I am trying to learn KQL and had a query where I wanted to take 2 values from Windows Event codes 4624 (login) and 4634 (logout) and return them for different scenarios I'm still trying to build.
But primarily I would just like to be able to return the values in a table (print or project?)
let login = SecurityEvent
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| where EventID == '4624'
| project loginTime = TimeGenerated;
let logout = SecurityEvent
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| where EventID == '4634'
| project logoutTime = TimeGenerated;
print login
The error I am getting is "'project' operator: Failed to resolve scalar expression named 'login'"
What I would have hoped to see is:
loginTime | logoutTime
01/02/2021 18:46:30 | 01/02/2021 18:45:45
01/02/2021 18:47:30 | 01/02/2021 18:47:45
01/02/2021 18:48:30 | 01/02/2021 18:48:45
Would a join be better? It is in the same table (SecurityEvent), so I thought it would be possible to do it this way?
The dataset is from the MS provided Azure portal: https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Monitoring_Logs/DemoLogsBlade
Thanks for the help!
The problem is that "login" is a table type but print is expecting a scalar type.
let login = SecurityEvent
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| where EventID == '4624'
| project loginTime = TimeGenerated;
let logout = SecurityEvent
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| where EventID == '4634'
| project logoutTime = TimeGenerated;
print toscalar (login)
As to the result you are trying to get, I think this might be what you need:
Updated to improve clarity/perf
let login = SecurityEvent
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| where EventID == '4624'
| project TargetLogonId, loginTime = TimeGenerated;
let logout = SecurityEvent
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| where EventID == '4634'
| project TargetLogonId, logoutTime = TimeGenerated;
| join kind=leftouter logout on TargetLogonId
| project loginTime, logoutTime
I added some changes that encompass #GenericUser and #Slavik-N suggested and brings out the information that I was looking to calculate:
let login = SecurityEvent
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| where EventID == '4624'
| where AccountType == 'User'
| project Computer,Account ,TargetLogonId, loginTime = TimeGenerated;
let logout = SecurityEvent
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| where EventID == '4634'
| where AccountType == 'User'
| project Computer,Account,TargetLogonId, logoutTime = TimeGenerated;
| join kind=inner logout on TargetLogonId
| project Computer,Account,loginTime, logoutTime, minute = datetime_diff('minute',logoutTime,loginTime)
| where minute >0
| sort by minute desc
I'm new to F# and Bolero. and after initialize the project as the docs shows, I find that sample application demonstrates 3 types of web applications but main codes is in one file called Main.fs .
here is part codes:
type Message =
| SetPage of Page
| Increment
| Decrement
| SetCounter of int
| GetBooks
| GotBooks of Book[]
| SetUsername of string
| SetPassword of string
| GetSignedInAs
| RecvSignedInAs of option<string>
| SendSignIn
| RecvSignIn of option<string>
| SendSignOut
| RecvSignOut
| Error of exn
| ClearError
let update remote message model =
let onSignIn = function
| Some _ -> Cmd.ofMsg GetBooks
| None -> Cmd.none
match message with
| SetPage page ->
{ model with page = page }, Cmd.none
| Increment ->
{ model with counter = model.counter + 1 }, Cmd.none
| Decrement ->
{ model with counter = model.counter - 1 }, Cmd.none
| SetCounter value ->
{ model with counter = value }, Cmd.none
| GetBooks ->
let cmd = Cmd.OfAsync.either remote.getBooks () GotBooks Error
{ model with books = None }, cmd
| GotBooks books ->
{ model with books = Some books }, Cmd.none
| SetUsername s ->
{ model with username = s }, Cmd.none
| SetPassword s ->
{ model with password = s }, Cmd.none
| GetSignedInAs ->
model, Cmd.OfAuthorized.either remote.getUsername () RecvSignedInAs Error
| RecvSignedInAs username ->
{ model with signedInAs = username }, onSignIn username
| SendSignIn ->
model, Cmd.OfAsync.either remote.signIn (model.username, model.password) RecvSignIn Error
| RecvSignIn username ->
{ model with signedInAs = username; signInFailed = Option.isNone username }, onSignIn username
| SendSignOut ->
model, Cmd.OfAsync.either remote.signOut () (fun () -> RecvSignOut) Error
| RecvSignOut ->
{ model with signedInAs = None; signInFailed = false }, Cmd.none
| Error RemoteUnauthorizedException ->
{ model with error = Some "You have been logged out."; signedInAs = None }, Cmd.none
| Error exn ->
{ model with error = Some exn.Message }, Cmd.none
| ClearError ->
{ model with error = None }, Cmd.none
As you can see, the code is too long to manage. if I add more functionality I can barely imagine what the file will be like.
so how can I split the code into different files ?
