Xamarin Android Take picture intent save 0b file - webview

i'm trying to take a pitcure with camera startin from fileupload of webview.
All code works for file chooser, but when i take a pitcure with camera, i found a 0b file in the directory where i create the temp file.
Someone can help me?
Here my code for customchromeclient filechooser event:
public override bool OnShowFileChooser(Android.Webkit.WebView webView, Android.Webkit.IValueCallback filePathCallback, FileChooserParams fileChooserParams)
string[] type = fileChooserParams.GetAcceptTypes();
this.mFilePathCallback = filePathCallback;
px_MyActivity.mFilePathCallback = filePathCallback;
if (string.Join("/", type).Contains("jpg") || string.Join("/", type).Contains("image"))
Intent takePictureIntent = new Intent(Android.Provider.MediaStore.ActionImageCapture);
if (takePictureIntent.ResolveActivity(px_MyActivity.PackageManager) != null) {
Java.IO.File photoFile = null;
photoFile = createImageFile();
catch(Exception e)
if (photoFile != null) {
mCameraPhotoPath = "file:" + photoFile.AbsolutePath;
//takePictureIntent.PutExtra(Android.Provider.MediaStore.ExtraOutput, photoFile);
px_MyActivity.mCameraPhotoPath = Android.Net.Uri.FromFile(photoFile); ;
} else {
takePictureIntent = null;
Intent contentSelectionIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionGetContent);
Intent[] intentArray;
if(takePictureIntent != null) {
intentArray = new Intent[]{takePictureIntent};
} else {
intentArray = new Intent[0];
//Intent chooserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionChooser);
Intent chooserIntent = Intent.CreateChooser(contentSelectionIntent, "Carica Foto");
chooserIntent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraIntent, contentSelectionIntent);
chooserIntent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraTitle, "Carica Foto");
chooserIntent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraInitialIntents, intentArray);
px_MyActivity.StartActivityForResult(chooserIntent, PHOTO_REQUEST);
}catch(Exception ex){
else if (string.Join("/", type).Contains("mpg"))
Intent takePictureIntent = new Intent(Android.Provider.MediaStore.ActionVideoCapture);
Intent chooserIntent = fileChooserParams.CreateIntent();
px_MyActivity.StartActivity(Intent.CreateChooser(chooserIntent, "File Chooser"), FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE, this.OnFileChooserEnd);
return true;
private Java.IO.File createImageFile(){
// Create an image file name
string timeStamp = Android.OS.SystemClock.CurrentThreadTimeMillis().ToString();
string imageFileName = "JPEG_" + timeStamp + "_";
Java.IO.File storageDir = new Java.IO.File(Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.Path);
Java.IO.File imageFile = Java.IO.File.CreateTempFile(
imageFileName, /* prefix */
".jpg", /* suffix */
storageDir /* directory */
return imageFile;
and here the code for avtivityresult:
protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result resultVal, Android.Content.Intent data)
if (resultVal == Result.Ok)
if (requestCode == SPEECH)
var matches = data.GetStringArrayListExtra(RecognizerIntent.ExtraResults);
if (matches.Count != 0)
string xResult = matches[0];
if (xResult.Length > 500)
xResult = xResult.Substring(0, 500);
Xamarin.Forms.MessagingCenter.Send(this, "SpeechEnd", xResult);
}else if (requestCode == FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE)
}else if (requestCode == PHOTO_REQUEST)
if (mFilePathCallback == null)
base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultVal, data);
Android.Net.Uri[] result = null;
if (data == null)
if (mCameraPhotoPath != null)
result = new Android.Net.Uri[] { mCameraPhotoPath };
string xDataString = data.DataString;
if (xDataString != null)
result = new Android.Net.Uri[] { Android.Net.Uri.Parse(xDataString) };
Android.Graphics.Bitmap xImage = (Android.Graphics.Bitmap)data.Extras.Get("data");
//if(Android.Support.V4.Content.ContextCompat.CheckSelfPermission(this, Android.Manifest.Permission.ReadExternalStorage) == Permission.Granted)
// var xStream = new System.IO.FileStream(mCameraPhotoPath.Path, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
// xImage.Compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.Jpeg, 100, xStream);
// xStream.Flush();
// xStream.Close();
// //string path = Android.Provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.InsertImage(ContentResolver, xImage, "Title", "prova 1");
// // string path = Android.Provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.InsertImage(ContentResolver, mCameraPhotoPath.Path, "Title.jpg", "prova 1");
if (mCameraPhotoPath != null)
result = new Android.Net.Uri[] { mCameraPhotoPath };
catch (Java.IO.IOException e)
//mFilePathCallback.OnReceiveValue(Android.Webkit.WebChromeClient.FileChooserParams.ParseResult((int)resultVal, data));
mFilePathCallback = null;
if (requestCode == PHOTO_REQUEST)
mFilePathCallback.OnReceiveValue(Android.Webkit.WebChromeClient.FileChooserParams.ParseResult((int)resultVal, null));


How to create multiple configuration in Zerotouch? Configuration need enrollment token. Do we need multiple enrollment tokens for creating config?

Get Method of HardwarePolicy
public IActionResult PolicyManagement(string profileType)
#region ResellerServiceAccountEMMOAuthCred
ServiceAccountCredential? credential;
string fileName = "service_account_key.json";
string path = Path.Combine(this.Environment.WebRootPath, "ZeroTouchCredJSON", fileName);
using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
credential = GoogleCredential.FromStream(stream)
.UnderlyingCredential as ServiceAccountCredential;
// Create a zero-touch enrollment API service endpoint.
var service = new AndroidManagementService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = ResourceMsg.EMMAppName
ViewBag.MyPolicyName = string.Empty;
dynamic? policyId = null;
CommonPoliciesDto dto = new();
CommonPoliciesDto cpDto = new();
bool jFlag = false;
dynamic enterpriseNameFormat = "";
//fetch two profile types (Fully Manged & Work)
dto.ProfileTypeList = _iAdminMapper.GetProfileTypeList();
//fetch LoggedIn user info
var loggedInUserEmail = HttpContext.Session.GetString("LoggedInUserName");
var loggedInUserId = HttpContext.Session.GetString("LoggedInUserId");
//fetch enterprises based on loggedInUser
var enterprisesRes = _iEmmMapper.GetEnterprises().Where(x => x.AdminIdentityId == loggedInUserId).FirstOrDefault();
//get enterprise data based on loggedIn user google account
var enterpriseDatax = _iEmmMapper.GetEnterprises().Where(x => x.CustomerGoogleAccountId == enterprisesRes.CustomerGoogleAccountId).FirstOrDefault();
if (enterpriseDatax != null)
//bind myEnterpriseId in view page
ViewBag.MyEnterpriseeId = enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId;
//dto.DeviceList = _iAdminMapper.GetDropDevicesList(enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId);
enterpriseNameFormat = string.Format("enterprises/{0}", enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId);
//Fetch Current PolicyName
var myPolicyDatax = _iEmmMapper.GetCommonPolicies().Where(x => x.EnterpriseId == enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId && x.CustomStatus2 == true).FirstOrDefault();
if(myPolicyDatax != null)
ViewBag.MyPolicyName = myPolicyDatax.PolicyName;
ViewBag.MyPolicyName = ResourceMsg.DefaultPolicy;
//fetch policy info based on enterpriseId and profileType
var policyData = _iEmmMapper.GetCommonPolicies().Where(x => x.EnterpriseId == enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId && x.PolicyProfileType == profileType && x.PolicyType == ResourceMsg.Default).FirstOrDefault();
if (policyData != null)
policyId = policyData.PolicyId;
