RabbitMQ in ECS Cluster with Autoscaling - docker

I have the following situation:
Two times a day for about 1h we receive a huge inflow in messages which are currently running through RabbitMQ. The current Rabbit cluster with 3 nodes can't handle the spikes, otherwise runs smoothly. It's currently setup on pure EC2 instances. The instance type is currenty t3.medium, which is very low, unless for the other 22h per day, where we receive ~5 msg/s. It's also setup currently has ha-mode=all.
After a rather lengthy and revealing read in the rabbitmq docs, I decided to just try and setup an ECS EC2 Cluster and scale out when cpu load rises. So, create a service on it and add that service to the service discovery. For example discovery.rabbitmq. If there are three instances then all of them would run on the same name, but it would resolve to all three IPs. Joining the cluster would work based on this:
That would be the rabbitmq.conf part:
cluster_formation.peer_discovery_backend = dns
# the backend can also be specified using its module name
# cluster_formation.peer_discovery_backend = rabbit_peer_discovery_dns
cluster_formation.dns.hostname = discovery.rabbitmq
I use a policy ha_mode=exact with 2 replicas.
Our exchanges and queues are created manually upfront for reasons I cannot discuss any further, but that's a given. They can't be removed and they won't be re-created on the fly. We have 3 exchanges with each 4 queues.
So, the idea: during times of high load - add more instances, during times of no load, run with three instances (or even less).
The setup with scale-out/in works fine, until I started to use the benchmarking tool and discovered that queues are always created on one single node which becomes the queue master. Which is fine considering the benchmarking tool is connected to one single node. Problem is, after scale-in/out, also our manually created queues are not moved to other nodes. This is also in line with what I read on the rabbit 3.8 release page:
One of the pain points of performing a rolling upgrade to the servers of a RabbitMQ cluster was that queue masters would end up concentrated on one or two servers. The new rebalance command will automatically rebalance masters across the cluster.
Here's the problems I ran into, I'm seeking some advise:
If I interpret the docs correctly, scaling out wouldn't help at all, because those nodes would sit there idling until someone would manually call rabbitmq-queues rebalance all.
What would be the preferred way of scaling out?


How does Openwhisk decide how many runtime containers to create?

I am working on a project that is using Openwhisk. I have created a Kubernetes cluster on Google cloud with 5 nodes and installed OW on it. My serverless function is written in Java. It does some processing based on arguments I pass to it. The processing can last up to 30 seconds and I invoke the function multiple times during these 30 seconds which means I want to have a greater number of runtime containers(pods) created without having to wait for the previous invocation to finish. Ideally, there should be a container for each invocation until the resources are finished.
Now, what happens is that when I start invoking the function, the first container is created, and then after few seconds, another one to serve the first two invocation. From that point on, I continue invoking the function (no more than 5 simultaneous invocation) but no containers are started. Then, after some time, a third container is created and sometimes, but rarely, a fourth one, but only after long time. What is even weirded is that the containers are all started on a single cluster node or sometimes on two nodes (always the same two nodes). The other nodes are not used. I have set up the cluster carefully. Each node is labeled as invoker. I have tried experimenting with memory assigned to each container, max number of containers, I have increased the max number of invocations I can have per minute but despite all this, I haven't been able to increase the number of containers created. Additionally, I have tried with different machines used for the cluster (different number of cores and memory) but it was in vain.
Since Openwhisk is still relatively a young project, I don't get enough information from the official documentation unfortunately. Can someone explain how does Openwhisk decide when to start a new container? What parameters can I change in values.yaml such that I achieve greater number of containers?
The reason why very few containers were created is the fact that worker nodes do not have Docker Java runtime image and that it needs be downloaded on each of the nodes the first this environment is requested. This image weights a few hundred MBs and it needs time to be downloaded (a couple of seconds in google cluster). I don't know why Openwhisk controller decided to wait for already created pods to be available instead of downloading the image on other nodes. Anyway, once I downloaded the image manually on each of the nodes, using the same application with the same request rate, a new pod was created for each request that could not be served with an existing pod.
The OpenWhisk scheduler implements several heuristics to map an invocation to a container. This post by Markus Thömmes https://medium.com/openwhisk/squeezing-the-milliseconds-how-to-make-serverless-platforms-blazing-fast-aea0e9951bd0 explains how container reuse and caching work and may be applicable for what you are seeing.
When you inspect the activation record for the invokes in your experiment, check the annotations on the activation record to determine if the request was "warm" or "cold". Warm means container was reused for a new invoke. Cold means a container was freshly allocated to service the invoke.
See this document https://github.com/apache/openwhisk/blob/master/docs/annotations.md#annotations-specific-to-activations which explains the meaning of waitTime and initTime. When the latter is decorating the annotation, the activation was "cold" meaning a fresh container was allocated.
It's possible your activation rate is not fast enough to trigger new container allocations. That is, the scheduler decided to allocate your request to an invoker where the previous invoke finished and could accept the new request. Without more details about the arrival rate or think time, it is not possible to answer your question more precisely.
Lastly, OpenWhisk is a mature serverless function platform. It has been in production since 2016 as IBM Cloud Functions, and now powers multiple public serverless offerings including Adobe I/O Runtime and Naver Lambda service among others.

