Identifying messages posted by my app in Slack - slack-api

I'm developing a Slack app that posts alert apps to channels. I want this app to check the history of a channel to find messages it has posted earlier so it can respond accordingly. For example, if there's an alert that has not yet "cleared" it will update said alert instead of posting a new message.
The challenge I'm encountering is that it's not clear how I can identify messages that my app has posted. I see that I can search a channel with conversations.history, and that gives me message events. It looks like some messages have a user property. There are also bot_message sub-type messages that have a bot_id property. However, I don't see any way to identify my app ID.
Should every app have an associated bot_id? user ID? If so, where do I get these IDs so I can filter the conversation history?
I tried calling the method with no bot ID parameter hoping it would give me my bot ID, but it returned no data other than an "OK" status.

Perhaps because Slack has a long history of different APIs, I was misled. Apparently, it's possible for me to find messages my bot previously posted but not how I thought. Here were my misunderstandings and what I've found out when playing with the Slack API tester.
Using conversations.history, you can get a list of messages posted in a channel. The docs say that the history returns an array of message events, and that these have a subtype field. One of the subtypes is bot_message, so my assumption is that messages posted by my bot would have this sub-type. The docs for bot_message has a bot_id, which I don't know for my app, and username, which I don't know what it will match.
However, it turns out when I posted a test message, that the message did not show up as a bot_message; rather it appears in the history without a subtype and has properties which don't seem to match any documentation:
"bot_id": "B01HSBYRKUZ",
"type": "message",
"text": "Testing the Slack API; please ignore.",
"user": "U01HDNUJ5EE",
"ts": "1609878469.036400",
"team": "<omitted>",
"bot_profile": {
"id": "B01HSBYRKUZ",
"deleted": false,
"name": "my-bot-name",
"updated": 1608584973,
"app_id": "<omitted>",
"icons": {
"image_36": "...",
"image_48": "...",
"image_72": "..."
"team_id": "<omitted>"
So although it's risky to code against an undocumented format (or maybe I just can't find the right docs?), I can filter these messages by looking to see if there's a bot_profile.app_id that matches my app's ID, which I do know.

you may know id your bot if use context. Example: const {botUserId} = context


List private team channel members with Microsoft Graph API in Microsoft Teams

My application for Microsoft Teams works as a tab and needs to get the list of the chat members or channel members, depending on where it is installed.
To use the APIs, I get the Context object from the client SDK library to get the identifiers required for the APIs. It works fine for chats–both group and one on one (using Context.chatId), and public team channels (using Context.groupId and Context.channelId).
However, nothing I try seems to work for private team channels.
The context object returned for private team channels contains teamId and channelId, but they are equal, and using one value for both ids naturally doesn't work. Here is an example of what is returned for a private team channel by the SDK library 1.11.0 (the latest):
"locale": "en-us",
"theme": "default",
"subEntityId": "",
"isFullScreen": false,
"sessionId": "5194fd2b-5c9a-16a7-7411-94ddabffffff",
"chatId": "",
"meetingId": "",
"parentMessageId": "",
"hostClientType": "desktop",
"tenantSKU": "unknown",
"jsonTabUrl": "",
"userLicenseType": "Unknown",
"appSessionId": "7503c11c-d524-409c-b58b-004810ffffff",
"appLaunchId": "c736c663-cc0b-47c3-8824-ba56b7ffffff",
"isMultiWindow": false,
"appIconPosition": 79,
"userClickTime": 1637007245298,
"sourceOrigin": null,
"userFileOpenPreference": "inline",
"osLocaleInfo": {
"platform": "macos",
"regionalFormat": "en-gb",
"longDate": "d MMMM y",
"shortDate": "dd/MM/y",
"longTime": "HH:mm:ss z",
"shortTime": "HH:mm"
"frameContext": "settings",
"isTeamArchived": false,
"teamType": 0,
"userTeamRole": 0,
"channelRelativeUrl": "/sites/ffffff/Shared Documents/Devel",
"channelId": "19:0bc109b412d9448bb6b1b3d4d485700b#thread.tacv2",
"channelName": "Devel",
"channelType": "Private",
"defaultOneNoteSectionId": "",
"teamId": "19:0bc109b412d9448bb6b1b3d4d485700b#thread.tacv2",
"teamName": "Devel",
"teamSiteUrl": "",
"teamSiteDomain": "",
"teamSitePath": "/sites/ffffff",
"teamTemplateId": "",
"teamSiteId": "",
"ringId": "general",
"tid": "d158bb9f-f90c-422d-9d0d-0040efffffff",
"loginHint": "",
"upn": "",
"userPrincipalName": "",
"userObjectId": "fc5a4a6d-60e2-4370-83bd-aab1baffffff"
You can see above that the two are equal:
"channelId": "19:0bc109b412d9448bb6b1b3d4d485700b#thread.tacv2"
"teamId": "19:0bc109b412d9448bb6b1b3d4d485700b#thread.tacv2"
I wonder, whether this is an expected behaviour, or something is broken there... 🤔 As per comment by #Prasad-MSFT, this is normal behaviour for private channels.
There is an answer suggesting that one should first list all the teams the user joined. However, I don't see how I would connect this information to the context data shown above.
Is there a way to list the members of a private team channel? What am I missing?
UPDATE1 16.11:
I did an experiment, but the results got me puzzled. I followed the idea of getting all the teams of the user first. This got me ids of all the teams the user is a member of. I then requested members of for the current private channel for every team: I expected to get errors for all teams but one–that team the channel really belongs to. However, I got members for every request! That's very confusing.
/teams/{id}/channels/{channel_id}/members for each team received in 1. and channelId received from context.
Each call returned some members, which I did not expect...
UPDATE2 16.11:
This long-winded way gets me channel members in the end:
/teams/{id}/channels for each team received in 1.
Find the channel with id matching the channelId from my context among those received in 2.
/teams/{id}/channels/{channel_id}/members for the channel found in 3.
Looks like a lot of effort for such a simple thing. 🙄
Update: see the new answer from Nov 1 2022.
Update 2: it's still not fully functional, use both. 🤷‍♂️
This long-winded way gets me channel members list in the end. Only applies to private team channels because we don't have group id/team id in the Context there. As per #Prasad-MSFT's comment to the original post, there is no other way at the time of writing.
Get /me/joinedTeams
Get /teams/{id}/channels for each team received in #1.
Find the channel with id matching the channelId from the Context among those received in #2.
Get /teams/{id}/channels/{channel_id}/members for the channel found in #3.
Here is a caveat: if you create a private team channel and immediately add your tab to it, there is a chance that your new channel will not be returned by the API. If #3 in the above list of procedures fails, I ask the user to retry in a couple of minutes.
A year later there seem to be some improvements! (Yeah, but not really, see below.)
There is a new property called hostTeamGroupId which appears to contain the correct team id for private channels. The documentation, however, doesn't mention private channels specifically and only tells us about shared channels. Nevertheless, it seems to be working for the purposes of this question.
In #microsoft/teams-js v2 we can use
The property is newly added and describes the host
team’s Azure AD group ID, useful for making Microsoft Graph API calls
to retrieve shared channel membership.
This still doesn't work on mobile platforms at the time of writing 08.11.2022. The fields mentioned above are not populated.
So, for mobile platforms, we still need my other answer.

