How do I find SYSOUT in spool? - cobol

After submitting this job I am unable to find SYSOUT in spool.
The JCL follows:

I'm going to provide some general guidance as your question is going to get an "it depends" answer.
It looks like your most likely on a ZD&T system since you are using IBMUSER as your dataset prefix.
I used an IDCAMS utility to do my tests as I know it produces output. I would try this first to verify your system is working correctly.
If the above works and you can find the output your program PERFORM1 may not be working correctly and is not generating any output. Perhaps you can provide a minimum working sample to ensure that your program is working correctly.
Submitting a similar job but using a JOB card with a MSGCLASS=H (which is the default I've been using) worked fine and the output appears in SDSF. Make sure you have your prefix set correctly and use a wildcard. Something like PRE IBMUSER* for your example.
Where the output goes depends on how JES is setup on your system. Your JOB card does not have a MSGCLASS but uses SYSOUT=* which indicates to use the job's default MSGCLASS. That is defined in your JESPARM statements
Check your system log to make sure your output is not being 'printed' to a device.
Use the following commands:
LOG to view the system log
ST to see the job status
H to find held output that doesn't have a destination
O to find output that is ready to print but is waiting for a device.

If you are using TSO-ISPF then go to ISPF main menu and open SDSF. Enter st(job status) to open spool. find the job by 's userid' or 's job name'. select the job and you can check Sysout, Sysprint.

I just recognized you don't have JOB statement parameters, except from NOTIFY=. Your environment probably requires you to at least add the CLASS= parameter to tell the system in what jobclass to run your job. Maybe other parameters are requested too.
Usually, jobs are killed before execution if the minimum required JOB parameters are not specified.
I suggest you submit again, then go to SDSF and have a look at the system log or operlog by typing log in SDSF's command line, then search for messages related to you jobname.
Alternatively, supply at least the CLASS= parameter, and see if the job is run then.


Getting `spss.Submit` to log commands into the `output` window?

When I execute spss syntax commands from a .sps script, each command is written to the output window before it executes giving me a clear log of exactly how an output was created.
Even if the command is an INSERT command executing a different script - I get a log of the commands from that script.
This is very useful for many reasons:
sanity checking - I can always see exactly what went in to creating a specific output (which filters I used, etc.)
recreation - I (or someone else with this output) can easily re-run the same commands because they're right there.
debugging - if there's an error, I can see which commands caused it
However, when I run commands using spss.Submit inside a python block (in a BEGIN PROGRAM-END PROGRAM block), the actual commands called aren't logged into the output window.
I know I can find a full log in a log file - but that's not helpful.
Is there a way to tell spss to continue to log all the commands in the output window?
You can use set mprint on. before the begin program statement to have the syntax that is run via spss.Submit()show up in the output window. I like simpy putting it on the very top of my syntax file as a "set it and forget it".
For example like so:
set mprint on.
begin program python3.
import spss
vars = list(range(1,11))
for var in vars:
spss.Submit(f'compute v{var} = 0. ')
end program.