Trying to distribute data processing across a cluster and then aggregate it in master

Right now I have a Python Application which runs 50 threads to process data. It takes an xlsx file and will process a list of values, and will output a simple csv.
I said to myself, since this is a simple Python App with 50 threads, How can I create a cluster to distribute data-processing even more? FOR EXAMPLE: Have each Worker node process a subset given to it by the master. Well that sounds easy, just take the master app slice up the dataset generated and then push it to the workers with load balancing.
How do I get the results though? I would want to take all results (out.csv in this case) and return them to the master and merge them to create 1 master_out.csv
At first I was thinking a Docker swarm, but no one i know uses them, everything beyond a simple docker container is offloaded to K8.
Right now, i have a simple file structure:
__init__.py (everything is in this file)
I was thinking to create a docker image so that way I could move this app into the image, update/upgrade, install python3 if it isnt already, and then just run this application.
I started getting deeper into processing, and realized that there is likely some built in ways to handle this. create a flask app to handle ingestion, and then a flask app on master to accept files at completion, etc.... But then master needs to know all the workers etc.
I was thinking to create a cluster.
Master node has access to a volume which contains the file i need to process.
Load balancing pushes parts of each file ( ROWS / NUM_WORKERS) to each node.
After WORKERS FINISH, Master Aggregates the resulting csv files to make a master file.
Master_OUT.csv will exist in the folder for consumption.
So the cluster would turn on and when ready will run everything, then tare down at the end. Since they want the cluster to likely be distributed, I am not sure how that would work though as processing has IP Address limitations. It seems like this will not work on a local cluster because to machines being used to reference will hit a cloudflare (or similar) wall after enough requests, so im trying to think of a UNIQUE IP Solution.
I have an idea for architecture, but im not sure if i should create a dockerfile for this, and then figure out the way kube can handle all of this for me. Though i think in the kube config files we can put remote aws instance login creds so it will spin up all the remote servers.
While I have been doing some stuff with Swarms, It seems that kube is where the real work is done, as swarms seem to be better suited for other things.
Im trying to think of how I would approach this from a kube (or swarm) perspective.
Given the information, this concept reminds me less of load balancing because of the data aggregation and more of like Kubeflow, where you create a CLOUD specifically for ML, but instead of ML it would be ANY distributed processing.
The interesting problems in this question have nothing to do with Docker; let's put that aside for now.
You expect you'll have a bunch of computers that are all processing a chunk of this big data set. You've already structured the problem so that you can do work on small pieces of the input and produce small pieces of the output. The main problems you need to design around are:
Where do you keep the input so that the tasks can read it, if they need to?
How do you pass on units of work to the workers? What happens if a worker fails?
How do you communicate the outputs? Where do you store them? Do they need to be in the same order as the input?
A useful tool here is a work queue; RabbitMQ is a popular open-source implementation. You'd run this as a separate server, and workers can connect to it and read and write messages from queues. So long as everyone can contact the RabbitMQ server, none of the individual workers or other processes in the system actually need to know about each other.
For some scales of problem, a straightforward approach is to say the original input and final output is single files on a single system. You break this up into pieces that are small enough that they can fit in a message payload, and the responses also fit in message payloads. Run one process to read the input and populate the work queues; run some number of workers, and run a process to read back the outputs.
Input handler +------+ --> worker --> +------+
dataset.xlsx ---> +------+ --> worker --> +------+ --> Output handler
+------+ --> worker --> +------+ out.csv
+ ... + ... + ... +
If you're using Python as an implementation language, also consider Celery as a framework to manage this.
To run this, you need to run three separate processes.
export RABBITMQ_HOST=localhost RABBITMQ_PORT=5672
./input_handler.py dataset.xlsx
./output_handler.py out.csv
You can run multiple workers; RabbitMQ will take care of ensuring that tasks get distributed across the workers, and that a task gets retried if a worker fails. There's no particular requirement that all of these run on the same host, so long as they can all reach the RabbitMQ broker.
If you can't keep the inputs or outputs in the message, you'll need some sort of shared storage that all of the nodes can reach. If you're in a cloud environment an object-store service like Amazon's S3 is a popular choice. In the input and output messages you would then put the path of the relevant file in S3 instead of the data.
How would Docker or Kubernetes fit into this picture? It's important to note that neither technology provides anything like a work queue, and shared filesystems can be spotty. Still, where I referred to the three different processes above, you could package those into three Docker images, and you could deploy those in Kubernetes. Where I said you don't have to run just one worker, a Kubernetes Deployment will let you run 5 or 10 or 50 identical copies of the worker, and RabbitMQ will take responsibility for making sure they all have work to do.

