how to visualize weights and bias in tensorboard when using tf.GradientTape() in TensorFlow 2.3.0 - histogram

Using tensorflows tutorial on DCGAN as an example:
To log the loss, the following example was used:
Using the above as a reference, I added a few lines to view the loss in tensorboard, however couldn't do the same for the generator/discriminator weights and bias.
Code used to view generator/discriminator loss :
g_loss = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('g_loss', dtype=tf.float32)
d_loss = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('d_loss', dtype=tf.float32)
Preparing writer / log directory :
current_time ="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
train_log_dir = 'logs/' + current_time + '/train'
train_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(train_log_dir)
then for each epoch I pass in gen_loss and disc_loss into g_loss and d_loss respectively, then do the following :
with train_summary_writer.as_default():
tf.summary.scalar('g_loss', g_loss.result(), step=epoch)
tf.summary.scalar('d_loss', d_loss.result(), step=epoch)
The above allows you to view g_loss and d_loss under the scalars tab in tensorboard.
So how can I do the same for the weights and bias?
I can see that it makes use of tf.GradientTape() to carry out the backpropagation.
When this is used, I presume you do not need to use with callbacks,
and instead make use of generator.trainable_variables with tf.summary.histogram(), but I'm unsure how to put it all together.
and you also need to "merge" scalars and histograms at some point if you want to view both?


FedProx with TensorFlow Federated

Would anyone know how to implement the FedProx optimisation algorithm with TensorFlow Federated? The only implementation that seems to be available online was developed directly with TensorFlow. A TFF implementation would enable an easier comparison with experiments that utilise FedAvg which the framework supports.
This is the link to the FedProx repo:
Link to the paper:
At this moment, FedProx implementation is not available. I agree it would be a valuable algorithm to have.
If you are interested in contributing FedProx, the best place to start would be simple_fedavg which is a minimal implementation of FedAvg meant as a starting point for extensions -- see the readme there for more details.
I think the major change would need to happen to the client_update method, where you would add the proximal term depending on model_weights and initial_weights to the loss computed in forward pass.
I provide below my implementation of FedProx in TFF. I am not 100% sure that this is the right implementation; I post this answer also for discussing on actual code example.
I tried to follow the suggestions in the Jacub Konecny's answer and comment.
Starting from the simple_fedavg (referring to the TFF Github repo), I just modified the client_update method, and specifically changing the input argument for calculating the gradient with the GradientTape, i.e. instaead of just passing in input the outputs.loss, the tape calculates the gradient considering the outputs.loss + proximal_term previosuly (and iteratively) calculated.
def client_update(model, dataset, server_message, client_optimizer):
"""Performans client local training of "model" on "dataset".Args:
model: A "tff.learning.Model".
dataset: A "".
server_message: A "BroadcastMessage" from server.
client_optimizer: A "tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer".
A "ClientOutput".
def difference_model_norm_2_square(global_model, local_model):
"""Calculates the squared l2 norm of a model difference (i.e.
local_model - global_model)
global_model: the model broadcast by the server
local_model: the current, in-training model
Returns: the squared norm
model_difference = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda a, b: a - b,
squared_norm = tf.square(tf.linalg.global_norm(model_difference))
return squared_norm
model_weights = model.weights
initial_weights = server_message.model_weights
tf.nest.map_structure(lambda v, t: v.assign(t), model_weights,
num_examples = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32)
loss_sum = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32)
# Explicit use `iter` for dataset is a trick that makes TFF more robust in
# GPU simulation and slightly more performant in the unconventional usage
# of large number of small datasets.
for batch in iter(dataset):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
outputs = model.forward_pass(batch)
# ------ FedProx ------
mu = tf.constant(0.2, dtype=tf.float32)
prox_term =(mu/2)*difference_model_norm_2_square(model_weights.trainable, initial_weights.trainable)
fedprox_loss = outputs.loss + prox_term
# Letting GradientTape dealing with the FedProx's loss
grads = tape.gradient(fedprox_loss, model_weights.trainable)
client_optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model_weights.trainable))
batch_size = tf.shape(batch['x'])[0]
num_examples += batch_size
loss_sum += outputs.loss * tf.cast(batch_size, tf.float32)
weights_delta = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda a, b: a - b,
client_weight = tf.cast(num_examples, tf.float32)
return ClientOutput(weights_delta, client_weight, loss_sum / client_weight)

How to overfit data with Keras?

