Setup of CA authority and TLS across devices with Mosquitto - mqtt

First post here so apologies if my etiquette isn't quite on point!
I'm having a bit of trouble understanding how certificate authorities work between separate machines, specifically when it comes to MQTT and the mosquito broker.
I have generated my server and client certificates using this link and got them working absolutely fine on localhost. For the server, I used common name RPi-Host i.e. the hostname, and for the clients I used 'localhost'. An example of the code I use to generate a CA for a client is given below, where %NAME is just the name of the cert:
Generate Key with:
$ openssl genrsa -out <%NAME>.key 2048
Generate certificate request with:
$ openssl req -out <%NAME>.csr -key <%NAME>.key -new
Link to main CA:
$ openssl x509 -req -in <%NAME>.csr -CA ../ca/ca.crt -CAkey ../ca/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out <%NAME>.crt -days 365
Lets say I'd generated client and client2 certificates, I can then run the below in 2 different terminals on the RPi-Host, and connect no problem at all:
Subscribe to MQTT broker:
$ mosquitto_sub -p 8883 --cafile ca.crt --cert client2.crt --key client2.key -h localhost -t /world
Publish to MQTT broker:
$ mosquitto_pub -p 8883 --cafile ../ca/ca.crt --cert client.crt --key client.key -h localhost -m hello! -t /world
However, if I change the -h localhost to, i.e the IP address, I immediately get:
Error: A TLS Error occurred.
...which Isn't very helpful!
The aim is to try and connect to this from a separate machine, however I'm stumped just trying to do this on the same machine with its own IP address! Do I need to dome something fancy in the common name when generating the certificate? Sadly I have not yet sourced a tutorial which reviews connecting using mosquitto and TLS across 2 separate machines.
Any pointers appreciated, and terribly sorry if I'm missing the obvious!

The hostname (or IP address*) that you use to connect to the remote machine MUST to match the CN/SAN value in the certificate presented by that machine.
localhost shouldn't really ever be used in certificates as it is just a placeholder which says "This machine". Using TLS/SSL with localhost doesn't do anything useful. You should always generate certificates with the externally used hostname of the broker.
If you can't set up proper hostnames in a DNS server then you should probably add suitable entries to the /etc/hosts file on all the client machines with the hostname for the broker.
The temporary workaround to the error is probably to add -i to the mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub command lines. This tells them to ignore any miss match between the hostname and the name in the certificate. But this is only a workaround as it basically negates one of TLS/SSL's two key features (1. proving the machine you are connecting to is the machine it claims to be, 2. enabling encryption of the messages passing back and forth between the client/broker)
* Using raw IP addresses for TLS is possible, but it adds another level of difficulty getting the entries in the certificates right.


mosquitto_sub gives certificate verify failed error

I get the following error when I try to subscribe to a topics using by certs:
mosquitto_sub -d -v --capath <path_to_file>/xxx.pem --cert <path_to_file>/yyy.pem.crt --key <path_to_file>/zzz.pem.key -h "<my_endpoint>" -p 8883 -t "<my_topic>"
Client (null) sending CONNECT
OpenSSL Error[0]: error:0A000086:SSL routines::certificate verify failed
Error: A TLS error occurred.
I have checked the permission of the certificates and also provided the correct paths, but still not sure why I am hitting this error.
As pointed out in the comments
--capath is used to point to a directory full of CA certificates
--cafile is used to point to a single certificate file
From the man page
Define the path to a file containing PEM encoded CA certificates that are trusted. Used to enable SSL communication.
See also --capath
Define the path to a directory containing PEM encoded CA certificates that are trusted. Used to enable SSL communication.
For --capath to work correctly, the certificate files must have ".crt"
as the file ending and you must run "openssl rehash "
each time you add/remove a certificate.
See also --cafile

How do I find the IP addresses of the docker client and daemon on my machine?

I am trying to secure client daemon communication on windows by creating a certificate authority (CA).
The lab setup shown in the above image is used in the example but it says my lab will be different but I don't know how to find the IP addresses like, and I know the node names are docker.exe (client) and dockerd.exe (daemon) but what are their IP addresses?
The default installation puts them on the same host and configures them to communicate over a local IPC socket: //./pipe/docker_engine
It's also possible to configure them to communicate over the network. By default, network communication occurs over an unsecured HTTP socket on port 2375/tcp
I don't know what information in this is relevant or helpful but I need to know the IP addresses of the docker daemon and client.
In answer to the responses I am also writing this:
I am following along with the book Docker Deep Dive and I am trying to secure client daemon communication. I am creating a file called extfile.cnf which has the following inside:
subjectAltName = DNS:node3,IP=
extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
I need to know what to put instead of
When I put localhost/ or anything else and then run the command afterwards which is this:
openssl x509 -req -days 730 -sha256 -in daemon.csr -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca-key.pem -CAcreateserial -out daemon-cert.pem -extfile extfile.cnf
The error is:
x509: Error on line 1 of config file "extfile.cnf"
7C0A0000:error:07000065:configuration file routines:def_load_bio:missing equal sign:crypto\conf\conf_def.c:511:HERE--> ■sline 1