Can a Docker Task in a Swarm know which instance number or how many total instances there are?

Is it possible for a Docker Task to know which task number and how many total tasks there are running of a particular Service?
E.g. I'd like to have a Service that works on different ranges in a job queue. The range of jobs that any one Service instance (i.e. Task) works on is dependent on the total number of Tasks and which Task the current one is. So if it's the 5th task out of 20, then it will work on one range of jobs, but if it's the 12th task out of 20, it will work on a different range.
I'm hoping there is an DOCKER_SERVICE_TASK_NUMBER environment variable or something like that.
I've seen this requested a few times, so you're not alone, but it's not a current feature of docker's swarm mode. Implementing this would be non-trivial because of the need to support scaling a service along with other updates to the swarm service. If you scale a service down and docker cleans up task 2 of 5 because it's on the busiest node, you're left in an odd situation where the starting count is less than the current count and there's a hole in the current numbering scheme.
If you have this requirement, then an external service discovery tool like consul or etcd may be useful. You can also try implementing your own solution taking advantage of the tasks.$service_name DNS entry that's available inside the container. That gives you the IP's of all the other containers providing this service just like you had with the round robin load balancer before the swarm mode VIP abstracted that away.

What's the main advantage of using replicas in Docker Swarm Mode?

I'm struggling to understand the idea of replica instances in Docker Swarm Mode. I've read that it's a feature that helps with high availability.
However, Docker automatically starts up a new task on a different node if one node goes down even with 1 replica defined for the service, which also provides high availability.
So what's the advantage of having 3 replica instances rather than 1 for an arbitrary service? My assumption was that with more replicas, Docker spends less time creating a new instance on another node in the event of failure, which aids performance. Is this correct?
What Makes a System Highly Available?
One of the goals of high availability is to eliminate single points of
failure in your infrastructure. A single point of failure is a
component of your technology stack that would cause a service
interruption if it became unavailable.
Let's take your example of a replica that consists of a single instance. Now let's suppose there is a failure. Docker Swarm will notice that the service failed and restart it. The service restarts, but a restart isn't instant. Let's say the restart takes 5 seconds. For those 5 seconds your service is unavailable. Single point of failure.
What if you had a replica that consists of 3 instances. Now when one of them fails (no service is perfect), Docker Swarm will notice that one of the instances is unavailable and create a new one. During that time you still have 2 healthy instances serving requests. To a user of your service, it appears as if there was no down time. This component is no longer a single point of failure.
ROMANARMY answer is very good and i just wanted to mention that the replicas can be on different nodes, so if one of your servers goes down(become unavailable) the container(replica) on the other server can be run without problem.