I'm trying to build a simple regression model using keras and tensorflow. In my problem I have data in the form (x, y), where x and y are simply numbers. I'd like to build a keras model in order to predict y using x as an input.
Since I think images better explains thing, these are my data:
We may discuss if they are good or not, but in my problem I cannot really cheat them.
My keras model is the following (data are splitted 30% test (X_test, y_test) and 70% training (X_train, y_train)):
model = tf.keras.Sequential()
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(32, input_shape=() activation="relu", name="first_layer"))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(16, activation="relu", name="second_layer"))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, name="output_layer"))
model.compile(loss = "mean_squared_error", optimizer = "adam", metrics=["mse"] )
history =, y_train, epochs=500, batch_size=1, verbose=0, shuffle=False)
eval_result = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test)
print("\n\nTest loss:", eval_result, "\n")
predict_Y = model.predict(X)
note: X contains both X_test and X_train.
Plotting the prediction I get (blue squares are the prediction predict_Y)
I'm playing a lot with layers, activation funztions and other parameters. My goal is to find the best parameters to train the model, but the actual question, here, is slightly different: in fact I have hard times to force the model to overfit the data (as you can see from the above results).
Does anyone have some sort of idea about how to reproduce overfitting?
This is the outcome I would like to get:
(red dots are under blue squares!)
Here I provide you the data used in the example above: you can copy paste directly to a python interpreter:
X_train = [0.704619794270697, 0.6779457393024553, 0.8207082120250023, 0.8588819357831449, 0.8692320257603844, 0.6878750931810429, 0.9556331888763945, 0.77677964510883, 0.7211381534179618, 0.6438319113259414, 0.6478339581502052, 0.9710222750072649, 0.8952188423349681, 0.6303124926673513, 0.9640316662124185, 0.869691568491902, 0.8320164648420931, 0.8236399177660375, 0.8877334038470911, 0.8084042532069621, 0.8045680821762038]
y_train = [0.7766424210611557, 0.8210846773655833, 0.9996114311913593, 0.8041331063189883, 0.9980525368790883, 0.8164056182686034, 0.8925487603333683, 0.7758207470960685, 0.37345286573743475, 0.9325789202459493, 0.6060269037514895, 0.9319771743389491, 0.9990691225991941, 0.9320002808310418, 0.9992560731072977, 0.9980241561997089, 0.8882905258641204, 0.4678339275898943, 0.9312152374846061, 0.9542371205095945, 0.8885893668675711]
X_test = [0.9749191829308574, 0.8735366740730178, 0.8882783211709133, 0.8022891400991644, 0.8650601322313454, 0.8697902997857514, 1.0, 0.8165876695985228, 0.8923841531760973]
y_test = [0.975653685270635, 0.9096752789481569, 0.6653736469114154, 0.46367666660348744, 0.9991817903431941, 1.0, 0.9111205717076893, 0.5264993912088891, 0.9989199241685126]
X = [0.704619794270697, 0.77677964510883, 0.7211381534179618, 0.6478339581502052, 0.6779457393024553, 0.8588819357831449, 0.8045680821762038, 0.8320164648420931, 0.8650601322313454, 0.8697902997857514, 0.8236399177660375, 0.6878750931810429, 0.8923841531760973, 0.8692320257603844, 0.8877334038470911, 0.8735366740730178, 0.8207082120250023, 0.8022891400991644, 0.6303124926673513, 0.8084042532069621, 0.869691568491902, 0.9710222750072649, 0.9556331888763945, 0.8882783211709133, 0.8165876695985228, 0.6438319113259414, 0.8952188423349681, 0.9749191829308574, 1.0, 0.9640316662124185]
Y = [0.7766424210611557, 0.7758207470960685, 0.37345286573743475, 0.6060269037514895, 0.8210846773655833, 0.8041331063189883, 0.8885893668675711, 0.8882905258641204, 0.9991817903431941, 1.0, 0.4678339275898943, 0.8164056182686034, 0.9989199241685126, 0.9980525368790883, 0.9312152374846061, 0.9096752789481569, 0.9996114311913593, 0.46367666660348744, 0.9320002808310418, 0.9542371205095945, 0.9980241561997089, 0.9319771743389491, 0.8925487603333683, 0.6653736469114154, 0.5264993912088891, 0.9325789202459493, 0.9990691225991941, 0.975653685270635, 0.9111205717076893, 0.9992560731072977]
Where X contains the list of the x values and Y the corresponding y value. (X_test, y_test) and (X_train, y_train) are two (non overlapping) subset of (X, Y).