CICS Webservice as API where CICS is service provider

I have business logic in CICS, we want to replace maps/ mapsets with distributed systems, so we want our CICS programs to provide service and have distributed system (to replace maps/ mapsets) that sends request and receive response from CICS are processing. This is for Legacy payment application and is non-SSP environment.
As first step, I am trying to submit JCL that creates WSDL and WSBIND files using CICS webservice assistant tool (DHFLS2DS) but I am not sure about the parameters to be passed, that executes BPXBATCH.
// PARM=('SH &PATHPREF/usr/lpp/cicsts/&USSDIR/lib/wsdl/DFHLS2WS ', X
Can someone please help with required parameters to be passed to execute CICS webservice assistant tool?
Not answering your parameter question, but commenting on the JCL.
// PARM=('SH &PATHPREF/usr/lpp/cicsts/&USSDIR/lib/wsdl/DFHLS2WS ', X
Note that the maximum length of the PARM= data is 100 characters. This is a JCL limit. Your PARM will probably exceed 100 characters after symbolic parameter resolution.
BPXPATCH has implemented the //STDPARM DD statement as an alternative way to pass parameters. There is a limit of 65536 characters on //STDPARM. See here for details: Running shell scripts or executable files under MVS environments - Topic BPXBATCH.
The modified JCL for the step would look smoething like this:
//... put any other DD statements for BPXBATCH phere
But there is the problem of resolving the JCL symbolic parameters within SYSIN data, which is not done by default. You need to enable symbolic parameter resolution by changing the DD statement to look like this:
Additionally, you need tell which parameters you want to be eligible for resolution in SYSIN data. This is done with the following statement before your EXEC statement, and before any symbolic parameter that you might SET. Best place is immediately following the JOB statement.
Note that your systems programmer must have allowed this for the job class your job will run in. The job class must have been set to SYSSYM=ALLOW.
The final JCL looks like this:
//jobname JOB ....
//... any job level parameters you need go here
//... any additional symbolic parameters are set here
//... put any other DD statements, BPXBATCH requires here
Warning: I have not actually run that JCL, since I do not know what all the symbolic parameters are set to in your environment.
Final note: Enabling Symbolic parameter resolution in SYSIN data doesn't look like a straight forward process, does it?. IBM had to implement this in a way that guaranteed not to break any existing job (JCL). Once you get used to it, it is nevertheless a very useful thing, IMHO.
The JOB Symbolic parameters and SYSIN parameters are explained in this official IBM document
Mainly, we need to check the location of DFHLS2WS program present in the Z/OS Unix file path and pass in the symbolic parameter - JAVADIR and we can use the default parameters for the remaining symbolic parameters unless you have a requirement to change it.
Note : all parameters are not required.
Please pass the SYSIN parameters as per your application and requirement. The significance of all the parameters are explained in the above document.

Way to get some sort of schedule in TCL without blocking on-going code

I need some sort of schedule thing to schedule a task to happen at x:y (12:00 for example) in Tcl.
The scenario is a router using Openwrt with Tcl 8.6.10 with limited RAM and storage where I have some sort of IRC client "bot" (using socket to connect). The "bot" was just a barebone that I modify to suit my needs. Most of the things work fine, except that I don't have way to schedule easily things. I wanted something like how eggdrop has "bind time" where the bind thing is "bind time flag "cron-style string" caller".
The "bot" scheme is like:
Main Tcl script:
<info+code to connect to IRC>
<while loop>
<some code in case of IRC disconnection>
<list of files with tcl code aka sub-scripts>
<usage of source based from a list of the filenames>
<code for error handling>
<end of while loop>
The list of files is source filelist.tcl, where filelist.tcl is a set var {filename1.tcl filename2.tcl...}. The filenamex.tcl has some basic code to respond to IRC server or IRC input from channels and reply to channels.
I can make some sort of schedule if I base a execution like if {[clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M"]=="12:00"} {code to execute} and hopefully wait for a server ping/pong but that can lead to repeated code inside of the if body.
I been looking around and found a package called cron but I don't know how to use it correctly because there are not many examples and I don't know to use vwait properly and I don't want vwait to hang the bot waiting for a value to change. I also read about tcl threads for maybe parallel execution.
So I need some code inside of a sub-script that looks like (a package cron style):
#beginning of file
#add a task specifying hour and minute
task-at "12:00" proccaller
proc procname {optional} {
<some code to be executed at specific hour+time>
#end of file
I also don't know how to use after command to use it.
How can I accomplish I want?
Thanks for the replies and yes, it would help if I study event loops and coroutine, which probably comes next.
Some time has passed since I posted the question and kinda sorted the thing by creating a sub-script in a folder named scripts with the following structure:
#beginning of the script
if {![file exists executed]} {set executed "no"}
#the following clock instruction returns for example: Tuesday 22:14
switch -glob -- [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%A %H:%M"] {
"*12:00" - "*12:01" {
#Basic example of sending a message to the irc channel when it's midday
if {$executed=="no"} {
puts $fd "PRIVMSG #CODE :It's midday right now."
flush $fd
set executed "yes"
#...more time comparisions and code
default {set executed "no"}
#end of script
And the script is almost the top of the list of scripts to be loaded so if I wish to send some command down stream at giving time, the command can be executed.
There is double timings because the "bot" reacts, at least at minimum, to the irc server's ping which happens each 90 seconds and it may skip some minutes.
This is not an answer but an unproper workaround.