The most basic thing you could do is to split your Message type into multiple separate types and have one corresponding to different aspects of the logic. For example:
type CounterMessage =
| Increment
| Decrement
| SetCounter of int
type BooksMessage =
| GetBooks
| GotBooks of Book[]
type Message =
| SetPage of Page
| CounterMessage of CounterMessage
| BooksMessage of BooksMessage
Then you can similarly split your update function - and move each of the message-specific functions to a separate file:
let updateCounter remote message model =
match message with
| Increment ->
{ model with counter = model.counter + 1 }, Cmd.none
| Decrement ->
{ model with counter = model.counter - 1 }, Cmd.none
| SetCounter value ->
{ model with counter = value }, Cmd.none
let update remote message model =
match message with
| SetPage page ->
{ model with page = page }, Cmd.none
| CounterMessage msg ->
updateCounter remote message model
// (...)
This is something using just basic F# langauge mechanisms. Perhaps Bolero has some more sophisticated methods for structuring projects, but this is simple option will always work. The disadvantage is that you need to handle the "forwarding" of the messages yourself (and this is something that a more sophisticated option may alleviate) - but I think that for a moderately sized project, it is not such a bad things (and it helps making things explicit and clear).
One of my spock tests is skipping the when clause and moving right to the then clause.
void "test refresh metadata with #consumerNames"() {
consumerNames.each {
new CredentialConsumer(name: it).save(validate: false)
consumerNames.each { consumerName ->
Metadata metadata = new Metadata(content: "Metadata for $consumerName")
ConsumerDefinition consumerDefinition = new ConsumerDefinition(name: consumerName, metadata: metadata)
1 * mockApplicationLibraryService.fetchConsumerDefinition(consumerName) >> consumerDefinition
assert CredentialConsumer.findByName(consumerName)?.metadata?.content == metadata.content
consumerNames | _
["bacon"] | _
["bacon", "eggs"] | _
I get the following results...
Condition not satisfied:
CredentialConsumer.findByName(consumerName)?.metadata?.content == metadata.content
| | | | | | |
| bacon null null | | Metadata for bacon
| | com.datapriviasoftware.completesso.configuration.Metadata#487cd177
| false
com.datapriviasoftware.completesso.CredentialConsumer : 1
Expected :Metadata for bacon
Actual :null
When I step through it with the debugger, it executes the setup clause, skips the when clause, and immediately executes the then clause.
So, I knew that Spock uses AST transformations to process mocks in the then clause before it executes the when clause. When I thought through it, I realized that processing the mocks in the then clause required the entire each loop to execute, so I needed to separate the explicit assertion from the mock definition.
This works...
void "test refresh metadata with #consumerNames"() {
consumerNames.each {
new CredentialConsumer(name: it).save(validate: false)
consumerNames.each { consumerName ->
Metadata metadata = new Metadata(content: "Metadata for $consumerName")
ConsumerDefinition consumerDefinition = new ConsumerDefinition(name: consumerName, metadata: metadata)
1 * mockApplicationLibraryService.fetchConsumerDefinition(consumerName) >> consumerDefinition
consumerNames.each { consumerName ->
assert CredentialConsumer.findByName(consumerName)?.metadata?.content == "Metadata for $consumerName"
consumerNames | _
["bacon"] | _
["bacon", "eggs"] | _
This is making me crazy: even though I was sure I have defined this custom mapping correctly, it keeps 404ing.
The resource is nested: a publisher has many channels, a channel belongs to a publisher.
I am trying to make an AJAX call that invokes the getMostRecentURLsWithoutChannels function in the Channel controller.
The desired URL format is /publishers/1009303/channels/getMostRecentURLsWithoutChannels
From UrlMappings.groovy:
"/publishers"(resources: 'publisher') {
"/configurations"(resources: "configuration")
"/metadatas"(resources: "metadata")
"/xpaths"(resources: "xpath")
"/channels"(resources: "channel")
"/crawlrequest"(resources: "crawlRequest")
"/publishers/${publisherId}/channels/getMostRecentURLsWithoutChannels"(controller: "channel", action: "getMostRecentURLsWithoutChannels", method: "GET")
The UrlMappingsReport shows:
Controller: channel
| GET | /publishers/${publisherId}/channels | Action: index |
| GET | /publishers/${publisherId}/channels/create | Action: create |
| POST | /publishers/${publisherId}/channels | Action: save |
| GET | /publishers/${publisherId}/channels/${id} | Action: show |
| GET | /publishers/${publisherId}/channels/${id}/edit | Action: edit |
| PUT | /publishers/${publisherId}/channels/${id} | Action: update |
| PATCH | /publishers/${publisherId}/channels/${id} | Action: patch |
| DELETE | /publishers/${publisherId}/channels/${id} | Action: delete |
| GET | /publishers/*/channels/getUrlsForChannel | Action: getUrlsForChannel |
| GET | /publishers/${publisherId}/channels/getMostRecentURLsWithoutChannels | Action: getMostRecentURLsWithoutChannels
Moving the custom mapping above or below the general publisher/channel block has no effect.
Even the createLink tag correctly creates the URL:
<g:createLink resource="publisher/channel" publisherId="${params.publisherId}" action="getMostRecentURLsWithoutChannels" />
results in
The function in the controller is defined as:
def getMostRecentURLsWithoutChannels(Integer pub) {..}
What am I missing?
