Reset main content view - Swift UI - ios

My app has one main screen that the user uses, then once they're done go to another view, currently implemented as a .fullscreencover. I want the user to be able to press a button and the app pretty much resets, turning everything back to the way it is when the app is launched for the first time and resetting all variables and classes.
The one method I have tried is opening the view again on top of the final view, however this doesn't reset it. Here is the code I have tried but doesn't work:
Button("New Game"){
.fullScreenCover(isPresented: $newGame){
Alongside this I have tried navigation views however this causes more issues with the functionality of my app.
Is there a line of code that allows you to do this?

The possible approach is to use global app state
class AppState: ObservableObject {
static let shared = AppState()
#Published var gameID = UUID()
and have root content view be dependent on that gameID
struct SomeApp: App {
#StateObject var appState = AppState.shared // << here
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
ContentView().id(appState.gameID) // << here
and now to reset everything to initial state from any place we just set new gameID:
Button("New Game"){
AppState.shared.gameID = UUID()


How to present a View without embedding it into a current navigation flow in SwiftUI?

I have a logging onboarding being finished, and I need to present a HomeView, which knows nothing about previous navigation flow.
var body: some View {
if viewModel.isValidated {
} else {
Doing it this way I have a navigation bar at the top of destination(). I guess I can hide it, but it would still be the same navigation flow and I need to start a new one. How can I achieve that?(iOS 13)
One way to handle this is with an #Environment object created from a BaseViewModel. The way that this works is to essentially control the state of the presented view from a BaseView or a view controller. I'll attempt to simplify it for you the best I can.
class BaseViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var baseView: UserFlow = .loading
init() {
//Handle your condition if already logged in, change
//baseView to whatever you need it to be.
enum UserFlow {
case loading, onboarding, login, home
Once you've setup your BaseViewModel you'll want to use it, I use it in a switch statement with a binding to an #EnvironmentObject so that it can be changed from any other view.
struct BaseView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var appState: BaseViewModel
var body: some View {
Group {
switch appState.userFlow {
case .loading:
case .onboarding:
Text("Not Yet Implemented")
case .login:
case .home:
Your usage, likely at the end of your register/login flow, will look something like this.
struct LoginView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var appState: BaseViewModel
var body: some View {
Button(action: {appState = .home}, label: Text("Log In"))
So essentially what's happening here is that you're storing your app flow in a particular view which is never disposed of. Think of it like a container. Whenever you change it, it changes the particular view you want to present. The especially good thing about this is that you can build a separate navigation hierarchy without the use of navigation links, if you wanted.

SwiftUI DocumentGroup and switching to background

I have made an app based on the new SwiftUI multi platform target for a "Document based app".
However, I face weird issues. As long as an app is in the foreground, it works just fine. If it is moved to the background by task switching, and then again to the foreground, mutations are being saved to the document, but the SwiftUI Views don't receive mutations. So whenever you press a button in the UI that mutates the document you see nothing happening while the mutation is there once you reload the document from disk.
So i am thinking, I use ObservedObjects, they probably get kicked out of memory once I move to the background. could this be the cause of my bug?
But then I added a print line to the App struct.
import SwiftUI
struct MyApp: App {
fileprivate func myLogging(_ file: FileDocumentConfiguration<MyDocument>) -> some View {
return MainView().environmentObject(BindingWrapper(file.$document))
var body: some Scene {
DocumentGroup(newDocument: MyDocument()) { (file) in
return myLogging(file)
}.commands { AppCommands() }
and guess what... this print always executes just before a mutation is being rendered. Which makes sense. because file.$document is a binding, and if you do a mutating action, the binding will warn Apple that the file is dirty, but it will also invalidate the entire hierarchy. This logging will still print once the bug has occurred!
So on the line MainView().environmentObject(BindingWrapper(file.$document)) I assume everything is created from scratch. BindingWrapper is a custom class I made to convert a binding in an observable object. And this is one of the objects I worried about, that they might be freed. but if they are created newly.... they should be always there, right?
And by the way, this object is owned by the environment. So it should not be freed.
So, now I am stuck. is Apple doing some clever caching on bindings / ObservedObjects which will inject old objects into my view hierarchy even though I think everything is created newly?
Try moving any wiring/instantiation to the first view of the document group. If that view houses StateObjects you expect to share the lifetime of the document window, they will not be rebuilt.
In the example below, a WindowStore is housed as an #StateObject as described. A RootStore housed in App creates the WindowStore, which includes vending services and registering it in a managed array of windows. Either could enable your logging service. (For me, that array helps WindowGroups operate on a specific document when #FocusedValue would fail (i.e., the top-most document is no longer the key window).)
struct ReferenceFileDoc: App {
#StateObject var root: RootStore
var body: some Scene {
DocumentGroup { ProjectDocument() } editor: { doc in
window: root.makeWindowStore(doc.document),
factory: SwiftUIFactory(root, doc.document)
.environment(\.documentURL, doc.fileURL)
.injectStores(from: root)
}.commands { Menus(root: root) }
.... other scenes ...
struct DocumentGroupRoot: View {
#EnvironmentObject var doc: ProjectDocument
#Environment(\.undoManager) var undoManager
#Environment(\.documentURL) var url
#StateObject var window: WindowStore
#StateObject var factory: UIFactory
var body: some View {
return DocumentWindow(vm: factory.makeThisVM()) // Actual visible window
.focusedValue(\.keyWindow, window)
.focusedValue(\.keyDocument, doc)
.onAppear { /// Tasks }
.reportHostingNSWindow { [weak window] in
.onChange(of: url) { [weak window] in window?.setFileURL($0) }
.environmentObject(/// sub-state stores from WindowStore)

