Why does try not trigger backtracking in this example - parsing

I am trying to wrap my head around writing parser using parsec in Haskell, in particular how backtracking works.
Take the following simple parser:
import Text.Parsec
type Parser = Parsec String () String
parseConst :: Parser
parseConst = do {
x <- many digit;
return $ read x
parseAdd :: Parser
parseAdd = do {
l <- parseExp;
char '+';
r <- parseExp;
return $ l <> "+" <> r
parseExp :: Parser
parseExp = try parseConst <|> parseAdd
pp :: Parser
pp = parseExp <* eof
test = parse pp "" "1+1"
test has value
Left (line 1, column 2):
unexpected '+'
expecting digit or end of input
In my mind this should succeed since I used the try combinator on parseConst in the definition of parseExp.
What am I missing? I am also interrested in pointers for how to debug this in my own, I tried using parserTraced which just allowed me to conclude that it indeed wasn't backtracking.
I know this is an awful way to write an expression parser, but I'd like to understand why it doesn't work.

There are a lot of problems here.
First, parseConst can never work right. The type says it must produce a String, so read :: String -> String. That particular Read instance requires the input be a quoted string, so being passed 0 or more digit characters to read is always going to result in a call to error if you try to evaluate the value it produces.
Second, parseConst can succeed on matching zero characters. I think you probably wanted some instead of many. That will make it actually fail if it encounters input that doesn't start with a digit.
Third, (<|>) doesn't do what you think. You might think that (a <* c) <|> (b <* c) is interchangeable with (a <|> b) <* c, but it isn't. There is no way to throw try in and make it the same, either. The problem is that (<|>) commits to whichever branch succeed, if one does. In (a <|> b) <* c, if a matches, there's no way later to backtrack and try b there. Doesn't matter how you lob try around, it can't undo the fact that (<|>) committed to a. In contrast, (a <* c) <|> (b <* c) doesn't commit until both a and c or b and c match the input.
This is the situation you're encountering. You have (try parseConst <|> parseAdd) <* eof, after a bit of inlining. Since parseConst will always succeed (see the second issue), parseAdd will never get tried, even if the eof fails. So after parseConst consumes zero or more leading digits, the parse will fail unless that's the end of the input. Working around this essentially requires carefully planning your grammar such that any use of (<|>) is safe to commit locally. That is, the contents of each branch must not overlap in a way that is disambiguated only by later portions of the grammar.
Note that this unpleasant behavior with (<|>) is how the parsec family of libraries work, but not how all parser libraries in Haskell work. Other libraries work without the left bias or commit behavior the parsec family have chosen.


