JSONB Querying array - ruby-on-rails

I have the following a column in a PostgreSQL table that has a JSONB field with data like:
[{"id":33,"url":"","name":"test"}, {"id":45,"url":"","name":"test"}]
I'm trying to query it and return the element that matches the id. I have the following query in Rails, but it doesn't seem to be matching:
Book.where('data #> ?', '[{"id": 33}]')

Since you only need some elements in the jsonb array, you will need to transform those into records and cross join them with their parents:
Book.joins(", jsonb_array_elements(books.data) obj")
.where("obj->>'id' = '33'")


MongoDB aggregate query equivalent to Ruby on Rails distinct query

Ruby on Rails distinct query returns array of unique values in specified field.
returns array of unique values in name field.
e.g. ['John', 'David', 'Steve']
Looking out for an equivalent aggregate query (User.collection.aggregate([])) in MongoDB which would return an array of unique values in specified field.

Return activerecord results for jsonb column array count greater than given value

In my rails 5 application with a Postgresql database, there is a class Listing with a jsonb column media.
I want to return the records that have array length greater than 10 in the media column.
How would I construct that query in ActiveRecord?
Turns out it is very straightforward
Listing.where('JSONB_ARRAY_LENGTH(media) > 10')

How do I search for '%stars%' within a Postgresql array?

I am trying to find a record in a Postgresql Query, where I have a column 'alternate_names'
t.text "alternate_names", default: [], array: true
And, I would like to find the following record:
altenate_names = ['All Stars']
where my criteria is 'Stars'
In other words, how can I write the following
select * from group where '%Stars%' = ANY(alternate_names);
But this won't return my record above because it has the array ['All Stars']...so, how can I perform an ILIKE '%stars%' with an array?
if you want LIKE operator:
select * from group where alternate_names::text like '%Stars%';
Comparing text representation of array against pattern is not effective, but wildcard before pattern won't be effective in any query on text[]
You can use unnest to check for partial match of all elements in an array.
select * from group where exists (select 1 from unnest(alternate_names) as a_names where a_names like '%Stars%');

Rails Postgres how to query a jsonb column for empty objects?

How do I get all the empty records for a jsonb column with Active Record ?
You can query for empty objects in a JSONB column using the following syntax:
Model.where("column = '{}'")

How can i sort Cassandra-cql Results by timestamp?

Hi how can i sort my entries by the timestamp of the columns?
def self.get_users
##db.execute("SELECT * FROM users")
Do you mean timestamp of the values, or is your column key some kind of timestamp?
CQL doesn't support sort - it returns data in the order it is stored on disk. You tell Cassandra how you want you columns sorted by specifying the comparator_type on your Column Family. In this case, you might consider using a composite column keys of [timestamp, column name].