List<string> featuresList = new()
//create web token for managed Google Play web UI; need reseller creds to generated token
var ParentFrameUrl = _iConfiguration.GetValue<string>("AppSetting:ParentFrameUrl");
WebToken webTokenInfo = service.Enterprises.WebTokens.Create(new DemoWebToken()
.SetEnabledFeatures(featuresList), enterpriseNameFormat)
var webToken = webTokenInfo.Value;
TempData["WebToken"] = webToken;
var result = _iEmmMapper.GetCommonPolicies().Where(x => x.PolicyId == policyId && x.PolicyType == ResourceMsg.Default).FirstOrDefault();
//applicationsettings | based on profileType
var resAppmodel = _iEmmMapper.GetApplicationPolicies().OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).FirstOrDefault(x => x.PolicyId == policyId);
var resDevicemodel = _iEmmMapper.GetDevicePolicies().Where(x => x.EnterpriseId == enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId && x.IsActive).FirstOrDefault();
if (profileType != null)
//If Managed Profile then perform on all settings
if (profileType == ResourceMsg.FullyManged)
if (result != null)
if (resAppmodel != null)
if (resDevicemodel != null)
//prepare commonpolicies vmodel to send to view
dto = new()
EnterpriseName = enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseNameRequested,
//populate policyNameList
//EnterpriseList = _iEmmMapper.GetActiveEnterprisesDropList(),
//populate enterprise list
EnterpriseList = _iEmmMapper.GetActiveEnterprisesDropList(),
//common policies
ProfileTypeList = _iAdminMapper.GetProfileTypeList(),
ProfileType = profileType,
//bindMyEnterpriseId in view
MyEnterpriseId = enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId,
//hardware settings
DupWifiConfigDisabled = cpDto.DupWifiConfigDisabled,
DupMobileNetworksConfigDisabled = cpDto.DupMobileNetworksConfigDisabled,
DupBluetoothDisabled = cpDto.DupBluetoothDisabled,
DupUsbFileTransferDisabled = cpDto.DupUsbFileTransferDisabled,
MaximumTimeToLock = cpDto.MaximumTimeToLock,
AdjustVolumeDisabled = result != null ? result.AdjustVolumeDisabled : false,
ScreenCaptureDisabled = result != null ? result.ScreenCaptureDisabled : false,
StatusBarDisabled = result != null ? result.StatusBarDisabled : false,
BluetoothContactSharingDisabled = result != null ? result.BluetoothContactSharingDisabled : false,
ShareLocationDisabled = result != null ? result.ShareLocationDisabled : false,
WifiConfigDisabled = result != null ? result.WifiConfigDisabled : false,
MobileNetworksConfigDisabled = result != null ? result.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled : false,
AutoDateAndTimeZone = result != null ? result.AutoDateAndTimeZone : ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_UNSPECIFIED,
KeyguardDisabled = result != null ? result.KeyguardDisabled : false,
CameraDisabled = result != null ? result.CameraDisabled : false,
//app settings
ApplicationName = cpDto.ApplicationName ?? string.Empty,
AppPackageName = cpDto.AppPackageName ?? string.Empty,
DupInstallType = cpDto.DupInstallType,
DupDefaultPermissionPolicy = cpDto.DupDefaultPermissionPolicy,
PackageList = _iEmmMapper.GetApplicationsList(),
//device mode settings
KioskMode = cpDto.KioskMode,
AppPolicyName = "",
PackageName = resDevicemodel != null? resDevicemodel.PackageName: "",
PackageId = cpDto.PackageId,
DupLockPowerButton = cpDto.DupLockPowerButton,
StatusBar = cpDto.StatusBar,
DupDisableDeviceSettings = cpDto.DupDisableDeviceSettings,
SystemNavigation = cpDto.SystemNavigation != null ? cpDto.SystemNavigation : ResourceMsg.SYSTEM_NAVIGATION_UNSPECIFIED,
DupEnableSystemErrorWarnings = cpDto.DupEnableSystemErrorWarnings,
IsDeleted = resDevicemodel != null ? resDevicemodel.IsDeleted: true,
//fetch defaultConfiguration status to show createConfiguration button when status is true
IsDefaultConfigurationSet = enterpriseDatax.IsDefaultConfigurationSet,
DeviceList = _iAdminMapper.GetDropDevicesList(enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId)
if (jFlag)
//when profile dropdown changed
return Json(dto);
// TempData["PolicyApplied"] = TempData["PolicyApplied"];
return View(dto);
//If work Profile then perform on hardware and apps settings
if (profileType == ResourceMsg.Work)
if (result != null)
if (resAppmodel != null)
//prepare commonpolicies vmodel to send to view
dto = new()
EnterpriseName = enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseNameRequested,
//hardware settings
DupWifiConfigDisabled = cpDto.DupWifiConfigDisabled,
DupMobileNetworksConfigDisabled = cpDto.DupMobileNetworksConfigDisabled,
DupBluetoothDisabled = cpDto.DupBluetoothDisabled,
DupUsbFileTransferDisabled = cpDto.DupUsbFileTransferDisabled,
MaximumTimeToLock = cpDto.MaximumTimeToLock,
AdjustVolumeDisabled = result != null ? result.AdjustVolumeDisabled : false,
ScreenCaptureDisabled = result != null ? result.ScreenCaptureDisabled : false,
StatusBarDisabled = result != null ? result.StatusBarDisabled : false,
BluetoothContactSharingDisabled = result != null ? result.BluetoothContactSharingDisabled : false,
ShareLocationDisabled = result != null ? result.ShareLocationDisabled : false,
WifiConfigDisabled = result != null ? result.WifiConfigDisabled : false,
MobileNetworksConfigDisabled = result != null ? result.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled : false,
AutoDateAndTimeZone = result != null ? result.AutoDateAndTimeZone : ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_UNSPECIFIED,
KeyguardDisabled = result != null ? result.KeyguardDisabled : false,
CameraDisabled = result != null ? result.CameraDisabled : false,
//app settings
ApplicationName = cpDto.ApplicationName ?? string.Empty,
AppPackageName = cpDto.AppPackageName ?? string.Empty,
DupInstallType = cpDto.DupInstallType,
DupDefaultPermissionPolicy = cpDto.DupDefaultPermissionPolicy,
PackageList = _iEmmMapper.GetApplicationsList(),
//common policies
EnterpriseList = _iEmmMapper.GetActiveEnterprisesDropList(),
ProfileTypeList = _iEmmMapper.GetProfileTypeList(),
ProfileType = profileType,
//bindMyEnterpriseId in view
MyEnterpriseId = enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId,
//fetch defaultConfiguration status to show createConfiguration button when status is true
IsDefaultConfigurationSet = enterpriseDatax.IsDefaultConfigurationSet,
DeviceList = _iAdminMapper.GetDropDevicesList(enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId)
if (jFlag)
//when profile dropdown changed
return Json(dto);
return View(dto);
// TempData["PolicyApplied"] = TempData["PolicyApplied"];
return View(dto);
catch (Exception ex)
_loggerManager.LogError($"Something went wrong inside CommonPolicies get action: {ex.Message}");
return View(new CommonPoliciesDto());
Post Mehtod
public IActionResult PolicyManagement(CommonPoliciesDto commonPolicies)
dynamic PolicyAge = string.Empty;
dynamic policyResponse = string.Empty;
string myPolicyId = string.Empty;
//bind myEnterpriseId in view page
ViewBag.MyEnterpriseeId = commonPolicies.MyEnterpriseId;
//fetch UserIdentityId
var userLoggedId = _iEmmMapper.GetEnterprises().Where(x=> x.EnterpriseId == commonPolicies.MyEnterpriseId).Select(x => x.AdminIdentityId).FirstOrDefault();
if(userLoggedId != null)
commonPolicies.UserIdentityId = userLoggedId;
#region ResellerServiceAccountEMMOAuthCred
//read service a/c creds
ServiceAccountCredential? credential;
string fileName = "service_account_key.json";
string path = Path.Combine(this.Environment.WebRootPath, "ZeroTouchCredJSON", fileName);
using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
credential = GoogleCredential.FromStream(stream)
.UnderlyingCredential as ServiceAccountCredential;
// Create a zero-touch enrollment API service endpoint.
