9^9)),
"select count(Col2) where Col2 is not null group by Col2,Col3 pivot Col1"),
"offset 1", 0)="",,
QUERY(QUERY({Investors!A4:A&",", Investors!B4:C},
"select count(Col2) where Col2 is not null group by Col2,Col3 pivot Col1"),
"limit 0", 1))),,9^9))}), 2, 0)), ",$", ))
Here is my suggested formula to be placed in Combined!D3 of your sample spreadsheet:
=ArrayFormula(IF(A3:A="",,SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(TRANSPOSE(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(IF(VLOOKUP(TRANSPOSE(FILTER(Investors!A4:A,Investors!A4:A<>"")),{Investors!A:A,Investors!C:C&Investors!B:B},2,FALSE)=B3:B&A3:A,TRANSPOSE(FILTER(Investors!A4:A,Investors!A4:A<>"")),))," ",COUNTA(Investors!A4:A))))," ",", ")))
As for how it works, that would be time-consuming to explain. (More time than is reasonable for a free site such as this.) I will suggest that, if this is important to you, take the time to study it. Take it apart and see what each piece does — separately and then in combination with other parts — until you've gotten it all back together.
i want to display the value in another sheet by a solution. so that when we enter a code it must search from the last sheet and generate value. pls check
should be:
{'Please Solve'!$A$2:$B$10;'Please Solve'!$C$2:$D$10},
"select Col1,Col2 where Col1 <>'' order by Col1,Col2 ", 0), 2, 0)))
Looking for a more efficient way, possibly array formula for Min/Max down a column. Not sure if array formulas work with this function as I can't get it to.
=ARRAYFORMULA(MAX(VLOOKUP(K42:K169, {ROW(Data!A:A), Data!E:E}, 2, 0)&VLOOKUP(K43:K170-1, {ROW(Data!A:A), Data!E:E}, 2, 0)))
Note that I am using ROW(Data!A:A) instead of simply ROW(A:A) because the range in current sheet doesn't fit that of sheet Data!.
Here is my current code copied down columns in my sheet.
Just need a more efficient way. Am I correct that using INDIRECT results in slow calculation times.
INDIRECT("Data!A1:A"&COUNTA(L42:L)*K41)), K41)=0, "♦", ),,999^99), "♦")), ","),
"where Col2 is not null", 0)),
"select "&TEXTJOIN(",", 1, IF(LEN(L42:L),
"max(Col"&ROW(A42:A)-ROW(A42)+1&")", ))&"")),
"select Col2"))