Problem while writing a small parser in Haskell using Parsec

I am trying to write a parser for a small language with the following piece of code
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Token
data Exp = Atom String | Op String Exp
instance Show Exp where
show (Atom x) = x
show (Op f x) = f ++ "(" ++ (show x) ++ ")"
parse_exp :: Parser Exp
parse_exp = (try parse_atom) <|> parse_op
parse_atom :: Parser Exp
parse_atom = do
x <- many1 letter
return (Atom x)
parse_op :: Parser Exp
parse_op = do
x <- many1 letter
char '('
y <- parse_exp
char ')'
return (Op x y)
But when I type in ghci
>>> parse (parse_exp <* eof) "<error>" "s(t)"
I get the output
Left "<error>" (line 1, column 2):
unexpected '('
expecting letter or end of input
If I redefine parse_exp as
parse_exp = (try parse_op) <|> parse_atom
then with I get correct result
>>> parse (parse_exp <* eof) "<error>" "s(t)"
Right s(t)
But I am confused why the first one does not work. Is there a general fix to these kinds of problems in parsing?
When a Parsec parser, like parse_atom, is run on a particular string, there are four possible results:
It succeeds, consuming some input.
It fails, consuming some input.
It succeeds, consuming no input.
It fails, consuming no input.
In the Parsec source code, these are referred to as "consumed ok", "consumed err", "empty ok" and "empty err" (sometimes abbreviated cok, cerr, eok, eerr).
When two Parsec parsers are used in an alternative, like p <|> q, here's how it's parsed. First, Parsec tries to parse with p. Then:
If this results in "consumed ok" or "empty ok", the parse succeeds and this becomes the result of the entire parser p <|> q.
If this results in "empty err", Parsec tries the alternative q, and this becomes the result of the entire p <|> q parser.
If this results in "consumed err", the entire parser p <|> q fails with "consumed err" (cerr).
Note the critical difference between p returning cerr (which causes the whole parser to fail) versus returning eerr (which causes the alternative parser q to be tried).
The try function changes the behavior of a parser by converting a "cerr" result to an "eerr" result.
This means that if you are trying to parse the text "s(t)" with different parsers:
with the parser parse_atom <|> parse_op, the parser parse_atom returns "cok" consuming "s" and leaving unparseable text "(t)" which causes an error
with the parser try parse_atom <|> parse_op, the parser parse_atom still returns "cok" consuming "s", so the try (which only changes cerr to eerr) has no effect, and the unparseable text "(t)" causes the same error
with the parser parse_op <|> parse_atom, the parser parse_op successfully parses the string (actually, it doesn't because the recursive call to parse_exp can't parse "t", but let's ignore that); however, if the same parser was used on the text "s", then parse_op would consume the "s" before failing (i.e., cerr), causing the entire parse to fail instead of trying the alternative parse_atom
with the parser try parse_op <|> parse_atom, this would parse "s(t)", exactly as the previous example, and the try would have no effect; however, it would also work on the text "s", because parse_op would consume the "s" before failing with cerr, then try would "rescue" the parse by turning the cerr into an eerr, and the alternative parse_atom would be checked, successfully parsing (cok) the atom "s".
That's why the "correct" parser for your problem is try parse_op <|> parse_atom.
Be warned that this behavior isn't a fundamental aspect of monadic parsers. It's a design choice made by Parsec (and compatible parsers like Megaparsec). Other monadic parsers can have different rules for how alternatives with <|> work.
The "general fix" for these kind of Parsec parsing problems is to be aware of the facts that in the expression p <|> q:
p is tried first, and if it succeeds, q will be ignored, even if q would provide a "longer" or "better" or "more sensible" parse or avoid additional parsing errors further down the road. In parse_atom <|> parse_op, because parse_atom can succeed on strings meant for parse_op, this order won't work correctly.
q is only tried if p fails without consuming input. You must arrange for p to not consume anything on failure, possibly by using try, if you expect the alternative q to be checked. So, parse_op <|> parse_atom isn't going to work if parse_op starts to consume something (like an identifier) before realizing it can't continue and returning cerr.
As an alternative to using try, you can also think more carefully about the structure of your parser. An alternative way of writing parse_exp, for example, would be:
parse_exp :: Parser Exp
parse_exp = do
-- there's always an identifier
x <- many1 letter
-- there *might* be an expression in parentheses
y <- optionMaybe (parens parse_exp)
case y of
Nothing -> return (Atom x)
Just y' -> return (Op x y')
where parens = between (char '(') (char ')')
This can be written a little more concisely, but even then it's not as "elegant" as something like try parse_op <|> parse_atom. (It performs better, though, so that might be a consideration in some applications.)
The problem is that the string "s" counts as an atom according to your definitions. Try this:
parse parse_atom "" "s(t)"
> Atom "s"
So your parser parse_exp actually succeeds, returning Atom "s", but then you also expect an EOF right after it, and that's where it fails, encountering an open paren instead of an EOF (just like the error message says!)
When you swap the alternative around, it would first attempt parse_op, which would succeed, returning Op "s" "t", and then encounter EOF, just as expected.

Failure handling in a Parser function

I'm learning Parser Combinators with Trifecta library. I was introduced to Alternative typeclass and it's <|> function.
I got a Parser function in my code whose definition is
fractionOrDecimal :: Parser DoubleOrRational
fractionOrDecimal =
(Left <$> try parseDecimal) -- A
<|> (Right <$> try parseFraction) -- B
<|> (fail "Expected Fraction or Decimal.") -- Err
which attempts to parse the input as either decimal or fraction and fail if nothing worked. Is this approach correct or should I encode the failure (fail) differently rather than being part of the <|> operation.
Failure is encoded by the absence of a successful parser. Trifecta will track the expected tokens for you, but you do have to tell it what they are called using <?>. So you would do
fractionOrDecimal :: Parser DoubleOrRational
fractionOrDecimal =
(Left <$> try parseDecimal <?> "Decimal")
<|> (Right <$> try parseFraction <?> "Fractional")
We now get errors like this:
>>> parseTest fractionalOrDecimal "neither fractional nor decimal"
error: expected: Decimal, Fractional
neither fractional nor decimal<EOF>