var service = new AndroidManagementService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = ResourceMsg.EMMAppName
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commonPolicies.MyEnterpriseId))
#region conditions
if (commonPolicies.AutoDateAndTimeZone == ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_ENFORCED)
commonPolicies.AutoDateAndTimeZone = ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_ENFORCED;
else if (commonPolicies.AutoDateAndTimeZone == ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_USERCHOICE)
commonPolicies.AutoDateAndTimeZone = ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_USERCHOICE;
commonPolicies.AutoDateAndTimeZone = ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_UNSPECIFIED;
if (commonPolicies.WifiMoblieData == 1)
commonPolicies.WifiConfigDisabled = false;
commonPolicies.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled = true;
else if (commonPolicies.WifiMoblieData == 2)
commonPolicies.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled = false;
commonPolicies.WifiConfigDisabled = true;
commonPolicies.WifiConfigDisabled = false;
commonPolicies.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled = false;
if (commonPolicies.DupBluetoothDisabled == 1)
commonPolicies.BluetoothDisabled = false;
commonPolicies.BluetoothDisabled = true;
commonPolicies.BluetoothContactSharingDisabled = true;
if (commonPolicies.DupUsbFileTransferDisabled == 1)
commonPolicies.UsbFileTransferDisabled = false;
commonPolicies.UsbFileTransferDisabled = true;
if (commonPolicies.MaximumTimeToLock > 0)
commonPolicies.MaximumTimeToLock *= 60000;
#region formingPolicyIdFromPolicyName
//form Policy Id
string myPolicyName = commonPolicies.PolicyName.Trim();
bool flag = false;
foreach (var data in myPolicyName.ToCharArray())
if (data == ' ')
flag = true;
if (flag)
string[] polArr = myPolicyName.Split(' ');
foreach (var datax in polArr)
myPolicyId += datax + "_";
myPolicyId = myPolicyId.Remove(myPolicyId.Length - 1, 1);
myPolicyId = myPolicyName;
var entepriseParent = string.Format("enterprises/{0}", commonPolicies.MyEnterpriseId);
var policyName = string.Format("{0}/policies/{1}", entepriseParent, myPolicyId);
//Check if policy exist on server or not
//If policy not exist on server then it thru 404 error
policyResponse = service.Enterprises.Policies.Get(policyName).Execute();
catch (GoogleApiException gex)
//thru 404 error as this is the new policy for the server
PolicyAge = ResourceMsg.New;
if (PolicyAge != ResourceMsg.New)
//Policy exist on server
PolicyAge = ResourceMsg.Existing;
//condition for add policy
if (commonPolicies.ActionType != ResourceMsg.update)
//check if the policyId exist in both database and active in server
var IsPolicyExistOnDB = _iEmmMapper.GetCommonPolicies().Where(x => x.PolicyName.ToUpper() == commonPolicies.PolicyName.ToUpper().Trim() && x.PolicyId == myPolicyId && x.EnterpriseId == commonPolicies.MyEnterpriseId).Any();
//If PolicyExistOnDb or PolicyIsNewToServer then only thru policy exist error
if(IsPolicyExistOnDB || PolicyAge == ResourceMsg.Existing)
//If Policy Exist on server then can't create a policy again with the same name
TempData["Failure"] = ResourceMsg.PolicyNameAlreadyExist;
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
return View(new EnterpriseDto());
//create a new policy in DB without policyId
//as PolicyId only generated by the server which need to be created during apply policy
//update data to common policies database table
commonPolicies.EnterpriseId = commonPolicies.MyEnterpriseId;
commonPolicies.PolicyId = "";
commonPolicies.PolicyName = commonPolicies.PolicyName;
commonPolicies.PolicyType = ResourceMsg.Custom;
//update into database
var result = _iAdminMapper.CreateUpdateHardwarePolicies(commonPolicies);
if (result == 0)
TempData["MsgCmnPolicies"] = ResourceMsg.PoliciesCreatedSuccessfully;
//this msg need to be removed
if (result == 1)
TempData["MsgCmnPolicies"] = ResourceMsg.PoliciesUpdatedSuccessfully;
else if (commonPolicies.ActionType == ResourceMsg.update)
//If the policy Exist on server then update the policy settings on server thru Policies.Patch endpoint
if(PolicyAge == ResourceMsg.Existing)
var newpolicyResponse = service.Enterprises.Policies.Patch(ConfigureCommonPolicies(commonPolicies), policyName).Execute();
commonPolicies.PolicyId = myPolicyId;
//update policy on local database
commonPolicies.EnterpriseId = commonPolicies.MyEnterpriseId;
commonPolicies.PolicyId = commonPolicies.PolicyId == null? string.Empty: commonPolicies.PolicyId;
commonPolicies.PolicyName = commonPolicies.PolicyName;
commonPolicies.PolicyType = ResourceMsg.Custom;
//update into database
var result = _iAdminMapper.CreateUpdateHardwarePolicies(commonPolicies);
if (result == 0)
TempData["MsgCmnPolicies"] = ResourceMsg.PoliciesCreatedSuccessfully;
if (result == 1)
TempData["MsgCmnPolicies"] = ResourceMsg.PoliciesUpdatedSuccessfully;
TempData["Failure"] = ResourceMsg.PolicyNameAlreadyExist;
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
TempData["Failure"] = ResourceMsg.TryAgainContactTechnicalTeam;
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
TempData["Failure"] = ResourceMsg.RequiredFieldsAreEmpty;
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
CommonPoliciesDto dto = new();
//fetch & bind two profile types (Fully Manged & Work) on view
dto.ProfileTypeList = _iAdminMapper.GetProfileTypeList();
var myEnterpriseName = _iEmmMapper.GetEnterprises().Where(x => x.EnterpriseId == commonPolicies.MyEnterpriseId).Select(x => x.EnterpriseNameRequested).FirstOrDefault();
dto.DeviceList = _iAdminMapper.GetDropDevicesList(commonPolicies.MyEnterpriseId);
dto.EnterpriseName = myEnterpriseName;
//pass the dto model to view
return View(dto);
catch (GoogleApiException gex)
TempData["Failure"] = ResourceMsg.PolicyNotFoundContactTechnicalTeam;
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
return View(new EnterpriseDto());
catch (Exception ex)
TempData["Failure"] = ResourceMsg.TryAgainContactTechnicalTeam;
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
return View();
Apply the policy
/// <summary>
/// This method is used to apply hardware policy.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public IActionResult ApplyHardwarePolicy(string rwId, string devarr)
#region ResellerServiceAccountEMMOAuthCred
//read service a/c creds
ServiceAccountCredential? credential;
string fileName = "service_account_key.json";
string path = Path.Combine(this.Environment.WebRootPath, "ZeroTouchCredJSON", fileName);
using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
credential = GoogleCredential.FromStream(stream)
.UnderlyingCredential as ServiceAccountCredential;
// Create a zero-touch enrollment API service endpoint.