Second and Third Distributed Kafka Connector workers failing to work correctly

With a Kafka cluster of 3 and a Zookeeper cluster of the same I brought up one distributed connector node. This node ran successfully with a single task. I then brought up a second connector, this seemed to run as some of the code in the task definitely ran. However it then didn't seem to stay alive (though with no errors thrown, the not staying alive was observed by a lack of expected activity, while the first connector continued to function correctly). When I call the URL http://localhost:8083/connectors/mqtt/tasks, on each connector node, it tells me the connector has one task. I would expect this to be two tasks, one for each node/worker. (Currently the worker configuration says tasks.max = 1 but I've also tried setting it to 3.
When I try and bring up a third connector, I get the error:
"POST /connectors HTTP/1.1" 500 90 5
ERROR IO error forwarding REST request:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
Trying to call the connector POST method again from the shell returns the error:
{"error_code":500,"message":"IO Error trying to forward REST request:
Connection refused"}
I also tried upgrading to Apache Kafka that was released today. I'm still seeing the problems. The connectors are each running on isolated Docker containers defined by a single image. They should be identical.
The problem could be that I'm trying to run the POST request to http://localhost:8083/connectors on each worker, when I only need to run it once on a single worker and then the tasks for that connector will automatically distribute to the other workers. If this is the case, how do I get the tasks to distribute? I currently have the max set to three, but only one appears to be running on a single worker.
I ultimately got things running using essentially the same approach that Yuri suggested. I gave each worker a unique group ID, then gave each connector task the same name. This allowed the three connectors and their single tasks to share a single offset, so that in the case of sink connectors the messages they consumed from Kafka were not duplicated. They are basically running as standalone connectors since the workers have different group ids and thus won't communicate with each other.
If the connector workers have the same group ID, you can't add more than one connector with the same name. If you give the connectors different names, they will have different offsets and consume duplicate messages. If you have three workers in the same group, one connector and three tasks, you would theoretically have an ideal situation where the tasks share an offset and the workers make sure the tasks are always running and well distributed (with each task consuming a unique set of partitions). In practice the connector framework doesn't create more than one task, even with tasks.max set to 3 and when the topic tasks are consuming has 25 partitions.
If anyone knows why I'm seeing this behaviour, please let me know.
I've encountered with similar issue in the same situation as yours.
Task.max is configured for a topic and distributed workers automatically decide what nodes handle topic. So, if you have 3 workers in a cluster and your topic configuration says task.max=2 then only 2 of 3 workers will process the topic. In theory, if one of workers fails, 3rd should pick up workload. But..
The distributed connector turned out to be very unreliable: once you add\remove some nodes, the cluster broke down and all workers did nothing but tried to choose leader and failed. The only way to fix was to restart whole cluster and preferably all workers simultaneously.
I chose another way - I used standalone worker and it works like a charm to me because distribution of load is implemented on Kafka client level and once some worker dropped, the cluster re-balances automatically and clients connected to unoccupied topics.
PS. Maybe it will be useful for you too. Confluent connector is not tolerate to invalid payload that does not match topic's schema. Once the connector get some invalid message it silently dies. The only way to find out is to analyze metrics.
I'm posting an answer to an old question, since Kafka Connect has moved on a lot in three years.
In the latest version (2.3.1) there is incremental rebalancing which massively improves the behaviour of Kafka Connect.
It's also worth noting that when configuring Kafka Connect rest.advertised.host.name must be set correctly, as if it's not you will see errors including the one quoted
{"error_code":500,"message":"IO Error trying to forward REST request: Connection refused"}
See this post for more details.
