Dockerfile ENV directive: can key contain a period? [duplicate] - docker

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Allowed characters in Linux environment variable names
(8 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Docker version: 20.10.2, build 2291f61
In a Dockerfile, is it possible to use an ENV directive for which the key contains embedded periods? For example:
ENV story.paragraph.port 2029
And if it is possible to declare ENV variables with keys that have periods, then is it later possible to reference them, using familiar shell-interpolation, in the same Dockerfile?
EXPOSE $story.paragraph.port
The latter EXPOSE directive breaks for me.
My use-case: I have a python script that loads its configuration from an INI file. Eg, I might have configuration properties like these:
The python logic recognizes configuration settings both from the INI file (by default) or, alternatively, in overrides specified in the environment. The idea is that a container instance could specify its own environment variables for story.paragraph.word or story.paragraph.length, and that those values would override the default configuration.

Periods in env is not a valid identifier from unix prespective.
Setting env with periods inside a docker container is possible at runtime, but you can't directly access that env; you will need some workaround.
$ docker run --name test -itd -e story.paragraph.word=helloworld alpine sh
$ docker exec -it test sh
/ # env | grep story
story.paragraph.word=helloworld <=== env is set
/ # echo $story.paragraph.word
.paragraph.word <=== can't access the env
/ # echo ${story.paragraph.word}
sh: syntax error: bad substitution
/ # env | grep 'story.paragraph.word' | cut -f 2 -d '=' <=== need such workaround
/ # $


How set set bash variable to file name in Docker

I have a Dockerfile in which files in a directory are downloaded:
RUN wget -r -l1 --no-parent -A tgz \
--cut=99 -nH -nv --show-progress --progress=bar:force:noscroll
I know that there is exactly one file here of the form "bmad_dist_YYYY_MMDD.tgz" where "YYYY_MMDD" is a date. For example, the file might be named "bmad_dist_2020_0707.tgz". I want to set a bash variable to the file name without the ".tgz" extension. If this was outside of docker I could use:
FULLNAME=$(ls -1 bmad_dist_*.tgz)
So I tried in the dockerfile:
ENV FULLNAME $(ls -1 bmad_dist_*.tgz)
But this does not work. Is it possible to do what I want?
Shell expansion does not happen in Dockerfile ENV. Then workaround that you can try is to pass the name during Docker build.
Grab the filename during build name and discard the file or you can try --spider for wget to just get the filename.
Then pass the full name dynamically during build time.
For example
docker build --build-args FULLNAME=$(wget -nv 2>&1 |cut -d\" -f2) -t my_image .
The ENV ... ... syntax is mainly for plaintext content, docker build arguments, or other environment variables. It does not support a subshell like your example.
It is also not possible to use RUN export ... and have that variable defined in downstream image layers.
The best route may be to write the name to a file in the filesystem and read from that file instead of an environment variable. Or, if an environment variable is crucial, you could set an environment variable from the contents of that file in an ENTRYPOINT script.