Write to the system's standard error in Progress

I am writing a small program in Progress that needs to write an error message to the system's standard error. What ways, simple if at all possible, can I use to print to standard error?
I am using OpenEdge 11.3.
When on Windows (10.2B+) you can use .NET:
System.Console:Error:WriteLine ("This is an error message") .
together with
prowin32 2> stderr.out
Progress doesn't provide a way to write to stderr - the easiest way I can think of is to output-through an external program that takes stdin and echoes it to stderr.
You could look into LOG-MANAGER:WRITE-MESSAGE. It won't log to standard output or standard error, but to a client-specific log. This log should be monitored in any case (specifically if the client is an application server).
From the documentation:
For an interactive or batch client, the WRITE-MESSAGE( ) method writes the log entries to the log file specified by the LOGFILE-NAME attribute or the Client Logging (-clientlog) startup parameter. For WebSpeed agents and AppServer servers, the WRITE-MESSAGE() method writes the log entries to the server log file. For DataServers, the WRITE-MESSAGE() method writes the log entries to the log file specified by the DataServer Logging (-dslog) startup parameter.
Will write this in the log:
[04/12/05#13:19:19.742-0500] P-003616 T-001984 1 4GL DEBUG1 Got here, x=5
There are quite a lot of options regarding the LOG-MANAGER system, what messages to display, where the file is placed, etc.
There is no easy way, but in Unixen you can always do something like this using OUTPUT THROUGH (untested):
output through "cat >&2" no-echo unbuffered.
Alternatively -- and this is tested -- if you just want error messages from a batch-mode program to go to standard out then
output through "tee" ...
...definitely works.

COBOL: SYSIN JCL for compiling source from PDS

I'm just starting COBOL, and ran into this with JCL... How do I compile a basic cobol program from my PDS, I know through instream it would just be
code code code
I tried something like
//SYSIN DD DSN=the.pds.location(file),DISP=SHR
but all that shot back was garbage and a return code of 12 I think.
If anyone could help, I would be grateful.
Based on the information you have posted, your JCL
should work. Maybe you are missing something else.
The following JCL provides the full job step to do
a COBOL compile:
... your job card goes here...
//SYSLIN DD DSN=objectmodule,UNIT=SYSDA,
//SYSIN DD DSN=the.pds.location(file),DISP=SHR
... your link step using object from SYSLIN above...
Note: You might have to change the STEPLIB to match the
version of COBOL running at your site.
If your JCL looks pretty close to the above, the next thing to
check out is your COBOL program. Go into the ISPF editor (I presume
you have access to it) and type PROFILE on the command line. You
should see something like:
=PROF> ....GEN (FIXED - 80)....RECOVERY OFF WARN....NUMBER OFF.................
=PROF> ....CAPS ON....HEX OFF....NULLS ON STD....TABS OFF......................
=PROF> ....HILITE OFF CURSOR FIND..............................................
=BNDS> <
=COLS> ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7--
Now have a look for PACK ON (note the above shows PACK OFF). If you find
PACK ON this is your problem. You need to issue the PACK OFF command
and save your dataset. Try the compile again.
BTW... you get rid of the profile display by typing RESET on the command
If neither one of these fix your problem you need to provide a more information
as to what the exact nature of the problem is.
