What is the easiest way to rename a shelveset in TFS? - tfs

I'm trying to rename a shelveset. The only way I can think of to do it is:
Unshelve it (uncheck Preserve shelveset on the server)
Gather all the changes into Included Changes (and exclude everything that wasn't part of that shelveset).
Re-shelve it with a different name
Is there an easier way?
(we are using TFS Version 15.117.26714.0)

What is the easiest way to rename a shelveset in TFS?
Personally think the method you think is the simplest or most direct.
Since TFS teams Suggested on their old user voice forum(Closed now):
Visual Studio Team (Product Team, Microsoft) responded · March 11,
2015 Thanks for the suggestion! We’re currently in the planning
process for enabling an iterative shelveset experience. We’ll update
this item when we have more details.
But so far, we do not have a very easiest way to rename a shelveset in TFS. And we do not have a "update shelveset" API in place:
Do not have option to rename the name by the Shelve Command.
You could check this thread for some more details.
So, I agree with your idea is the easiest and most straightforward, and it is also the method I have used.


Compartilhar Shelve com outros Membros TFS

good morning, people!
A co-worker has made some changes to the project and now it is necessary to do the same so that I do my part now. However, he can not give a check-in because another team member "pulls" the latest version, it will pick up that part that no case could not, only I could remove those changes and after I do as the changes, yes do the standard check in.
This refeel a my doubt, should be something simple. And neither is it done the same for this not TFS. It's possible?
Your title is talking about how to share shelve with other TFS Members. There is a concert called Shelvesets in TFS. Shelvesets are useful when you want to stop work for:
Collaboration: You have pending changes that are not ready for check
in but you need to share them with another team member.
Other peoples could share their pending changes(haven't checked in) to you through shelveset. You could unshelve his shelveset which restores shelved file revisions, check-in notes, comments, and work item associations to the current workspace.
If you don't want the shelveset mess up your local work in VS, please also take a look at my reply here: Undo TFS Unshelve

Can multiple people share the same shelve set in TFS?

I am looking for an alternative to branching in TFS with the goal of allowing multiple developers to continually integrate into a single changeset that is not in branch (aka a shelveset).
I know that a single user can update their own shelveset, and other users can pull that shelveset - but is it possible to allow several users to modify the same shelveset?
I understand that branching is preferred but I would still like to know if it is possible, maybe by using some sort of TFS powertool or modification.
No this is not possible. A shelveset is owned by a single user. it's also not recommended, as the shelveset is only a single snapshot of the change.
If you'd like something like this, you could consider git tf to create a local git repository which can be synced between two developers. Once they're finished one of the developers can push the change(s) back into TFS.
Moving from TFVC to Git has become easier with the release of TFS 2015u1:
Team Services | TFS 2015
In Team Foundation Server 2015 Update 1, a project administrator can add a Git repo to a team project created with Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC). You can also add a TFVC repo to a team project created with Git. This allows you to adopt a new version control system while preserving all the data in your team project.
As to ways to persuade people to move, that's a hard question. You'd first need to understand what is holding them back, explain the, what advantages Git brings, what disadvantages you see in the current setup. You will probably need to hand-hold or train them so they get comfortable with Git. Using git-tf for a while may give them more confidence to make the move.

Safely rename branch in TFS 2015

I have a branch created in TFS 2015 that has a lot of work already done, but not yet checked-in. However, I need to rename the branch now, but I don't want to have to lose or reapply existing updates in order to do so.
Is there a way to safely change the branch name without losing any work?
Is there a reason you don't want to checkin before the rename? That sounds like the safest approach.
If not, I would create a shelveset as a backup before renaming. Then when you unshelve you might need to use the TFS Power Tools to do a tfpt unshelve /migrate.

Renaming TFS2010 Team Project

Is it possible to rename a TFS2010 team project?
The project in question is based on the CMMI 5.0 team project template, but it has been modified with several custom modifications (new WITs and link types).
For a rename to be feasible, all history must be maintained.
In all: No, it can't be done.
Your only shot is to create a new Team Project named as you 'd like and then move everything to it. This involves serious work done by hand.
After that, you can't erase your old TeamProject - you will loose the history. You can lock it and make it unavailable to everybody.
After having done this a few times we think about the names of our Team Projects a lot. If at some point their name is(gets) wrong, I 'd say we 'll live with the mismatch.
Unfortunately, team projects in TFS are not able to be renamed in TFS 2005, TFS 2008, or TFS 2010. It's currently the #1 feature on the Visual Studio User Voice site for TFS. If this is something that's important, I'd recommend putting some votes on that feature: http://visualstudio.uservoice.com/forums/121579-visual-studio/suggestions/2037605-rename-project-in-tfs
As far as I know you can create a new TeamProject and move your sources while maintaining history. Not sure if work items are preserved even when you delete/destroy the original TeamProject though.
As per the other comments "No, you can't", when we do it here we create a new project and then migrate source and work items over using the TFS Integration Platform, then delete the original project

Can a branch be made from a previous changeset?

I need to create a branch at a specific Changeset in TFS. Is this doable?
For example, I have changeset 1528 that was the last check in on my project. But I want to branch from changeset 1487. Can this be done?
If so, how?
Note: I am using TFS 2008
Yes. When a branch is created you can choose the historical point in time when it takes effect (date, changeset, etc).
See Visual Studio TFS Branching and Merging Guide for some great information on recommended branching practices.
Or How to: Branch Files and Folders (MSDN) for more explicit instructions on getting this dialog up to create a branch.
Visual Studio 2010 and later added support for this functionality:
