User Input Service's Input Began not firing - lua

I am working with User Input Service to make a snake game within Roblox, and the event, Input Began, is not firing. I even copied code from the official Roblox website to teach how to script, and nothing happened. What could be going wrong?

UserInputService only works in LocalScripts, and according to the docs :
A LocalScript will only run Lua code if it is a descendant of one of the following objects:
A Player’s Backpack, such as a child of a Tool
A Player’s character model
A Player’s PlayerGui
A Player’s PlayerScripts.
The ReplicatedFirst service
Double check that your LocalScript is in one of those locations and that it is not Disabled.


Why is Camera position always the same in Roblox?

local RunService = game:GetService('RunService')
local function onHeartbeat()
local cameraPos = game.Workspace.Camera.CFrame.Position -- Also tried with Workspace.currentCamera
Why is the printed value always the same even if the player (and therefore also the camera?) moves?
Testing in Roblox Studio often makes it a little difficult to distinguish between the view from the client and server. When your character is running around, and the camera is following your player, you are seeing the view from your client.
The server also has access to the workspace camera, but with nothing to drive it around, it remains stationary. You can see this when you play by going to the Test tab, and clicking on the Current : Client button to toggle over to the server view.
Your Script runs on the server, so it is always checking the server's version of the camera, which is stationary. However, if you were to move this code into a LocalScript in StarterPlayerScripts, you'd see that the position of the player's workspace camera updates the way you would expect.

Why is my teleporting not working? (Roblox)

so in my game, I made another place in the asset manager. For some reason I cant teleport to it. It says teleport failed and in the console it says the place is not published. The game is published. And I dont think you have to publish places. I am using ReserveServer and TeleportToPrivateServer. I have tried to figure it out and my game IS published. Any help appreciated!
Have you tried testing it in an actual game setting instead of just roblox studio? Also make sure both games are public.
I would suggest using the TeleportService:Teleport function, rather than TeleportAsync, if you need to teleport to a private server, I'd suggest just not using Async, as async teleport functions have had b
Here's a usage case:
game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(123456, game.Players:GetPlayers()[1])
Arguments being place id, player. In TeleportToPrivateServer, which you would need if you're specifically teleporting to a private server (which you stated you were using, the usage case is
You likely already know this, but if you were missing something, or using the wrong variables, it could be a fix.
If that doesn't solve your problem, make sure:
In Game Settings > Security Third Party Teleports are enabled
Your referenced player variable, or place id aren't nil
And make sure the place has been published
Keep in mind, you can't teleport in Roblox Studio, so you should know it works if you get an error in the console stating you may not teleport in the roblox studio.

How to make a killer bot

I'm actually new to roblox studio and I want to make my own basic shooter game. I know when I publish only one or two will come at the beginning and I don't want them to leave without playing itself. So I decided to create killer bots who play just like players[kill the players, and escape from not getting killed]. Is there any way I can do that because NPC creating is easy but asking them to kill the players is difficult and moreover the NPC's are not counted as players and not shown in the leaderstats. How can I show that?
Using PathFinding won't work that well, so I recommend using a Raycast and Strafing. And if the npc touches player, check if the hit part's parent IS a player and then set its health to 0 or damage his health.
For leaderstats, the roblox sword has a tag called "creator" that is there for KOs. Add the creator tag for the leaderstats to work.

How to fire value signal events in LabVIEW with ActiveX?

I've been trying to access cluster variables. Recently I learned that you cant do so using .NET Network Shared Variables and I found that people usually do this via AcitveX.
Using ActiveX I am able to run any VI I want and change the values but most of the VIs that I am trying to access have UI Loops and Consumer Loops. Changing the value of a control manually, fires an event that is detected and leads to certain actions that I am interested in. After reading some old KBs I found out that with ActiveX one can't do that.
Is it the same in LabView 2015? In some forums people discussed creating a VI within the ActiveX program that fires the user events, a sort of a layer. Can someone share examples of such VIs? Are there any other work arounds?
You can programmatic fire a signal event by using the property node -> value(Signaling)
Right click on the control in the block diagram, this can be found under: Create -> Property Node -> Value(Signaling).
Any value written to this node will generate a signal event for this specific control. You don't specifically need ActiveX to generate these events.
You can fire events with property nodes (as already explained by #D.J. Klomp)
You can capture and handle change events with event structures
This can be done even for single controls inside a cluster.

How do I make a World of Warcraft addon?

I want to create a simple addon that will play sound files when the player kills an enemy player (gets a killing blow). I've looked around on Google but haven't found much in terms of documentation or guides.
Can anyone point me to some up-to-date documentation or some places where I can just find better guides?
Getting started:
What you want to do is to add a trigger for the combat log event for a killing blow. Shouldn't be to hard. And then play a sound, using the API for that.
Addons for the game are created, most simply, by making a new folder in the Interface/AddOns directory in your game folder and populating this with the core files for your addon. These files should include a "Table Of Contents" file which contains information about your addon, and script(s) which are created using the Lua scripting language (with some custom WoW functions and tables and other bits). To properly get started with this, Wowpedia is generally a pretty good guide, and I also recommend this tutorial.
In your specific situation you should just be able to listen for a game event and then do your custom stuff (i.e. playing a sound) in the desired situation. There isn't actually an event for killing blows at the time of writing, however if you register the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED event and look for the PARTY_KILL combat event, calling playSoundFile if the sourceName (arg4) matches the player's name (UnitName("Player")), you should be set.
