Custom TabView navigation in SwiftUI - ios

I am trying to create a a custom TabView for my app. I have followed a tutorial for this but i am unavble to get the view to change depending on what button is pressed. My code is below for a button displayed on my TabView. when this is pressed i want HomeView to show and when the Account button is pressed to show AccountView etyc etc.
I was wondering how i can get around this. I have tried using NavLinks but with no luck as i unable to use the animation.
I am new to SwiftUI and trying to learn as i go.
Thank you
index = 0
label: {
HStack(spacing: 8){
Image(systemName: "house.fill")
.foregroundColor(index == 0 ? .white :
.background(index == 0 ? Color("BrightGreen") : Color.clear)
Text(index == 0 ? "Home" : "")

You can use #State variable to decide which view should be shown to user. Then depending on what button is tapped set value of this variable. I've made really simple code to show the idea.
// Views to show
struct HomeView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Home View")
struct AccountView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Account View")
// Enum containing views available in tabbar
enum ViewToDisplay {
case home
case account
struct ContentView: View {
#State var currentView: ViewToDisplay = .home
var body: some View {
VStack {
switch currentView{
case .home:
case .account:
// Tabbar buttons
HStack {
Button(action: { currentView = .home }) { Text("Home") }
Button(action: { currentView = .account }) { Text("Account") }
It works like this:


SwiftUI bi-directional move transition moving the wrong way in certain cases

I have four main functional areas of my app that can be accessed by the user via a custom tab bar at the bottom of the the ContentView. I want to use a slide transition to move between the views when the user taps the desired function in the tab bar.
I also want the direction of the slide to be based on the relative position of the options on the tab bar. That is, if going from tab 1 to tab 3, the views will slide from right to left, or if going from tab 3 to tab 2, the views will slide from left to right.
This works perfectly on the first change of view and for any subsequent change of view that changes direction of the slide. E.g., the following sequence of view changes work: 1->3, 3->2, 2->4, 4->1.
However, any time there is a change of view where the direction is the same as the previous direction, it doesn't work correctly. E.g., the bolded changes in the following sequence don't work properly. 1->2, 2->3, 3->4, 4->3, 3->2.
In the above-mentioned transitions that don't work properly, the incoming view enters from the appropriate direction, but the outgoing view departs in the wrong direction. For example, the image at the bottom of this post shows the new view moving in appropriately from right to left, but the departing view is moving from left to right, leaving the white space on the left (it should also be moving from right to left along with the incoming view).
Any thoughts on why this might be happening / how to correct it?
I'm using iOS 16 for my app.
Following is a complete code sample demonstrating this issue:
import SwiftUI
struct TabBar_testingApp: App {
#StateObject var tabOption = TabOption()
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
class TabOption: ObservableObject {
#Published var tab: TabItem = .tab1
#Published var slideLeft: Bool = true
enum TabItem: Int, CaseIterable {
// MARK: These are the four main elements of the app that are navigated to via the custom tab or sidebar controls
case tab1 = 0
case tab2 = 1
case tab3 = 2
case tab4 = 3
var description: String {
switch self {
case .tab1: return "Tab 1"
case .tab2: return "Tab 2"
case .tab3: return "Tab 3"
case .tab4: return "Tab 4"
var icon: String {
switch self {
case .tab1: return ""
case .tab2: return ""
case .tab3: return ""
case .tab4: return ""
struct ContentView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var tabOption: TabOption
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
VStack {
// Content
Group {
switch {
case TabItem.tab1:
case TabItem.tab2:
case TabItem.tab3:
case TabItem.tab4:
// Use a slide transition when changing the tab views
.transition(.move(edge: tabOption.slideLeft ? .leading : .trailing))
// Custom tab bar
HStack {
// Open tab 1
Button(action: {
withAnimation {
// Set the direction the tabs will slide when transitioning between the tabs
tabOption.slideLeft = true
// Change to the selected tab = TabItem.tab1
}) {
VStack {
Image(systemName: TabItem.tab1.icon).font(.title2)
.foregroundStyle( == .tab1 ? .primary : .secondary)
// Open tab 2
Button(action: {
withAnimation {
// Set the direction the tabs will slide when transitioning between the tabs
if == TabItem.tab1.rawValue {
tabOption.slideLeft = false
} else {
tabOption.slideLeft = true
// Change to the selected tab = TabItem.tab2
}) {
VStack {
Image(systemName: TabItem.tab2.icon).font(.title2)
.foregroundStyle( == .tab2 ? .primary : .secondary)
// Open tab 3
Button(action: {
withAnimation {
// Set the direction the tabs will slide when transitioning between the tabs
if == TabItem.tab4.rawValue {
tabOption.slideLeft = true
} else {
tabOption.slideLeft = false
// Change to the selected tab = TabItem.tab3
}) {
VStack {
Image(systemName: TabItem.tab3.icon).font(.title2)
.foregroundStyle( == .tab3 ? .primary : .secondary)
// Open tab 4
Button(action: {
withAnimation {
// Set the direction the tabs will slide when transitioning between the tabs
tabOption.slideLeft = false
// Change to the selected tab = TabItem.tab4
}) {
VStack {
Image(systemName: TabItem.tab4.icon).font(.title2)
.foregroundStyle( == .tab4 ? .primary : .secondary)
} // HStack closure
.padding(.top, 5)
struct SlideOneView: View {
var body: some View {
ZStack {
Group {
Text("Tab Content 1")
struct SlideTwoView: View {
var body: some View {
ZStack {
Group {
Text("Tab Content 2")
struct Slide3View: View {
var body: some View {
ZStack {
Group {
Text("Tab Content 3")
struct SlideFourView: View {
var body: some View {
ZStack {
Group {
Text("Tab Content 4")
And finally, here's the screenshot where the bottom (departing) view is moving incorrectly from left to right which briefly leaves white space on the left, while the incoming view is correctly moving from right to left.
class TabOption: ObservableObject {
#Published var tab: TabItem = .tab1
#Published var slideLeft: Bool = true
func changeTab(to newTab: TabItem) {
switch newTab.rawValue {
// case let allows you to make a comparison in the case statement
// This determines the direction is decreasing, so we want a right slide
case let t where t < tab.rawValue:
slideLeft = false
// This determines the direction is increasing, so we want a left slide
case let t where t > tab.rawValue:
slideLeft = true
// This determines that the user tapped this tab, so do nothing
// We have determined the proper direction, so change tabs.
withAnimation(.easeInOut) {
tab = newTab
enum TabItem: Int, CaseIterable {
// MARK: These are the four main elements of the app that are navigated to via the custom tab or sidebar controls
case tab1 = 0
case tab2 = 1
case tab3 = 2
case tab4 = 3
var description: String {
switch self {
case .tab1: return "Tab 1"
case .tab2: return "Tab 2"
case .tab3: return "Tab 3"
case .tab4: return "Tab 4"
var icon: String {
switch self {
case .tab1: return ""
case .tab2: return ""
case .tab3: return ""
case .tab4: return ""
struct ContentView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var tabOption: TabOption
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
VStack {
// Content
Group {
switch {
case TabItem.tab1:
case TabItem.tab2:
case TabItem.tab3:
case TabItem.tab4:
// Use a slide transition when changing the tab views
insertion: .move(edge: tabOption.slideLeft ? .trailing : .leading),
removal: .move(edge: tabOption.slideLeft ? .leading : .trailing)
// Custom tab bar
HStack {
// Open tab 1
Button(action: {
withAnimation {
tabOption.changeTab(to: .tab1)
}) {
VStack {
Image(systemName: TabItem.tab1.icon).font(.title2)
.foregroundStyle( == .tab1 ? .primary : .secondary)
// Open tab 2
Button(action: {
withAnimation {
tabOption.changeTab(to: .tab2)
}) {
VStack {
Image(systemName: TabItem.tab2.icon).font(.title2)
.foregroundStyle( == .tab2 ? .primary : .secondary)
// Open tab 3
Button(action: {
withAnimation {
tabOption.changeTab(to: .tab3)
}) {
VStack {
Image(systemName: TabItem.tab3.icon).font(.title2)
.foregroundStyle( == .tab3 ? .primary : .secondary)
// Open tab 4
Button(action: {
tabOption.changeTab(to: .tab4)
}) {
VStack {
Image(systemName: TabItem.tab4.icon).font(.title2)
.foregroundStyle( == .tab4 ? .primary : .secondary)
} // HStack closure
.padding(.top, 5)
Here's a GIF of the issue using the revised code (apologies for the gif compression "squashing" the screen image, but you get the idea):
So, a couple of things. First, you had way too much logic in your view code. Remember the DRY principal(Don't Repeat Yourself). Essentially, you are using TabOption, so your logic should go in there. I added a function to TabOption that contains all the logic to change tabs:
class TabOption: ObservableObject {
#Published var tab: TabItem = .tab1
#Published var slideLeft: Bool = true
func changeTab(to newTab: TabItem) {
switch newTab.rawValue {
// case let allows you to make a comparison in the case statement
// This determines the direction is decreasing, so we want a right slide
case let t where t < tab.rawValue:
slideLeft = false
// This determines the direction is increasing, so we want a left slide
case let t where t > tab.rawValue:
slideLeft = true
// This determines that the user tapped this tab, so do nothing
// We have determined the proper direction, so change tabs.
withAnimation(.easeInOut) {
tab = newTab
With that in place, things are easier to reason. In the end, the views were not sliding in the directions you expected because you didn't realize you were dealing with two views that you wanted to do different things with. If you have a slide left, you want the original view to exit by moving its trailing edge, and the new view moving its leading edge. The right slide is reversed. Your transition was telling them to enter and exit from the same direction. What you want is an .asymmetric() transition like this:
insertion: .move(edge: tabOption.slideLeft ? .trailing : .leading),
removal: .move(edge: tabOption.slideLeft ? .leading : .trailing)
Lastly, to complete this, each of your button actions are simply like this:
// Open tab 1
Button(action: {
tabOption.changeTab(to: .tab1)
}) {
Using the code provided, this is the result following your comments:
As you can see, there are no issues. Please make sure you adopted all of my code, and not just the asymmetric transition. I am not sure that having the tabOption.slideLeft = true inside the animation block is not also causing problems.