To predict and show the model results I simply use matplotlib (imported as plt):
predict_Y = model.predict(X)
plt.plot(X, Y, "ro", X, predict_Y, "bs")
Overfitted models are rarely useful in real life. It appears to me that OP is well aware of that but wants to see if NNs are indeed capable of fitting (bounded) arbitrary functions or not. On one hand, the input-output data in the example seems to obey no discernible pattern. On the other hand, both input and output are scalars in [0, 1] and there are only 21 data points in the training set.
Based on my experiments and results, we can indeed overfit as requested. See the image below.
Numerical results:
x y_true y_pred error
0 0.704620 0.776642 0.773753 -0.002889
1 0.677946 0.821085 0.819597 -0.001488
2 0.820708 0.999611 0.999813 0.000202
3 0.858882 0.804133 0.805160 0.001026
4 0.869232 0.998053 0.997862 -0.000190
5 0.687875 0.816406 0.814692 -0.001714
6 0.955633 0.892549 0.893117 0.000569
7 0.776780 0.775821 0.779289 0.003469
8 0.721138 0.373453 0.374007 0.000554
9 0.643832 0.932579 0.912565 -0.020014
10 0.647834 0.606027 0.607253 0.001226
11 0.971022 0.931977 0.931549 -0.000428
12 0.895219 0.999069 0.999051 -0.000018
13 0.630312 0.932000 0.930252 -0.001748
14 0.964032 0.999256 0.999204 -0.000052
15 0.869692 0.998024 0.997859 -0.000165
16 0.832016 0.888291 0.887883 -0.000407
17 0.823640 0.467834 0.460728 -0.007106
18 0.887733 0.931215 0.932790 0.001575
19 0.808404 0.954237 0.960282 0.006045
20 0.804568 0.888589 0.906829 0.018240
{'me': -0.00015776709314323828,
'mae': 0.00329163070145315,
'mse': 4.0713782563067185e-05,
'rmse': 0.006380735268216915}
OP's code seems good to me. My changes were minor:
Use deeper networks. It may not actually be necessary to use a depth of 30 layers but since we just want to overfit, I didn't experiment too much with what's the minimum depth needed.
Each Dense layer has 50 units. Again, this may be overkill.
Added batch normalization layer every 5th dense layer.
Decreased learning rate by half.
Ran optimization for longer using the all 21 training examples in a batch.
Used MAE as objective function. MSE is good but since we want to overfit, I want to penalize small errors the same way as large errors.
Random numbers are more important here because data appears to be arbitrary. Though, you should get similar results if you change random number seed and let the optimizer run long enough. In some cases, optimization does get stuck in a local minima and it would not produce overfitting (as requested by OP).