Changes to a struct not being published in SwiftUI

I'm loading data from an API, and expecting my app to show the data once it's loaded.
In my View Model file, here's the code:
It calls a WeatherService to get the data, and populates the weather property. Weather is a struct in this case.
class WeatherViewModel: ObservableObject {
let webService = WeatherService.shared
#Published var weather:Weather?
init() {
func getWeather() {
webService.getWeather { weather in
if let weather = weather { = weather
In my SwiftUI view, here's the code:
I instantiate an instance of the View Model as an ObservedObject
In the inAppear, I call the method in the view model to get the data
The first time the screen launches (using a tab bar), I see "Loading weather..." and it never goes away
If I navigate to a different tab and back, I see the weather. I can't tell if this is data from the old API call, or from the new one.
struct WeatherView: View {
#ObservedObject var weatherViewModel = WeatherViewModel()
#State var areDetailsHidden = true
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 0) {
if( == nil) {
Text("Loading weather...")
} else {
Text("Display the weather here")
The weird thing is, if I remove the getWeather() from the onAppear and add it to the init() of the View Model, it works (although for some reason getWeather() gets called twice...). However, I want the weather info to be refreshed every time the screen is loaded.
This is caused by the:
#ObservedObject var weatherViewModel = WeatherViewModel()
being owned by the WeatherView itself.
So what happens is the weather view model changes which forces a re-render of the view which creates a new copy of the weather view model, which changes forces a re-render...
So you end up with an endless loop.
To fix it you need to move the weather view model out of the view itself so either use an #Binding and pass it in or an #EnvironmentObject and access it that way.