Twilio Autopilot, getting it to understand Alphanumeric responses

When we ask a user a question that requires letter & numbers in response (voice / on phone), the system always misinterprets what the user says. For example, if they response "ABC123" twilio will send us "Hey Be See one two three". Which when planning on using the response to verify the user via API, makes it unusable.
This is using the Twilio control panel.
Searched and tried different data types at Twilio. Can't find any way, though seems like it'd be a very common thing.
"question": "What is your code ?",
"name": "Code"
Input is: "ABC123"
Output should be "ABC123"
Output comes out as "Hey Be See one two three"
Twilio developer evangelist here.
That is a known issue :( The alphanumeric field type that would be the way to handle these is on the product roadmap.
Maybe try using the Gather verb in the meantime? Hope this helps <3
You could use it in a Twilio Function and connect it to Autopilot by redirecting to the Function like so:
"on_complete": {
"redirect": {
"method": "POST",
"uri": ""

ErrorItemNotFound when trying to retrieve room calendar via MS Graph API

Next to retrieving calendar views of a user's calendar (on behalf of the user), we are trying hard to also get the calendar view of rooms via the Graph API using It's a painful process since we've been running into many problems and are currently stuck with the following 404 response:
"error": {
"code": "ErrorItemNotFound",
"message": "The specified object was not found in the store.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "358a003a-57a4-4f0e-91da-edc17c1fa2d8",
"date": "2018-12-12T07:38:33"
The email address of the room has been double checked and the resource exists, since we can create appointments with it and it is even being returned in the response when we retrieve the calendar of the user who has an appointment in that location.
App permissions and OAuth2 scopes are set to: openid email profile offline_access, so that should not be an issue, judging by the documentation.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
I've tried all possible ways, but there is no way to get access.
This is what I've tried out the following in the Graph explorer: -> DelegatedCalendarAccessDenied -> ErrorItemNotFound -> ErrorItemNotFound
All three on both the v1.0 and the beta.
It isn't an issue with rights, because for my testing I granted the Graph Explorer the Directory.ReadWrite.All scope. Resulting in the following scp claim.
The first requests seems the most promising (because of the different error), I also made myself a delegate with full control of the rooms-mailbox. That still didn't help.
A request to gives a result, as in a result describing the meetingroom.
"#odata.context": "$metadata#users/$entity",
"businessPhones": [],
"displayName": "Meeting room 1",
"givenName": null,
"jobTitle": null,
"mail": "",
"mobilePhone": null,
"officeLocation": null,
"preferredLanguage": null,
"surname": null,
"userPrincipalName": "",
"id": "3e0a7b7e-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxcxxxx120"
After doing all these tests, I can only conclude that you cannot access the events in a rooms mailbox. This is either intended (as in only use the scheduling assistant) or a bug.
Maybe some of the Microsoft guys around here could clarify this?
FINALLY! After going through this with countless Microsoft support people, each of whom said this was not their territory and did not know where to forward the question, I got in touch with somebody from the Exchange team. He suggested the one thing that worked for us: the user on behalf of which you are retrieving the room resource calendar needs to be a delegate of that room resource!
In addition, to retrieve the list of room resources which the user can select from, we needed to use the findRooms endpoint but this only works on the beta API. The only drawback of this is that you cannot seem to filter for rooms of which the user is a delegate. So the user will get a list of rooms for which he might or might not be able to retrieve the calendar.
A final drawback of the room resource calendarView response is that the response does not contain the names of the meetings planned in the rooms. The description of each event only contains the name of the meeting organizer.