The code is below.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Dense, BatchNormalization
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Set seed just to have reproducible results
# Load data from the post
X_train = np.array([0.704619794270697, 0.6779457393024553, 0.8207082120250023,
0.8588819357831449, 0.8692320257603844, 0.6878750931810429,
0.9556331888763945, 0.77677964510883, 0.7211381534179618,
0.6438319113259414, 0.6478339581502052, 0.9710222750072649,
0.8952188423349681, 0.6303124926673513, 0.9640316662124185,
0.869691568491902, 0.8320164648420931, 0.8236399177660375,
0.8877334038470911, 0.8084042532069621,
Y_train = np.array([0.7766424210611557, 0.8210846773655833, 0.9996114311913593,
0.8041331063189883, 0.9980525368790883, 0.8164056182686034,
0.8925487603333683, 0.7758207470960685,
0.37345286573743475, 0.9325789202459493,
0.6060269037514895, 0.9319771743389491, 0.9990691225991941,
0.9320002808310418, 0.9992560731072977, 0.9980241561997089,
0.8882905258641204, 0.4678339275898943, 0.9312152374846061,
0.9542371205095945, 0.8885893668675711])
X_test = np.array([0.9749191829308574, 0.8735366740730178, 0.8882783211709133,
0.8022891400991644, 0.8650601322313454, 0.8697902997857514,
1.0, 0.8165876695985228, 0.8923841531760973])
Y_test = np.array([0.975653685270635, 0.9096752789481569, 0.6653736469114154,
0.46367666660348744, 0.9991817903431941, 1.0,
0.9111205717076893, 0.5264993912088891, 0.9989199241685126])
X = np.array([0.704619794270697, 0.77677964510883, 0.7211381534179618,
0.6478339581502052, 0.6779457393024553, 0.8588819357831449,
0.8045680821762038, 0.8320164648420931, 0.8650601322313454,
0.8697902997857514, 0.8236399177660375, 0.6878750931810429,
0.8923841531760973, 0.8692320257603844, 0.8877334038470911,
0.8735366740730178, 0.8207082120250023, 0.8022891400991644,
0.6303124926673513, 0.8084042532069621, 0.869691568491902,
0.9710222750072649, 0.9556331888763945, 0.8882783211709133,
0.8165876695985228, 0.6438319113259414, 0.8952188423349681,
0.9749191829308574, 1.0, 0.9640316662124185])
Y = np.array([0.7766424210611557, 0.7758207470960685, 0.37345286573743475,
0.6060269037514895, 0.8210846773655833, 0.8041331063189883,
0.8885893668675711, 0.8882905258641204, 0.9991817903431941, 1.0,
0.4678339275898943, 0.8164056182686034, 0.9989199241685126,
0.9980525368790883, 0.9312152374846061, 0.9096752789481569,
0.9996114311913593, 0.46367666660348744, 0.9320002808310418,
0.9542371205095945, 0.9980241561997089, 0.9319771743389491,
0.8925487603333683, 0.6653736469114154, 0.5264993912088891,
0.9325789202459493, 0.9990691225991941, 0.975653685270635,
0.9111205717076893, 0.9992560731072977])
# Reshape all data to be of the shape (batch_size, 1)
X_train = X_train.reshape((-1, 1))
Y_train = Y_train.reshape((-1, 1))
X_test = X_test.reshape((-1, 1))
Y_test = Y_test.reshape((-1, 1))
X = X.reshape((-1, 1))
Y = Y.reshape((-1, 1))
# Is data scaled? NNs do well with bounded data.
assert np.all(X_train >= 0) and np.all(X_train <= 1)
assert np.all(Y_train >= 0) and np.all(Y_train <= 1)
assert np.all(X_test >= 0) and np.all(X_test <= 1)
assert np.all(Y_test >= 0) and np.all(Y_test <= 1)
assert np.all(X >= 0) and np.all(X <= 1)
assert np.all(Y >= 0) and np.all(Y <= 1)
# Build a model with variable number of hidden layers.
# We will use Keras functional API.
n_dense_layers = 30 # increase this to get more complicated models
# Define the layers first.
input_tensor = Input(shape=(1,), name='input')
layers = []
for i in range(n_dense_layers):
layers += [Dense(units=50, activation='relu', name=f'dense_layer_{i}')]
if (i > 0) & (i % 5 == 0):
# avg over batches not features
layers += [BatchNormalization(axis=1)]
sigmoid_layer = Dense(units=1, activation='sigmoid', name='sigmoid_layer')
# Connect the layers using Keras Functional API
mid_layer = input_tensor
for dense_layer in layers:
mid_layer = dense_layer(mid_layer)
output_tensor = sigmoid_layer(mid_layer)
model = Model(inputs=[input_tensor], outputs=[output_tensor])
optimizer = Adam(learning_rate=0.0005)
model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss='mae', metrics=['mae'])[X_train], y=[Y_train], epochs=40000, batch_size=21)
# Predict on various datasets
Y_train_pred = model.predict(X_train)
# Create a dataframe to inspect results manually
train_df = pd.DataFrame({
'x': X_train.reshape((-1)),
'y_true': Y_train.reshape((-1)),
'y_pred': Y_train_pred.reshape((-1))
train_df['error'] = train_df['y_pred'] - train_df['y_true']
