neo4j fulltext index search with special charcters - neo4j

We are using neo4j version 4.1.1,
and we have a graph that represents a structure of objects.
we support translation using nodes for translation and the connection between an object and a translation node is the object name and description.
for example:
means that on relationship r is the name and description of object n in russian.
In order to search by name and description we implemented a fullText index like that:
CALL db.index.fulltext.createRelationshipIndex("TranslationRelationshipIndex",["Translation"],["Name","Description"], { eventually_consistent: "true" })
We also support search for items in order to do it we are using the index to query and we have names like "UFO41.SI01V03":
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryRelationships('TranslationRelationshipIndex', '*FO41.SI0*') YIELD relationship, score 
but for names as shown above([0-9.*]) no results are returned
while results are returned for name like "ab.or"
Is there any one who knows how to make it work? I've tried all 46 analyzers available.
I know we can solve it just using match()-[r]-() where r.Name contains "<string>"
but we prefer a more efficient index-using solution to this problem.
stay safe!
and thanks in advance.
p.s if needed I can supply a few lines to recreate it locally just ask.

The analyzer will probably recognise words like ab.or differently than ab.or123 and consider them a single token in the first case and two tokens in the second case.
There is no analyzer that will really fit your needs except than creating your own.
You can however replace the . in your query with a simple AND, for eg :
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes('Test', replace("*FO41.SI0*", ".", " AND "))
Will return you the results you're looking at.
Resources for creating your own analyser :


Weird results with cypher query in Neo4j and node_auto_index

I have a graph database (Neo4j) in which I configured a property to be auto indexed with full-text. Everything is working great except that I have 1 row that is not returned when I execute a particular cypher query.
My property in the graph equals (I've put in bold the words I am using in my cypher query):
If I execute the following cypher query:
START n1=NODE:node_auto_index('Search_Field:*res* AND Search_Field:*taurant* AND Search_Field:*411*')
RETURN n1.Search_Field
My row is returned!
So far no problem!
But when I execute it by putting the word « restaurant » all together like this:
START n1=NODE:node_auto_index('Search_Field:*restaurant* AND Search_Field:*411*')
RETURN n1.Search_Field
Then no rows are returned.
I tested a lot of stuffs in order to understand and try to find a pattern or something that can explain the problem. It seems like the length of my property value might play a role. I know it sounds strange but if I add 3 or more letters, let say « aaa », after the word restaurant in the property value, like this (look at the bold letters close to the end of the value):
then, if I execute the same cypher query, the row is now returned.
Anyone had encountered similar problems! It's driving me crazy!
I have tested on both Neo4j-enterprise 2.2.1 and the latest Community 3.0.0-M02. Same result with both of them.
Any idea on where or what should I look for ?
The query term get passed through the lucene analyzer - just like the contents you index. I'm not 100% sure but I think that the default analyzer "eats up" the digits, that's why you don't get the results.
You can supply an analyzer class when the index is created for the first time. Also you can use Java API to query the index - this allows to pass in instances of Lucene Query, see my example at

How do I find a string in an unknown neo4j database using Cypher?

TL,DR: I need a query which gives me all nodes/relationships which contain a certain value (in my case a string, so much I know), without knowing which property(key) contains the string. I am using neo4j(latest version), meteor (latest version) and the meteor neo4j driver, which is recommended on the neo4j website for meteor.
Currently I am working (as part of my bachelor thesis) on a tool to visualize the output of any Cypher query on any database, regardless of the database contents.
So far I've managed to correctly display nodes/relationships which are coming out. My problem now is to visualize (get nodes and relationships to feed into my frontend) textual queries like (taken from the neo4j movie database, which I am using for development)
MATCH (tom:Person {name:"Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(coActors)
This kind of queries only returns an array of strings and not whole nodes or relationships. I now need some way (preferably a Cypher query) to get all nodes which contain for example the string "Audrey Tatou".
The problem I've now run into is that I didn't find a way to write a query which doesn't need something like
WHERE = "some name"
Since I don't know anything about the contents of the database I cannot use
WHERE propertyName = "propertyValue"
since I only know the value but not the name of the property.
The only solution here will be to get every nodes with your label and check properties and values using reflection on client side.
Using cypher, the solution would be to get all properties and their values and parse their values using a foreach loop. Maybe you can do this, but I'm really not sure, it's a recent feature but you can still give a try.
Here is what I found for the cypher solution: How can I return all properties for a node using Cypher?
So, you have query that returns array of string.
In fact - you can receive almost anything as result. Cypher is capable to return just bare strings, that are not related to anything.
Long story short - you can't vizualize this data, because of this data nature. Best you can do is to represent them as table (or similar), like Neo4j browser do this.
But, there is (probably) solution for you. Neo4j has feature called Legacy indexing. And there you can find full text indexes. Maybe this can help you.
You can just use a driver that returns nodes and rels, or if you do the queries manually add resultDataContents entry
{statements:[{statement:"MATCH ..","resultDataContents",["graph"]}]}
to your payload and you get nodes and relationships back.