IBM watson internet of things platform: Connecting using mosquitto client

I create my device in Watson IoT, I see it connected and it send some events (I see it in watson iot dashboard)
I define it by the following
Device ID 1002
Device Type semaforo
So I create my app with the following info
key a-MyOrg-tecfj072yx
description base
AccessControl permissions standard application
key: a-MyOrg-tecfj072yx
token: ATokenPsw
I try to connect to the device event using mosquitto code
mosquitto_sub -h -p 8883 -i a:MyOrg:myapp -u a-MyOrg-tecfj072yx -P ATokenPsw -t iot-2/type/+/id/+/cmd/+/fmt/+
and nothing append!!! no error displayed, no event retrieved !!!
The mosquitto_sub remain as is
Why the routine in not correctly subscribed to my device event ?
To use port 8883 you need to make a TLS connection. mosquitto_sub requires either --cafile or --capath to be present on the command line to enable a TLS connection.
extracts from the man page
To enable TLS connections when using x509 certificates, one of either --cafile or --capath must be provided as an option.
Define the path to a file containing PEM encoded CA certificates that
are trusted. Used to enable SSL communication. See also --capath
Define the path to a directory containing PEM encoded CA certificates
that are trusted. Used to enable SSL communication. For --capath to
work correctly, the certificate files must have ".crt" as the file
ending and you must run "openssl rehash " each time
you add/remove a certificate.
Your info help me to resolve...but the trip was not so easy
Here is all the step that resolve the connection
1-Creating the root CA Cert using your correct info (Country,State,City and so on)
openssl genrsa -aes256 -passout pass:password123 -out rootCA_key.pem 2048
openssl req -new -sha256 -x509 -days 3560 -subj "/C=IT/ST=Itali/L=Milano/O=MyOrg/OU=MyOrg Corporate/CN=MyOrg Root CA" -extensions v3_ca -set_serial 1 -passin pass:password123 -key rootCA_key.pem -out rootCA_certificate.pem -config ext.cfg
2-Uploading the root CA Certificate to the IoT Platform
You need to load the root CA certificate into the IoT platform using the console. In the settings section goto to CA Certificates in the Security section. Select to Add certificate then select the rootCA_certificate.pem file you just generated to upload to the platform, then press Save
3-Generates the key and certificate for the MQTT server using your correct info (Country,State,City and so on) and the CN MUST to be the same of your IotServer (MyOrg.messaging.....)
openssl genrsa -aes256 -passout pass:password123 -out mqttServer_key.pem 2048
openssl req -new -sha256 -subj "/C=IT/ST=Itali/L=Milano/O=MyOrg/OU=MyOrg Corporate/" -passin pass:password123 -key mqttServer_key.pem -out mqttServer_crt.csr
4-Add the server certificate to the IoT Platform
Into the IoT platform in the settings section of the console in the Messaging Server Certificates section under Security. Select to Add Certificate then upload the certificate (mqttServer_crt.pem) and private key (mqttServer_key.pem). You need to also provide the password (password123).
5-Test the server certificate by using openssl:
openssl s_client -CAfile mqttServer_crt.pem -showcerts -state -servername -connect
6-To download the certificate in a PEM format, that can be easily imported to a truststore and put ii into
echo | openssl s_client -connect -showcerts 2>&1 | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' >
7-Now you can use into
mosquitto_sub -h -p 8883 -i a:MyOrg:myapp -u MyOrgAppKey -P MyOrgToken -t iot-2/type/+/id/+/evt/+/fmt/+ -d --cafile
To complte the info here is some tutorial that can help me support
github including srvext.cfg,ext.cfg files