var service = new AndroidManagementService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = ResourceMsg.EMMAppName
string PolicyAge = string.Empty;
CommonPoliciesDto model = new();
string myPolicyId = string.Empty;
string[] devicesArr = devarr.Split('|');
devicesArr = devicesArr.SkipLast(1).ToArray();
//fetch policy information based on rowId
var policyInfo = _iEmmMapper.GetCommonPolicies().Where(x => x.Id == Convert.ToInt32(rwId)).FirstOrDefault();
if(policyInfo != null)
//initialize model to assign apps into it
model.ApplicationDtoList = new List<ApplicationsDto>();
var appModel = new ApplicationsDto();
//prepare the model from database response to apply the policy on server
#region conditions
if (policyInfo.AutoDateAndTimeZone == ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_ENFORCED)
model.AutoDateAndTimeZone = ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_ENFORCED;
else if (policyInfo.AutoDateAndTimeZone == ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_USERCHOICE)
model.AutoDateAndTimeZone = ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_USERCHOICE;
if (policyInfo.WifiConfigDisabled == false && policyInfo.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled == false)
model.WifiConfigDisabled = false;
model.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled = false;
if (policyInfo.WifiConfigDisabled == true)
model.WifiConfigDisabled = true;
model.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled = false;
else if (policyInfo.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled == true)
model.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled = true;
model.WifiConfigDisabled = false;
model.WifiConfigDisabled = false;
model.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled = false;
if (policyInfo.BluetoothDisabled == false)
model.BluetoothDisabled = false;
model.BluetoothDisabled = true;
model.BluetoothContactSharingDisabled = true;
if (policyInfo.UsbFileTransferDisabled == false)
model.UsbFileTransferDisabled = false;
model.UsbFileTransferDisabled = true;
model.MaximumTimeToLock = policyInfo.MaximumTimeToLock;
model.AdjustVolumeDisabled = policyInfo.AdjustVolumeDisabled;
model.ScreenCaptureDisabled = policyInfo.ScreenCaptureDisabled;
if(policyInfo.StatusBarDisabled == true)
model.StatusBarDisabled = true;
model.StatusBarDisabled = false;
model.ShareLocationDisabled = policyInfo.ShareLocationDisabled;
model.KeyguardDisabled = policyInfo.KeyguardDisabled;
model.CameraDisabled = policyInfo.CameraDisabled;
#region forming policyId from policyName
//form Policy Id
string myPolicyName = policyInfo.PolicyName.Trim();
bool flag = false;
foreach (var data in myPolicyName.ToCharArray())
if (data == ' ')
flag = true;
if (flag)
string[] polArr = myPolicyName.Split(' ');
foreach (var datax in polArr)
myPolicyId += datax + "_";
myPolicyId = myPolicyId.Remove(myPolicyId.Length - 1, 1);
myPolicyId = myPolicyName;
//Apply the selected policy on server
//check there is an active policy of the enterprise on server
var entepriseParent = string.Format("enterprises/{0}", policyInfo.EnterpriseId);
//var policyName = string.Format("{0}/policies/{1}", entepriseParent, myDefaumyPolicyIdltPolicyId);
var policyName = string.Format("{0}/policies/{1}", entepriseParent, myPolicyId);
//Check if policy exist on server or not
//If policy not exist on server then it thru 404 error
dynamic appList = string.Empty;
appList = service.Enterprises.Policies.Get(policyName).Execute();
catch (GoogleApiException gex)
//thru 404 error as this is the new policy for the server
PolicyAge = ResourceMsg.New;
//If policy is not the new policy then the existing policy
if (PolicyAge == string.Empty)
//If there no 404 exeception from server then the policy is the existing server policy
PolicyAge = ResourceMsg.Old;
dynamic deviceNameAPI = string.Empty;
if (PolicyAge.Equals(ResourceMsg.New))
//create a new policy on the server with the formed policyId thru policies.patch endpoint
var newpolicyResponse = service.Enterprises.Policies.Patch(ConfigureCommonPolicies(model), policyName).Execute();
//loop thru each requested devices
foreach (var deviceId in devicesArr)
//form the deviceName API format
deviceNameAPI = string.Format("{0}/devices/{1}", entepriseParent, deviceId);
//Check device is exist on server or not
var deviceResponse = service.Enterprises.Devices.Get(deviceNameAPI).Execute();
//This device belongs to EMM Device; Full fledged path
//There is also Device class exist for Zerotouch device
Google.Apis.AndroidManagement.v1.Data.Device device = new Google.Apis.AndroidManagement.v1.Data.Device()
//Assign policyId to policyName
PolicyName = myPolicyId,
State = ResourceMsg.ACTIVE
//Apply the newly created policy on the requested devices thru device.patch endpont
var devicePatchResponse = service.Enterprises.Devices.Patch(device, deviceNameAPI).Execute();
//Update the local database with newly applied policy
if (PolicyAge.Equals(ResourceMsg.Old))
//No need to create a new policy on server
if (appList != null)
//set all hardware policies exist on server
//check if app list is null or not
if (appList.Applications != null)
//set all application policies exist from server
//fetching existing apps from the provided policy
foreach (var app in appList.Applications)
appModel = new ApplicationsDto()
PackageName = app.PackageName,
InstallType = app.InstallType,
DefaultPermissionPolicy = app.DefaultPermissionPolicy
//update the existing policy
var newpolicyResponse = service.Enterprises.Policies.Patch(ConfigureCommonPolicies(model), policyName).Execute();
//loop thru each requested devices
foreach (var deviceId in devicesArr)
//form the deviceName API format
deviceNameAPI = string.Format("{0}/devices/{1}", entepriseParent, deviceId);
//Check device is exist on server or not
var deviceResponse = service.Enterprises.Devices.Get(deviceNameAPI).Execute();
//This device belongs to EMM Device; Full fledged path
//There is also Device class exist for Zerotouch device
Google.Apis.AndroidManagement.v1.Data.Device device = new Google.Apis.AndroidManagement.v1.Data.Device()
//Assign policyId to policyName
PolicyName = myPolicyId,
State = ResourceMsg.ACTIVE
//Apply the newly created policy on the requested devices thru device.patch endpont
var devicePatchResponse = service.Enterprises.Devices.Patch(device, deviceNameAPI).Execute();
model.EnterpriseId = policyInfo.EnterpriseId;
model.PolicyName = policyInfo.PolicyName;
model.PolicyId = myPolicyId;
model.PolicyNameApiFormat = policyName;
model.Custom1 = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString();//PolicyAppliedDate
model.CustomStatus1 = true; //PolicyAppliedOnServerStatus
//model.CustomStatus2 = true; //IsThisCurrentPolicy
//update the policyInfo on local database
var result = _iAdminMapper.CreateUpdateHardwarePolicies(model);
if (result == 1)
//update the IsThisCurrentAppliedPolicy = customstatus2 to false for rest policies under the same policyId
//var res = _iAdminMapper.UpdateHardwarePoliciesStatus(model);
TempData["PolicyApplied"] = ResourceMsg.PoliciesAppliedSuccessfully;
TempData["PolicyApplied"] = ResourceMsg.ContactTechnicalTeam;
TempData["Failure"] = ResourceMsg.ContactTechnicalTeam;
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
return Json(new {success = false,message= ResourceMsg.ContactTechnicalTeam });
return Json(new { success = true, message = TempData["PolicyApplied"] });
catch (Exception ex)
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
TempData["Failure"] = ResourceMsg.ContactTechnicalTeam;
return Json(new { success = false, message = ResourceMsg.ContactTechnicalTeam });
Method for Delete Policy
public IActionResult DeleteHardwarePolicy(string rwId)
if (rwId != null)
#region ResellerServiceAccountEMMOAuthCred
//read service a/c creds
ServiceAccountCredential? credential;
string fileName = "service_account_key.json";
string path = Path.Combine(this.Environment.WebRootPath, "ZeroTouchCredJSON", fileName);
using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
credential = GoogleCredential.FromStream(stream)
.UnderlyingCredential as ServiceAccountCredential;
// Create a zero-touch enrollment API service endpoint.