Organize alternative names (nicknames, aliases) in neo4j

Say you have some nodes in your model that may go by multiple alternative names, but all the names refer to the same object.
For example, you may want to be able to query the "World" node by using name "World" in one context, whereas in different context you want to find the same node quickly also by the name "Global".
Is it optimal to organize this information in the form of string array property aliases like this? :
If you add World to your aliases you can use the legacy node_auto_index to index that aliases field
which will index each value individually and the query it with
Start n=node:node_auto_index(aliases="Global")
return n
I think you could use Lucene for that.
You could index the same property several times with different names.
You can then query the index in the way you want through Java APIs or Cypher.
For instance:
START n = node:myIndex(myProperty="ALIAS_1"),
m = node:myIndex(myProperty="ALIAS_2")

Setting node labels with a parameter

I'm trying to pile a load of Twitter data into Neo4J using the .Net Neo4JClient. It's essentially the same type of Twitter user data for each node, but some of the nodes have a different significance to others, hence I would like to label them differently.
(I'm brand new both to Neo4J and the client, too).
So I've been trying to label them like so:
var query = _client.Cypher
.Create("(primaryNode:nodeLabel {twitterUser})")
.WithParams(new { nodeLabel = "nodeType", twitterUser } );
Note: I split out the ExecuteWithoutResults so I could debug the query, and it is registering the parameters OK. The documentation here:
... suggests that parameters can be created "at any point in the fluent query" - but the Neo documentation about parameters here:
... kind of suggests otherwise, that parameters are specifically for things like WHERE clauses, indexes and relationship Ids.
Anyway - when I execute the above, I get a shiny new node with the label "nodeLabel" - so the parameter ain't working. Could somebody clarify whether or not I'm just making a dumb newbie mistake?
You can call WithParams whenever you want in the query. That's what the Neo4jClient doco means about "at any point in the fluent query".
However, Neo4j only supports parameters in certain parts of the Cypher text. If the parameter would affect the query plan, it's not allowed.
In this case, you cannot use parameters for labels. You will need to actually construct the query dynamically if you want to do that.
Edit: Even if this was a supported place for parameters, you'd at least have to write {nodeLabel} in your Cypher instead of just nodeLabel.

Cypher query return related nodes as children

I am using the Neo4j .NET Client ExecuteGetCypherResults to run cypher. It expects everything to come back in a single column. I have simple class JobType which contains a list of JobSpecialties on it. In the database this is modeled as the Types having a relationship to the Specialties.
I need a cypher query that returns the results as such, in a single column. The related Specialties should be a child property of the Type node I would expect the query to look like this:
start s=node:node_auto_index(StartType='JobTypes')
match s-[:starts]->t, t-[:SubTypes]->ts
return {Id: t.Id, Name: t.Name, JobSpecialties: ts}
But this doesn't work. I can't figure out from the docs if this is even possible. If there is a better way to get the result back to the .Net client, I am open to suggestions.
start s=node:node_auto_index(StartType='JobTypes')
match s-[:SubTypes]->js
return s.Id, s.Name, js;
ExecuteGetCypherResults does support multiple columns, you just need to kick our deserializer into a different mode. This is an implementation detail generally hidden behind our higher level APIs, which is why this isn't obvious.
When you call new CypherQuery, pass CypherResultMode.Projection instead of CypherResultMode.Set.
I actually can't remember why we have this. Sometime, I'll need to dig through the lower levels and try and kill it. Pull requests welcomed. :)
As a preference though, we always prefer people to use the higher level APIs (but we recognise there are some limitations).
It sounds like the .Net client needs some updating for cypher. Cypher doesn't support building maps on the fly yet, although it is something that is in the feature request list already...
You can create an array with your results (but as of 1.9.M04, they need to be the same type to be merged into the array):
I've actually submitted a pull request (through back channels, since it broke some unit tests) to fix that (so you can have multiple types in an array built on the fly), but I think there are some concerns whether merging of different types is a good idea.
Update: This will be fixed in 1.9.M05/1.9.GA. Now you can build an array with any type mixed:
