I've got some model code that calls to the database with a simple find():
#thing = Thing.find(id)
I have data seeded in the database for the test environment. If I open the console in test (rails c -e test), I can run Thing.find(1) and get a result fine, however when I run a test that calls the method shown above, it reports that it cannot find a record with the id of 1.
I assume I am misunderstanding the relationship between test seed data and the tests being run against that database. Why do I see seed sin the test DB but the test doesn't?
A more conventional way of doing this would be to create fixtures (or factories if using FactoryBot) and call these factories in your test setup. As previous answers have said, hardcoding test ID's will likely return RecordNotFound due to auto-incrementing.
For context, this question arose because we are migration from Rails 5 to Rails 6, and introducing reader / writer database connections via the new replication features.
Our specific problem is with request specs, with an eye towards using transactional fixtures. When we run our request specs files in isolation, they pass. When run as part of a multiple-file pass (such as a full bundle exec parallel_rspec pass used on circle CI) they fail. If we turn off transactional fixtures, the tests take far too long to run, but pass.
Using byebug, we've poked in and determined that the problem is that our test data has been written to / is accessible by the writer DB connection, but the route is attempting to use the reader DB connection to read it. I. E. ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(role: :reading) { puts Foo.count } is 0, while the same code connecting to writing role is non-zero.
The problem from there seems fairly obvious: because we're using transactional tests / fixtures, the code is never committed to the DB. It's only available on the connection it was made on. The request spec is reading from the 'right' db for the call (a GET request should use the reader db), but in the use-case of tests that's producing errors.
It seems like this is a fairly obvious use case that either Rails or rspec should have a tool for handling, we just don't seem to be able to find the relevant documentation.
You need to tell the test environment that it should be using a single connection for both. There are multiple ways of doing this:
You can configure your test environment not to use replicas at all. See Setting up your application for examples of using a replica and not using a replica then reproduce the non-replica version in your database.yml for the test environment only.
You can use connected_to within your specs themselves so that those tests are forced to use the specific connection you want them to use. One way to do this is with around hooks:
describe "around filter" do
around(:each) do |example|
puts "around each before"
ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(role: :writing) { example.run }
puts "around each after"
it "gets run in order" do
puts "in the example"
You can monkey patch your ActiveRecord configuration in rails_helper so that it doesn't use replicas (but I'd really recommend #1 over this option)
Background: I am unit testing a game server which is built upon rails 4.1.1 and separate socket.io/node.js for socket messaging. Messages from node.js to rails are going through RESTful http requests.
Single test case runs as follows:
(1) rake unit test --> (2) rails controller --> (3) node.js/socket.io --> (4) rails controller
Problem description: Some DB entries are created with ActiveRecord at step (2), then upon receiving a socket message at step (3) node.js sends HTTP request back to rails controller and finally(!!) at step (4) rails controller tries to access DB entries from step (2), but TEST DB contents are empty at this point.
Question: It seems like desired behavior of rake to cleanup TEST DB, but how can I persist TEST db across test cases and prevent such problem?
Thanks in advance
You should prepare and send request to node app inside a test and assert response there.
But it's not a good practice. The better solution would be HTTP mocks (like webmock gem). This approach will save lots of time in the future.
Luckily, I figured out the solution.
By default, rake is wrapping all tests in separate DB transactions and rolls back on cleanup. Moreover, whatever requests/queries are coming outside of TestCase are not included in transaction and not visible inside the test case.
To avoid such behavior, we have to disable transactional fixtures in test/test_helper.rb
class ActiveSupport::TestCase
self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
As downside, we have to cleanup test db manually. So #Alexander Shlenchack points out to avoid such practice in the first place and use http/socket mocks in future.
Here is brief summary http://devblog.avdi.org/2012/08/31/configuring-database_cleaner-with-rails-rspec-capybara-and-selenium/
And related question Rails minitest, database cleaner how to turn use_transactional_fixtures = false
I want to test my Ruby-on-Rails website that uses PostgreSQL database with Cucumber.
I also have the FactoryGirl gem installed, so I can create factories.
I understand that the typical way to create data for the test database would be to write Gherkin tables and put them in the background block of a cucumber file. But I already have a Ruby script that creates samle data suitable for the test database.