var service = new AndroidManagementService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = ResourceMsg.EMMAppName
//Fetch enterpriseId based on deviceId where device is active
var policiesInfo = _iEmmMapper.GetCommonPolicies().Where(x => x.Id == Convert.ToInt32(rwId) && x.IsActive).FirstOrDefault();
if (policiesInfo != null)
//Fetch Default Policy
var defaultPolicyId = _iEmmMapper.GetCommonPolicies().Where(x => x.EnterpriseId == policiesInfo.EnterpriseId && x.PolicyProfileType == policiesInfo.PolicyProfileType && x.PolicyType == ResourceMsg.Default).Select(x=> x.PolicyId).FirstOrDefault();
//If policy is active policy for any devices then after deleting the sever will be updated with default policy
var entepriseParent = string.Format("enterprises/{0}", policiesInfo.EnterpriseId);
//Fetch DeviceList with ongoing deleted policy
//var DevicesList = service.Enterprises.Devices.List(entepriseParent);
var deviceList = _iEmmMapper.GetDevices().Where(x => x.PolicyId == policiesInfo.PolicyId && x.IsActive).ToList();
if(deviceList.Count > 0)
//apply all devices with default policy
foreach(var device in deviceList)
var deviceNameAPI = string.Format("{0}/devices/{1}", entepriseParent, device.DeviceId);
//Apply policy on device
Google.Apis.AndroidManagement.v1.Data.Device deviceBody = new Google.Apis.AndroidManagement.v1.Data.Device()
//Assign policyId to policyName
PolicyName = defaultPolicyId,
State = ResourceMsg.ACTIVE
//Apply the newly created policy on the requested devices thru device.patch endpont
var devicePatchResponse = service.Enterprises.Devices.Patch(deviceBody, deviceNameAPI).Execute();
//var policyName = string.Format("{0}/policies/{1}", entepriseParent, policiesInfo.PolicyId);
//var policyResponse = service.Enterprises.Policies.Get(policyName).Execute();
//if(policyResponse != null)
// //If policy exist on server then set default hardware policy
// var appliedPolicyData = service.Enterprises.Policies.Patch(DefaultHardwarePolicies(policiesInfo.PolicyId), policyName).Execute();
//soft delete policy from local database
var result = _iAdminMapper.SoftDeletePolicy(Convert.ToInt32(rwId));
if (result == 1)
TempData["MsgCmnPolicies"] = ResourceMsg.DeleteMsg;
return RedirectToAction("PolicyManagement", "Admin");
return RedirectToAction("PolicyManagement", "Admin");
return RedirectToAction("PolicyManagement", "Admin");
catch (Exception ex)
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
return RedirectToAction("PolicyManagement", "Admin");
This method for get policy h/w policy
/// <summary>
/// This method is used to return hardware policies based on enterprise Id in json format.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enterpriseId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IActionResult GetjHardwarePolicies(string enterpriseId)
IList<CommonPoliciesDto> hardwarePoliciesList = new List<CommonPoliciesDto>();
List<SelectListItem> deviceDropList = new List<SelectListItem>();
SelectListItem hardwarePoliciy = new();
//fetch enterprise name
var enterpriseName = _iEmmMapper.GetEnterprises().Where(x=> x.EnterpriseId == enterpriseId).Select(x=> x.EnterpriseNameRequested).FirstOrDefault();
//fetch devices based on enterprise
var deviceList = _iEmmMapper.GetDevices().Where(x => x.EnterpriseId == enterpriseId && x.IsActive).ToList();
if(deviceList.Count > 0)
foreach(var device in deviceList)
hardwarePoliciy = new SelectListItem()
Text = device.Model,
Value = device.DeviceId
if (enterpriseId != null)
//fetch list of custom hardware policies based on enterprise
var hardwarePoliciesListResponse = _iEmmMapper.GetCommonPolicies().Where(x => x.EnterpriseId.Equals(enterpriseId) && x.PolicyType == ResourceMsg.Custom && x.IsActive);
foreach (var policy in hardwarePoliciesListResponse)
policy.EnterpriseName = enterpriseName;
//List<SelectListItem> countries = this.Context.Customers.Where(x => x.Country != null)
//.Select(x => new SelectListItem
// Text = x.Country,
// Value = x.Country
return new JsonResult(hardwarePoliciesList);
catch (Exception ex)
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
return RedirectToAction("PolicyManagement", "Admin");
This method is used for edit policy
/// <summary>
/// This method used to Edit Hardware Setting modal by Id.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public JsonResult jEditHardwareSettings(int id)
CommonPoliciesDto commonModel = new() { Id = id };
var responseHardwareModel = _iEmmMapper.GetCommonPolicies().Where(x => x.Id == id).FirstOrDefault();
if (responseHardwareModel != null)
#region Hardware Settings from database
commonModel.PolicyName = responseHardwareModel.PolicyName;
commonModel.PolicyProfileType = responseHardwareModel.PolicyProfileType;
if (responseHardwareModel.BluetoothDisabled == false)
commonModel.DupBluetoothDisabled = 1;
commonModel.DupBluetoothDisabled = 0;
if (responseHardwareModel.UsbFileTransferDisabled == false)
commonModel.DupUsbFileTransferDisabled = 1;
commonModel.DupUsbFileTransferDisabled = 0;
if (responseHardwareModel.WifiConfigDisabled == false)
commonModel.DupWifiConfigDisabled = 1;
commonModel.DupWifiConfigDisabled = 0;
if (responseHardwareModel.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled == false)
commonModel.DupMobileNetworksConfigDisabled = 1;
commonModel.DupMobileNetworksConfigDisabled = 0;
if (responseHardwareModel.MaximumTimeToLock > 0)
commonModel.MaximumTimeToLock = responseHardwareModel.MaximumTimeToLock / 60000;
commonModel.AdjustVolumeDisabled = responseHardwareModel.AdjustVolumeDisabled;
if (responseHardwareModel.AutoDateAndTimeZone == ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_ENFORCED)
commonModel.AutoDateAndTimeZone = ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_ENFORCED;
else if (responseHardwareModel.AutoDateAndTimeZone == ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_USERCHOICE)
commonModel.AutoDateAndTimeZone = ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_USERCHOICE;
commonModel.AutoDateAndTimeZone = ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_UNSPECIFIED;
commonModel.ScreenCaptureDisabled = responseHardwareModel.ScreenCaptureDisabled;
commonModel.StatusBarDisabled = responseHardwareModel.StatusBarDisabled;
commonModel.BluetoothContactSharingDisabled = responseHardwareModel.BluetoothContactSharingDisabled;
commonModel.ShareLocationDisabled = responseHardwareModel.ShareLocationDisabled;
commonModel.KeyguardDisabled = responseHardwareModel.KeyguardDisabled;
commonModel.CameraDisabled = responseHardwareModel.CameraDisabled;
return Json(commonModel);

Value cannot be null. Parameter name DropdownList in ASP. NET CORE

I have a problem in mi code, when show the error message appears the message of the title
This is the code of my form Register
<div class="form-group col-md-6">
#if (!Model.MODEL_PACIENTE.PAC_ID.Equals(0))
#Html.DropDownList("MODEL_PACIENTE.PAC_COMUNA", new SelectList(Model.MODEL_PACIENTE.Comuna_Lista, "Text", "Text"),
new { #class = "form-control" })
#Html.DropDownList("MODEL_PACIENTE.PAC_COMUNA", new SelectList(Model.MODEL_PACIENTE.Comuna_Lista, "Text", "Text"),
"ESCOGA UNA COMUNA", new { #class = "form-control" }) // HERE IS THE ERROR WHEN MY DNI IS REGISTER IN THE BD }
<span asp-validation-for="MODEL_PACIENTE.PAC_COMUNA" class="text-danger"></span>
Code of my class GetOdontologo
public List<SelectListItem> GetOdontologo(ApplicationDbContext context)
List<SelectListItem> selectListItems = null;
selectListItems = new List<SelectListItem>();
context.TBL_ODONTOLOGO.ToList().ForEach(item =>
selectListItems.Add(new SelectListItem
Value = item.ODONT_ID.ToString(),
// Text = item.ODONT_CODIGO
Text = item.ODONT_CODIGO + '-' + item.ODONT_APELLIDO + ' ' + item.ODONT_NOMBRE
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Error: '{ex}'");
return selectListItems;
This is the class GetComuna
public List<SelectListItem> GetComuna(ApplicationDbContext context)
List<SelectListItem> selectListItems = null;
selectListItems = new List<SelectListItem>();
context.TBL_PROVINCIA.ToList().ForEach(item =>
selectListItems.Add(new SelectListItem
Value = item.PROV_ID.ToString(),
Text = item.PROV_NOMBRE
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Error: '{ex}'");
return selectListItems;
And this the code of my method "onget"
public void OnGet(int idActPac)
_DataPac2 = null;
_DataPac2 = null;
if (_dataInput != null || _DataPac1 != null || _DataPac2 != null)
if (_dataInput != null)
MODEL_PACIENTE = _dataInput;
MODEL_PACIENTE.AvatarImage = null;
if (_DataPac1 != null || _DataPac2 != null)
if (_DataPac2 != null)
_DataPac1 = _DataPac2;
PAC_ID = _DataPac1.PAC_ID,
PAC_RUT = _DataPac1.PAC_RUT,
Genero_Lista = _lPacienteGen.GetGenero(_context),
Comuna_Lista = _lComuna.GetComuna(_context),
Odontologo_Lista = _lOdontologo.GetOdontologo(_context)
if (_dataInput != null)
MODEL_PACIENTE.ErrorMessage = _dataInput.ErrorMessage;
var Cod_Pac = 0;
String TempCodPac = null;
var Ultimo_Paciente = (from t in _context.TBL_PACIENTE
orderby t.PAC_CODIGO
select t).LastOrDefault();
if (Ultimo_Paciente != null)
Cod_Pac = (Ultimo_Paciente.PAC_CODIGO != null) ?
