Mathematica's ListLinePlot in wxMaxima - maxima

I have the following functions:
P[t_] := P[t] = P[t-1] +a*ED[t-1];
ED[t_] := ED[t] = DF[t] + DC[t];
DF[t_] := DF[t] = b (F - P[t]);
DC[t_] := DC[t] = c (P[t] - F);
And the following parameters:
b = 0.75;
In Mathematica I use the function "ListLinePlot" in order to plot P[t] and F:
ListLinePlot[{Table[P[t], {t, 0, 25}], Table[F, {t, 0, 25}]}, PlotStyle → {Black, Red},Frame → True, FrameLabel → {"time", "price"}, AspectRatio → 0.4, PlotRange → All]
How can I do this in wxMaxima? Is there a similar function or an alternative to ListLinePlot?
This is my attempt in wxMaxima:
P[t] := P[t-1] + a * ED[t-1];
ED[t] := DF[t] + DC[t];
DF[t] := b*[F-P[t]];
DC[t] := c*[P[t]-F];
And then I tried:
draw2d(points(P[t], [t,0,25]))
The plotted function should look like this:

OK, I've adapted the code you showed above. This works for me. I'm working with Maxima 5.44 on macOS.
P[t] := P[t-1] + a * ED[t-1];
ED[t] := DF[t] + DC[t];
DF[t] := b*(F-P[t]);
DC[t] := c*(P[t]-F);
P[0]: F + 1;
Pt_list: makelist (P[t], t, 0, 25);
load (draw);
set_draw_defaults (terminal = qt);
draw2d (points_joined = true, points(Pt_list));
Notes. (1) There needs to be a base case for the recursion on P. I put P[0]: F + 1. (2) Assignments are : instead of =. Note that x = y is a symbolic equation instead of an assignment. (3) Square brackets [ ] are only for subscripts and lists. Use parentheses ( ) for grouping expressions. (4) Syntax for draw2d is a little different, I fixed it up. (I put a default for terminal since the built-in value is incorrect for Maxima on macOS; if you are working on Linux or Windows, you can omit that.)
EDIT: Try this to draw a horizontal line as well.
draw2d (points_joined = true, points(Pt_list),
color = red, points([[0, F], [25, F]]),
yrange = [F - 1, P[0] + 1]);


check condition only if a condition is met within an if then

I have an example of a code and not sure what way is the best to use.
For example I have
if (x = 1) and (y = 2) and (if abc = false then check if z = 3) then
check only
if x = 1
if y = 2
if abc = false check z = 3. if abc = true then dont check z = 3
i am not sure if i am explaining the best but hopefuly people will understand.
I want to know if this is possible or the best way to do it. Keeping in mind that rather than in example where its x, y, z and abc. there can be more in my use.
I currently have structure as...which i dont think is practical, and think theres a better way but i am not sure
if (abc = false) then
if (x = 1) and (y = 2) and (z = 3) then
if (x = 1) and (y = 2) then
Thanks in advance
I think you're looking for or. Now you will check that x must be 1, y must be 2, and if abc is false, z must be 3.
If abc = true, z can still be three, but it won't be checked.
Note that I just wrote abc instead of abc = true. Since it's a Boolean (true/false) already, that's allowed.
Also note how the operations are grouped using parentheses. The total sub-expression abc or (z=3) must return true for the total expression to return true.
Furthermore the sequence of the terms is significant - they are evaluated left-to-right. If the term (abc or (z=3)) is replaced by the logically-equivalent term ((z=3) or abc) then z=3 will be evaluated.
if (x = 1) and (y = 2) and (abc or (z = 3)) then
// Your magic goes here
Test program body to prove sequence is important
function z : Integer;
writeln('Z being evaluated');
result := x + y;
x := 1;y := 2;
abc := true;
if (x=1) and (y=2) and (abc or (z=3)) then
writeln ('evaluated true')
writeln ('evaluated false');
Neither of your code samples compile, because neither is using the proper syntax.
This should get you started:
if (x = 1) and (y = 2) then
if (abc) then
// Handle abc = True
if (z = 3) then
// Handle abc = false and z = 3
// Handle abc = false and z <> 3

Minesweeper Master Google Code Jam Lua

I've progressed steadily on this issue, however I'm coming acrossed a problem in validating if a spot is clear or not... Perhaps my explanation isn't good so I'll just leave it in code:
func.CheckNear = function(field, pos)
local x, y = pos[1], pos[2];
local coordinates = {{x + 1, y}, {x - 1, y}, {x, y + 1}, {x, y - 1}}
for key, array in next, coordinates do
local field = field[array[2]];
if field then
if (field[coordinates[1]]) then
if field[coordinates[1]] == "*" then
coordinates[key] = nil;
coordinates[key] = nil;
coordinates[key] = nil
return coordinates;

