Can the user edit the plist from outside the app? - ios

I'm using the UserDefaults to save some persistent data (app's state, not something that needs to be secured). This data (AFAIK) is saved on a plist. Can the user edit this plist outside the app?
I tried it, and while it seems possible, when I run the app it overrides the changes with the last values from the app.
If it's not possible, then what good is the 'defaults write ...' command (via the Terminal)?
This question is relevant both to iOS and macOS

It depends how you use UserDefaults. UserDefaults is really not much more than a dictionary with a convenient way to read/write to a plist file. You can decide yourself where that file is stored, and therefore whether it is changeable by the user outside the app or not. And you are responsible for reading the values at startup and possibly when they change on the fly.
On iOS, only if you use UserDefaults.standard, will the plist file be placed in a location that is accessible and managed by Apple's Settings app. It is still your responsibility to read/write the defaults when appropriate. Not sure how that works on MacOS.
If they are reset on startup of the app, it is likely the app is overwriting them explicitly on startup.


iOS - save data so that it is easily accessible outside of the app

Is there any way to save a file (to be exact, a .csv) somewhere outside the application sandbox? From what I've read it seems like it is only possible to save files inside the sandbox.
Maybe I'm thinking about it the wrong way, maybe I don't really need to save it outside the sandbox. What I actually need to do is:
Allow the user to save the file, so that he can use it in other applications (for example email client), and it would be best if the file would stay on his device after he deleted the app. The location of the saved file doesn't really matter, it could be chosen by user with some file picker or hard-coded. Is there any way to achieve this?
I'm using xamarin.forms so solution easy to implement in xamarin.forms would be much appreciated.
From what I've read it seems like it is only possible to save files inside the sandbox.
That is the general idea. You don't just have access to the filesystem on iOS. You could work around this by maybe saving it to iCloud or Dropbox, etc. depending on your use-case but basically you can't just save it somewhere common. Normally, you would then implement the 'share' functionality. What happens then is that iOS copies the file into the other apps' sandbox so it can work with it.

Is it possible for an attacker to maliciously modify iOS keychain data?

I am storing secure data in the keychain that should be maintained only within my app. During app running this data is retrieved to some variable. It seems like it is possible to crack my app in order to read that value or even dump the whole keychain, but my question is it possible to the "hacker" modify that data i.e. modify at runtime area of RAM that holds this variable and make my app to update keychain with new value? And I also have setter method for that property, which saves it to keychain, is it possible to investigate the address of that function and force call my method with custom value?
I already looked here and here for best practices, read answer at Quora, that and that articles, looked for ios-keychain-analyzer project at GitHub but there is no mention about changing data, only about reading

Persisting app configuration in iOS: .plist file vs NSUserDefaults

I have some app-related parameters (boolean and string data) which are either set by user through the app, either at its first execution. I don't want this kind of information to be stored by using Core Data, so the options I'm thinking about are:
1) Creating and reading/writing a custom .plist file (let's say, myconfig.plist) to be stored in Documents app folder
2) Saving such info using NSUserDefaults
The kind of information I want to keep is, for example, the last app version that was installed and run in order to check if app is being updated, or a flag telling if some specific set of data has been already loaded without having to check the model.
Which of the options would be the most suitable and safest for this task? Or is even there any better option of handling this?
try this if you would check appstore version with your actually app version

Saving files with iOS. Where do they go?

I have saved a text file from my app and I can open it again, but is there any way the user can gain access to this file to just do whatever they want with it? I tried printing the path which looks like this : /var/mobile/Applications/2DD5A15B-9BC8-4981-A1F6-E22F66C71CA4/Documents/ I'm assuming that huge number is some type of app identifier, which leads me to believe that this file isn't going to be accessible unless you're in the app. Which makes me wonder, why would writing a file be any better than just saving a big string to NSUserDefaults?
I am building an app where the user should be able to do some data logging. If the user can sync their phone with their computer and download the file that would be awesome. Can you do that? Or do I have to build in functionality so that they have to email themselves the file or something?
I'm assuming that huge number is some type of app identifier
It is. It's an UUID.
which leads me to believe that this file isn't going to be accessible unless your in the app
...unless you are in the app (or, unless the device is jailbroken, in which case it's plaintext for anyone interested).
why would writing a file be any better than just saving a big string to NSUserDefaults
Conceptually, it's not a setting. If you have some data, an entity, then write it to a file. NSUserDefaults is not appropriate for storing large amounts of data. It's for storing user preferences (which are volatile!), nothing else.
made of the concept of iOS this is also called sandboxing.
if this would not exist, it could be possible to change or getting data of other apps.
If the user can sync their phone with their computer and download the file that would be awesome. Can you do that? Or do I have to build in functionality so that they have to email themselves the file or something?
you can use the awesome iCloud.
check here:

How can i prevent my settings(files, NSUserdefaults) being modified by external application like iExplorer

I wanted to do some operation on App's first launch. I have written my code as suggested here: how to detect first time app launch,iphone. It is working well.
I am able to delete and modify the contents in UserDefault plist using iExplorer.So my app is not functioning as expected. Is there any way to restrict app files being modified by external apps(iExplorer)?
If you alter system files using iExplorer, you could make any app not function properly. One way to make it somewhat tamper proof (though not quite as efficient), is to manage the information on a server rather than a local file. For example, your app may make a call to a web service to retrieve and store settings. That's not to say they couldn't tamper with your application bundle rendering it useless.
In a nutshell, you cannot make your app completely tamper proof
As Zaph has suggested, you can use the keychain. Simply store the [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] as a key in the keychain. bundlePath is unique for each installation. So, when your app loads, check for bundlePath in the keychain, if not exists, then it is fresh installation/first time load. After app has loaded, save the bundlePath to the keychain.
Create a hash of the values of the items you wan to to protect, encrypt that hash and save it in NSUserDefaults. When the NSUserDefaults are read decrypt the hash, re-compute the hash of the fields and check if hashes match.
If it is a small amount of data, say a single value, save it in the keychain.
