Update models based on association record value - ruby-on-rails

I have thousands of price comparators where each of them have many products. The comparator has an attribute :minimum_price which is the minimum price of it's products. What would be the fastest way to update all comparators :minimum_price
has_many :products
belongs_to :comparator
Let's imagine the following:
comparator_1 have 3 products with a price of 3, 5, 7
comparator_2 have 2 products with a price of 2, 4
How could I update all comparators :minimum_price in one query ?

Updating all in one query will require the use of a CTE which are not supported by default by ActiveRecord. There are libraries that provide you with tools to use them in Rails (e.g. this) or you can also do it with a direct query like this:
update comparators set minimum_price = min_vals.min_price
from (
select comparators.id as comp_id, min(products.price) as min_price
from comparators inner join products on comparators.id = products.comparator_id
group by comparators.id
) as min_vals
where comparators.id = min_vals.comp_id
NOTE: This is a postgresql query, so the syntax may vary slightly if it's a different database.

Try this, but I don't know how you store your minimum values.
'minimum_price = ?, updated_at = ?',
Product.find(self.product_id).price, Time.now


How to get the top 5 per enum of a model in rails?

Let's say I have a model named post, which has an enum named post_type which can either be
admin, public or user
class Post < ApplicationRecord
enum post_type: [ :admin, :public, :user ]
How can I select 5 last created posts from each category?
I can't think of any other solution than this:
admin_posts = Post.admin.order(created_at: :desc).limit(PER_GROUP)
user_posts = Post.user.order(created_at: :desc).limit(PER_GROUP)
public_posts = Post.public.order(created_at: :desc).limit(PER_GROUP)
Is there any way I could fetch all the rows in the required manner from just a single query to the database.
PostgresSQL: 9.4
I am not sure how to translate into RAILS, but it is straight forward Postgres query. You use the row_number window function in a sub-select then keep only rows with row_number less than or equal 5 on the outer select.
select *
from (select post_txt
, posted_type
, row_number() over (partition by posted_type) rn
from enum_table
) pt
where rn <= 5
order by posted_type;
One thing to look out for is the sorting on an enum. Doing so gives results in order of the definition, not a "natural order" (alphanumeric in this case). See example here.
Thanks to #Belayer i was able to come up with a solution.
sub_query = Post.select('*', 'row_number() over (partition by "posts"."post_type" ORDER BY posts.created_at DESC ) rn').to_sql
#posts = Post.from("(#{sub_query}) inner_query")
.where('inner_query.rn <= ?', PER_GROUP')
.order(:post_type, created_at: :desc)
Since i am only loading 5 records across just a few different types group_by will work just fine for me.

Rails 4 - Getting most sold objects with a relationship in between

I have a Product model with :name and price. I also have a Order model with :amount (of units sold) and belongs_to :product
How could I get a array of the top 5 most sold object, in terms on units sold?
I was thinking of getting something like:
{"Razors"=>4, "Axes"=>2, "Cars"=>1, ...}
P.S.: If possible, how would it be getting the top 5 most sold objects, in terms of income made?
You can pull all needed data with one single SQL query.
You didn't mention database you are using, but here are some examples:
SELECT products.*, SUM(amount) total_amount FROM orders
LEFT JOIN products on orders.product_id = products.id
GROUP BY product_id ORDER BY total_amount DESC LIMIT 5
SELECT products.*, SUM(amount) total_amount FROM orders
LEFT JOIN products on orders.product_id = products.id
GROUP BY products.id, products.name ORDER BY total_amount DESC LIMIT 5
Conctruct the query using Rails or use find_by_sql method to insert raw SQL.
This is a very long winded solution but answers your original question I think.
#Get only products that have a price and name. (may not be required).
products = Product.includes(:orders).where.not(name: nil, price: nil)
#Sets up an empty hash
hash = {}
products.each do |product|
product.orders.each do |order|
hash[product.name] = [order.amount]
Then you can sort your hash based on the values to sort by the amount of units sold (and also limit to 5)
Hash[hash.sort_by{|k, v| v}.reverse].take(5)
Interested to what others suggest via an ActiveRecord or SQL query though.

Exclude object if one of the has_many related entities has the attribute with value x

I came across about the problem excluding data, if the attribute x of one of the associated data has the value 'a'.
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :items
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :order
validate_presence_of :status
The query should return all Orders that don't have an Item with status = 'paid' (status != 'paid').
Because of the 1:n association an Order can have many Items. And one of the Itmes can have the status = 'paid'. These Orders must be excluded from the result of my query even if the order has other items with status different from 'paid'.
How would I solve this problem:
paid_items = Items.where(status: 'paid').pluck(:order_id)
orders_wo_paid = Order.where('id NOT IN (?)', paid_items)
Is there an ActiveRecord solution, that solves this problem in one query.
Or are there other ways to solve this question?
I 'm not looking for ruby solution such as:
Order.select do |order|
thx for ideas and inspirations.
You can do:
Order.where('orders.id NOT IN (?)', Item.where(status: 'paid').select(:order_id))
If you're using Rails 4.x then:
Order.where.not(id: Item.where(status: 'paid').select(:order_id))
The query you are interested in is the following, but creating with activerecord will be hard/no very readable:
order_items ON orders.id = order_items.order_id
COUNT(DISTINCT order_items.id) = COUNT(DISTINCT order_items.status <> 'paid')
Sorry for the sql indentation, I have no idea which are the conventions for it.
A way (not the best one at all) to it with rails (unfortunately writing sql for the most important parts) would be the following:
Order.group(:order_id).joins("LEFT JOIN order_items ON orders.id = order_items.order_id")
.having("COUNT(DISTINCT order_items.id) = COUNT(DISTINCT order_items.status <> 'paid')")
Of course you can play with AREL to get rid of the hard coded sql, but in my opinion it will not be easier to read.
You can have an example of creating lefts joins in this gist: https://gist.github.com/mildmojo/3724189