SwiftUI: On tap gesture switches views

I have the following simplified code in a project using XCode 13.2. The intended functionality is to have 2 tabs (Tab1 and Tab2), and the user is able to tap the screen on Tab2 to toggle the background from red to green.
Instead, however, when Tab2 is clicked, the screen displays tab 1, instead of Tab2 with the changed color. I'm wondering why the app goes to Tab1 when Tab2 is tapped.
There are no NavigationLinks or actions that make the user go to Tab1. My only thought is that maybe the app is rebuilding when Tab2 is clicked, which is why it goes back to the first tab? If so, are there any good workarounds for this?
Note: the color still changes on Tab2, but not before the app switches to Tab1.
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
TabView {
.tabItem {
Text("Tab 1")
.tabItem {
Text("Tab 2")
struct Tab1: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Tab 1")
struct Tab2: View {
#State var isRed: Bool = false
var body: some View {
if !isRed {
.onTapGesture {
isRed = true
} else {
.onTapGesture {
isRed = false
The reason why tapping on Tab2 causes it to jump back to Tab1 is that the structural identity of Tab2 changes whenever you tap on it causing swiftUI to reload the body. See the explanation here.
A simple fix to the example you have above would be to wrap the entire body in a ZStack
var body: some View {
ZStack {
if !isRed {
.onTapGesture {
isRed = true
} else {
.onTapGesture {
isRed = false
I have noticed that using if/else in that way causes strange behavior. Refactor Tab2 as shown below and it should work as expected.
struct Tab2: View {
#State var isRed: Bool = false
var body: some View {
ZStack {
.opacity(isRed ? 0 : 1)
.onTapGesture {