I have a domain class with property pairs:
Boolean statement1
Boolean statement1Missing
These pairs number up to nine.
The following constraints apply to each pairing:
statement1 nullable: true
statement1Missing validator: {val, obj ->
if ( val == true &&
(obj.statement1 == true || obj.statement1 == false)) {
return ['statement.not.missing', 1]
if (obj.statement1 == null && val == false) {
return ['statement.is.missing', 1]
I have devised an integration test that can accommodate one pair of statements:
def "Validation of custom validation for statement1"() {
given: "New data"
def participant = new Data(studyId: "M00001",
formVersion: Version.get(7)
and: "an initial set of test values"
participant.statement1 = statement1
participant.statement1Missing = statement1Missing
when: "the validator is invoked"
def isValidConsentData = participant.validate()
then: "the appropriate fields are flagged as errors"
isValidConsentData == anticipatedValid
participant.errors.getFieldError(fieldInError)?.code == errorCode
statement1 | statement1Missing | anticipatedValid | fieldInError | errorCode
true | false | true | null | null
false | false | true | null | null
null | true | true | null | null
null | false | false | "statement1Missing" | "statement.is.missing"
true | true | false | "statement1Missing" | "statement.not.missing"
false | true | false | "statement1Missing" | "statement.not.missing"
This handles all the combinations for statement1 that I wish to test.
I have been trying to work out how I can repeat this test for all nine statement pairs. I have tried putting in a loop like this:
(1..9).each { statementNo
and ...
participant.("statement" + statementNo) = ("statement" + statementNo)
("statement" + StatementNo) | ("statement" + StatementNo + Missing) | ...
I have used this type of iteration before when wanting to iterate over properties, but it does not work in Spock. The test is just ignored completely. I really do not want to repeat this code for each statement pair.
I have investigated the use of this type of structure http://www.christianoestreich.com/2012/11/domain-constraints-grails-spock-updated/ but this only allows you to test one property value at a time, whereas I want to test one property value many times.
The other option is to explicitly include every property pair in the 'where' block and every possible outcome, but that would be very cumbersome.
Please provide some suggestions as to how I can use an iterative structure to perform these tests.
How about something like:
and: "an initial set of test values"
(1..9).each { statementNo ->
participant."statement$statementNo" = statement
participant."statement${statementNo}Missing" = statementMissing
when: "the validator is invoked"
def isValidConsentData = participant.validate()
then: "the appropriate fields are flagged as errors"
(1..9).each { statementNo ->
def fieldInError
if (anticipatedValid) {
fieldInError = null
} else {
fieldInError = "statement${statementNo}Missing"
assert isValidConsentData == anticipatedValid
assert participant.errors.getFieldError(fieldInError)?.code == errorCode
statement | statementMissing | anticipatedValid | errorCode
true | false | true | null
false | false | true | null
null | true | true | null
null | false | false | "statement.is.missing"
true | true | false | "statement.not.missing"
false | true | false | "statement.not.missing"
Not sure how it behaves for getFieldError(fieldName) when there are is no error for a given field so you may need to add some condition for the second assert using !anticipatedValid if exception would be thrown.
Important is that implicit assert are necessary as each is void thus there would be nothing checked by the test at all otherwise.
In grails, I have two domain classes Question and QuestionOption.One question have many options.Each option has a question.
I went through 4 different scenario.
These scenarios has combination of instantiation-namedQuery , belongsTo-namedQuery , instantiation-hasMany and belongsTo-hasMany.
Scenario 1:
class Question
String quesText
static constraints={}
static namedQueries={
return QuestionOption.findAllWhere(question:question)
class QuestionOption
String optionText
Question question
static constraints={}
Scenario 2:
class Question
String quesText
static constraints={}
static namedQueries={
return QuestionOption.findAllWhere(question:question)
class QuestionOption
String optionText
static constraints={}
static belongsTo=[question:Question]
Scenario 3:
class Question
String quesText
static constraints={}
static hasMany=[questionOption:QuestionOption]
class QuestionOption
String optionText
Question question
static constraints={}
Scenario 4:
class Question
String quesText
static constraints={}
static hasMany=[questionOption:QuestionOption]
class QuestionOption
String optionText
static constraints={}
static belongsTo=[question:Question]
I used all these scenarios with mysql and all resulted with same schema
mysql> desc question;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | bigint(20) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| version | bigint(20) | NO | | NULL | |
| ques_text | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> desc question_option;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | bigint(20) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| version | bigint(20) | NO | | NULL | |
| option_text | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | |
| question_id | bigint(20) | NO | MUL | NULL | |
What is difference between using these scenarios in the terms of cascading , unidirectional-bidirectional and aggregation-composition?
Bidirectional means when both entity knows about each other.Unidirectional means first entity know about second but reverse is not true.
To understand cascading I referred this: http://www.mkyong.com/hibernate/hibernate-cascade-example-save-update-delete-and-delete-orphan/ .
Please help
belongsTo and hasMany associations in Grails effect the cascading behavior when it relates to updating/deleting instances. It has no effect on the named queries or querying in general.