Creating a generic property in a Map object in Dart - dart

I have this map:
final x = {
"y": {},
"z": {},
I want the $y property to hold an object with the type of $e inside of a property of type integer i.e:
x = {
"y": {
1: {/*e*/},
2: {/*e*/},
3: {/*e*/},
While I want the $z property to to hold $g instead of $e, just like $y, but I want it to hold $g and not $e, i.e:
x = {
"y": {
1: {/*e*/},
2: {/*e*/},
3: {/*e*/},
"z": {
1: {/*g*/},
2: {/*g*/},
3: {/*g*/},
I've tried the following:
final x = {
Map<int, e> "y": {},
Map<int, g> "z": {},
This didn't work.
I also tried:
x = {
"y": {
1: Map<e>,
"z": {
1: Map<g>,
Also that didn't work,
Note that $x, and $g are objects (instances) created by a class.
When I say "This didn't work" I mean, it's showing an error.
How can I do that in Dart?

I'm not sure if I'm understanding your question correctly, but I think you're looking for something like:
class E {}
class G {}
void main() {
var e = E();
var g = G();
var x = <String, Map>{
"y": <int, E>{
1: e,
2: e,
3: e,
"z": <int, G>{
1: g,
2: g,
3: g,
In general, you specify types for variables, and you can specify types when instantiating generics (<K, V>{} constructs a Map<K, V> literal). Note that type-checking will necessarily occur at runtime and cannot be statically performed at compilation-time.

Is this what you are looking for?
abstract class MyClass {}
class ClassA extends MyClass {
int propI;
String propS;
class ClassB extends MyClass {
bool propB;
num propN;
main(List<String> args) {
final keys1 = List<String>.from(['y','z']);
final keys2 = List<int>.generate(3, (i) => i+1);
final x = Map<String, Map<int, MyClass>>.fromIterables(
List<Map<int, MyClass>>.generate(keys1.length, (i) => Map<int, MyClass>.fromIterables(
List<MyClass>.generate(keys2.length, (j) => i == 0 ? ClassA() : ClassB())

You don't. The best you can do is dynamic if you can't tie down the types more than that. The freezed package can do some sort of union types with build-time code manipulation.


How to dynamically instantiate a class (Function.apply for class)?

In Dart, I can dynamically call a function using Function.apply:
Function.apply(foo, [1,2,3], {#f: 4, #g: 5});
gives exactly the same result as
foo(1, 2, 3, f: 4, g: 5).
Question: Does a similar thing exist for instantiating classes?
Expected result would look something like:
class foo {
final String boo;
int? moo;
foo({required, this.moo})
var params = {boo: 'A string value', moo: 121};
Class.apply(foo, params);
// Gives the result:
foo(boo: 'A string value', moo: 121);
Function.apply isn't type-safe, so you should avoid using it if you can.
If you really want to use it with a constructor, you can use it with constructor tear-offs (added in Dart 2.15), which are just Functions:
class Foo {
final String boo;
int? moo;
Foo({required, this.moo});
String toString() => 'Foo(boo: "$boo", moo: $moo)';
void main() {
var params = {#boo: 'A string value', #moo: 121};
var result = Function.apply(, [], params);
print(result); // Prints: Foo(boo: "A string value", moo: 121)
As far as I know, you can make use of static methods if you want to create an instance without using another instance. Here is a sample:
class Foo {
final String boo;
final int moo;
Foo({, this.moo});
static fromValues({String boo, int moo}) {
return Foo(boo: boo, moo: moo);
void main() {
var params = {#boo: 'A string value', #moo: 121};
var fooObject = Function.apply(Foo.fromValues, [], params);
Another way is to add 'call' function to class to make it's objects callable and use an object of the class to create new objects. Here is a sample:
class Foo {
final String boo;
final int moo;
Foo({, this.moo});
call({String boo, int moo}) {
return Foo(boo: boo, moo: moo);
void main() {
Foo aFoo = Foo(boo: 'nothing', moo: 0);
var params = {#boo: 'A string value', #moo: 121};
var fooObject = Function.apply(aFoo, [], params);

How to catch `IterableElementError.noElement` in Dart?

I can catch StateError and check for the message string but that looks ugly
abstract class State {}
class FoundState implements State {
final int count;
class NotFoundState implements State {
foo() {
final Numlist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
try {
final found = Numlist.firstWhere((x) => x == 1234);
return FoundState(found);
} on StateError catch (ex) {
if (ex.message == 'No element') { // Why string? an enum would have been better
return NotFoundState();
main() {
final x = foo();
I think about comparing with IterableElementError.noElement but it is in an internal folder.