Look a message's text from events api response

I'm using slacks events API and have setup a subscription to the reactions_added event. Now when a reaction is added to a message, slack will send me a post body with all the details of the dispatched event as described here.
The problem I'm having is that I want to get the details, specifically the text of the message that my users have reacted to so I can parse/store etc that specific message. I assumed the message would return with some type of UUID that I could then respond to the callback and get the text, however I'm find it difficult to get the specific message.
The only endpoint I see available is the channels.history, which doesn't seem to give me the granularity I'm looking for.
So the tl;dr is: How do I look up a via slacks API, a messages text sent from the events API? Give the information I have the event_ts, channel and message ts I thought would be enough. I'm using the ruby slack-api gem FWIW.
You can indeed use the method channels.history ( to retrieve message from a public channel . The reaction_added dispatched event includes the channel ID and timestamp of the original message (in the item) and the combination of channelId + timestamp should be unique.
Be careful that you use the correct timestamp though. You need to use item.ts not event_ts
Full example dispatched event from the docs:
"token": "z26uFbvR1xHJEdHE1OQiO6t8",
"team_id": "T061EG9RZ",
"api_app_id": "A0FFV41KK",
"event": {
"type": "reaction_added",
"user": "U061F1EUR",
"item": {
"type": "message",
"channel": "C061EG9SL",
"ts": "1464196127.000002"
"reaction": "slightly_smiling_face"
"event_ts": "1465244570.336841",
"type": "event_callback",
"authed_users": [
So calling channels.history with these values set should work:
latest = item.ts value
oldest = item.ts value
inclusive = 1
channel = value
If you want to get messages from a private channel you need to use groups.history.

Get Recommendation from LinkedIn API returns empty map [:] as response

I have created a web application from which I am trying to get recommendations of a user from his/her LinkedIn Profile using URL
String url=",recommendation-type,recommendation-text,recommender))?format=json"
When I am using this URL in the
Api Explorer it works fine. And gives output:-
{ "recommendationsReceived": {
"_total": 2,
"values": [
"id": 558598601,
"recommendationText": "xxx is among the best team players I ever worked with. He has handled client effectively with smooth operations. I had always seen him as person with solution mindset and always look for solution rather than thinking about the problem. ",
"recommendationType": {
"code": "colleague"
"recommender": {
"firstName": "XXX",
"id": "YYYY",
"lastName": "XXX"
"id": ZZZZ,
"recommendationText": "XXX is one of the most dedicated person at work.I always him with a flexible attitude and ready to adapt himself in all situation.I have seen him work all night to catch up all the deadlines and deliver on time ."
"recommendationType": {
"code": "colleague"
"recommender": {
"firstName": "XXX",
"id": "YYYY",
"lastName": "XXXX"
] } }
The problem comes, when I am using this URL in my Developer app.It doesn't give any error just simple return an empty map [:] as output in response
Irrespective of these recommendation fields, I successfully get the user basic profile data such as email, id, image,firstName,lastName.Means my code is working for other fields well but not for these recommendation fields*
To find the solution, I did some internet surfing and find a link of Linked API docs
Linked API Docs
As per Docs following selection of profile fields are only available
to applications that have applied and been approved for the Apply with
LinkedIn program:
Recommendation Fields
I already created a LinkedIn Developer account to get key & Secret
So how do I apply and get approval for Apply with LinkedIn Recommendation Fields.
I already have seen the LinkedIn support but can't find the way to ask question to the Linked Developer help support
Please suggest me the right way.
After a long internet surfing,I have found something fruitful that, I have to fill up a form to get these fields.Here is the form
along with its procedural details
You can use just recommendations-received keyword. Try the following link. I am getting all recommendations details with this link.