# A dictionary to store all the errors in one place.
train_errors = {
'me': np.mean(train_df['error']),
'mae': np.mean(np.abs(train_df['error'])),
'mse': np.mean(np.square(train_df['error'])),
'rmse': np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(train_df['error']))),
# Make a plot to visualize true vs predicted
plt.plot(train_df['x'], train_df['y_true'], 'r.', label='y_true')
plt.plot(train_df['x'], train_df['y_pred'], 'bo', alpha=0.25, label='y_pred')
plt.title(f'Train data. MSE={np.round(train_errors["mse"], 5)}.')
A problem you may encountering is that you don't have enough training data for the model to be able to fit well. In your example, you only have 21 training instances, each with only 1 feature. Broadly speaking with neural network models, you need on the order of 10K or more training instances to produce a decent model.
Consider the following code that generates a noisy sine wave and tries to train a densely-connected feed-forward neural network to fit the data. My model has two linear layers, each with 50 hidden units and a ReLU activation function. The experiments are parameterized with the variable num_points which I will increase.
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import layers
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def generate_data(num_points=100):
X = np.linspace(0.0 , 2.0 * np.pi, num_points).reshape(-1, 1)
noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, num_points).reshape(-1, 1)
y = 3 * np.sin(X) + noise
return X, y
def run_experiment(X_train, y_train, X_test, batch_size=64):
num_points = X_train.shape[0]
model = keras.Sequential()
model.add(layers.Dense(50, input_shape=(1, ), activation='relu'))
model.add(layers.Dense(50, activation='relu'))
model.add(layers.Dense(1, activation='linear'))
model.compile(loss = "mse", optimizer = "adam", metrics=["mse"] )
history =, y_train, epochs=10,
batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0)
yhat = model.predict(X_test, batch_size=batch_size)
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
plt.plot(X_train, y_train, "ro", markersize=2, label='True')
plt.plot(X_train, yhat, "bo", markersize=1, label='Predicted')
plt.ylim(-5, 5)
plt.title('N=%d points' % (num_points))
Here is how I invoke the code:
num_points = 100
X, y = generate_data(num_points)
run_experiment(X, y, X)
Now, if I run the experiment with num_points = 100, the model predictions (in blue) do a terrible job at fitting the true noisy sine wave (in red).
Now, here is num_points = 1000:
Here is num_points = 10000:
And here is num_points = 100000:
As you can see, for my chosen NN architecture, adding more training instances allows the neural network to better (over)fit the data.
If you do have a lot of training instances, then if you want to purposefully overfit your data, you can either increase the neural network capacity or reduce regularization. Specifically, you can control the following knobs:
increase the number of layers
increase the number of hidden units
increase the number of features per data instance
reduce regularization (e.g. by removing dropout layers)
use a more complex neural network architecture (e.g. transformer blocks instead of RNN)
You may be wondering if neural networks can fit arbitrary data rather than just a noisy sine wave as in my example. Previous research says that, yes, a big enough neural network can fit any data. See:
Universal approximation theorem.
Zhang 2016, "Understanding deep learning requires rethinking generalization".
As discussed in the comments, you should make a Python array (with NumPy) like this:-
Myarray = [[0.65, 1], [0.85, 0.5], ....]
Then you would just call those specific parts of the array whom you need to predict. Here the first value is the x-axis value. So you would call it to obtain the corresponding pair stored in Myarray
There are many resources to learn these types of things. some of them are ===>

Using a stateful Keras model in pure TensorFlow

I have a stateful RNN model with several GRU layers that was created in Keras.
I have to run this model now from Java, so I dumped the model as protobuf, and I'm loading it from Java TensorFlow.
This model must be stateful because features will be fed one timestep at-a-time.
As far as I understand, in order to achieve statefulness in a TensorFlow model, I must somehow feed in the last state every time I execute the session runner, and also that the run would return the state after the execution.
