Different branches do not contribute equally in a deep neural network - machine-learning

Assume we have a neural network that gets two inputs. the first input is location and size of a object and the second one is an image of the object. the location and size go through an MLP that map 4 dimensional input to 512 dimensional vector and the image go through ResNet34 which gives us a 512 dimensional vector that describes appearance of the object. After obtaining them position vector and appearance vector are summed to obtain a singular vector. Then the vector goes through the rest of the network.
After training the network, I gained a bad accuracy. I analyzed what happens in the network, and I realized that position vector is not treated similarly as appearance vector and appearance branch has more weight in calculations.
I want my appearance and position features have the same impact. How should I achieve this?

Instead of summing your image vector with the vector from the additional features, I would suggest concatenating them - so you end up with a 1024 dimensional vector. Then the layers that come after this concatenation can determine the relative impact of the features through your loss function.
This should allow the model to rely more heavily on whatever features result in the lowest loss.


Why can't you use a 3D volume input for LSTM?

In the paper CountNet: Estimating the Number of Concurrent Speakers Using Supervised Learning I recently read, it specified that the 3D volume output from a CNN layer must be reduced into a 2 dimensional sequence before entering the LSTM layer, why is that? What's wrong with using the 3 dimensional format?
The standard LSTM neural network assumes input of the following size:
[batch size] × [sequence length] × [feature dim]
The LSTM first multiplies each vector of size [feature dim] by a matrix, and then combines them in a fancy way. What's important here is that there's a vector per each example (the batch dimensions) and each timestep (the seq. length dimension). In a sense, this vector is first transformed by a matrix multiplication(s) (possibly involving some pointwise non-linearities, which don't change the shape, so I don't mention them) into a hidden state update, which is also a vector, and the updated hidden state vector is then used to produce the output (also a vector).
As you can see, the LSTM is designed to operate on vectors. You could design a Matrix-LSTM – an LSTM counterpart that assumes any or all of the following are matrices: the input, the hidden state, the output. That would require you to replace matrix-vector multiplications that process the input (or the state) by a generatlized linear operation that is able to turn any matrix into any other, which would be given by a rank-4 tensor, I believe. However, it'd be equivalent to just reshaping the input matrix into a vector, reshaping the rank-4 tensor into a matrix, doing matrix-vector product and then reshaping the output back into a matrix, so it makes little sense to devise such Matrix-LSTMs instead of just reshaping your inputs.
That said, it might still make sense to design a generalized LSTM that takes something other than a vector as input if the you know something about the input structure that instructs a more specific linear operator than a general rank-4 tensor. For example, images are known to have local structure (nearby pixels are more related than those far apart), hence using convolutions is more "reasonable" than reshaping images to vectors and then performing a general matrix multiplication. In a similar fashion you could replace all the matrix-vector multiplications in the LSTM with convolutions, which would allow for image-like input, states and outputs.

What is compared when a CNN learns a set of features during backpropagation?

I am relatively new the subject and have been doing loads of reading. What I am particularly confused about is how a CNN learns its filters for a particular labeled feature in a training data set.
Is the cost calculated by which outputs should or shouldn't be active on a pixel by pixel basis? And if that is the case, how does mapping the activations to the labeled data work after having down sampled?
I apologize for any poor assumptions or general misunderstandings. Again, I am new to this field and would appreciate all feedback.
I'll break this up into a few small pieces.
Cost calculation -- cost / error / loss depends only on comparing the final prediction (the last layer's output) to the label (ground truth). This serves as a metric of how right or wrong the prediction is.
Inter-layer structure -- Each input to the prediction is an output of the prior layer. This output has a value; the link between the two has a weight.
Back-prop -- Each weight gets adjusted in proportion to the error comparison and its weight. A connection that contributed to a correct prediction gets rewarded: its weight is increased in magnitude. Conversely, a connection that pushed for a wrong prediction gets reduced.
Pixel-level control -- To clarify the terminology ... traditionally, each kernel is a square matrix of float values, each of which is called a "pixel". The pixels are trained individually. However, that training comes from sliding a smaller filter (also square) across the kernel, performing a dot-product of the window with the corresponding square sub-matrix of the kernel. The output of that dot-product is the value of a single pixel in the next layer.
When the strength of pixel in layer N is increased, this effectively increases the influence of the filter in layer N-1 providing that input. That filter's pixels are, in turn, tuned by the inputs from layer N-2.

In a feedforward neural network, am I able to put in a feature input of "don't care"?

