As a beginner using Kivy 2.0 what steps do i take to compile my project(app) into play store - kivy

Hello so I have been learning python and kivy for a year now and have finished coding my first app. It is a language learning app coded using the kivy framework.
I have been reading alot and watching tutorials but I haven't gotten the best response on what I need to do or what steps I post my app on playstore. Apparently buildozer doesn't work on windows.
As of now I have been using Kivy Launcher to test my apps.
For clarity my question is. Where do I start if I want to take my app (coded in Kivy) to playstore?
I am using Kivy 2.0 and python 3.9.1

First of all, you have to use buildozer to create your .apk file. Apparently buildozer doesn't work on windows so you have to use a virtual machine to do so. After running a virtual machine (ubuntu) you have to install buildozer and all other requirements. You can check the details on this page.
It's a long process and you will get a lot of errors while doing so. You can check some youtube tutorials like this (you won't need any server just use your virtual machine) or this. You have to carefully provide requirements in buildozer.spec file. Your app will crash a lot of times. After a lot of efforts, you will finally be able to pack your first apk. Then you can do the things to publish your app on play store.


Where to write code in Appium iOS test automation software?

I am new to automation and trying to use Appium(Mac app) for writing test scripts on iOS app.
I have managed to load my app successfully on Appium and also used Appium Inspector.
There is a Record button which records my actions in Appium inspector.
However, my question is how do I save these recorded scripts for reuse?
Secondly, I also want to manually write test scripts using Java, but currently don't know where to write code using Appium Mac app.
I have read the starter guide on Appium website and seen some videos but cannot find any app usage related information.
Any help(links, tutorial video) will be appreciated.
P.S. I do not use Selenium.
My suggestion is to not use the record feature in Appium, it's not stable and hard to maintain.
You can write your java-automation-code on Eclipse/intellij(and all java IDE)
You have a lot of information on internet, you can start here:
Appium - Git - Sample - java
Try to make it run, and take it from there.
You always can ask at and see examples.
Good luck, hope it's helps a little.
You can use any programming language supported by Appium where you feel better.
Setup environment and create test scripts. you can learn from:
Jave Sample
You can write your script in the same way as you used to right in Selenium means you can choose any IDE (in my case I'm working on Eclipse Juno) and then just pass all the capabilities if you will use TestNG framework then run as TestNG.

Running R within an iOS application

I'm trying to figure out if this is doable
I know there's a way to run Python or Lua scripts within iOS. Also, I know there are already projects that make this easy to do with libraries and bridging components.
The question is - has this also been done for the R language? I've been looking around online but have only seen posts by people that have done this on a jailbroken environment. Also according to my understanding this does not go against the iOS developer license agreement as section 3.3.2 has been altered to allow running any code that's bundled along with the application binary.
Any suggestions? Directions to try?
Also you can run windows applications on iOS:
However, I have not tried these personally.

BB10 - Cascades Application - Console/Terminal Application

I am attempting to create a simple terminal application that runs on a BB10 device/simulator. I have gone through all of the available demo/example applications:
I can't seem to find a way to have an application run as a console/terminal/tty-interface on the BB10 device I'm developing for. I was hoping to port some simple console games (ie: maybe a simple thing like "Hunt the Wumpus",, and then maybe take a crack at a Rogue or Nethack port as well (hopefully without having to depend on the ncurses library (, but it's OK if I have to rely on ncurses. It just saves me from having to write additional interfacing code).
Can someone please provide a short, simple example of what I would need to write in a basic BB10 application that opens a black-and-white terminal with color support? It can be short, and just something I have to paste into an empty project.
Thank you in advance!
Here you go:
It's listed near the bottom.

Web app to a packaged app with Dart

I've been struggling with this for a few hours now. I've looked around and I believe I'm doing everything correctly, but it's just not working. Just for fun, I'm taking the sample Dart stopwatch and making it into a Chrome packaged app. It works flawlessly in both Dartium Chrome(via dart2js) when it's a simple web app, however as a packaged app it works in neither. The dart code simply doesn't work. Are there additional steps I need to perform to make Dart work in a web app?
Thank you very much for any help you can provide!
There are a few caveats when writing a packaged app in Dart. One is related to symlinks (packaged apps don't like them, and pub uses them), and the other is related to dart2js (you need to compile with the --disallow-unsafe-eval flag).
If you're using the Editor, you can create a new chrome packaged app from the wizard. This will set up a project that handles both issues above. I'd do that and make sure it runs, and then copy your web app into that project.

Node.JS Development on iOS?

I'm wondering if there is any chance to run Node.JS on iOS to develop as on desktop? I definitely realize I must have jailbroken iPad to install node or mongodb. The only I've found is good code editor Diet Coda with FTP/SSH support, but no more. How can I get node in "real" terminal on iPad, launching my .js files on certain port etc?
P.s. I'm not big fan of cloud9 'cause it's requires Internet connection and at this time supports only node 0.6
Found a so-so solution: connect to my server via ssh and develop my app in console. But it requires internet connection, that's not good.
A quick search reveals NodeJS on iOS.
The long story short is that I got NodeJS compiled on my jailbroken iPhone 4! It was a long quest to get it working properly but I've done the hard work and compiled a .deb file compatible with Cydia for your installing pleasure...
It's a year and a half old, so the article might be a little out of date, but it's definitely a good starting point. See also how to set up gcc if you need to do that on your iOS device.
Aside: If you're a rooted Android developer, you may be interested in anode.
I am working on an implementation of Node.js on non-jailbroken iOS devices.
It is not ready for a public consumption yet, but I am making a good progress and have a plan to open-source it soon.
You can use node.js on iOS without jailbreaking, and without violating any Apple
terms of service. LiquidCore is an open source project that enables node.js on both Android and iOS for deploying micro applications. iOS support is now available from version 0.5.0.
CodeSandbox for iOS works amazingly well, though it's not a console interface.
CodeSandbox for iOS offers a full-fledged development environment with all the tools you need to develop projects of any size. Create a sandbox to quickly prototype your ideas or work on a large codebase with CodeSandbox Projects: whatever your needs are we have you covered.
I've wondered how much work I could get in something like the IconFactory's WorldWideWeb. That company has been around a while, and WWW makes it easy to do work in a browser-hosted environment.
So CodeSandbox almost answers your question, and, if it disappears at some point, WorldWideWeb might be a fallback in a pinch.
