I am new to QAF. I m using common steps to store value into one variable and need to assert one locator has that value.
store(Object val, String var);
store(2000, “currnetBalance”);
I need to do below activity.
How to pass asserttext(“//#[availableText]”, ${varname})
I tried to pass single quotes, double quotes, concatenate string not able to print result.
you can access stored variable from configuration manager. Use ConfigurationManager.getBundle() to access them in code. For example:
import static com.qmetry.qaf.automation.core.ConfigurationManager.getBundle;
String val = getBundle().getString("varname");
Object val = getBundle().getObject("varname");
I am unable to set a string with special characters. It is working fine if I only set a string.
I have written this line:
static var var1 = "s$kncsfiu(AKdhjkhj^sjffhj&jh%";
But it is showing this error:
Any clues how can I set this variable value in Dart flutter?
$ is used in strings for when you want to insert the value of a variable directly into your string. If you want to write $ in your string, you need to escape it like:
static var var1 = "s\$kncsfiu(AKdhjkhj^sjffhj&jh%";
Or do it with marking your string as a "raw" string which disable features like the $ variable replacement:
static var var1 = r"s$kncsfiu(AKdhjkhj^sjffhj&jh%";
For more information, please read the following section in the Dart Language Tour: https://dart.dev/guides/language/language-tour#strings
final dList = <dynamic> [];
final List<String> sList1 = dList; // fails (can't implicitly cast)
final sList2 = dList.cast<String>(); // works (needs manual casting)
dynamic dString = '';
final String sString1 = dString; // works
final sString2 = dString as String; // works
You can see the comments in the code part what I am talking about, it is difficult to point out the piece of code here in writing part, so I added them in the code part.
List fails to convert but other types like bool, int, String works with internal casting.
The point is that dList is a List<dynamic>. The type dynamic is a top type (a supertype of all other types), and it's reified (so you can test it at run time, as opposed to Java where type arguments are erased at run time). With cast you are creating a new object, instance of List<String>, so it's allowed to be the value of a variable of that type.
With dString you already have an instance of type String (because '' evaluates to such an instance), so the cast just verifies that this is indeed a String.
You can never use a cast in Dart to obtain an object whose type is different from the starting point, it will only check the type of the existing object (and confirm that the type is as required, or throw).
Is there a way to get the string value out of a KeySym value?
For example, out of keyPrintable("a").
If you know the KeySym value is a keyPrintable, you can just get it using the key property. For instance
KeySym kv = ... // something that yields a KeySym
str s = kv.key;
If you don't know it's a keyPrintable you can either check to see if it was built using that constructor, or use pattern matching. So, either
if (kv is keyPrintable) {
// code that uses kv.key to get back the value
if (keyPrintable(str s) := kv) {
// code that can now use s, which is the key
You can also ask if kv has that field, and then use it:
if (kv has key) {
// code that uses kv.key
Once you introduce a field name in a constructor, and it has a specific type, you know that same field name has that same type in any additional constructors for the same datatype. So, once we know field key is type str, field key has to be str in any value of type KeySym. That is why it's fine to see if kv has field key and then treat it as a str, nobody could come along later and add a new constructor for KeySym where key has a different type.
In this article it shows how to use the SqlCommandProvider type. The sample code has this:
use cmd = new SqlCommandProvider<"
SELECT TOP(#topN) FirstName, LastName, SalesYTD
FROM Sales.vSalesPerson
WHERE CountryRegionName = #regionName AND SalesYTD > #salesMoreThan
" , connectionString>(connectionString)
what does the <... ,...> before the type constructor name mean and why the the
first parameter have to be a string literal? It looks like a generic but it's taking variables not types. The constructor seems to be taking in a connection string already in the <> section.
The angle brackets are the configuration for a type.
In your example, you are defining a type and creating an instance at the same type. It's clearer when the steps are separated.
Define a type.
type SalesPersonQuery = SqlCommandProvider<query, connectionString>
But to actually have an instance of the type you have to create it:
let command = new SalesPersonQuery()
Now you can use the command.Execute() rather then SalesPersonQuery.Execute().
The reason there is a constructor is because later on (at run-time) you can change the connection string to a different then the one provided in the definition, so for instance:
let command = new SalesPersonQuery(differentConnectionString)
You can find that in the documentation in configuration section:
Connection string can be overridden at run-time via constructor optional parameter
First parameter can be a path to a SQL script or a SQL query. I suppose that's the reason it's a string: how else would you like to define a SQL query?
Again, from the documentation:
Command text (sql script) can be either literal or path to *.sql file
question from a groovy newbie:
sql is initiated as follows
final Binding binding = new Binding();
binding.setProperty("sql", sql);
final groovy.sql.Sql sql = Sql.newInstance(dbConfig.getUrl(), dbConfig.getUserName(), dbConfig.getPasswd(),"oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver");
I am running a query in groovy like this
def listOfRows = sql.rows (select column1 from table1);
listOfRows when printed shows contents like [[column1_name:value1], [column1_name:value2], [column1_name:value3]]
I want to check if value2 (a String) exists in the returned list of values from the above query.
I have tried doing listOfRows.contains('value2') and listOfRows.find('value2'),
it complains that the method does not exist for lists..
what's the best way of doing this ?
EDITED: I have corrected the list of printed values. What's being returned is List<GroovyResultSet>
and I have also added the definition of sql.
I would suggest you to take a look at groovy documentation, and particularly to collections documentation (both tutorial and JDK/GDK).
in that case, the most specifically adapted solution would be to use Collection#find() ... with something like
listOfRows.find { it.contains(':value2') }
Which can be translated into human-readable
find the first element in this collection which string contains ":value2".
You probably want
listOfRows.column1.contains( 'value2' )
You are probably invoking this method which takes a GString (note that GString != String) as an argument. According to this question, a string in single quotes is a standard java string, and a string in double quotes is a templatable string.
'hello' //java.lang.String
"hello" //groovy.lang.GString
Try this:
what i ended up doing is following :
iterate the listOfRows, get all the values for column1 from each GroovyResultSet into a listOfValues ,then check for my values in that list.
def listOfValues=[];