Pass ENV in docker run command

Is there a way we can pass a variable lets say in this example I want to pass a list of animals into an file using ENV animals="turtle, monkey, goose"
But I want to be able to pass different animals when running the container for example docker run -t image animals="mouse,rat,kangaroo"
How do you go about passing arguments when running the docker run command?
The goal is to take that variable when using the docker run command and insert them into that file
Right now i hard code that in my Dockerfile. But i want to be able to do this when running the docker run command so I dont always have to change the Dockerfile.
FROM anapsix/alpine-java:8u121b13_jdk
ENV animals="turtle, monkey, goose"
RUN echo "${FILENAME} ${animals}" > ./
CMD [ "/bin/ash", "./" ]
It looks like you might be confusing the image build with the container run. If the difference between the two isn't immediately clear, I'd recommend reviewing some other questions and docs like:
In Docker, what's the difference between a container and an image?
RUN echo "${FILENAME} ${animals}" > ./
With the above, the variables will be expanded during the image build. The will not contain ${FILENAME} ${animals}. Instead, it will contain turtle, monkey, goose
After the build, the docker run command will create a container from that image and run the above script with the environment variables defined but never used since the script already has the variables expanded. To prevent the variable expansion, you need to escape the $ or use single quotes to prevent the expansion, e.g.
RUN echo "\${FILENAME} \${animals}" > ./
RUN echo '${FILENAME} ${animals}' > ./
I would also recommend being explicit with a #!/bin/ash at the top of this script. Then when you run the script, do not override the command with parameters after the image name. Instead set the environment variables with the appropriate flag to run:
docker run -it -e animals="mouse,rat,kangaroo" image
Simplest way, forward individual variables:
docker run ... --env animals="turtle, monkey, goose" --env FILE_NAME=""
Forward several variables using file:
Or if you need to grab all your environment variables from outside, you can do something like this first:
printenv | grep -E 'animals|FILE_NAME' > my-env
The grep is because Docker doesn't like some variables, e.g. with spaces in them, which you might possibly have in your real environment.
Then use that file in your Docker command:
docker run ... --env-file ./my-env
The latter is also useful if you want to avoid sending environment variables to logs (like for sensitive variables). I use this approach in a CI/CD pipeline that runs some scripts.
Using variables inside Docker:
With either approach, the environment variables actually become available to scripts running inside the container to use.
#BMitch's answer has more complete details about how to achieve this in your case, where you have related logic in both build and execution.
See docs here.

Parse a variable with the result of a command in DockerFile

I need to fill a variable in dockerfile with the result of a command
Like in bash var=$(date)
date is a example.
in my case i use FROM phusion/baseimage:0.9.17 so i want at each building use the last version so i use this
curl -v --silent 2>&1 | grep -oh 'rel-.*",' | head -1 | sed 's/",//' | sed 's/rel-//' ==> 0.9.17.
but i don't know how i parse it in var with dockerfile for this result
ENV verbaseimage=curl...
FROM phusion/baseimage:$verbaseimage
In my use case
FROM phusion/baseimage:latest
But the question remains unresolved for other case
I had same issue and found way to set environment variable as result of function by using RUN command in dockerfile.
For example i need to set SECRET_KEY_BASE for Rails app just once without changing as would when i run:
docker run -e SECRET_KEY_BASE="$(openssl rand -hex 64)"
Instead it i write to Dockerfile string like:
RUN bash -l -c 'echo export SECRET_KEY_BASE="$(openssl rand -hex 64)" >> /etc/bash.bashrc'
and my env variable available from root, even after bash login.
or may be
RUN /bin/bash -l -c 'echo export SECRET_KEY_BASE="$(openssl rand -hex 64)" > /etc/profile.d/'
then it variable available in CMD and ENTRYPOINT commands
Docker cache it as layer and change only if you change some strings before it.
You also can try different ways to set environment variable.
The old workaround is mentioned here (issue 2637: Feature request: expand Dockerfile ENV $VARIABLES in WORKDIR):
One work around that I've used, is to have a file in my context called "build-env". What I do is source it and run my desired command in the same RUN step. So for example:
FROM radial/axle-base:latest
ADD build-env /build-env
RUN source build-env && mkdir /$VERSION
RUN ls /
But for date, that might not be as precise as you want.
Other workarounds are in issue 2022 "Dockerfile with variable interpolation".
In docker 1.9 (end of October 2015), you will have "support for build-time environment variables to the 'build' API (PR 9176)" and "Support for passing build-time variables in build context (PR 15182)".
docker build --build-arg=[]: Set build-time variables
You can use ENV instructions in a Dockerfile to define variable values. These values persist in the built image. However, often persistence is not what you want. Users want to specify variables differently depending on which host they build an image on.
A good example is http_proxy or source versions for pulling intermediate files. The ARG instruction lets Dockerfile authors define values that users can set at build-time using the ---build-arg flag:
$ docker build --build-arg HTTP_PROXY= .
This flag allows you to pass the build-time variables that are accessed like regular environment variables in the RUN instruction of the Dockerfile.
Also, these values don't persist in the intermediate or final images like ENV values do.
so I want at each building use the last version so I use this
curl -v --silent 2>&1 | grep -oh 'rel-.*",' | head -1 | sed 's/",//' | sed 's/rel-//' ==> 0.9.17.
If you want to use the last version of that image, all you need to do is use the tag 'latest' with the FROM directive:
FROM phusion/baseimage:latest
See also "The misunderstood Docker tag: latest": it doesn't always reference the actual latest build, but in this instance, it should work.
If you really want to use the curl|parse option, use it to generate a Dockerfile with the right value (as in a template processed to generate the right file).
Don't try to use it directly in the Dockerfile.
I wanted to set an ENV or LABEL variable from a computation in the Dockerfile, e.g. to make some computed installation options visible in docker inspect.
There does not seem to be any way to do that, and this issue suggests that it's a security design choice.
A Dockerfile can set an ENV variable to $X, ${X:-default}, or ${X:+substitute} where that $X must be another ENV or ARG variable.
A single RUN command can set and use shell variables, but that goes away at the end of the RUN command when that container layer shuts down.
A RUN command can write computed data into files, but the Dockerfile still can't get that data into an ENV or LABEL even if the file is ~/.bashrc. (File contents can, of course, be used by code running in the Container.)
The build can at least RUN echo $X to record choices to the build log -- unless that step comes from the build cache, in which case the RUN step doesn't run.
Please do correct me if there's a way out.
Partially connected to question. If one wants to use the result of some command later on it is possible within single RUN statement as follows:
RUN CUR_DIR=`pwd` && \
echo $CUR_DIR

