Fastlane Match 'Access Denied' with Amazon S3 - ios

I am trying to setup match, fastlane's tool for code signing on iOS apps. Out of the three options, I chose to store my certificates in Amazon S3, but my authorization is either not working or I have to change my permissions for the bucket on S3. Does anyone have an idea of the exact permissions I need to set? Or if this is the right way to use the environment variables for S3? I am getting this error:
Aws::S3::Errors::AccessDenied: [!] Access Denied
This is what my match file looks like:
Thanks in advance.

By reading this article, looks like your IAM should have the s3:PutBucketPolicy permission policy.


Graph API - Unable to Use Valid Access Token to Upload file

I am unable to upload a file using a valid access token (the token allows me to list groups, drive items etc.). The error that appears is:
invalidRequest: One of the provided arguments is not acceptable.
Using the following PUT request:{my group id}/drive/items/{my item(folder) id}:/test.txt:/content
using content type: text/plain
I tested this exact same request using the graph explorer and my office 365 user account and the upload worked, so I though it might be an app permissions thing, however this did not work even after granting absolutely every permission to the app and regenerating the access tokem.
Please help as I would rather use an access token than my user account to perform the uploads.
Just add a worked endpoint on my side:
Request body: The contents of the file goes here.
The content type of request header does not need to be configured.
You need to check your folder path too.
I managed to resolve by creating a new app definition in Azure AD with the same permissions and it worked! Perhaps there was some corruption in my original Azure application - maybe the manifest was corrupt (due to a bug)?

403 Forbidden Error for accessing images on google cloud bucket after transferred from one bucket to another

Actually I am using google cloud bucket for image upload in my rails app. I am using paper clip for image upload. I have used bucket name "abcd-old". I uploaded some of the images through app. It was working fine. But as of now I transffered the content of "abcd-old" bucket to new bucket "abcd-new". Also set the same permission as it was for old one. But now images are broken in the app. it shows "403 forbidden error". If I upload new image that will work. But old I mean transffered images are broken. Please help me on this.
This is the error I am getting
<Message>Access denied.</Message>
Anonymous users does not have storage.objects.list access to bucket abcd-new.
We can resolve this issue by command line
gsutil -m acl -r set public-read gs://abcd-new
Please go through this link for more details

iOS AWS S3 Transfer Utility not uploading

I've implemented this tutorial exactly, and i'm able to successfully upload an image to a s3 bucket using the uploadData method (the completion handler block runs with error=nil). My problem is that I can't see the file in the bucket when i'm looking through the AWS console, so I'm not sure if the image was uploaded successfully and due to wrong permissions or something like that I can't find it or if the image was not really uploaded.
Any idea what's wrong ?
Edit -
I've added permissions to the S3 bucket in the role policy of the new Cognito pool id that I've created for the client authentication purposes, but still no help.
Edit 2 -
I've also opened permissions on the bucket itself to everyone.
Make sure your bucket was created in the same region as your Cognito pool ids.

Amazon Cognito Identity Pool can not be found

I'm making an app that uploads photos to an S3 bucket using the AWS SDK with Amazon Cognito. When I run the function that does this I get an error in the console that says the Identity Pool [the id of my identity pool] can't be found. I've found a few solutions to this issue around the internet. However, none of them seem to work for me. Any ideas?
Assuming you have the correct identity pool id, you may not be connecting to the same region that the pool was created in. The region is the first portion of the identity pool id. Incorrect access policies will not cause this error. I caution against granting blanket access to your resources, if end users will only be reading and writing from s3, only provide that access, don't give them full access.
Make sure your ARN configuration for your Auth and Unauth are the full ARN
Each time I get this issue it is because the IAM role does not have permissions to view the pool OR the pool does not have Unauthenticated Identities
Add AmazonCognitoDeveloperAuthenticatedIdentities OR AmazonCognitoPowerUser to your IAM role
You will need some level of S3 access attached to your policy in the future to access S3.
Also, please add more information to your question. Code used, information about the pool set up, etc. Also, review my answer for Setting up Cognito
Per #justderb’s comment - removed reference to AmazonS3FullAccess and updated appropriately.

How to configure Roambi Upload Utility?

Im trying to configure Roambi Upload Utility for Windows. I created the API client through the admin panel, but when i try to set up the API i get the error "Configuration validate failed" and i have no idea why.
Im using this post at Roambi-Support as a reference (there´s almost nooo documentation).
The fields that goes on the utilty are User - Password Client ID (Provided by the Admin Panel) Client secret (Provided by the Admin Panel) Redirect URI (i put Local Sync Folder (the local folder to sync)
If anyone has use the API before i appreciate your help!
You may want to try this as well:
Delete the API client from Roambi Business and create a new one.
Reinstall the Windows Upload Utility and ensure the consumer key and secret are copied exactly from the new API Client.
For the Redirect URI use the following: about:blank
Create a new sync folder and try adding the Excel file again.
If you are a registered Roambi user, please go here for more information and instruction on how to use the Roambi Upload Utility:
Please make sure you are logged in as an admin when installing the utility in Windows..