Is there a way to output the state in the Keras model?
Is there a simpler way altogether to get a stateful Keras model to work as such using TensorFlow?
Many thanks
An alternative solution is to use the model.state_updates property of the keras model, and add it to the call.
Here is a full example that illustrates this solutions with two lstms:
import tensorflow as tf
class SimpleLstmModel(tf.keras.Model):
""" Simple lstm model with two lstm """
def __init__(self, units=10, stateful=True):
super(SimpleLstmModel, self).__init__()
self.lstm_0 = tf.keras.layers.LSTM(units=units, stateful=stateful, return_sequences=True)
self.lstm_1 = tf.keras.layers.LSTM(units=units, stateful=stateful, return_sequences=True)
def call(self, inputs):
:param inputs: [batch_size, seq_len, 1]
:return: output tensor
x = self.lstm_0(inputs)
x = self.lstm_1(x)
return x
def main():
model = SimpleLstmModel(units=1, stateful=True)
x = tf.placeholder(shape=[1, 1, 1], dtype=tf.float32)
output = model(x)
sess = tf.Session()
res_at_step_1, _ =[output, model.state_updates], feed_dict={x: [[[0.1]]]})
res_at_step_2, _ =[output, model.state_updates], feed_dict={x: [[[0.1]]]})
if __name__ == "__main__":
Which produces the following output:
and shows that the lstm state is preserved between batches.
If we set stateful to False, the output becomes:
Showing that the state is not reused.
ok, so I managed to solve this problem!
What worked for me was creating tf.identity tensors for not only the outputs, as is standard, but also for the state tensors.
In the Keras models, the state tensors can be found by doing:
Which gives something like this:
[(<tf.Variable 'gru_1_1/Variable:0' shape=(1, 70) dtype=float32_ref>,
<tf.Tensor 'gru_1_1/while/Exit_2:0' shape=(1, 70) dtype=float32>),
(<tf.Variable 'gru_2_1/Variable:0' shape=(1, 70) dtype=float32_ref>,
<tf.Tensor 'gru_2_1/while/Exit_2:0' shape=(1, 70) dtype=float32>),
(<tf.Variable 'gru_3_1/Variable:0' shape=(1, 4) dtype=float32_ref>,
<tf.Tensor 'gru_3_1/while/Exit_2:0' shape=(1, 4) dtype=float32>)]
The 'Variable' is used for inputting the states, and the 'Exit' for outputs of the new states.
So I created tf.identity out of the 'Exit' tensors. I gave them meaningful names, e.g.:
tf.identity(state_variables[j], name='state'+str(j))
Where state_variables contained only the 'Exit' tensors
Then used the input variables (e.g. gru_1_1/Variable:0) to feed the model state from TensorFlow, and the identity variables I created out of the 'Exit' tensors were used to extract the new states after feeding the model at each timestep

Parallelizing a tensorflow operation across multiple GPU's

In below code of a single hidden layer neural network I'm attempting to parallelize the gradient descent operation across two GPU's. I'm just attempting to thinking about this conceptually at the moment. There does not appear to be very much literature on how to perform this. Reading Training Multi-GPU on Tensorflow: a simpler way? does not provide a concrete answer. In below code I've added two functions runOnGPU1() & runOnGPU1() which is a conceptual idea of how to split the training of the network across two GPU's. Can these two loops be split in order to share the computation across multiple GPU's ?
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# a batch of inputs of 2 value each
inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 2])
# a batch of output of 1 value each
desired_outputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 1])
# [!] define the number of hidden units in the first layer
# connect 2 inputs to 3 hidden units
# [!] Initialize weights with random numbers, to make the network learn
weights_1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([2, HIDDEN_UNITS]))
# [!] The biases are single values per hidden unit
biases_1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([HIDDEN_UNITS]))
# connect 2 inputs to every hidden unit. Add bias
layer_1_outputs = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(inputs, weights_1) + biases_1)
# [!] The XOR problem is that the function is not linearly separable
# [!] A MLP (Multi layer perceptron) can learn to separe non linearly separable points ( you can
# think that it will learn hypercurves, not only hyperplanes)
# [!] Lets' add a new layer and change the layer 2 to output more than 1 value
# connect first hidden units to 2 hidden units in the second hidden layer
weights_2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([HIDDEN_UNITS, 2]))
# [!] The same of above
biases_2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([2]))
# connect the hidden units to the second hidden layer
layer_2_outputs = tf.nn.sigmoid(
tf.matmul(layer_1_outputs, weights_2) + biases_2)
# [!] create the new layer
weights_3 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([2, 1]))
biases_3 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1]))
logits = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(layer_2_outputs, weights_3) + biases_3)