Self made "Many1" parser

This is task from online course. I've been sitting on this for two days. Please give some explanation or hints to solve it.
Here's type
newtype Prs a = Prs { runPrs :: String -> Maybe (a, String) }
I need to implement many1 parser. This is how it should work
> runPrs (many1 $ char 'A') "AAABCDE"
Just ("AAA","BCDE")
> runPrs (many1 $ char 'A') "BCDE"
I have parser many implemented like that
many p = (:) <$> p <*> many p <|> pure []
Here's output for previous example.
*Main> test9
Just ("AAA","BCDE")
*Main> test10
Just ("","BCDE")
Note last result, it returns empty string but many1 should return Nothing. I don't know how to change many code to make work like many1. I can't undestand how to stop on first incorrect symbol.
Your many1 will need some way to fail: as you've written it it consumes characters for a while, consing them onto a pending result, until it eventually runs out of matches. This doesn't cover any cases where the parse could fail.
What you've implemented here is, in a way, many0, a parser which consumes 0 or more repetitions of something. Can you think of a way to implement many1 in terms of many0? It will look something like:
Consume one instance of p, without an alternative in case that fails
Consume 0 or more instances of p, returning [] when that fails.
Or in Haskell,
many1 :: Prs a -> Prs [a]
many1 p = (:) <$> p <*> many0 p

Please explain the behavior of this Parsec permutation parser

Why does this Parsec permutation parser not parse b?
p :: Parser (String, String)
p = permute (pair
<$?> ("", pa)
<|?> ("", pb))
where pair a b = (a, b)
pa :: Parser String
pa = do
char 'x'
many1 (char 'a')
pb :: Parser String
pb = do
many1 (char 'b')
λ> parseTest p "xaabb"
("aa","bb") -- expected result, good
λ> parseTest p "aabb"
("","") -- why "" for b?
Parser pa is configured as optional via <$?> so I don't understand why its failing has impacted the parsing of b. I can change it to optional (char 'x') to get the expected behavior, but I don't understand why.
pa :: Parser String
pa = do
optional (char 'x')
many1 (char 'a')
pb :: Parser String
pb = do
optional (char 'x')
many1 (char 'b')
λ> parseTest p "xaaxbb"
parse error at (line 1, column 2):
unexpected "a"
expecting "b"
λ> parseTest p "xbbxaa"
How can both input orderings be supported when we have identical shared prefix "x"?
I also don't understand the impact that consumption of the optional "x" is having on the parse behavior:
pb :: Parser String
pb = do
try px -- with this try x remains unconsumed and "aa" gets parsed
-- without this try x is consumed, but "aa" isn't parsed even though "x" is optional anyway
many1 (char 'b')
px :: Parser Char
px = do
optional (char 'x')
char 'x' <?> "second x"
λ> parseTest p "xaaxbb" -- without try on px
parse error at (line 1, column 2):
unexpected "a"
expecting second x
λ> parseTest p "xaaxbb" -- with try on px
Why parseTest p "aabb" gives ("","")
The permutation parser tries to strip off the front of the given string prefixes that can be parsed by its constituent parsers (pa and pb in this case). Here, it will have tried to apply both pa and pb to "aabb" and failed in both cases - it never even gets around to trying to parse "bb".
Why can't both pa and pb start with optional (char 'x')
Looking at permute, you'll see it uses choice, which in turn relies on (<|>). As the documentation of (<|>) says,
This combinator implements choice. The parser p <|> q first applies p. If it succeeds, the value of p is returned. If p fails without consuming any input, parser q is tried. This combinator is defined equal to the mplus member of the MonadPlus class and the (<|>) member of Alternative.
The parser is called predictive since q is only tried when parser p didn't consume any input (i.e.. the look ahead is 1). This non-backtracking behaviour allows for both an efficient implementation of the parser combinators and the generation of good error messages.
So when you do something like parseTest p "xbb", pa doesn't fail immediately (it consumes and 'x') and then the whole thing fails because it cannot backtrack.
How to make shared prefixes work?
As Daniel has suggested, it is best to factor out your grammar. Alternately, you can use try:
The parser try p behaves like parser p, except that it pretends that it hasn't consumed any input when an error occurs
Based on what we talked about before for (<|>), you ought then to put try in front of both of optional (char 'x').
Why does this Parsec permutation parser not parse b?
Because 'a' is not a valid first character for either parser pa or parser pb.
How can both input orderings be supported when we have identical shared prefix "x"?
Shared prefixes must be factored out of your grammar; or backtracking points inserted (using try) at the cost of performance.