Convert.ToInt32(Ultimo_Paciente.PAC_CODIGO) + 1 :
if (Cod_Pac < 10)
TempCodPac = String.Concat("0000", Convert.ToString(Cod_Pac));
else if (Cod_Pac >= 10 && Cod_Pac <= 11)
TempCodPac = String.Concat("000", Convert.ToString(Cod_Pac));
else if (Cod_Pac > 10 && Cod_Pac < 100)
TempCodPac = String.Concat("000", Convert.ToString(Cod_Pac));
else if (Cod_Pac >= 100 && Cod_Pac <=101)
TempCodPac = String.Concat("00", Convert.ToString(Cod_Pac));
else if (Cod_Pac > 100 && Cod_Pac < 1000)
TempCodPac = String.Concat("00", Convert.ToString(Cod_Pac));
else if (Cod_Pac >= 1000 && Cod_Pac <= 1001)
TempCodPac = String.Concat("0", Convert.ToString(Cod_Pac));
else if (Cod_Pac > 1000 && Cod_Pac <= 9999)
TempCodPac = String.Concat("0", Convert.ToString(Cod_Pac));
else if (Cod_Pac > 9999 && Cod_Pac < 99999)
TempCodPac = String.Concat("", Convert.ToString(Cod_Pac));
PAC_CODIGO = TempCodPac,
Genero_Lista = _lPacienteGen.GetGenero(_context),
Comuna_Lista = _lComuna.GetComuna(_context),
Odontologo_Lista = _lOdontologo.GetOdontologo(_context),
PAC_COD_ODONT = "00000"
_DataPac2 = _DataPac1;
_DataPac1 = null;
The code of my method Save_Patient
private async Task<bool> Guardar_Paciente_Async()
_dataInput = MODEL_PACIENTE;
var valor = false;
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var PacLista = _context.TBL_PACIENTE.Where(u => u.PAC_RUT.Equals(MODEL_PACIENTE.PAC_RUT)).ToList();
if (PacLista.Count.Equals(0))
var strategy = _context.Database.CreateExecutionStrategy();
await strategy.ExecuteAsync(async () =>
using (var transaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction())
var imagenByte = await _lCargarImagen.ByteAvatarImageAsync(MODEL_PACIENTE.AvatarImage, _environment, "images/user_icon.png");
string TmpCodPac = _dataInput.PAC_COD_ODONT;
String vfCodPac = TmpCodPac.Substring(0, 4);
var Nuevo_Paciente = new MODELO_PACIENTE
PAC_NOMBRE = _dataInput.PAC_NOMBRE.ToUpper(),
PAC_SEXO = _dataInput.PAC_SEXO,
PAC_RUT = _dataInput.PAC_RUT,
PAC_EDAD = _dataInput.PAC_EDAD,
PAC_COMUNA = _dataInput.PAC_COMUNA?.ToUpper(),
PAC_CONVENIO = _dataInput.PAC_CONVENIO?.ToUpper(),
PAC_IMAGEN = imagenByte,
PAC_FEC_REG = DateTime.Now,
PAC_FEC_ACT = DateTime.Now
await _context.AddAsync(Nuevo_Paciente);
_dataInput = null;
valor = true;
catch (Exception ex)
_dataInput.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
valor = false;
_dataInput.ErrorMessage = $"El RUT {MODEL_PACIENTE.PAC_RUT} ya se encuentra Registrado";
// It should show this error in the respective "input", but the error message you see below in the image appears
foreach (var modelState in ModelState.Values)
foreach (var error in modelState.Errors)
_dataInput.ErrorMessage += error.ErrorMessage;
valor = false;
return valor;
If I debug, when I start it loads the 2 records from the dentist table, but when I put the existing ID at the time of appearing the error message appears what is seen in the image and when trying to load the list again it comes out null
After checking the ID error, the "Odontologia Lista" method returns null and the title error appears
where is the problem ?, I appreciate your help or guide to solve this problem.
You can try to check the following code:
PAC_CODIGO = TempCodPac,
//Genero_Lista = _lPacienteGen.GetGenero(_context),
Comuna_Lista = _lComuna.GetComuna(_context),
//Odontologo_Lista = _lOdontologo.GetOdontologo(_context),
PAC_COD_ODONT = "00000"
Odontologo_Lista = _lOdontologo.GetOdontologo(_context), is commented.If _dataInput == null && _DataPac1 == null && _DataPac2 == null,the Odontologo_Lista will not be set,and you will get the error Value cannot be null.

Flash of previous page while navigating between pages in react js application

I am developing a react js application for ios and android. In my application while navigating from one page to another,a flash of previous page is displaying for 1 second and then my next page is loading.This issue is prevalent only in ios app.
Issue does not appear while checking in browser safari,chrome.Only in app
Please provide solution.
We are not using react native and react router.
Few pages are developed in reactjs and integrated in to an existing mobile app.