Test VerneMQ broker TLS with Mosquitto client

I setup and configured VerneMQ Broker. Broker is in docker container and I start it using docker-compose.yml. This is how my docker-compose file looks:
version: '3.3'
image: erlio/docker-vernemq
container_name: vernemq1
network_mode: docker_mysql_default
restart: always
DOCKER_VERNEMQ_PLUGINS.vmq_diversity: 'on'
DOCKER_VERNEMQ_PLUGINS.vmq_passwd: 'off'
DOCKER_VERNEMQ_VMQ_DIVERSITY.auth_mysql.enabled: 'on' 'docker_mysql'
DOCKER_VERNEMQ_VMQ_DIVERSITY.mysql.user: 'vernemq'
DOCKER_VERNEMQ_VMQ_DIVERSITY.mysql.password: 'vernemq'
DOCKER_VERNEMQ_VMQ_DIVERSITY.mysql.database: 'vernemq_db'
DOCKER_VERNEMQ_VMQ_DIVERSITY.mysql.password_hash_method: 'md5'
DOCKER_VERNEMQ_LISTENER__SSL__CAFILE: '/vernemq/etc/ssl/chain.pem'
DOCKER_VERNEMQ_LISTENER__SSL__CERTFILE: '/vernemq/etc/ssl/cert.pem'
DOCKER_VERNEMQ_LISTENER__SSL__KEYFILE: '/vernemq/etc/ssl/privkey.pem'
# <Port exposed> : <Port running inside container>
- '1883:1883'
- '8081:8081'
# Opens port 1883 on the container
- '1883'
- '8081'
# Where our data will be persisted
- /var/lib/
- /home/ubuntu/etc/ssl:/vernemq/etc/ssl
# Name our volume
I am using MySQL database for authentication
I am trying to use TLS certificates, based on the provided documentation ( )
This setup is fully functional when I'm not trying to accept SSL connections (this means, when I remove the following lines from docker-compose.yml):
DOCKER_VERNEMQ_LISTENER__SSL__CAFILE: '/vernemq/etc/ssl/chain.pem'
DOCKER_VERNEMQ_LISTENER__SSL__CERTFILE: '/vernemq/etc/ssl/cert.pem'
DOCKER_VERNEMQ_LISTENER__SSL__KEYFILE: '/vernemq/etc/ssl/privkey.pem'
I tested/verified the TLS connection using openssl client:
openssl s_client -connect -key privkey.pem -cert cert.pem
I executed this from server localhost, is the IP Address of vernemq docker container, 8081 is the expected SSL default port (listener) and key/cert are provided
and this is the outcome (I suppose it means the TLS listener works):
How can I test this using mosquitto client or any other mqtt client?
I want to use TLS based connection when publishing and subscribing.
When I don't use TLS, this is how I execute mosquitto_sub (subscription client):
mosquitto_sub -h <ip_address> -p 1883 -t topic -d -u user -P password -i client-id
This is the response:
VerneMQ Subscription
When I try to use TLS, I add the --key and --cert options to use private key and certificate:
mosquitto_sub -h <ip_address> -p 1883 -t topic -d -u user -P password -i client-id --key privkey.pem --cert cert.pem
I only get
Client user sending CONNECT
repeatedly. What am I doing wrong?
some things you need to do give correct permissions to your certificate directory you need to ensure the permission set to the user running verneMQ in my case its "vernemq" now next things is to setup the permissions to certificate folder
chown -R vernemq:vernemq /etc/letsencrypt/live
All the configurations files should be in .pem format
listener.ssl.cafile = /etc/letsencrypt/live/
listener.ssl.certfile = /etc/letsencrypt/live/
listener.ssl.keyfile = /etc/letsencrypt/live/
Client must use Fullchain.pem to connect to Server if you do not have
The domain certificate is issued by intermediate “Let’s Encrypt Authority X3”, this intermediate is cross-signed by “DST Root CA X3” (from IdenTrust). IdenTrust is widely trusted by most OSes and applications, we will “DST Root CA X3” as root CA.
if you are not on too old OS then you could use this from your local machine
cat /etc/ssl/certs/DST_Root_CA_X3.pem /etc/letsencrypt/live/$domain/chain.pem > ca.pem
From the mosquitto_sub man page:
Encrypted Connections
mosquitto_sub supports TLS encrypted connections. It is strongly
recommended that you use an encrypted connection for anything more
than the most basic setup.
To enable TLS connections when using x509 certificates, one of either
--cafile or --capath must be provided as an option.
Define the path to a directory containing PEM encoded CA certificates that are trusted. Used to enable SSL communication.
For --capath to work correctly, the certificate files must have ".crt" as the file ending and you must run "openssl rehash " each time you add/remove a certificate.
To use the mosquitto_sub command you must supply either a file with the trusted CA certificate or a directory holding a collection of trusted CA certificates

how to properly pass certificates to both mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub in order to have a TLS communication?

I have this setup
in Remote server. I tried
mosquitto_sub -h -t 'myTopic' -i 'myId'
in My computer I tried
mosquitto_pub -h 'remote_ip_here' -t 'myTopic' -m 'the message'
the remote server was able to get the message I published from my computer
the remote server has these keys
certificate file = cert.pem
certificate key file = privkey.pem
certification chain file = chain.pem
If I want to have a ssl/tls communication between my computer and the remote computer.
- How do I use those keys ?
- Am I suppose to copy those keys from the remote computer and put them also in my computer ?
- can someone please help what's the proper command to execute in order to have an ssl and tls communication.
In the remote server I tried
mosquitto_sub -h -t 'myTopic' -i 'myId' --capath /etc/myPemPath -p 1883
While in my computer, I tried
mosquitto_pub -h remote_ip -t 'myTopic' -m 'the message' --capath /etc/localPemPath -p 1883
it didn't work, so how ?
You seem to have miss understood how MQTT works. Both mosquitto_sub and mosquitto_pub are MQTT clients which communicate with a MQTT broker (mosquitto). It is not a direct client/server relationship.
In order to have TLS secured MQTT connection you first need to configure the broker to use the certificates to identify it's self, then configure the clients to verify that certificate as part of the TLS handshake.
The mosquitto documentation on how to configure TLS is available here. You need to add either a cafile or capath and certfile and keyfile options to your mosquitto.conf file. Be aware that TLS settings apply to the last listener configured, so you will probably need to set up a new listener on a different port to 1883.
As for the clients, assuming you are not doing mutual authenticated TLS then you only need to pass the -cafile/-capath option to mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub to enable a TLS session.