Dart why my code not work with negative value

I try a small code but I have a strange behavior that I can't explain.
I want according to a value to return the "keyvalue" of a map which is based on the key.
My code works with positive value.
If the value is not in the array then it returns null.
It also works with negative values ​​only if the value is included in my array.
If I put a negative value lower than my array then it returns not null but zero which is false!
Keys in my map must be String.
My code that you can test on dartPad :
import 'dart:collection';
void main() {
int myVar = -360;
Map<String, dynamic> values = {
"-200" : 42,
"-100" : 21,
"0" : 0,
"100" : -22,
"150" : -30,
"200" : -43,
"300" : -64
Map<String, dynamic> filter(int myVar, Map<String, dynamic> values) {
SplayTreeMap<String, dynamic> newval = SplayTreeMap.of(values);
String convertString = myVar.toString();
if (values.containsKey(convertString)) {
return {convertString: values[convertString]};
String lowerKey;
String upperKey;
if(myVar > 0){
lowerKey = newval.lastKeyBefore(convertString);
upperKey = newval.firstKeyAfter(convertString);
lowerKey = newval.firstKeyAfter(convertString);
upperKey = newval.lastKeyBefore(convertString);
return {
if (lowerKey != null) lowerKey: values[lowerKey],
if (upperKey != null) upperKey: values[upperKey],
var result = filter(myVar, values);
First I want to give a minor complain about the use of dynamic in the code. It is totally fine to use dynamic in cases where the type cannot be determined on runtime like JSON parsing. But in this case, all the types can be determined and the use of dynamic is not necessary. So I have fixed the code to remove the usage of dynamic and also removed unnecessary typing:
import 'dart:collection';
void main() {
const myVar = -360;
final values = {
"-200": 42,
"-100": 21,
"0": 0,
"100": -22,
"150": -30,
"200": -43,
"300": -64
Map<String, int> filter(int myVar, Map<String, int> values) {
final newVal = SplayTreeMap.of(values);
final convertString = myVar.toString();
if (values.containsKey(convertString)) {
return {convertString: values[convertString]};
String lowerKey;
String upperKey;
if (myVar > 0) {
lowerKey = newVal.lastKeyBefore(convertString);
upperKey = newVal.firstKeyAfter(convertString);
} else {
lowerKey = newVal.firstKeyAfter(convertString);
upperKey = newVal.lastKeyBefore(convertString);
return {
if (lowerKey != null) lowerKey: values[lowerKey],
if (upperKey != null) upperKey: values[upperKey],
final result = filter(myVar, values);
Your problem is that you are using SplayTreeMap to sort your keys in values but you have used Strings to represent your numbers. This is rather confusing since numbers is valid keys. But this also means that your sorting in your SplayTreeMap is alphabetical and not by number. This is properly the reason why your code does not work as expected.
You can either change the type of your keys to int or provide a compare method to your SplayTreeMap which changes how the sorting are done.
I have made the following example where I have changed the type of keys into int which makes your code work:
import 'dart:collection';
void main() {
const myVar = -360;
final values = {
-200: 42,
-100: 21,
0: 0,
100: -22,
150: -30,
200: -43,
300: -64
Map<int, int> filter(int myVar, Map<int, int> values) {
final newVal = SplayTreeMap.of(values);
if (values.containsKey(myVar)) {
return {myVar: values[myVar]};
int lowerKey;
int upperKey;
if (myVar > 0) {
lowerKey = newVal.lastKeyBefore(myVar);
upperKey = newVal.firstKeyAfter(myVar);
} else {
lowerKey = newVal.firstKeyAfter(myVar);
upperKey = newVal.lastKeyBefore(myVar);
return {
if (lowerKey != null) lowerKey: values[lowerKey],
if (upperKey != null) upperKey: values[upperKey],
final result = filter(myVar, values);
{-200: 42}

What can i do with a stored type?

Dart allows variables of types: Type type = SomeType; But for what purpose?
For example, foo bar baz are misapplications:
class A {
Type type = List;
foo() => new type();
type bar() {
return new List();
type baz = new List();
void main() {
Type type = String;
var str = "Hello Dart";
print(type == str.runtimeType);//true
print(str is String);//true
print(str is type); //type error.
I think this one is pretty neat:
void main() {
foo(Type t) {
switch (t){
case int: return 5;
case List: return [1,2,3]; // This one gets me every time :(
case String: return "Hello Dart!";
default: return "default";
print(foo(10.runtimeType)); //5
print(foo([2,4,6].runtimeType)); //default
print(foo("lalala".runtimeType)); //Hello Dart!
print(foo(foo.runtimeType)); //default
Is its sole purpose to be the return type for methods like runtimeType and type matching ?
I don't think you can use it for generics. There you need type literals. But you can use it for reflection.
Just one simple example:
import 'dart:mirrors' as mirr;
class A {
String s;
String toString() => s;
void main() {
Type type = A;
var str = "Hello Dart";
mirr.ClassMirror cm = mirr.reflectType(type);
var s = cm.newInstance(new Symbol(''), [str]).reflectee;
You could also create a Map with registered factories for different types to avoid the need for reflection.
(not tested)
class A {
String s;
int a = 0;
int b = 0;
int c = 0;
A.extended(this.s, this.a, this.b, this.c);
String toString() => '${super.toString()}: $s, $a, $b, $c';
void main(args) {
Type t = A;
registerType(t, (List args) => new A.extended(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]));
var a = getInstance(t, ['hallo', 1, 2, 3]);
Map<Type,Function> _factories = {};
void registerType(Type t, Function factory) {
_factories[t] = factory;
void getNewInstance(Type t, List args) {
return _factories[t](args);

What is the dart function type syntax for variable declaration?

I know you can specify function types in formal arg list, but how would I do this for instance variables? I would like to do this:
class A<T> {
int compare(T a, T b);
where compare is a function variable with the appropriate type. I would like to be able to write:
A a = new A(); = ...
You can use typedef :
typedef Comparison<T> = int Function(T a, T b);
class A<T> {
Comparison<T> compare;
main() {
A a = new A<int>(); = (int a, int b) => a.compareTo(b);
print(, 2));
In addition to the Alexandre Ardhuin's answer, direct declaration, without typedef:
class A<T> {
late int Function(T a, T b) compare;
main() {
A<int> a = new A<int>(); = (int a, int b) => a.compareTo(b);
print(, 2));