In the above code:
else {
window.location.href = path + '?id=' + id + '&time=' `window.sessionStorage.getItem('time') + '&prodId=' + productId + '&qty=' + `qty + '&storeCall=true';
here we are navigating to another jsx page with window.location.href
While navigating a getting issues in ios app.Flash of previous page showing up for a second
import React from 'react';
import Copyright from './Copyright.jsx';
import { browserHistory } from 'react-router';
import axios from 'axios';
import envConstant from '../../../../../config/labelConstants.js';
import { ClipLoader } from 'react-spinners';
var x=0;
let submitOrder, flag = "false", footerBtn = '', vendor;
let closeFunc;
class Footer extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.orderSubmit = this.orderSubmit.bind(this);
this.validateSubmit = this.validateSubmit.bind(this);
this.validateNetwork = this.validateNetwork.bind(this);
this.disableBtn = this.disableBtn.bind(this);
this.state = {
data: 'Initial data....',
price: 'total',
this.propTypes = {
alertFunc: React.PropTypes.func,
couponAvail: React.PropTypes.func,
validateSubmit() {
const react = this;
var submit = false;
var phoneNum;
var fname = this.props.UserDetails.refs.fname.value;
var lname = this.props.UserDetails.refs.lname.value;
var phone = this.props.UserDetails.refs.phone.value.replace(/[-.]/gi, '');
if (phone != null) {
phoneNum = phone.toString();
var email = this.props.UserDetails.refs.email.value;
var agree = window.sessionStorage.getItem('agree');
submitOrder = {};
let prodId, qty;
if (null == window.sessionStorage.getItem('prodID') && null == window.sessionStorage.getItem('qty')) {
prodId = window.sessionStorage.getItem('initprodID');
qty = 1;
} else {
prodId = window.sessionStorage.getItem('prodID');
qty = window.sessionStorage.getItem('qty');
submitOrder = {
fname: this.props.UserDetails.refs.fname.value,
lname: this.props.UserDetails.refs.lname.value,
coupon: window.sessionStorage.getItem('successCoupon'),
email: this.props.UserDetails.refs.email.value,
phoneNum: this.props.UserDetails.refs.phone.value.replace(/[-.]/gi, ''),
id: window.sessionStorage.getItem('id'),
qty: qty,
prodID: prodId,
emailOptIn: window.sessionStorage.getItem('emailOptIn'),
smsOptIn: window.sessionStorage.getItem('smsOptIn'),
time: window.sessionStorage.getItem('time')
if (fname == null || fname == '') {
submit = false;
return false;
if (lname == null || lname == '') {
submit = false;
return false;
if (phoneNum == null || phoneNum == '') {
submit = false;
return false;
if (email == null || email == '') {
submit = false;
return false;
if ('' != fname || null != fname || '' == lname || null != lname) {
submit = true;
if (null != fname || '' != fname) {
const re = /^[a-zA-Z\ ]*$/;
if (!re.test(fname)) {
submit = false;
return false;
} else {
submit = true;
if (null != lname || '' != lname) {
const re = /^[a-zA-Z\'\-\. ]*$/;
if (!re.test(lname)) {
submit = false;
return false;
} else {
submit = true;
if (null != phoneNum || '' != phoneNum) {
if (vendor == "boots") {
if (phoneNum.length != "11") {
submit = false;
return false;
} else {
submit = true;
} else if (vendor == "roi") {
const re = /^[0]+[0-9]*$/;
if (phoneNum.length != "11" || !re.test(phoneNum)) {
submit = false;
return false;
} else {
submit = true;
} else {
if (phoneNum.length != "10") {
submit = false;
return false;
} else {
submit = true;
if (null != email || '' != email) {
const re = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\#(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/;
if (!re.test(email)) {
submit = false;
return false;
} else {
submit = true;
if (agree == "false" || null == agree) {
submit = false;
return false;
if (submit == true) {
return true;
validateNetwork() {
var hasConn = window.navigator.onLine;
if (hasConn) {
return hasConn;
else {
orderSubmit(e) {
const react = this;
if (this.props.footer == envConstant.submitFoot) {
window.sessionStorage.setItem('id', this.props.id);
if (this.validateNetwork()) {
if (this.validateSubmit()) {
method: 'post',
url: react.props.urlValue + '/inputFields',
data: submitOrder
}).then((response) => {
window.location.href = react.props.path;
if (this.props.footer == envConstant.orderInfoFoot) {
if (this.validateNetwork()) {
let qty, productId;
if (null == window.sessionStorage.getItem('qty') || 'null' == `window.sessionStorage.getItem('qty')) {`
qty = 1;
productId = window.sessionStorage.getItem('initprodID');
} else {
qty = window.sessionStorage.getItem('qty');
productId = window.sessionStorage.getItem('prodID');
let path = this.props.path;
let id = this.props.id;
if (null != window.sessionStorage.getItem('coupon') && "null" != `window.sessionStorage.getItem('coupon')) {`
if (window.sessionStorage.getItem('errorcode') == '' && null != `window.sessionStorage.getItem('coupon') &&` `window.sessionStorage.getItem('couponApplied') == "true") {`
setTimeout(function () {
if (window.sessionStorage.getItem('status1') != 'failure') {
window.location.href = path + '?id=' + id + '&time=' + `window.sessionStorage.getItem('time') + '&prodId=' + productId + '&qty=' +` `qty + '&storeCall=true';`
else {
window.location.href = path + '?id=' + id + '&time=' + `window.sessionStorage.getItem('time') + '&prodId=' + productId + '&qty=' +` `qty + '&storeCall=true';`
if (this.props.footer == envConstant.ThankyouFoot) {
let callBackUrl = this.props.callBackUrl;
if (window.navigator.userAgent.includes("iPhone")) {
window.location = "QP_DONE:DONE";
} else {
try {
} catch (e) {
if (undefined != callBackUrl && '' != callBackUrl && null != callBackUrl) {
if (callBackUrl.includes('?')) {
window.location = callBackUrl + '?action=done';
} else {
window.location = callBackUrl + '&action=done';
componentDidMount() {
let footerHeight = this.refs.footerHeight.clientHeight;
window.sessionStorage.setItem('footerHeight', footerHeight);
disableBtn(id) {
window.sessionStorage.setItem('disable', "true");
if(window.sessionStorage.getItem('alert1'+id)=="0" || `window.sessionStorage.getItem('alert1'+id)=="1" || `window.sessionStorage.getItem('alert1'+id)==1){
render() {
vendor = this.props.vendor;
let copyrightsWrapper;
if (vendor != "ts" && vendor != "roi") {
copyrightsWrapper = (
<Copyright copyRightMessage={this.props.copyRightMessage} />
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
if (window.sessionStorage.getItem('status') == "success" || `window.sessionStorage.getItem('status') == "") {`
if ((window.sessionStorage.getItem('status1') != "failure" || `window.sessionStorage.getItem('couponApplied') == "false") && `window.sessionStorage.getItem('flagDrop') != "true" &&` `window.sessionStorage.getItem('couponFocus') != "true") {
var discTotal = `window.sessionStorage.getItem('discount').split(this.props.currency);`
if (parseInt(discTotal[1]) > 998) {
} else {
window.sessionStorage.setItem('disable', "false");
if (window.sessionStorage.getItem('status') == null) {
if (window.sessionStorage.getItem('invalid') != 'true') {
if (null == window.sessionStorage.getItem('total')) {
var initTotal = `window.sessionStorage.getItem('inittotal').split(this.props.currency);`
if (parseInt(initTotal[1]) > 998) {
} else {
window.sessionStorage.setItem('disable', "false");
} else {
var prodTotal = `window.sessionStorage.getItem('total').split(this.props.currency);`
if (parseInt(prodTotal[1]) > 998) {
} else {
window.sessionStorage.setItem('disable', "false");
if (window.sessionStorage.getItem('disable') == "true") {
footerBtn = (
<button type="button"
className="btn-off supp-color btn-w1" `disabled="disabled"> {this.props.footer}</button>`
} else {
footerBtn = (
<button ref="footerBtn" type="button" className="btn-on supp-color btn-`w1" onClick={this.orderSubmit}>{this.props.footer}</button>`
footerBtn = (
<button ref="footerBtn" type="button" className="btn-on supp-color btn-w1" >{this.props.footer}</button>
return (
<div className="op-footer footer_height" ref="footerHeight" id="footerValue">
<div className="background-white">
<div className={'sweet-loading '+ this.state.loading}>
<ClipLoader color={'#a0a0a0'} loading={this.state.loading}/>
export default Footer;

asp.net-MVC Unexplained Production Exception

After moving my application to production, I get the regular Object reference not set to an instance of an object. exception logged in my event viewer.
This exception occurs intermittently few times a day, the problem is that I cannot put my hand on the problem, the logged exception details are not helpful, as there are no code line numbers included in the stack trace.
The Exception occurs on an action in my home controller which is the entry point action for each user arriving at the web site.
