In Fitnesse I am getting an error when I try to run tests but my coworkers are able to run tests on the same scripts with no problem - fitnesse

Here's what some of it looks like:
script Could not invoke constructor for[0]
setup with The instance scriptTableActor.setupWithBrowser. does not exist CHROME browser
set appian version to The instance scriptTableActor.setAppianVersionTo. does not exist 19.4
set appian locale to The instance scriptTableActor.setAppianLocaleTo. does not exist
I do have Chrome installed and chrome driver and I opened fitnesse through chrome.

Obviously, the problem is that you don't have Chrome installed.


Jenkins chromedriver path in selenium grid

So i have Jenkins on my local machine. Selenium grid on it, and chrome plugin as well.
When i make a new configuration in the Chrome section you have to specify the chrome driver path.
Jenkins recommends:
"Path to the chromedriver executable. This needs to be set only once as it defines a global property. If you set it in multiple browser definitions, the latest will be used. If you use the Jenkins chromedriver plugin, the path will be $JENKINS_HOME/tools/chromedriver/chromedriver.ext"
So i've set it to $JENKINS_HOME/tools/chromedriver/chromedriver.ext. Problem is when i run my tests i get the following error:
org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: The driver executable does not exist: /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/tools/chromedriver/chromedriver.ext
I've also google searched this issue into oblivion but I can't find an answer.
IMO, you dont need any chrome plugin etc., to make sure chrome automation works. You can merely download the chromedriver binary and make it available in a directory that is part of your PATH environment variable. That should basically do the trick.

How to debug browser tests with the new test package

browser tests need to be run from command line like pub run test -pdartium. Is there a way to debug such tests.
The Dart team is working hard to make tests with the new test package debuggable. Until the related issues are fixed you can use this workaround:
To run browser tests with the new test package, for example from WebStrom, including debugging, just replace the <x-test-dart ...> tag with a normal Dart script tag pointing to your test file and run it like any Dart browser application from WebStorm.
This also works for Polymer tests. Ensure you run await initPolymer(); or the appropriate initialization necessary for the used Polymer version.
I usually create a copy of the test entry page file where I can keep the replaced script tag.
pub run test -pdartium --pause-after-load
starts the test only after I click a "play" button on the test page. This gives me time to open up Dev Tools in Dartium and set breakpoints. I can also open up the Observatory and do stuff there.

Neo4j embedded database doesnt show the browser in a spring boot app

[update] Please find the config classes here :
To run, you can just do a
gradle clean build
java -jar build/libs/fooflix.jar
When you point to localhost:8686 - gives a 404. However, I am running this within my IDE and the browser shows up fine.
I have successfully embedded neo4j within my spring boot application. I could even bring up the webadmin/browser for neo4j using this :
How to enable neo4j webadmin when using spring-data-neo4j?
However there is a weird problem which am not able to figure out. When I run this spring boot application in my IDE, am able to access the neo4j webadmin from the browser and view the graphs, however, if I build an uber jar and run it on a terminal, am not able to access the webadmin. I get a 404.
Problem accessing /browser/. Reason:
Not Found
Powered by Jetty://
looks like a path issue, but am not able to figure out why. any pointers would be of great help.
here are my gradle deps

Is there a way to get JUnit code coverage when running in the browser?

We are currently working on getting better code coverage for one of our JS libraries. I have the The Intern up and running, and can run tests in the browser. However, our libraries create DOM elements in some of their functions, making it so we can't run JUnit from the terminal because Node.js doesn't allow for DOM construction in tests. Is there a way we can get JUnit code coverage on the html and console output we get when we run The Intern in the browser?
I found the answer. From this link:
Using ChromeDriver (Chrome-only)
If you’re just looking to have a local environment for developing functional tests, a stand-alone ChromeDriver installation works great.
1. Download the latest version of ChromeDriver
2. Set tunnel to 'NullTunnel'
3. Run chromedriver --port=4444 --url-base=wd/hub
4. Set your environments capabilities to [ { browserName: 'chrome' } ]
5. Run the test runner
Once you have that setup and running, you can run
node_modules/intern/bin/intern-runner.js config=tests/intern reporters=JUnit filename=junit.xml
This will allow the tests to run in a chrome instance, and then output the results to a report that can then be upload somewhere.

Grails/aNimble on Windows : Getting cannot find the specified path

I am trying to setup aNimble on Windows following this article.
I have setup the Java and MySQL (xampp) on Windows and both are working properly.
Now, as the final step I need to execute
grails prod execute-database-scripts-all
but I am getting cannot find the specified path. Even when I type grails only I get the same error. I have zero experience in Grails, but it seems that I need to install Grails first on the PC. Until I do this, I want to know is there anything else that I need to do this to successfully execute this command.
What are the three portions of this command grails, prod and execute-database-scripts-all
This error means that Windows is unable to find grails executable anywhere it looks (in any paths specified in PATH system property) when you typing grails command. You may have to follow this guide in order to install grails application framework properly in your system (also, make sure you are installing a correct version of grails compatible with your distribution of aNimble) and then retry.
Grails is a web application framework and which provides a set of tools to develop, build and run web applications like aNimble, prod is a command line option for grails telling it to run in a production mode and execute-database-scripts-all is aNimble-specific command to initialize it's database.