I've created a feedforward neural network using DL4J in Java.
Hypothetically and to keep things simple, assume this neural network is a binary classifier of squares and circles.
The input, a feature vector, would be composed of say... 5 different variables:
Now so far, my binary classifier can tell the two shapes apart quite well as I'm giving it a complete feature vector.
My question: is it possible to input only maybe 2 or 3 of these features? Or even 1? I understand results will be less accurate while doing so, I just need to be able to do so.
If it is possible, how?
How would I do it for a neural network with 213 different features in the input vector?
Let's assume, for example, that you know the area, height, and width features (so you don't know the number_of_corners and number_of_edges features).
If you know that a shape can have, say, a maximum of 10 corners and 10 edges, you could input 10 feature vectors with the same area, height and width but where each vector has a different value for the number_of_corners and number_of_edges features. Then you can just average over the 10 outputs of the network and round to the nearest integer (so that you still get a binary value).
Similarly, if you only know the area feature you could average over the outputs of the network given several random combinations of input values, where the only fixed value is the area and all the others vary. (I.e. the area feature is the same for each vector but every other feature has a random value.)
This may be a "trick" but I think that the average will converge to a value as you increase the number of (almost-)random vectors.
My solution would not be a good choice if you have a lot of features. In this case you could try to use maybe a Deep Belief Network or some autoencoder to infer the values of the other features given a small number of them. For example, a DBN can "reconstruct" a noisy output (if you train it enough, of course); you could then try to give the reconstructed input vector to your feed-forward network.

Having a neural network output a gaussian distribution rather than one single value?

Let's consider I have a neural network with one single output neuron. To outline the scenario: the network gets an image as input and should find one single object in that image. For simplifying the scenario, it should just output the x-coordinate of the object.
However, since the object can be at various locations, the network's output will certainly have some noise on it. Additionally the image can be a bit blurry and stuff.
Therefore I thought it might be a better idea to have the network output a gaussian distribution of the object's location.
Unfortunately I am struggling to model this idea. How would I design the output? A flattened 100 dimensional vector if the image has a width of 100 pixels? So that the network can fit in a gaussian distribution in this vector and I just need to locate the peaks for getting the approximated object's location?
Additionally I fail in figuring out the cost function and teacher signal. Would the teacher signal be a perfect gaussian distribution on the exact x-coordination of the object?
How to model the cost function, then? Currently I have a softmax cross entropy or simply a squared error: network's output <-> real x coordinate.
Is there maybe a better way to handle this scenario? Like a better distribution or any other way to have the network not output a single value without any information of the noise and so on?
Sounds like what you really need is a convolutional network.
You could train a network to recognize your target object when it's positioned in the center of the network's receptive field. You can then create a moving window, at each step feeding the portion of the larger image under that window into the net. If you keep track of the outputs of the trained network for each (x,y) position of the window, some locations of the window will produce better matches than others. Once you've covered the whole image, you can pick the position with the maximum network output as the position where the target object is most likely located.
To handle scale and rotation variations, consider creating an image pyramid, or sets of images at different scales and rotations that are versions of the original image. Then sieve over those images to find the target image.

Interpreting a Self Organizing Map

I have been doing reading about Self Organizing Maps, and I understand the Algorithm(I think), however something still eludes me.
How do you interpret the trained network?
How would you then actually use it for say, a classification task(once you have done the clustering with your training data)?
All of the material I seem to find(printed and digital) focuses on the training of the Algorithm. I believe I may be missing something crucial.
SOMs are mainly a dimensionality reduction algorithm, not a classification tool. They are used for the dimensionality reduction just like PCA and similar methods (as once trained, you can check which neuron is activated by your input and use this neuron's position as the value), the only actual difference is their ability to preserve a given topology of output representation.
So what is SOM actually producing is a mapping from your input space X to the reduced space Y (the most common is a 2d lattice, making Y a 2 dimensional space). To perform actual classification you should transform your data through this mapping, and run some other, classificational model (SVM, Neural Network, Decision Tree, etc.).
In other words - SOMs are used for finding other representation of the data. Representation, which is easy for further analyzis by humans (as it is mostly 2dimensional and can be plotted), and very easy for any further classification models. This is a great method of visualizing highly dimensional data, analyzing "what is going on", how are some classes grouped geometricaly, etc.. But they should not be confused with other neural models like artificial neural networks or even growing neural gas (which is a very similar concept, yet giving a direct data clustering) as they serve a different purpose.
Of course one can use SOMs directly for the classification, but this is a modification of the original idea, which requires other data representation, and in general, it does not work that well as using some other classifier on top of it.
There are at least few ways of visualizing the trained SOM:
one can render the SOM's neurons as points in the input space, with edges connecting the topologicaly close ones (this is possible only if the input space has small number of dimensions, like 2-3)
display data classes on the SOM's topology - if your data is labeled with some numbers {1,..k}, we can bind some k colors to them, for binary case let us consider blue and red. Next, for each data point we calculate its corresponding neuron in the SOM and add this label's color to the neuron. Once all data have been processed, we plot the SOM's neurons, each with its original position in the topology, with the color being some agregate (eg. mean) of colors assigned to it. This approach, if we use some simple topology like 2d grid, gives us a nice low-dimensional representation of data. In the following image, subimages from the third one to the end are the results of such visualization, where red color means label 1("yes" answer) andbluemeans label2` ("no" answer)
onc can also visualize the inter-neuron distances by calculating how far away are each connected neurons and plotting it on the SOM's map (second subimage in the above visualization)
one can cluster the neuron's positions with some clustering algorithm (like K-means) and visualize the clusters ids as colors (first subimage)