Yet, I am currently lost in Cucumber’s settings. Could you please advise how to make Cucumber run my Ruby script populating the test database before each test and how to clean the test database after each test. Apparently, my google-fu is inadequate for this task.
add the cucumber rule like I have 4 clock in the pocket to features/clock.feature (for example).
implement the rule in the features/step_definition/clock_steps.rb (for example) to create defined amount Clock models, and single Pocket model. and associate them:
When /I have (\d+) clock in the pocket/ do |amount|
pocket = FactoryGirl.create :pocket
amount.times { FactoryGirl.create :clock, pocket: pocket }
So, you then will get some data populated.
If you want predefine the step for most scenarios you can either:
Create a larger step (for example) called I have basic clock setup, then define it as an above one, but add another required steps into it.
Use step recursion (this is non-recommended way) as follows:
When /I have basic clock setup/ do |amount|
step 'I have 4 clock in the pocket'
I ended up using a Before do block in the .rb file with Cucumber tests:
Before do
<code to populate the test database here>
Given /first condition/
do some stuff
...and so on
I've read some topics about not using RSpec's before all callback, but none of those answered my question: I normally got constant-like records in my db. They are not changeable to my users and are required as 'belongs_to' subject in every 'Order' (the most created Model in my app) object. It would feel unnatural for me to create a factory for this model.
So where am I to create those records (most of the time it is just couple of them)?
You could populate your test db using
rake db:seed RAILS_ENV=test
before running your tests the first time, after that they will be available for every run. Be careful though not to change the test db during the tests, to avoid polluting your seed data.
I've been trying to solve a problem for a few weeks now. I am running rspec tests for my Rails app, and they are working fine except for one error that I can't seem get my head around.
I am using MySQL with the InnoDB engine.
I have set config.use_transactional_fixtures = true in spec_helper.rb
I load my test fixtures manually with the command rake spec:db:fixtures:load.
The rspec test is being written for a BackgrounDRb worker, and it is testing that a record can have its state updated (through the state_machine gem).
Here is my problem:
I have a model called Listings. The rspec test calls the update_sold_items method within a file called listing_worker.rb.
This method calls listing.sell for a particular record, which sets the listing record's 'state' column to 'sold'.
So far, this is all working fine, but when the update_sold_items method finishes, my rspec test fails here:
listing = Listing.find_by_listing_id(listing_id)
listing.state.should == "sold"
expected: "sold",
got: "current" (using ==)
I've been trying to track down why the state change is not persisting, but am pretty much lost. Here is the result of some debugging code that I placed in the update_sold_items method during the test:
pp listing.state # => "current"
pp listing.state # => "sold"
pp listing.state # => "current"
I cannot understand why it saves perfectly fine, but then reverts back to the original record whenever I call reload, or Listing.find etc.
Thanks for reading this, and please ask any questions if I haven't given enough information.
Thanks for your help,
Nathan B
P.S. I don't have a problem creating new records for other classes, and testing those records. It only seems to be a problem when I am updating records that already exist in the database.
I suspect, like nathan, transaction issues. Try putting a Listing.connection.execute("COMMIT") right before your first save call to break the transaction and see what changes. That will break you out of the transaction so any additional rollback calls will be non-effectual.
Additionally, by running a "COMMIT" command, you could pause the test with a debugger and inspect the database from another client to see what's going on.
The other hypothesis, if the transaction experimentation doesn't yield any results, is that perhaps your model really isn't saving to the database. Check your query logs. (Specifically find the update query).
These kind of issues really stink! Good luck!
If you want to investigate what you have in DB while running tests you might find this helpful...
I have a rspec test where I save #user.save and it works like a charm, but then I wanted to see if it's really saved in the DB.
I opened rails console for test environment
rails c test
and as expected got nothing
I ran my spec that contains:
user_attr_hash = FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:user)
#user = User.new user_attr_hash
I thought that stopping the test after save would mean that it's persisted, but that's not the case. It seems that COMMIT on the connection is fired later (I have no idea when:\ )
So, as #Tim Harper suggests, you have to fire that commit yourself in the pry console:
pry(#<RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::Nested_1>)> User.connection.execute("COMMIT")
Now, if you run User.all in your rails console you should see it ;)