TFDQuery.SQL - change SQL statement via TEdit - delphi

I'm trying to access my SQL Query via TEdit - simply to change the query during runtime for testing.
So I just build a simple TEdit field. I'm struggling to understand the way to access the saved string in FDQuery.SQL - it is saved like an array?
Maybe somebody can give me a hint on how to edit the Query via TEdit.
TEdit.Text := FDQuery1.SQL.Strings['Simply a text string?'];

Thanks for the comments - I missed FDQuery.SQL.Text...
so for me
EditQuery.Text := FDQuery1.SQL.Text;
was the simple solution.


TDBrichedit displays plain text rather than rich text

The context is that I am maintaining an application running on delphi 7 with the BDE. I programmatically assign dbricheditcontrols' datafields to allow users to edit rtf documents. When the relevant forms open, the unformatted text is displayed and then once say the person moves onto the next document, suddenly the rich text kicks in; I suspect it must be an initialisation problem of sorts, but what am I missing; could not locate a solution online.
Ordinarily, I would not post an answer to a q which states
I programmatically assign dbricheditcontrols' datafields to allow users to edit rtf documents
but fails to include the code that you are using - you should have provided an MCVE (see
However, what you say sugggests that you may be going about what you are trying to do the wrong way. You say you are using a TDBRichEdit component, but if you are using it correctly, it should not require any programmatic assignment of datafields to do it: you simply need to connect the component to the TTable or TQuery you are using via a TDataSource component, and configure the DBRichEdit to access whatever field of the TTable/TQuery that stores the richedit text. That can be done a design time using the Object Inspector in the IDE to set properties and does not require any code.
So, it seems to me that either you are not using the DBRichEdit correctly, or you are trying to do something that you have not explained in your q.
You can satisfy yourself that a DBRichEdit works automatically, without needing to load or save its contents in code, as follows:
Open the FishFacts demo
Add a TDBNavigator and a TDBRichEdit to the form. Set the DataField property of DBRichEdit1 to Notes.
Set the ReadOnly property of Table1 to False. Then set Table1's Active property to True.
Compile and run the project. While it's running
Start WordPad.Exe and create a bit of richtext in it. Copy it to the clipboard. Click the Save speedbutton of DBNavigator1.
Paste the richtext into DBRichEdit1.
You should find that you can navigate away from and back to the edited record and the richtext will be automatically reloaded.
Also, the following code works fine for me to load the Notes field from an .Rtf file
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
and does not initially display the unformatted text as you describe. So I'm fairly sure you problem is arising in code of yours that you haven't shown us.
Btw, the only reason I am posting this as an "answer" is that there is more to say than will comfortably fit in a comment.

Delphi TadoTable Locate

I have MsAccess table with the following fields:
1. Billing Type
2. Billing Code
3. Description - memo type.
I also have an Edit box named srch
I would like to search the filed Description and find the first record that has the search sting. This is what I try to use:
billingcode.Locate('Description',srch.Text,[loPartialKey]) ;
I get error 'Sort order can not be applied"
any ideas how to fix that ?
thank you.
Figure it out, LOCATE can not be used with Memo field, I used FILTER instead like this:
billingcode.Filter :='Description LIKE '+QuotedSTR('%'+srch.text+'%');
much better.
You can not use Locate to search a Blobfield like a Memo.
Workarounds for locating could be
-selecting an additional casted field only for searching (using TAdoDataset instead of TAdoTable)
,LEFT( Description,8000) as Help4Search -- Access syntax
--,Cast(Description as Varchar(8000)) as Help4Search --example SQL-Server syntax
FROM YourTable;
-stepping through the dataset with disabled controls, using delphi POS

Missing Field Errors In TClientDataSet when external dll called from Delphi 7

I have a DLL created in Delphi XE2 that is using DB Express and TClientDataSet to display the results of a join in a DB Grid. There is a simple function to launch/show the form that is exported for use in other applications. The query is executed, and the grid populated, on FormActivate.
When I call the function to show the form from a separate Delphi XE2 application, everything runs fine - no issues that I can find.
However, when I call the same function from a separate Delphi 7 application, I get an error that that TClientDataSet can't find fields from the join.
For Example, data is returned like this:
[dbxds == TSQLDataSet
cds == TClientDataSet]
dbxds.commandtext='select s.sfield1, s.sfield2, t.tfield1, t.tfield2 from s left join t on s.sfield1 = t.tfield1';
cds.fieldByName(sfield2).visible:=false;//to hide from a dbgrid
cds.fieldByName(tfield2).visible:=false;//to hide from a dbgrid
When called from XE2, no issues.
When called from Delphi 7, the last line (used to hide that field from the db grid) gives an error that:
cds: Field 'tfield2' not found
Though the first line is fine - if I switch the order of the query so that that 't' fields are retrieved first ('from t left join s'), then I get the error on the 's' field instead.
Any thoughts on what could be causing the incompatibility?
OK so, I noticed something odd and that put me on the path to getting the answer to this.
It just happened that, in either table, the field I was trying to access to hide was of type 'tinyint(1)'. If I tried to hide a field of type int/varchar etc, no error was thrown.
I swapped my 'tinyint(1)' fields for 'int(1)' and it works fine.
No idea why this was happening, but I'm glad I caught it and, if any one else runs into this issue, I hope that this answers their question for them too.

Add writable dummy field to updatable TClientDataset

I have a database table in which I need to insert records.
I'm using a updatable TClientDataset and everything works just fine.
Now, I need to add a dummy field; not a calculated one.
One field where I can write the row state (just some information I will use before ApplyUpdates) but that is not part of the database table.
I've seen this illuminating post, but the added field is calculated and it is not possible to update and keep informations.
It is not ok for me.
I've tried to add a 'dummy field' from the database select and fix the ProviderFlags to remove the pfUpdate.
cds.FieldByName('DUMMY').ProviderFlags := [];
I've seen in the Provider.pas that before building the insert sql, the ProviderFlags is checked. This should work indeed, the problem is it seems that ProviderFlags is not updated from my statement above.
Please, do you know how to add a Field on the fly, that is writable but then ignored by the delphi database update process?
I'm using delphi 7.
Thanks for you help.
Make the field an InternalCalc field and set its ProviderFlags to []. This makes the field writable to your application, but skips the field when updating the underlying database.

BDE says "Field not found" but field exists

I have the following query to one of my database tables:
select count(*) as mycount
from mytable
where fieldone = :fieldone
and fieldtwo = :fieldtwo
Parameters are correctly loaded into the query (both of type String).
When I run this query outside the app (for instance, through the dbexplore) and replace the parameters with the actual values, I get the correct result. But when running it in the app, I get a Field 'fieldtwo' not found error, right on the Query.Open call.
Why would the BDE not find this field, when it actually exist?
Update: The following query, executed right after the first one (the one that fails), works fine in the app:
select *
from mytable
where fieldone = :fieldone
order by fieldone, fieldtwo
The best guess is that you have populated the field list in the query, this overrides any concept of the underlying fields that are in the query and is a cause of countless confusion.
Right click on the query, pick the fields editor clear all the values that are there and then choose 'add all fields' that should cause the missing field to appear once the query is executed.
I think it should auto-populate the fields if there are no defined fields when the query is executed, so you may not need to choose 'add all fields' after clearing the fields.
Whenever we come across a problem like this we tend to remove the query from the form and create it dynamically at run time... It depends how ingrained into the form it is...
E.g. If you have a data aware control looking at "fieldtwo" which tries to fetch some data when the underlying data set gets updated then it'll trigger an error like this, but it's more obvious when you've written code such
SomeEdit.Text = Query.FieldByName("fieldtwo").AsString;
That way it falls over on the relevant line instead of the open (triggering a related event)
Clear the query content using Query1.SQL.Clear; statement before opening it.
Other reason can be you are opening other database which may not have the specified field. Be sure that both the DatabaseName's in your app and dbexplore are same
I used to face porblems with BDE when i have SQLExplorer open and the app accesses the DB at the same time (but i had errors like ), try closing the Explorer it may help, if not i would build the SQL as text without the Parameters and try if it works then (if its possible in your situation).
I don't use parameters, so I'm just grabbing at straws here. I still use the BDE regularly, but am no expert. I find I shy away from more complex expressions (which yours is not!) because of the little "surprises" like this that the BDE throws at you.
Perhaps adding parentheses:
where (fieldone = :fieldone)
and (fieldtwo = :fieldtwo)
Or, single or double quote signs (this probably will make it worse?)
where (fieldon = ":fieldone")
and (fieldtwo = ":fieldtwo")
Or, to explore the problem, remove the "and fieldtwo = :fieldtwo" line and see if it runs.
Would it be possible for you to do your own parameter substitution with a StringReplace as in
Query1.SQL.Text := StringReplace(Query1.SQL.Text, ":fieldone", "MyVarName",[rfReplaceAll ]);
If you are creating a ClienDataSet in memory by the Create DataSet method, you should check the TFieldDefs property, which must have a different field name or not created
I was having a weird but small problem, I'll post in case it will help someone in some day.
with frmEditPerson do
PersonID := qryPerson.FieldByName(ID).AsInteger;
I had qryPerson both in frmRegPeople and in frmEditPerson, by using with I was referencing to frmEditPerson.qryPerson, however I wanted to reference to frmRegPeople.qryPerson. Then I need to change to the following code.
with frmEditPerson do
PersonID := Self.qryPerson.FieldByName(ID).AsInteger;
// Explanation
// qryPerson --> frmEditPerson.qryPerson;
// Self.qryPerson --> frmRegPeople.qryPerson;
