How can I automate specific settings in IOS? - ios

I’m no new user of Apple products, but I am brand new to coding and automation on iPhone. I’ve created an automation that does something at a specific time of day, but that’s as far as I’ve gotten because there’s limited settings they offer without me coding anything in. I’m trying to change a specific setting in the settings app “Notifications->(App)->turn notifications off” but I’m not sure how, or even if it’s possible to do, outside of what’s already programmed in. Thanks in advance, if anyone figures it out and lends a hand. (Edit: I would automate Do Not Disturb because that seems like the simple answer, but long story short, I don’t want anyone to see banners of messages and read my texts without my phone unlocked, and Do Not Disturb doesn’t do that as far as I’m aware.)


How do I go About Creating Exam Prep with Flutter?

I want to begin a mobile app project for my college, i want to make use of flutter but am a beginner. The app is going to base on past questions of various departments of my college.
The questions will popping randomly with timer. How do i go about this?
I also need suggestion whether to make the app Online or Offline.
Making it Online, am thinking of getting the random questions from a rest API that outputs results in JSON but some of the users of the app might not be able to afford buying internet Data.
Making it Offline, i need how to go about this with Dart/Flutter. and also i'd like the size of the app not to be much as having questions stored in the app (Offline) might increase the size of the app.
I need suggestions on how to achieve my aims with Dart/Flutter please.

IOS swift - Tracking used apps

I'm currently looking for a way to track user activity. I'm working on an IOS app using swift and i need stats of apps usage. basically I want to get-make a tracking of the used apps. Data like opened apps, start time and shut down time... I know that for get all stats, maybe is necessary run a backgroud service, but, this is another problem that i think to solve after. for now i want to know if it's posible, if there is some way to get stats for used apps. I know that the UIApplication class call the UIApplicationMain function when an app is launched. Maybe, from my app, there is a way for access this info?... Thanks, i have been a long time reading but really, i can't see some clear option.
If (as David has interpreted your question in the comments) you are trying to track usage of other apps that aren't yours, he's right; you can only track your own app's usage.
If you are needing to track events in your own app, there are a good number of analytic frameworks available to do exactly what you are needing to do.
Flurry is one I've used in the past with success, and is one of the more well know solutions. I've also utilized Google's analytics framework. Both are pretty straightforward to integrate into your app and to track the sort of fine grained events you are looking to capture. You can't go wrong with either one of those.
Here is a (slightly old) list of additional tracking/analytics options beyond Flurry and Google's offerings.
You can record your feedback and user experiences, and bug reports with

Accessing data from HealthKit with Swift

I'm a complete noob at Swift (and Xcode), as a matter of fact, the only programming language I (somewhat) know is Javascript.
I'm trying to make a Swift SpriteKit game, and I would like to access the number of calories burned in HealthKit.
The idea is that my game will provide more points the more calories you burn using other apps like Endomondo. My app does not actually track anything, I would just like to access other data left by other apps in the Health App.
Is this even possible? (I'm running the latest version of everything, from Mac OS X to Xcode)
Certainly. I don't think there is anything technically preventing you from making calls to the HealthKit APIs in your game. In fact, you're fairly free to mix and match the use of any public frameworks provided on iOS.
One thing to keep in mind is privacy and disclosure of the use of health data. The user will have to explicitly grant your app permission to see data.
HealthKit is a really rich API with lots of ways to access lots of different kinds of data, and you're really only interested in a small part right now, so a quick way to experiment is to create a new Swift SpriteKit game from the new project template in Xcode, do your research on HealthKit, and see if you can just log the number of calories burned since some time point while your app is running. If you can do that, the rest is details (as in, the entire app :-)).
Here are what I think might be some helpful links, good luck on your project!
You'll also find some good documentation on SpriteKit (references and guides) on the iOS Developer Library site.

disable/hide settings depending on a switch on ios

I've made a settings screen using the Settings.bundle/Root.plist
Recently my client has seen some apps disable options based on a switch. And now they want something like that.
After searching here and apple resources a lot of people say it's not possible, but I see some apps do this. My question is how can i disable or hide an item or group based on other option.
The apps that do what i'm talking about are using the iphone's definition app, so it's not a costume settings screens in app.
Sorry for the bad english. Thank you for any assistance on this matter.
I'm just going to repeat what the others said and say that it is not possible. It is a static list, always. If you think you've seen an app that does do it, please indicate which one that is and what setting this pertains to. I'd be interested to take a look at that.

secure ios app from hack - objective-c

Is it possible to make app not launchable if it has been cracked and installed from installous? I don't want to see my app in installous
It's not that easy and it not answerable within some words or code snippets.
But you might check this:
The read also here:
There are ways to detect whether your app is running on a jailbreaked device or whether your app has been modified (aka cracked). Take a look here and here for example.
From my point of view all you are getting by using these methods is a waste of time. Maybe you can make it harder for potential crackers and keep away the script kiddies. But you won't get that far that no talented cracker on earth would be unable to crack your app. Even one single cracker on earth who's able and motivated to crack your app is enough to upload it to hundred's of sites.
If really big companies fail at protecting their apps I really doubt that you will achieve it... so: wasted time which should be better spend on improving your app.
Probably not, because the part of cracking your application is to remove all restrictions (registration, detection of jailbreak, ...).