Is there an alternative to Dockerfile Env Instruction?

In their official site (, Docker support state that:
The ENV instruction sets the environment variable to the value
. This value will be passed to all future RUN instructions.
This is functionally equivalent to prefixing the command with < key >=< value >
I tried:
http_proxy=<PROXY> docker build .
However, this doesn't seem to bring the same effect as adding ENV http_proxy=< PROXY > inside the Dockerfile. Why ???
This is functionally equivalent to prefixing the command with < key >=< value >
This does not mean it is the same as prefixing docker build command since It is command executed outside of a container.
It means using ENV is the same as prefixing commands that run inside container.
For example, equivalent RUN statement would look like this:
RUN http_proxy=<PROXY> curl
Or equivalent command executed inside container (via shell):
$ http_proxy=<PROXY> curl

Docker echo environment variable

I'm trying to write a little docker file that sets a User and just echos the current user as a little example to prove to myself it is working. I've tried a number of variants and couldn't find much help in the documentation.
FROM ubuntu
USER daemon
# ENTRYPOINT ["echo", "$USER"]
# just gives "$USER"
# ENTRYPOINT ["echo", "-e", "${USER}"]
# just gives "$USER"
# gives empty string
# ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/echo", "$USER"]
# just gives "$USER"
I'm running docker build . on the dockerfile and then running docker run <image-id> and getting the results
Expected result is daemon, or without the USER daemon line, I expect root. Probably a really simple answer.
This is the expected behavior, as weird as it seems!
When ENTRYPOINT is a list (as in ENTRYPOINT ["echo", "$USER"]), it is used as-is, without further parsing or interpretation. So $USER remains $USER, because there is no shell involved in the process to replace it with the value of the USER environment variable.
Now, when ENTRYPOINT is a string (as in ENTRYPOINT echo $USER), what is actually executed is sh -c "echo $USER", and $USER is replaced with the value of the environment variable (as you would expect).
However, the environment variable USER is not set by default. It is set by the login process; and when you just run sh -c ... the login process is not involved.
Compare the environment when running docker run -t -i ubuntu bash and docker run -t -i ubuntu login -f root. In the former case, you will get a very basic environment; in the latter case, you will get the complete environment that you are used to (including USERvariable).
Couldn't you set, in the Dockerfile, the ENV command to a default value, and then, when run-ning a container, use the -e, --env dictionary to override what would be interpreted by the:
I think there´s a series of issues here.
when I
docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash
echo $USER
I don´t see $USER set at all - whoami does report daemon though.
additionally, I have the suspicion (but have not looked at the code yet) that ENV vars in the Dockerfile are escaped, to avoid their use (many people assume that they can export host variables to the built container, but this is something that the docker guys would like to avoid)