Rails: How to sort many-to-many relation

I have a many-to-many relationship between a model User and Picture. These are linked by a join table called Picturization.
If I obtain a list of users of a single picture, i.e. picture.users -> how can I ensure that the result obtained is sorted by either creation of the Picturization row (i.e. the order at which a picture was associated to a user). How would this change if I wanted to obtain this in order of modification?
Maybe something like
picture.users.where(:order => "created_at")
but this created_at refers to the created_at in picturization
Have an additional column something like sequence in picturization table and define sort order as default scope in your Picturization
default_scope :order => 'sequence ASC'
If you want default sort order based on modified_at then use following default scope
default_scope :order => 'modified_at DESC'
You can specify the table name in the order method/clause:
picture.users.order("picturizations.created_at DESC")
Well, in my case, I need to sort many-to-many relation by a column named weight in the middle-table. After hours of trying, I figured out two solutions to sort many-to-many relation.
Solution1: In Rails Way
picture.users.where(:order => "created_at")
cannot return a ActiveRecord::Relation sorted by Picturization's created_at column.
I have tried to rewrite a default_scope method in Picturization, but it does not work:
def self.default_scope
return Picturization.all.order(weight: :desc)
Instead, first, you need to get the ids of sorted Picturization:
ids = Picturization.where(user_id:user.id).order(created_at: :desc).ids
Then, you can get the sorted objects by using MySQL field functin
picture.users.order("field(picturizations.id, #{ids.join(",")})")
which generates SQL looks like this:
SELECT `users`.*
FROM `pictures` INNER JOIN `picturizations`
ON `pictures`.`id` = `picturizations`.`picture_id`
WHERE `picturizations`.`user_id = 1#for instance
ORDER BY field(picturizations.id, 9,18,6,8,7)#for instance
Solution2: In raw SQL Way
you can get the answer directly by using an order by function:
SELECT `users`.*
FROM `pictures` INNER JOIN `picturizations`
ON `pictures`.`id` = `picturizations`.`picture_id`
WHERE `picturizations`.`user_id = 1
order by picturizations.created_at desc

Ruby on Rails: how do I sort with two columns using ActiveRecord?

I want to sort by two columns, one is a DateTime (updated_at), and the other is a Decimal (Price)
I would like to be able to sort first by updated_at, then, if multiple items occur on the same day, sort by Price.
In Rails 4 you can do something similar to:
Model.order(foo: :asc, bar: :desc)
foo and bar are columns in the db.
Assuming you're using MySQL,
Model.all(:order => 'DATE(updated_at), price')
Note the distinction from the other answers. The updated_at column will be a full timestamp, so if you want to sort based on the day it was updated, you need to use a function to get just the date part from the timestamp. In MySQL, that is DATE().
Thing.find(:all, :order => "updated_at desc, price asc")
will do the trick.
Thing.all.order("updated_at DESC, price ASC")
is the Rails 3 way to go. (Thanks #cpursley)
Active Record Query Interface lets you specify as many attributes as you want to order your query:
models = Model.order(:date, :hour, price: :desc)
or if you want to get more specific (thanks #zw963 ):
models = Model.order(price: :desc, date: :desc, price: :asc)
Bonus: After the first query, you can chain other queries:
models = models.where('date >= :date', date: Time.current.to_date)
Actually there are many ways to do it using Active Record. One that has not been mentioned above would be (in various formats, all valid):
Model.order(foo: :asc).order(:bar => :desc).order(:etc)
Maybe it's more verbose, but personally I find it easier to manage.
SQL gets produced in one step only:
SELECT "models".* FROM "models" ORDER BY "models"."etc" ASC, "models"."bar" DESC, "models"."foo" ASC
Thusly, for the original question:
You need not declare data type, ActiveRecord does this smoothly, and so does your DB Engine
Model.all(:order => 'updated_at, price')
None of these worked for me!
After exactly 2 days of looking top and bottom over the internet, I found a solution!!
lets say you have many columns in the products table including: special_price and msrp. These are the two columns we are trying to sort with.
Okay, First in your Model
add this line:
named_scope :sorted_by_special_price_asc_msrp_asc, { :order => 'special_price asc,msrp asc' }
Second, in the Product Controller, add where you need to perform the search:
#search = Product.sorted_by_special_price_asc_msrp_asc.search(search_params)