Can anyone help me reason with the below trace:
ERROR => Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
<>c__DisplayClass2b.<BeginInvokeAction>b__1c =>
<>c__DisplayClass33.<BeginInvokeActionMethodWithFilters>b__32 =>
<>c__DisplayClass46.<InvokeActionMethodFilterAsynchronouslyRecursive>b__3f =>
AsyncInvocationWithFilters.<InvokeActionMethodFilterAsynchronouslyRecursive>b__3d =>
WrappedAsyncResult`2.CallEndDelegate =>
AsyncControllerActionInvoker.<BeginInvokeSynchronousActionMethod>b__39 =>
ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionMethod =>
ReflectedActionDescriptor.Execute =>
<no type>.lambda_method => HomeController.Index )
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at XXXX.XXXX.Web.Controllers.HomeController.Index()
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.ShowXXXAccountPrompt = false;
ViewBag.IsErrored = "false";
#region "Session Check"
if (_webHttpContext == null)
return RedirectToAction("signout", "Federation");
if (_webHttpContext.Session == null)
return RedirectToAction("signout", "Federation");
if (_webHttpContext.Session.PortalUser == null)
return RedirectToAction("signout", "Federation");
if (_webHttpContext.Session.PortalUser != null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_webHttpContext.Session.PortalUser.UserName))
var user = _usersManagementService.GetUserByUsername(_webHttpContext.Session.PortalUser.UserName);
var latestsubline = _subscriptionLineService.GetLatestLineByUserName(_webHttpContext.Session.PortalUser.UserName);
var isDualAccount = latestsubline == null ? false : latestsubline.Action == (int)Entities.SubscriptionLineAction.Activate? latestsubline.IsDualAccount : false;
isDualAccount = isDualAccount == null ? false : isDualAccount;
if(user == null)
//whenever there is no account Just Create it, the subscriptionLines table is irrelevant
_usersManagementService.CreateUser(_webHttpContext.Session.PortalUser.UserName, isDualAccount);
if (user.Status == AccountStatus.Inactive)
//Account Re-Activation Logic
if (_usersManagementService.CreateAccountHistory(user))
user.FirstLogonOn = DateTime.Now;
user.DeactivatedOn = null;
user.Status = AccountStatus.Active;
user.IsDualAccount = isDualAccount;
#region "Check XXX Dual Account"
if (_webHttpContext.Session.MultipleAccountDialogueInformed == false)
_webHttpContext.Session.MultipleAccountDialogueInformed = true;
if (user.IsDualAccount == true)
ViewBag.ShowXXXAccountPrompt = true;
ViewBag.ShowXXXAccountPrompt = false;
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, "XXX Account Service _ " + ex.Message, ex);
ViewBag.IsErrored = "true";
return View(_webHttpContext.Account);
#region "Check XXX Dual Account"
if (_webHttpContext.Session.MultipleAccountDialogueInformed == false)
_webHttpContext.Session.MultipleAccountDialogueInformed = true;
if (user.IsDualAccount == true)
ViewBag.ShowXXXAccountPrompt = true;
ViewBag.ShowXXXAccountPrompt = false;
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, "XXX Account Service _ " + ex.Message, ex);
_webHttpContext.BrowserDetails.OperatingSystem = Entities.OperatingSystem.MacinXXXh;
_webHttpContext.Session.PortalUser.Id = user.Id;
if (_webHttpContext.BrowserDetails.OperatingSystem == Entities.OperatingSystem.Windows)
ViewBag.ProductType = "ZZZ";
var YYYInstallsDetails = GetYYYInstallsDetails(0);
ViewBag.RemainingInstallCount = YYYInstallsDetails.NumberOfSeatsAvailable;
ViewBag.YYYInstallsDetails = YYYInstallsDetails.YYYCustomersLicenseDetailsList;
ViewBag.YYYInstallsDetailsCount = YYYInstallsDetails.YYYCustomersLicenseDetailsList.Count;
ViewBag.DownloadPageUrl = getDownloadPageUrl(ProductType.ComputerProtectionNT);
ViewBag.ProductId = (int)ProductType.ComputerProtectionNT;
else if (_webHttpContext.BrowserDetails.OperatingSystem == Entities.OperatingSystem.MacinXXXh)
ViewBag.ProductType = "MacZZZ";
var YYYInstallsDetails = GetYYYInstallsDetails(1);
ViewBag.RemainingInstallCount = YYYInstallsDetails.NumberOfSeatsAvailable;
ViewBag.YYYInstallsDetails = YYYInstallsDetails.YYYCustomersLicenseDetailsList;
ViewBag.YYYInstallsDetailsCount = YYYInstallsDetails.YYYCustomersLicenseDetailsList.Count;
ViewBag.DownloadPageUrl = getDownloadPageUrl(ProductType.ComputerProtectionOSX);
ViewBag.ProductId = (int)ProductType.ComputerProtectionOSX;
else if (_webHttpContext.BrowserDetails.OperatingSystem == Entities.OperatingSystem.Other)
ViewBag.ProductType = "AndroidZZZ";
var YYYInstallsDetails = GetYYYInstallsDetails(2);
ViewBag.RemainingInstallCount = YYYInstallsDetails.NumberOfSeatsAvailable;
ViewBag.YYYInstallsDetails = YYYInstallsDetails.YYYCustomersLicenseDetailsList;
ViewBag.YYYInstallsDetailsCount = YYYInstallsDetails.YYYCustomersLicenseDetailsList.Count;
ViewBag.DownloadPageUrl = getDownloadPageUrl(ProductType.ComputerProtectionAndroid);
ViewBag.ProductId = (int)ProductType.ComputerProtectionAndroid;
ViewBag.ZZZInstallUrl = PortalConfig.ZZZInstallUrl;
ViewBag.ScInstallUrl = PortalConfig.SafeCentralInstallUrl;
ViewBag.MacZZZInstallUrl = PortalConfig.MacZZZInstallUrl;
ViewBag.TTTTEmail = _webHttpContext.Session.PortalUser.UserName;
else // if primary username coming back from sso is empty
return RedirectToAction("signout", "Federation");
else // if the portal user is null
return RedirectToAction("signout", "Federation");
catch (Exception ex)
ViewBag.IsErrored = "true";
_logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, ex.Message, ex);
return View(_webHttpContext.Account);

Images are loading on simulater but not on Blackberry device

I am using following code to download images from server
public Bitmap connectServerForImage(String url) {
HttpConnection httpConnection = null;
DataOutputStream httpDataOutput = null;
InputStream httpInput = null;
int rc;
Bitmap bitmp = null;
try {
httpConnection = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(url+ ConnectionType.getConnectionType());
rc = httpConnection.getResponseCode();
if (rc != HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) {
throw new IOException("HTTP response code: " + rc);
httpInput = httpConnection.openInputStream();
InputStream inp = httpInput;
byte[] b = IOUtilities.streamToBytes(inp);
EncodedImage hai = EncodedImage.createEncodedImage(b, 0, b.length);
return hai.getBitmap();
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("URL Bitmap Error........" + ex.getMessage());
} finally {
try {
if (httpInput != null)
if (httpDataOutput != null)
if (httpConnection != null)
} catch (Exception e) {
return bitmp;
and ConnetionType class is as follows
public class ConnectionType {
public static String getConnectionType()
String connectionString = null;
if (DeviceInfo.isSimulator())
connectionString = "";
return connectionString;
else if (WLANInfo.getWLANState() == WLANInfo.WLAN_STATE_CONNECTED)
connectionString = ";interface=wifi";
return connectionString;
else if ((CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT) == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT)
String carrierUid = getCarrierBIBSUid();
if (carrierUid == null)
connectionString = ";deviceside=true";
return connectionString;
return connectionString;
else if ((CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS) == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS)
connectionString = ";deviceside=false";
return connectionString;
connectionString = ";deviceside=true";
return connectionString;
* Looks through the phone's service book for a carrier provided BIBS
* network
* #return The UID used to connect to that network.
private static String getCarrierBIBSUid()
ServiceRecord[] records = ServiceBook.getSB().getRecords();
int currentRecord;
for (currentRecord = 0; currentRecord < records.length; currentRecord++)
if (records[currentRecord].getCid().toLowerCase().equals("ippp"))
if (records[currentRecord].getName().toLowerCase().indexOf("bibs") >= 0)
//otherwise, use the UID to construct a valid carrier BIB-S
String carrierUid= records[currentRecord].getUid();
String extension = ";deviceside=false;connectionUID=" + carrierUid + ";ConnectionType=mds-public";
return extension;
for (currentRecord = 0; currentRecord < records.length; currentRecord++)
String carrierUid= records[currentRecord].getUid();
String extension = ";ConnectionUID="+carrierUid;
return extension;
return null;
Images are displaying fine on simulater but when I run this on my device No image displayed .Please suggest where I am missing.