SwiftUI - ObservableObject performance issues

When a SwiftUI View binds to an ObservableObject, the view is automatically reloaded when any change occurs within the observed object - regardless of whether the change directly affects the view.
This seems to cause big performance issues for non-trivial apps. See this simple example:
// Our observed model
class User: ObservableObject {
#Published var name = "Bob"
#Published var imageResource = "IMAGE_RESOURCE"
// Name view
struct NameView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var user: User
var body: some View {
print("Redrawing name")
return TextField("Name", text: $
// Image view - elsewhere in the app
struct ImageView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var user: User
var body: some View {
print("Redrawing image")
return Image(user.imageResource)
Here we have two unrelated views, residing in different parts of the app. They both observe changes to a shared User supplied by the environment. NameView allows you to edit User's name via a TextField. ImageView displays the user's profile image.
The problem: With each keystroke inside NameView, all views observing this User are forced to reload their entire body content. This includes ImageView, which might involve some expensive operations - like downloading/resizing a large image.
This can easily be proven in the example above, because "Redrawing name" and "Redrawing image" are logged each time you enter a new character in the TextField.
The question: How can we improve our usage of Observable/Environment objects, to avoid unnecessary redrawing of views? Is there a better way to structure our data models?
To better illustrate why this can be a problem, suppose ImageView does more than just display a static image. For example, it might:
Asynchronously load an image, trigged by a subview's init or onAppear method
Contain running animations
Support a drag-and-drop interface, requiring local state management
There's plenty more examples, but these are what I've encountered in my current project. In each of these cases, the view's body being recomputed results in discarded state and some expensive operations being cancelled/restarted.
Not to say this is a "bug" in SwiftUI - but if there's a better way to architect our apps, I have yet to see it mentioned by Apple or any tutorials. Most examples seem to favor liberal usage of EnvironmentObject without addressing the side effects.
Why does ImageView need the entire User object?
Answer: it doesn't.
Change it to take only what it needs:
struct ImageView: View {
var imageName: String
var body: some View {
print("Redrawing image")
return Image(imageName)
struct ContentView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var user: User
var body: some View {
VStack {
ImageView(imageName: user.imageResource)
Output as I tap keyboard keys:
Redrawing name
Redrawing image
Redrawing name
Redrawing name
Redrawing name
Redrawing name
A quick solution is using debounce(for:scheduler:options:)
Use this operator when you want to wait for a pause in the delivery of events from the upstream publisher. For example, call debounce on the publisher from a text field to only receive elements when the user pauses or stops typing. When they start typing again, the debounce holds event delivery until the next pause.
I have done this little example quickly to show a way to use it.
// UserViewModel
import Foundation
import Combine
class UserViewModel: ObservableObject {
// input
#Published var temporaryUsername = ""
// output
#Published var username = ""
private var temporaryUsernamePublisher: AnyPublisher<Bool, Never> {
.debounce(for: 0.5, scheduler: RunLoop.main)
init() {
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.assign(to: \.username, on: self)
// View
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#ObservedObject private var userViewModel = UserViewModel()
var body: some View {
TextField("Username", text: $userViewModel.temporaryUsername)
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
I hope that it helps.

How to re-initialise classes in a SwiftUI NavigationView

I have two views - a MasterView and DetailView. When opening the DetailView, I initialise a new class that tracks data about the view (in the real implementation, the detail view involves a game).
However, when I press the back button from the DetailView to return to the MasterView, and then press the button to return to the DetailView, my class is unchanged. However, I would like to re-initialise a new copy of this class (in my case to re-start the game) whenever I move from the MasterView to the DetailView.
I have condensed the problem to this code:
import SwiftUI
import Combine
class Model: ObservableObject {
#Published var mytext: String = "mytext"
struct MasterView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(model: Model())) {
Text("press me")
struct DetailView: View {
#ObservedObject var model: Model = Model()
var body: some View {
TextField("Enter here", text: $model.mytext)
struct MasterView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
I would like to create a new instance of Model every time I click the NavigationLink to the detail view, but it seems like it always refers back to the same original instance - I can see this by typing a change into the text field of the DetailView, which persists if I go back and forward again.
Is there any way of doing this?
Based on your comments - and correct me where wrong - here's how I'd set things up.
Your needs are:
A "base" class. Call it MasterView, "settings", "view state", whatever. This is where everything starts.
A "current game".... well, it could be a struct, a class, even properties in an ObservableObject.
I think that's about it. Hierarchically, your model could be:
......Properties, including ID and history
...Current Game
...... Properties, including difficulty
Please note, I've changed some names and am being very vague on properties. The point is, you can encapsulate all of this in an ObservableObject, create an `EnvironmentObject of it, and have all your SwiftUI views "react" to changes in it.
Leaving out views, hopefully you can see where this "model" can contain just about all the Swift code you wish to do everything - now all you need is to tie in your views.
(1) Create your ObservableObject. It needs to (a) be a class object and (b) conform to the ObservableObject protocol. Here's a simple one:
class ViewState : ObservableObject {
var objectWillChange = PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>()
#Published var playerID = "" {
willSet {
You can create more structs/classes and instantiate them as needed in your model.
(2) Instantiate ViewState once min your environment. In SceneDelegate:
func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {
if let windowScene = scene as? UIWindowScene {
let window = UIWindow(windowScene: windowScene)
window.rootViewController = UIHostingController(rootView: ContentView()
self.window = window
Note that there's a single line added here and that ViewState is instantiated a single time.
(3) Finally, in any SwiftUI view that needs to know your view state, bind it by adding one line of code:
#EnvironmentObject var model: ViewState
If you want, you can do virtually anything in your model (ViewState) from instantiating a new game, flag something to result in a modal popup, add a player to an array, whatever.
The main thing I hope I'm explaining is there's no need to instantiate a second view state - rather instantiate a second game instance inside your single view state.
Again, if I'm way off from your needs, let me know - I'll gladly delete my answer. Good luck!