try function in parsing lambda expressions

I'm totally new to Haskell and trying to implement a "Lambda calculus" parser, that will be used to read the input to a lambda reducer .. It's required to parse bindings first "identifier = expression;" from a text file, then at the end there's an expression alone ..
till now it can parse bindings only, and displays errors when encountering an expression alone .. when I try to use the try or option functions, it gives a type mismatch error:
Couldn't match type `[Expr]'
with `Text.Parsec.Prim.ParsecT s0 u0 m0 [[Expr]]'
Expected type: Text.Parsec.Prim.ParsecT
s0 u0 m0 (Text.Parsec.Prim.ParsecT s0 u0 m0 [[Expr]])
Actual type: Text.Parsec.Prim.ParsecT s0 u0 m0 [Expr]
In the second argument of `option', namely `bindings'
bindings weren't supposed to return anything, but I tried to add a return statement and it also returned a type mismatch error:
Couldn't match type `[Expr]' with `Expr'
Expected type: Text.Parsec.Prim.ParsecT
[Char] u0 Data.Functor.Identity.Identity [Expr]
Actual type: Text.Parsec.Prim.ParsecT
[Char] u0 Data.Functor.Identity.Identity [[Expr]]
In the second argument of `(<|>)', namely `expressions'
Don't use <|> if you want to allow both
Your program parser does its main work with
program = do
try bindings <|> expressions
spaces >> eof
This <|> is choice - it does bindings if it can, and if that fails, expressions, which isn't what you want. You want zero or more bindings, followed by expressions, so let's make it do that.
Sadly, even when this works, the last line of your parser is eof and
First, let's allow zero bindings, since they're optional, then let's get both the bindings and the expressions:
bindings = many binding
program = do
bs <- bindings
es <- expressions
spaces >> eof
return (bs,es)
This error would be easier to find with plenty more <?> "binding" type hints so you can see more clearly what was expected.
endBy doesn't need many
The error message you have stems from the line
expressions = many (endBy expression eol)
which should be
expressions :: Parser [Expr]
expressions = endBy expression eol
endBy works like sepBy - you don't need to use many on it because it already parses many.
This error would have been easier to find with a stronger data type tree, so:
Use try to deal with common prefixes
One of the hard-to-debug problems you've had is when you get the error expecting space or "=" whilst parsing an expression. If we think about that, the only place we expect = is in a binding, so it must be part way through parsing a binding when we've given it an expression. This only happens if our expression starts with an identifier, just like a binding does.
binding sees the first identifier and says "It's OK guys, I've got this" but then finds no = and gives you an error, where we wanted it to backtrack and let expression have a go. The key point is we've already used the identifier input, and we want to unuse it. try is right for that.
Encase your binding parser with try so if it fails, we'll go back to the start of the line and hand over to expression.
binding = try (do
(Var id) <- identifier
_ <- char '='
exp <- expression
eol <?> "end of line"
return $ Eq id exp
<?> "binding")
It's important that as far as possible each parser starts with matching something unique to avoid this problem. (try is backtracking, hence inefficient, so should be avoided if possible.)
In particular, avoid starting parsers with spaces, but instead make sure you finish them all with spaces. Your main program can start with spaces if you like, since it's the only alternative.
Use types for most productions - better structure & readability
My first piece of general advice is that you could do with a more fine-grained data type, and should annotate your parsers with their type. At the moment, everything's wrapped up in Expr, which means you can only get error messages about whether you have an Expr or a [Expr]. The fact that you had to add Eq to Expr is a sign you're pushing the type too far.
Usually it's worth making a data type for quite a lot of the productions, and if you import Control.Applicative hiding ((<|>),(<$>),many) Control.Applicative you can use <$> and <*> so that the production, the datatype and the parser are all the same structure:
--<program> ::= <spaces> [<bindings>] <expressions>
data Program = Prog [Binding] [Expr]
program = spaces >> Prog <$> bindings <*> expressions
-- <expression> ::= <abstraction> | factors
data Expression = Ab Abstraction | Fa [Factor]
expression = Ab <$> abstraction <|> Fa <$> factors <?> "expression"
Don't do this with letters for example, but for important things. What counts as important things is a matter of judgement, but I'd start with Identifiers. (You can use <* or *> to not include syntax like = in the results.)
Amended code:
Before refactoring types and using Applicative here
And afterwards here