Presenting a modal view sheet from a Sub view

I am trying to present a sheet from a sub view selected from the menu item on the navigation bar but the modal Sheet does does not display. I spent a few days trying to debug but could not pin point the problem.
I am sorry, this is a little confusing and will show a simplified version of the code to reproduce. But in a nutshell, the problem seems to be a sheet view that I have as part of the main view. Removing the sheet code from the main view displays the sheet from the sub view. Unfortunately, I don't have the freedom to change the Mainview.swift
Let me show some code to make it easy to understand....
First, before showing the code, the steps to repeat the problem:
click on the circle with 3 dots in the navigation bar
select the second item (Subview)
click on the "Edit Parameters" button and the EditParameters() view will not display
ContentView.swift (just calls the Mainview()). Included code to copy for reproducing issue :-)
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
VStack {
Mainview.swift. This is a simplified version of the actual App which is quite complex and I don't have leeway to change much here unfortunately!
fileprivate enum CurrentView {
case summary, sub
enum OptionSheet: Identifiable {
var id: Self {self}
case add
struct Mainview: View {
#State private var currentView: CurrentView? = .summary
#State private var showSheet: OptionSheet? = nil
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { g in
content.frame(width: g.size.width, height: g.size.height)
.navigationBarTitle("Main", displayMode: .inline)
//Removing the below sheet view will display the sheet from the subview but with this sheet here, it the sheet from subview does not work. This is required as these action items are accessed from the second menu item (circle and arrow) navigation baritem
.sheet(item: $showSheet, content: { mode in
sheetContent(for: mode)
.toolbar {
HStack {
var actionItems: some View {
Menu {
Button(action: {
showSheet = .add
}) {
Label("Add Elements", systemImage: "plus")
} label: {
Image(systemName: "").resizable()
var trailingBarItems: some View {
Menu {
Button(action: {currentView = .summary}) {
Label("Summary", systemImage: "list.bullet.rectangle")
Button(action: {currentView = .sub}) {
Label("Subview", systemImage: "circle")
} label: {
Image(systemName: "").resizable()
func sheetContent(for mode: OptionSheet) -> some View {
switch mode {
case .add:
var content: some View {
if let currentView = currentView {
switch currentView {
case .summary:
case .sub:
Subview.swift. This is the file that contains the button "Edit Parameters" which does not display the sheet. I am trying to display the sheet from this view.
struct SubView: View {
#State private var editParameters: Bool = false
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "square.and.pencil")
Text("Edit Parameters")
.sheet(isPresented: $editParameters, content: {
EditParameters.swift. This is the view it should display when the Edit Parameters button is pressed
struct EditParameterView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Edit Parameters...")
Summaryview.swift. Nothing special here. just including for completeness
struct SummaryView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Summary View")
In SwiftUI, you can't have 2 .sheet() modifiers on the same hierarchy. Here, the first .sheet() modifier is on one of the parent views to the second .sheet(). The easy solution is to move one of the .sheets() so it's own hierarchy.
You could either use ZStacks:
var body: some View {
ZStack {
GeometryReader { g in
content.frame(width: g.size.width, height: g.size.height)
.navigationBarTitle("Main", displayMode: .inline)
ZStack{ }
.sheet(item: $showSheet, content: { mode in
sheetContent(for: mode)
.toolbar {
HStack {
or more elegantly:
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { g in
content.frame(width: g.size.width, height: g.size.height)
.navigationBarTitle("Main", displayMode: .inline)
ZStack{ }
.sheet(item: $showSheet, content: { mode in
sheetContent(for: mode)
.toolbar {
HStack {

How to replace the current view in SwiftUI?

I am developing an app with SwiftUI.
I have a NavigationView and I have buttons on the navigation bar. I want to replace the current view (which is a result of a TabView selection) with another one.
Basically, when the user clicks "Edit" button, I want to replace the view with another view to make the edition and when the user is done, the previous view is restored by clicking on a "Done" button.
I could just use a variable to dynamically choose which view is displayed on the current tab view, but I feel like this isn't the "right way to do" in SwiftUI. And this way I could not apply any transition visual effect.
Some code samples to explain what I am looking for.
private extension ContentView {
var navigationBarLeadingItems: some View {
if tabSelection == 3 {
Button(action: {
print("Edit pressed")
// Here I want to replace the tabSelection 3 view by another view temporarly and update the navigation bar items
}) {
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
TabView(selection: $tabSelection) {
.tabItem {
.tabItem() {
.tabItem {
}.navigationBarItems(leading: navigationBarLeadingItems)
Thank you
I have a working version where I simply update a toggle variable in my button action that makes my view display one or another thing, it is working but I cannot apply any animation effect on it, and it doesn't look "right" in SwiftUI, I guess there is something better that I do not know.
If you just want to add animations you can try:
struct ContentView: View {
#State var showEditView = false
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
TabView(selection: $tabSelection) {
.tabItem {
.navigationBarItems(leading: navigationBarLeadingItems)
private extension ContentView {
var view3: some View {
VStack {
if showEditView {
} else {
Text("View 3")
struct FormView: View {
var body: some View {
Form {
A possible alternative is to use a ViewRouter: How To Navigate Between Views In SwiftUI By Using An #EnvironmentObject.

How to hide the modal by tapping the background in SwiftUI

After clicking a button, the modal shows or hides by changing the value of "show"
#State var show = false
but how can I hide the modal view by tapping the background when the modal shows just like the case of Instagram
I solve the problem by adding two onTapGesture, one on the modal view, the other on the VStack, if you have some better solution, please inform me, thanks.
Reserve(selected: self.$seleted,show: self.$show)
.offset(y: ?
: UIScreen.main.bounds.height
.onTapGesture {
.background(Color(UIColor.label.withAlphaComponent( ? 0.2 : 0)))
.onTapGesture { = false
Here is my sample implementation. I hope it will help you.
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var show = false
var body: some View {
ZStack {
Button(action: {
}) {
Text("Show sheet")
if show {
CustomSheet(show: $show)
struct CustomSheet: View {
#Binding var show: Bool
var body: some View {
VStack {
Spacer() 300)
}.background(Color.gray.opacity(0.5).onTapGesture {