# [!] The error function chosen is good for a multiclass classification taks, not for a XOR.
error_function = 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.subtract(logits, desired_outputs) * tf.subtract(logits, desired_outputs))
train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.05).minimize(error_function)
training_inputs = [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0]]
training_outputs = [[0.0], [1.0], [1.0], [0.0]]
def runOnGPU1() :
for i in range(5):
_, loss =[train_step, error_function],
feed_dict={inputs: np.array(training_inputs),
desired_outputs: np.array(training_outputs)})
def runOnGPU2() :
for i in range(5):
_, loss =[train_step, error_function],
feed_dict={inputs: np.array(training_inputs),
desired_outputs: np.array(training_outputs)})

Under what parameters are SVC and LinearSVC in scikit-learn equivalent?

I read this thread about the difference between SVC() and LinearSVC() in scikit-learn.
Now I have a data set of binary classification problem(For such a problem, the one-to-one/one-to-rest strategy difference between both functions could be ignore.)
I want to try under what parameters would these 2 functions give me the same result. First of all, of course, we should set kernel='linear' for SVC()
However, I just could not get the same result from both functions. I could not find the answer from the documents, could anybody help me to find the equivalent parameter set I am looking for?
I modified the following code from an example of the scikit-learn website, and apparently they are not the same:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import svm, datasets
# import some data to play with
iris = datasets.load_iris()
X =[:, :2] # we only take the first two features. We could
# avoid this ugly slicing by using a two-dim dataset
y =
for i in range(len(y)):
if (y[i]==2):
y[i] = 1
h = .02 # step size in the mesh
# we create an instance of SVM and fit out data. We do not scale our
# data since we want to plot the support vectors
C = 1.0 # SVM regularization parameter
svc = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=C).fit(X, y)
lin_svc = svm.LinearSVC(C=C, dual = True, loss = 'hinge').fit(X, y)
# create a mesh to plot in
x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - 1, X[:, 0].max() + 1
y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - 1, X[:, 1].max() + 1
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h),
np.arange(y_min, y_max, h))
# title for the plots
titles = ['SVC with linear kernel',
'LinearSVC (linear kernel)']
for i, clf in enumerate((svc, lin_svc)):
# Plot the decision boundary. For that, we will assign a color to each
# point in the mesh [x_min, m_max]x[y_min, y_max].
plt.subplot(1, 2, i + 1)
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4)
Z = clf.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
# Put the result into a color plot
Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)
plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z,, alpha=0.8)
# Plot also the training points
plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=y,
plt.xlabel('Sepal length')
plt.ylabel('Sepal width')
plt.xlim(xx.min(), xx.max())
plt.ylim(yy.min(), yy.max())
Output Figure from previous code
In mathematical sense you need to set:
SVC(kernel='linear', **kwargs) # by default it uses RBF kernel
LinearSVC(loss='hinge', **kwargs) # by default it uses squared hinge loss
Another element, which cannot be easily fixed is increasing intercept_scaling in LinearSVC, as in this implementation bias is regularized (which is not true in SVC nor should be true in SVM - thus this is not SVM) - consequently they will never be exactly equal (unless bias=0 for your problem), as they assume two different models
SVC : 1/2||w||^2 + C SUM xi_i
LinearSVC: 1/2||[w b]||^2 + C SUM xi_i
Personally I consider LinearSVC one of the mistakes of sklearn developers - this class is simply not a linear SVM.
After increasing intercept scaling (to 10.0)
However, if you scale it up too much - it will also fail, as now tolerance and number of iterations are crucial.
To sum up: LinearSVC is not linear SVM, do not use it if do not have to.
