Firebase Crashlytics not showing Logs after SDK upgrade in iOS App - ios

My app is using Crashlytics which is moved from Fabrics to Firebase Crashlytics. My problem is that I recently upgraded firebase Crashlytics and after this upgrade there is no "Logs" displaying with crash report. I cross checked all settings and code but couldn't find any possible reason.
It was working properly before upgrade. Now all crashes are being reported properly as all the information such as "Stack Trace", "Keys" are as before but "Logs" section is empty.
My question may be an "iOS Duplicate" of this question. Anybody please tell me if there is any part of code I'm missing to get this "Logs" data.
Here is the code I setup in my AppDelegate for configuration :

Just to confirm, are you capturing log messages with Crashlytics.crashlytics().log()? See


How to find the place where the iOS code crashes using Firebase ? (when you can't reproduce the bug)

I'm using Firebase to get information about crashes of users of my application. Most of the crashes has no any useful information about code or place where it happens. All stack-trace and threads shows "Missing" text. Also I can't reproduce these crashes at my PC.
That crash is on Mac OS application, not iOS. My point of view is to look at that doc, (see "Build Your App With Symbol Information"). But may be on Mac OS apps that feature is not available.
What can I do to find the place it crashes ? See attached screenshot

Missing data in Fabric for IOS "Crashed:"

I'm using to monitor and collect crash data for a IOS app.
I'm receiving now a lot of crash reports for this error "Crashed:" but when I check Fabric to analyze it I got the following report:
where the stack-trace of the crash is missing.
What should I do to receive the complete stack-trace?
App uses some libraries imported using CocoaPods.
I'm attaching here also a screenshot with linked libraries:
I have discovered that this report was sent because of missing "Privacy - Face ID Usage Description" (NSFaceIDUsageDescription) in Info.plist.
I have no idea why the report was not complete, but after adding this key my app has stopped crashing.

Firebase Crashlytics; misleading crash count?

I'm using Firebase as my backend and I've have an app running in production, which I'm monitoring crashes for in Crashlytics.
Because my app uses bitcode, I upload the dSYM's manually after releasing the app. In the "dSYMs"-tab of Crashlytics in the Firebase console, I see the following "Crash count":
What does this "Crash count" mean?
When looking at the Crashlytics dashboard I see a completely different picture of my app:
For now I'll believe that only one crash happened, but these mystical 1051 crashes aren't very reassuring...

Non-fatal errors not showing in Crashlytics

I was testing the non-fatal error functionality of Crashlytics and can't seem to get the recorded errors to appear in Crashlytics.
I did initialize Crashlytics in AppDelegate like this:
And I test send error like this (the test code is in viewDidLoad method):
let error = NSError(domain: "myDomain", code: 1000, userInfo: nil)
But nothing shows up in the analytics. I tried to:
Restart application
Disconnect from debugger and run the application several times
Add regular crash using Crashlytics.sharedInstance().crash(). In that case only the fatal crash is reported
I waited 4 days for the data to show up
Crashlytics (3.8.5)
Fabric (1.6.12)
I found what was the problem:
The application code was embedded in a framework. My tip is that the non-fatal logs were saved in the framework's bundle not the main bundle. On the next start the main bundle was searched for logs but none was found, thus nothing was sent.
My solution was remove the app from framework as it was no longer needed in the project. I am not sure how this would be solved if you would need to keep the code in the framework.
Run the script which uploads DSYMS to Firebase. Typically this script is not executed in debug mode - check the Build Phases tab. If you use such configuration just try in AdHoc build.
Please check if you uploaded DSYM file with your build. 1.6 crash analytics not working

Parse version 1.6
Crash analytics are not working.
I am not able to see the crash logs in dashboard. Configured my app according to this:
I see the following message when I run the app on simulator:
Breakpad Uploader: unable to determine minidump file length
Any help is highly appreciated.
I suggest you to try using the device for testing the crash report feature, as by design the simulator doesn't work.
"Crash Reporting for iOS only works on a device and not in the simulator." - Björn Kaiser, from Facebook.
did you initialized crash reporting in app ? ;
// Enable Crash Reporting
[ParseCrashReporting enable];
// Setup Parse
[Parse setApplicationId:#"parseAppId" clientKey:#"parseClientKey"];
or if you are using Swift
// Enable Crash Reporting
// Setup Parse
Parse.setApplicationId("parseAppId", clientKey:"parseClientKey")
If not please do
You can always follow these step by step Tutorial on how to set it up
hope it helps.
