Adding a static web page to a Vapor server - vapor

I have a Vapor server API running in Heroku supporting an iOS app. I want to create a simple landing page for my app and I would like to host it in my existing Vapor server. How could I do that?

Vapor actually has a built-in middleware that makes this very easy. First, make sure you have a Public directory at the root of your Vapor project. Then you can put your static HTML page in there, along with any CSS and JS files it might rely on.
Next, you just need to add FileMiddleware to your application's middleware (docs):
let file = FileMiddleware(publicDirectory:
Now you can access any of the files in your Public directory using their relative directory path as the path in the URL to your app. For example, if you have a static directory in your Public directory, and put a home.html file in it, you request the page by going to http://localhost:8080/static/home.html in your browser.


Zend Framework 2 index.php in root folder

I am bulding a website with zend framework 2 and a URL typically looks like this:
In the skeleton application i don't have index.php by default, so i created one what basically includes the index.php from the public folder.(This is absolutely not the correct solution). What works but slows down the whole website, also the redirect plugin still redirects to insetad of
How could i skip the "public" in the URLs and get the redirect plugin to work?
Either you can do this from webserver from where you can point the public folder index.php so either point the domain to zf2 you should point to zf2/public/index.php
Another way is you can use htaccess and remove the public url
You should configure your web server so that it serves from public instead of the ZF2 root folder.
Not sure if you use IIS or apache or NGiNX, so without those details it is hard to say what you need to do exactly. But it should be easy to find a 'how to' for your particular web server.
It comes down to configuring what folder should be server for that particular virtual host.
Google can help you

Using Swashbuckle to Host an Existing Swagger.JSON file

I have an existing Swagger.json file for a .NET WebApi site which I would like to integrate with my developer site (which is at a different url) running Swashbuckle.
Can I simply copy this swagger.json file to the mvc site (content or app_data folder and do this?)
If I can, where is the best place to put it.
How do I make this the default swagger file served up by the host?
The EnableSwagger method has two signatures, in one of them you can specify the route template to your files, so you can really serve it from wherever you want, just make sure your template matches the location of your json file. Take a look here:

how to serve static files via MVC after login (I am trying to add an angular mini-SPA to my large MVC project)

Looking for suggestions on how to host static files through an MVC app.
I have an MVC SPA (basically a bunch of static html, js and img files). I want users to be able to access these static files only after they have logged into my MVC application. I am running on a windows server platform, using IIS.
Currently I am doing this:
RouteTable.Routes.IgnoreRoute("AngularApp/{*path}"); //to serve up angular files from AngularApp folder
However this has a number of problems.
I don't really want to ignore the route, I want the MVC controller to check if the user has permissions (like my other controllers do), if not redirect to login page and if so, then instead of sending them to a view, allow them to load any files in a particular folder or subfolders. But the folders these files load from need to be a different path than the route URL requested. For example I don't want users to have to go to but rather if they request I want it to serve up the file from there.
This seems simply a matter of being able to have MVC redirect and fetch files from a different folder, but I have no idea how to do this.
Could someone knowledgeable about MVC please give me a step by step simple way to do this? When I try to fetch files outside the views folder this seemingly simple task results in various permissions and other kinds of errors because I don't know how to do it correctly.
P.S. To clarify, I know how to get my controller to check permissions and redirect, to any single file in the views folder, but how do I do it for a whole folder of files and directories in a higher level folder? I want to map the route, have it go to a controller, then instead of going to a view I want it to take me to static files. I suspect there is some way to use maproute() in global.asax to help me do this but I do not have a lot of experience with that.
I may be oversimplifying but I usually select the application in IIS Manager and then select Mime Types, they add mappings for whatever types you want to map statically. I've done this for HTML and JSON files before and it worked fine. Use type = text/javascript or application/json etc.

Favicon with Meteor?

I'm trying to load a favicon into my Meteor project but I can't get it to work. I tried using this tutorial but when I put the mentioned reference in the of my HTML nothing happened. Also what do they mean by /public directory? I don't have a /public directory, should I just put my favicon.ico in the root directory?
The public directory doesn't exist by default - you just need to create it. Meteor uses the public directory in the root of your app to serve plain files rather than bundling them in the app. In order for a <link rel="icon"> tag to work, it needs to point to a file that exists in public. Note that the URL to the icon will not contain the path "public/" - files in public are served as if they were at the root of your web server.
A new Meteor app doesn't include any folders except the required .meteor directory. However, it will treat folders named public, private, client, server, and lib specially. You can also create more arbitrarily named directories. This affords you a lot of control over the exact structure of your app. Read about the Meteor directory structure in the Documentation:
Lastly, the Meteor server will serve any files under the public directory, just like in a Rails or Django project. This is the place for images, favicon.ico, robots.txt, and anything else.
Create client/header.html: <head><link rel='icon' href='/favicon.ico'></head>
Put you favicon.ico into /public folder.
Start server, open your browser and see the result.

Clearing the static file cache from client machine in ASP.NET MVC

I have an ASP.NET mvc application hosted on a server. I am continually updating my CSS and JS files for the application. After changing the files and updating the same on server, when I hit the URL for my application it runs with client cache. Is there any easy mechanism by which I can clear the cache whenever there is any change in static files.
Simplest trick would be to attach a version query string parameter to your static file requests. This will make the browse cache a new version every time. For an example, view source on this page--they even do it here.