C++ code for Delphi `in` set operator

I could not fully understand set membership in the help files. Please explain how in is handled in C++ for the following code:
if s1[1] in['0'..'9'] then
ii := StrToInt(s1)+1;
s1 := IntToStr(ii);
if Length(s1)<2 then s1 := '0'+s1;
Edit_deneyismi.text := copy(s,1,i)+s1;
else Edit_deneyismi.text := 'Yeni_Deney_01';
Delphi sets are implemented in C++Builder using the Set<> template class, which has a Contains() method to support in operations, eg:
Set<char, '0', '9'> Digits;
for (char c = '0'; c <= '9'; ++c)
Digits << c;
if (Digits.Contains(s1[1]))
ii = StrToInt(s1)+1;
s1 = IntToStr(ii);
if (s1.Length() < 2) s1 = "0" + s1;
Edit_deneyismi->Text = s.SubString(1, i) + s1;
Edit_deneyismi->Text = "Yeni_Deney_01";
Otherwise, use the C isdigit() function, or the RTL Character::IsDigit() function. Or just compare the char values manually like Michael suggested.

How do I use lhs and rhs to define a function?

In the Maxima session below, how come f(1) is not 0?
(%i1) eq: 2 * x + 1 = 3;
(%o1) 2 x + 1 = 3
(%i2) f(x) := lhs(eq) - rhs(eq);
(%o2) f(x) := lhs(eq) - rhs(eq)
(%i3) f(1);
(%o3) 2 x - 2
the process of function calling in maxima here binds x to 1 in the function
definition, lhs(eq)-rhs(eq). That has no x in it, so that binding does nothing.
Next, lhs(eq) is evaluated to 2*x+1. rhs(eq) is evaluated to 3. etc.
Do you always want the same equation eq? perhaps you want to do
to check what the definition is, try
If you want to vary the equation maybe something like
g(val, eq) := subst(val,x, lhs(eq)-rhs(eq)) ;
would do.

How do I Save[] definitions associated to a symbol in Mathematica without saving subsidiary definitions?

The built-in Mathematica command Save[file, symbol] uses FullDefinition[] to look up the definition symbol and all of the subsidiary definitions.
For example, the commands
produces the file test.dat containing
c := 2*a + b
a := b
I have a program with a lot of prettifying MakeBoxes type definitions that I do not want to be saved when I Save[] the many separate results.
In terms of the simple example above, I do not want the a := b definition saved to the file. Does anyone know a neat way to make this happen?
According to the documentation, Save uses FullDefinition while what you want is for it to use Definition. Using a Block we can override the global definition of any symbol, and in particular replace FullDefinition with Definition while running Save:
FullDefinition = Definition;
Save[filename, c]
The magic works:
c := 2*a + b
EDIT. Wrapping things up with the right attributes:
SetAttributes[truncatedSave, HoldRest]
truncatedSave[filename_, args__] := Block[{FullDefinition},
FullDefinition = Definition;
Save[filename, args]];
I think
DumpSave["test1", c]
Does that.
Sample code:
a := b;
c := 2 a + b;
DumpSave["test1", c];
Clear[a, c];
<< test1
c:=2 a+b
Warning - Warning - I don't know what I am doing
Just found this browsing the help system randomly.
Never before used RunThrough ... anyway seems to do what you want.
a := b;
c := 2 a + b;
mathcommand = StringReplace[First[$CommandLine], "MathKernel" -> "math"];
outputfile = "c:\\rtout";
RunThrough[mathcommand <> " -noprompt", Unevaluated[Put[Definition[c], "c:\\rtout"]]]
Clear[a, c];
<< "c:\\rtout"
c := 2*a + b
c:=2 a+b
Edit.. Works on lists with a little Hold-Fu
(*Trick here *)
f[l_] := Definition ## HoldPattern /# Unevaluated#l;
SetAttributes[f, HoldFirst];
a := b;
c := 2 a + b;
d := 3 a + b;
mathcommand = StringReplace[First[$CommandLine], "MathKernel" -> "math"];
outputfile = "c:\\rtout";
RunThrough[mathcommand <> " -noprompt",Unevaluated[Put[Evaluate[f#{c, d}], "c:\\rtout"]]]
(* test *)
Clear[a, c, d];
<< "c:\\rtout"
